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[PP-F3] Assault on the Kobold mine [Finished]

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I laughed. "Probably, I mean come on. I'm just messing around!" I watched as Will offers Mayonaka his hand. "Come on, Mayonaka. We don't have all day now." I said as I leaned against a pillar near the portal. I believe we can pass this quest in no time. We won't have a problem unless something goes wrong, but no need to worry about that right now. I believe in these two. They will make it out of this game. No matter what the cost is.

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I started walking towards Mayonaka. "Don't daydream during the quest now. We don't want to lose you now. Not at all."I smiled as I walk by her, I never realized how brown her eyes were. "Well, uhm. yeah let's keep going." I said to her as I quickly look away. What was that? Why did I think about her eyes? "Maybe I didn't get enough sleep yesterday." I said as I rubbed my eyes.

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Before Mayonaka could finish her sentence, I fell down and grabbed onto Mayonaka. We both fell down but she fell ontop of me. "Haha sorry about that, but that's what you get for sticking your tongue out at me." I said as I laughed. I picked her up and I laughed at what just happened. "Hey, are you okay though? I accidentally grabbed on to you." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

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"No problem!" will grunts as he pulls her to her feet. "just try not to do it while where in a fight eh?" He teases as he pats her back and begins down the south road of the town. "All right the cave is located to the south east of the Forest of Wavering Mist supposedly we need to find a stone dragon statue and from there its half a mile to the south." Will explains as they walk out of the town and into the windy plains of floor three. Looking back he notices the to playing about. "Hey there Caen I thought I was the smooth one." He laughs

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I laughed at Mayonaka, "You're lighter than I expected. Haha." I said as I pinched Mayonaka's "muscle." I looked at Will with embarrassment, "Uhm. Yeah you're the smooth one. Ahem, but I'm just helping her out." I said while I picked her up and walked towards Will as we head south. I put Mayonaka down as we finally made it to the «Windy Plains». "Whew. We finally made it!" I said as I poked Mayonaka's cheek.

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I didn't mind being carried, I didn't have to walk then. When we made it to the <> he put me down. I looked around but saw nothing that resembled a cave to me. I slapped Caen's back, not very hard, and skipped along the path. In my mind, I was still a child.

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Will looks around takeing a deep breath. "So now we just follow this road until we spot that forest then head south east." Will informs them. He gazes around watching many players running about on their business. "Things are alot more active up here then I though they would be." he says to himself as he watches Mayonaka skipping ahead. "Hey don't leave us in the dust now, it would be rather misfortunet if you ran into something dangerous with out us tough guys around." Will teases with a chuckle.

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Will shrugs and grins. "they day will come where you need to be saved by either one of us valiant knights i'm sure." He says with a mirthful grin as he gives her a light push when he reaches her.

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I looked at Mayonaka and let go a laugh. I chased after Mayonaka as she skipped along the path. "Come back here Mayonaka! It's dangerous! We don't know where to go!" I finally caught up to her as grabbed onto her hand without realizing it. "Now you can't run off without us "tough guys." I said as I tease Mayonaka. I laughed with Will.

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I barely stumble when he pushes me, I retaliate with a shove, just enough to move him but not make him fall. There will also be days where I will save both your butts! I say with a creepy grin I'm infamous for. Fluff balls would be more appropriate for your nicknames! I say teasingly.

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"Fluff balls?" I said with a glare. I thought about what she said about saving both our butts. I smiled, "You might save Will's butt. Me, nope. I'll be the one saving both your butts once I become stronger." I said as I flex my muscles. "Rawr, scary ain't it?" I laughed at them as I started walking along the paths. Maybe she's a fluff ball. I think to myself as I walk along the paths. "What a child?" I said mockingly as I smiled.

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Will chuckles as he balances himself out. and he looks ahead scratching his chin. "Ohhh that's a intimidating grin. But I doubt my butt will be needing much saving I am quite a strong guy." He agrees with Caen as he grins slyly and flexes his right arm being pretty well built for someone his age.

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Yes, I am a child....at heart. And your very scary, haunting even. I say to him. I catch up with him and look behind me for Will. He flexes him arm, which is quite big. These two will probably become my best friends, not probably, they WILL become my best friends. I always had friends around at school, but here, not so many.

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"Stop." Will calls to them as he points his finger towards the distance a large discernible statue can be seen in the distance. "I think that's the dragon statue we are looking for." He says excitedly with a grin as he starts jogging out into the plains off of the paved road.

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"That's right!" I said as I smiled at Mayonaka and Will. I kept following the path wondering if the cave is ahead. I looked around seeing players nearby. I clenched my sword getting ready for anything. I looked at Mayonaka and saw a glitter in her eyes as if she were thinking of us as good friends. I patted Mayonaka's head, "Hey, we'll be best of friends alright." I said as I smiled at her.

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