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Status Updates posted by Finnick

  1. :( Haven't had a perfect craft the last 27 crafts and I have 2 (Or maybe four depending on something) perfect orders.

  2. 3 Bad Items and a Good Item in one crafting day? Wow. The dice gods HAVE cursed me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azide


      Two uncommon items for me wouldn't be bad. My first few days with 2 crafts a day resulted in all bads and failures.

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      you forget the fact that is was 2 uncommon out of 8 crafts.. used a pudding from Alyss for nothing:(

    4. Finnick


      Aww.....She bought pudding, and it was worthless....Poor Ariel, Oh poor Ariel......

      (I'm just playing around)

  3. A gift from the gods-8 mats-8 more chances to craft a perfect. XD

  4. About to start a big long rp called "searching for SAO's Holy Grail"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Finnick


      No. It's actually not that much better than a perfect item. one point. A 1-20 chance of living for +1 enhancement? No. Stupid.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      They also exceed the caps I think and they also are insanely good in a full kit. Like look at Zel even people his level can't beat him because of his kit.

    4. Finnick


      Okay whatev.

  5. And Yamata, or the floor 10 boss, is online

    1. Mari


      dun dun dunnnn

    2. Finnick


      da.....da da da. (As they all disappear under Giant Yamatah's foot)

  6. Anybody want to come purchase something from the Thunder Dragon Forge?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Azrael


      LOL I've been considerinheading there once I finish things to collect col. I'm going to need you to make me something pretty!

    3. Rusty
    4. Finnick


      What? Oh yah, your a smith. We should make a partnership between our businesses.

  7. Anybody want to comee buy something or sell me materials in my shop? I am in need of materials and do not know how to RP non-combat gather smithing materials. I never really learned how to mine

    1. Mari


      non combat is easy, you just RP looking for materials and Roll the LD anything above 15 is a success

    2. Finnick


      Okay. Can you maybe explain how to roleplay mining though? I don't really know anythhing at all about mining.

    3. Mari


      well if you are mining just say you got a pick axe from a local NPC - and you RP looking for material veins in caves and then breaking them, shoving the pickaze into it, and if its 15+ on the loot die, it is a success, if its less than that it is a fail

  8. Anyone want to look at the wide variety of items on the racks at the Thunder Dragon Forge? I may be able to give you a deal.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Finnick


      Dang. any materials man?

    3. Hikoru


      um.... I don't remember xD I gotta check my journal....

    4. Finnick
  9. Comment if you like Green Day!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Finnick


      Yah. But there good. at least sometimes XD If your feeling that

    3. Kiru


      Yeh, I listen to alt rock motly

    4. Finnick
  10. Crafting god.... I pray to you..... I haven't had a perfect craft the last 23 times I've crafted....... Please help. Amen

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Finnick


      *Starts to ball* Hikoru, come back! *Slaps Hikoru back into existence*

    3. Hikoru


      *wakes up and gasps* Im.... alive? Or did we both somehow die?

    4. Finnick


      *X's Helicopter is seen above as he shoots them down with a huge barrage of bullets and all they can see is clouds* Now were dead.

  11. Do not heat up KFC in a microwave oven. (Well, actually, offbrand but still)

  12. Ender, the Shining Star of SAO is back in business baby!

  13. Gotta Get me some Materials then I will Officially re-open the Thunder Dragon Forge!

  14. Gotta go find all my old RP's and update them to my journal, this is so hard

  15. Hah! I was just thinking about when Clarence would come back and there he is! XD Welcome back to your role, PST!

    1. Calrex


      Yay Clarence is back! XD

  16. Happy birthday, X!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Finnick


      Hey Azazel, you wanna like come in to my shop and order it or................?

    3. Finnick


      Whoops, I gotta head to school. See you peeps lata'!

    4. XWuZHeAR
  17. Haven't had a perfect item in the last 23 crafts..........UGH! Azazel, the approxamite wait time on your sword is...1 Million years!

    1. Azrael


      Awww :( Sorry my order is being a PITA <3

    2. Finnick


      lol it's fine

  18. Hey Guys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Finnick


      Of course it had to be you that answered. Wink

    3. Finnick


      LOL I'm just kidding Kiru. Thanks

    4. Kiru


      XD Het hi.

  19. I had a very good about me page finished, but I accidentally pressed backspace and it went to my last tab. All my typing now gone! Ugh. I'll edit it some other day,

    1. Life


      Yeah that sucks :L

    2. Finnick


      It also sucks I have four orders of perfect items and haven't had a perfect craft the last 27 times! Will you approve my items, so I can sell that dagger and get 5 mats to try again to make a perfect item? I'm selling the dagger to Hikoru.

  20. I just about sent Tyger a message about my crafts from this morning but then I realized, should I? If I really wanted to lose my head, I would've. but in the end I didn't

    1. Tyger


      Lol, you just posted them today :P Give staff time.

    2. Mari


      You need to be patient. Staff are very busy and sometimes it can take 1-2 days for things to be approved. There is nothing wrong with sending 1 message but any more in a 24 hour time frame is unfair on staff, we all have different time zones and lives outside the site

      Patience is key. Tyger does an excellent job grabbing evals

  21. I just realized I want a +2 LD plushie

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Finnick


      No I was meaning for the material gathering process

    3. Azrael


      Yes, and I ment so you could roll a prefect and make me my sword XD

    4. Finnick


      They should have a skill that permanently grants you +1 CD

  22. I just realized I want a +2 LD plushie

  23. I just realized the block skill is the best skill in the game. With a full grandmaster, your opponent subtracts 5 from their battle dice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Finnick


      Oh. Did not see that. XD Well then I thing I'll just leave it at rank three.

    3. Calrex


      XD not so tanky after all is it?

    4. Finnick
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