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[F02 | R7 Cook] Grave Gourmet (Open)

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"Do as you wish." I told the battle-scarred warrior, snatching the flung Col out of the air and transferring it to my inventory. "Seriously, Beor, where have you been?  You went bloody AWOL before anyone could lift a finger!" I stated the obvious, before taking a step back and eyeing off his new gear. "And what's more, what's with the sick new gear?  You did way too much on your unknown vacation."


+50 Col

-1 Bat Sandwich

Edited by Grave
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Beoreson equips into his hoodie and, jeans that and, pulls out his battle scared armor. He look to Grave as he starts to clean each part of the armor. "The mountains of floor seven is where I have been. I've been p#$$ed since Lindow died and, hadn't vented for a while. I decided to make it a trip and, went berserk for most of the week." says the warrior. From the look of his armor it looked that he had just fought senselessly for a while his armor had cuts in it where he could have easily blocked and, not to mention that all the cloth was pretty much in shreds. "I lost a few levels but, I was suddenly able to do some pretty cool attacks with my sword. I think the game system may have been updated. " The warrior eats the bat meat sandwich. It tasted better then the drop food that he lived off during his time in the wilds. He finished polishing the armor and, reequipped it. It looked as it did before, except it seemed to have a darker vibe to it. Like the suit of armor had seen death and, returned slightly off. It gave the warrior a more menacing look to him. "Oh, and this is the same armor." says the warrior giving a pat to the chest plate. The plate didn't ring out but, made a muffled ding. It seemed that the armor was the same but, heavily damaged and, repaired. It stilled looked different. The best way to describe different would be how the forest looks different at night then, the day.

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Beor proceeded to clean his armour before me as he explained his recent locstat.  I also gained some useful information from it; Floor Seven had mountains.  The highest I had been was Floor Six, a sweltering hot jungle.  It wasn't very fun.  My ear was soon caught by Beor's note about losing levels and having access to new attacks.  Confused, I swiped open my menu and checked my stats.  I gulped as, sure enough, I saw a whole eight levels taken off of my original.  I had to say, I was pretty pissed, and when I took a look at my skills, my stats had been reset, and everything costed a whole load more. "What the... What the hell is this bullshit?!" I swore, using a word not commonly used in my vocabulary.  I was quick to reassign my stats to my <<Martial Arts>>... But I had barely enough to acquire my <<Battle Healing>> once more.  My thoughts conflicted, and in the end I chose to save my points and throw them into another <<Martial Arts>> rank.  I closed my skills and noticed a new tab; Sword Arts.  My curiosity piqued, I took a peek into the new tab, and was met with a list of new skills, supposedly the new version of Sword Skills.  At least there was one thing to be glad about.

My attention was swiftly returned to Beoreson as he mentioned that the armour was the same as before.  It looked very different, but I just guessed that it was like the difference between dusk and dawn; similar, yet you can tell them apart.  Speaking of armour, that was probably something I might have required to receive... I could have used some.

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ID: 31473

CD: 9 = Uncommon Item (Rock Candy - Previously Approved)

XP: 3


ID: 31474

CD: 2 = Failure

XP: 1


ID: 31475

CD: 8 = Good Item (Mantis Stick)

XP: 2


ID: 31476

CD: 10 = Uncommon Item (Submitting for Approval)

XP: 3


ID: 31477

CD: 5 = Good Item

XP: 2


Crafts left for Sep 14: 0

XP Earned: 11

Total XP: 118

Edited by Grave
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Kalesh strolled into the shop curiously, having never been to a place that served food that was not an inn or the like, but he had the desire to spoil himself with a treat so he eagerly checked the prices and looked around. They seemed pretty fair to him. Since he was treating himself, he checked the foods in stock and tapped a perfect item he had in stock. "Hello!" Kalesh said as he sat in his seat. "Could I please have the Avalanche Snow Cone?" He hadn't had ice cream in so long, he was going to enjoy it. He went through his inventory and set the Col coins onto the counter in front of him while waiting with bated breath for the sweet chilled treat.

-275 Col

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My fourth customer strolled into the diner, with hair a similar tone to the crimson walls surrounding us.  To tell the truth, he was only the second customer I didn't know previously, the first being Piera.  He was quick to set his choice on the Avalanche Snow Cone.  I couldn't help but snigger as I retrieved the dessert from the display case. "Be careful with this one, it's alcoholic." I warned him. "But you might want to keep it for a fight or some material hunting.  The alcohol might make you a tad uncoordinated, but the damage boost makes up for it, not to mention that it adds a loot bonus." I explained, handing the Snow Cone to him. "But that's your choice whether you want to keep it or just eat it now." I gave him a warm smile.

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Kalesh grinned as he was given his treat, looking it over and confirming the enhancements just to be sure before grinning as he put it in his inventory. "Veeery nice! I think I might save it for a mini-picnic just before a hunting trip then... Maybe I'll try to catch some fish to boost my chances further." He chuckled softly at the idea.  "And alcoholic, hm? Very interesting. I wonder if it'll actually blur my vision or make me stumble." Kalesh stands up after placing the food into his inventory with a pleased smile. "If I get a nice accessory I might even try and get myself a familiar..." He noticed the more experienced players all seemed to have one, maybe if he stacked enough luck he could get a good one himself! Done half talking to himself he says to Grave "Thanks for the food! I'll be sure to enjoy it!" He gives Grave a wave and heads out to see what options he had to improve his chances at lucking out.

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ID: 31804

CD: 2 = Failure

XP: 1


ID: 31805

CD: 12 = Perfect Item (Submitting for approval)

XP: 8


ID: 31806

CD: 1 = Critical Failure

XP: 1


ID: 31807

CD: 3 = Failure

XP: 1


ID: 31808

CD: 12 = Perfect Item (Submitting for approval)

XP: 8


Crafts left for Sep 17: 0

XP Earned: 19

Total XP: 137

Edited by Grave
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Beoreson watches the silvered hair man deal with the customer and, activated the sneak skill even though he had no points in the skill. He sat in the darkest corner that he could and, waited. He decided to see if he could scare poor Grave as the second the man returned his attention to the area he was in. The raven haired man yelled, "I'm Batman! Nom! Nom!" He burst into laughter and, does his best to avoid any outburst from Grave. The raven haired man seemed to have changed his tactics since the silver haired man had seen him last.

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I could feel a presence to my left as I watched the flame-haired man leave the store, obviously ecstatic from receiving his treat.  My silver eyes tore through the shadowy 'corners', that is to say the few nooks and crannies found in a cylindrical room, for some movement.  Finally I could see it; the shaded figure of Beor hidden away.  The warrior popped out from hiding and attempted to scare me, but rather than jumping in fear, I retorted with my best Bane impression, covering my mouth for the best effect. "'The shadows betray you, because they belong to me!'" I replied, before laughing heavily afterwards, wondering how shut down Beor must have been.


ID: 31591

LD: 19 = "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." - Bane

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Beoreson doesn't seem to get the reference, as he leans on the wall. "I should get going." Says the warrior. "I would love to stay longer but, I need to get to my shop and, make sure nothing was taken." States the raven haired man as he starts to get ready. With a wave goodbye the warrior takes hours leave.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Man... I have neglected my crafting for quite some time now... Were the thoughts that shot through my head as my silver eyes drifted over my cooking gear at the back of my shop, Hikari mimicking upon my shoulder.  I glided across the dusty wooden floor towards the once heavily used kitchen.  Time to get back to business.

ID: 34129

CD: 12 = Perfect Item (Submitting for approval)

XP: 8


ID: 34130

CD: 4 = Bad Item

LD: 7 = Salvage Fail

XP: 1


Crafts left for Oct 7: 3

XP Earned: 9

Total XP: 127

Edited by Grave
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Piera strolled into the Crimson Diner, one of her main dining choices when she felt too lazy to attempt cooking herself. Inhaling deeply the delicious scent of cooking food, the brunette approached the bar. "Heya Grave." The alchemist greeted casually as she pulled out a stool to sit upon, her short legs swinging in the air. "Whadaya got today?" The brunette inquired as she leaned forward to look over his wares displayed under glass. "Mmm that burger looks amazing." Her eyes glanced over the rest of the food before doing a double take at a small dish of sweet treats that looked oddly familiar. "I-Is that-?!" Piera half asked with a humor filled incredulous expression that grew into a grin as she looked up at the silver haired man. "I'll take 'em." The statement was accompanied with the motion of her opening her menu to send the shop owner the transaction. "And the burger. I don't suppose you have any more of those....Mackaroons?"

-75 Col

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A familiar set of glasses strolled into my diner, literally just as I stowed my latest, mischievous dish in the glass display case.  Tha Mackaroons... I needed to show the Guildmaster that. "Greetings, Piera." I met her back with a wide grin.  She seemed to show quite some interest in the Bear Burger. "The main ingredient is bear-" I began to inform her, but was briskly cut off by an exclamation from the brunet.  My eyes widened at her reaction and I stood back, scanning the Diner carefully. "What is it?!  Is there a-" I proceeded to ask, but let out a sigh as my eyes drifted to Piera's line of sight; they were locked onto the green desserts I had only recently crafted. "Ah... the Mackaroons... yes, I decided to make something out of the bad item I crafted..." I bent over the sparkling cover and pointed at one Mackaroon in particular. "You can see how terrible they must taste from this one here... the one with the bite mark in it." I displayed, chuckling. "Just leave one for Mack, will you?  I would love to give him a... goodwill present, per se."  As she opened her menu and shot me the trade request, I began tapping the Mackaroons and the Bear Burger, which she had also shown a fondness for, and moved them to my inventory.  I quickly accepted the trade and watched my Col count rise a smidgen... My dishes were well under-priced...

+75 Col

-1 Mackaroons, -1 Bear Burger

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Zandra had herd of a cook not far away from her own shop. She would realy appreciate som food. She had herd about food that increase your crafting skills. So she headed out to the cook. After a short walk she was standing outside the cooks shop. She opened the door and a wonderful smell hitted her. Was she in heaven? She took a deep breath.''Oh my, smells wonderful.''she said while entering the shop with a big smile on her face. ''Hi. It realy smells wonderful. What are you cooking at the moment?''she asked and looked at him with a curious face. What was it that smelled so good in this game.''Also, I would like to place an order as well if thats okay. I would like five of these.''she hands over a short descrition of what she wants.''I wish that you surprise me with what kind of food it will be. I will pay in Col.''

Item type: Snacks, Desert or Meals

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Essential nutrients +1 CD for one day


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I heard a female's voice from the entrance to my Diner and turned my head to look at my customer, allowing Hikari, my pet weasel mage, to slip off my shoulder and take my place in mashing the banana that was in the bowl.  I made my way towards the counter and grinned towards the pretty woman who decided to visit a makeshift restaurant. "Why, hello there!" I greeted her, shutting my eyes as my grin widened. "Welcome to the Crimson Diner." I welcomed her, before responding to her question with a cocked eyebrow. "Why, it is nothing more than a simple banana milkshake!" I informed her, chuckling. "I do get what you mean, though.  The banana smells spectacularly more divine than a real world one." I agreed, turning my head and pointing a thumb to Hikari. "My familiar, Hikari, over here has recently been learning business around here.  If required, I let her commandeer the cooking, and she does a fine job of it, too."

I curiously took the order the girl handed to me.  No one had yet given me a custom order, so a grin crossed my face as I looked back to the girl. "Challenge accepted..." I replied brashly, before my face fell. "However... I am not exactly certain that I have many mats lying around... If you could kindly give me your patience, I will be ducking into the back of the shop and rummaging for some useful mats." I told her, folding the order and slipping it into my pocket.  I swiftly turned on my heel and retreated towards the back of the Diner.  On my way, I pointed at Hikari and gave her a stern look. "Remember Hikari; add the syrup to the banana in, say, another three minutes, got it?" I requested, receiving a loud squeak and some kind of salute from the orange animal.

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''No hurry at all. I myself have run out of material. Completly empty. Thou Im on my way to get some more. I will drop by when I have some then.''she thougth about it. She realy needed materials herself, and it costed three materials each. But it would give her some boost to craft even better stuffs. She decided to pay in materials instead then.''Well, then I pay in materials instead. Im gonna drop by when I have enough. What you said about that?'' she smiled at him, knowing precisely how it felt with not having any materials. She had been there many times before. She raised and took walked to the door. A few steps from the door she stopped and turned around.''Yeah by the way. I looked at what you have. Could I buy one Ent snack box and one Toffee bulb in Col if I pay the other in material?''

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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I turned back around on my heel and looked back when the girl suggested coming back when she had materials. "A-alright then, I can wait.  I will make sure to make them nice for your efforts." I promised her, leaning back against the wall. "If you want, I would not mind in the slightest going on a farming expedition along with you." I offered, before scratching the back of my neck. "I... Uh... Have neglected both my farming and cooking, so it would be a pleasure to get back out into the field once more." I admitted, before hearing a squeak at my side.  My gaze slid sidelong and caught the young weasel drizzling the syrup in as I had told her to.  With a thumbs up in her direction, I turned back to my customer. "My name is Grave, by the way.  It is a pleasure to meet you." I introduced myself with a swift bow.

I began waving to her as she left, but soon halted when she spun back around and asked to purchase the Ent Snack Box and the Toffee Bulb. "Yeah, sure.  That will be 375 Col, thank you." I proceeded to transfer the dishes to my inventory and whipped open a trade request to the girl, placing her items in the 'Offering' tab.

-1 Ent Snack Box, -1 Toffee Bulb

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When Grave sended the transaction she accepted immediatly, she would love to try the taste of these. The buffs they would give was of course a good bonus, but she mostly wanted to test some quiality in-game made food.''Thank you Grave. I will drop by with the materials as soon as I gets some.''she took a moment to consider about his offer to go out both of them on an material hunt. That would actually be pretty nice. Those hunts was realy needed, but so boring alone.''Well sure, material hunt would be nice. I know about a place on floor three where there is some pretty strong elves, compared to the normal ones, that I think would be a good place to try it out. Lets meet up there 'kay?'' she smiled at him and exited the shop after hearing his answer.

-375 Col

+Ent snack box

+Toffee bulb

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