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Posts posted by Eruda

  1. Low-Light Penalty in effect [-1 ACC]

    First to move in as the the dragon crashes to the ground. Juiblex had to be his familiar but it was unlike one that she had ever seen before. Eruda was learning something new about Raidou everyday and it was nice. The sound of the roar pierces her ears but she moves forward shaking it off. She would not let something as simple as that hold her back. Taking her blade and scraping it down word against her shield like she always did, this time was different though. An explosion of blue vivarant flames in every direction, much large than before. Glancing down at the icons that made them selves know very well given the blast radius. Glowing softly in unison, Eruda smile, you sneaky goose she think about her father and how he had planning this all along. He had to of... Rearing her shield back with an art that she had yet to use, as she smashes the creatures face. The large thing just looks at her... She will have to figure out that sword art. 

    [x3] RAW-A (10 EN) -2 EN

    ID:200929 | BD:5+2-1-1=5, CD: 9, Miss Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Shadow Dragon Matriarch

    [H:1] Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    [H:0] Simmoné | HP: 700/700 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 63 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 3 | LD: 8 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | ENV.O: 32 | REC: 8
    [H:0] Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | LD: 10 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | PARA | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    [H:0] Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 251 | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    [H:0] Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 6 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    [H:0] Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170

    Shadow Dragon Matriarch | HP: 4500/4500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 150 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3

    Dragon’s Scales: The Matriarch’s scales protect it, not allowing its MIT to drop below 110.
    Pureblood: The boss is immune to Hypnosis, Lullaby, Misperception, Paralysis, Freeze as well as the Familiar’s Grappling Skill.
    Tail Swipe: When rolling MD 9-10, the Matriarch will use its tail as a whip to attack all of the party, dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and lower everyone’s energy by 10.
    Piercing Gaze: On a CD 10+, the boss will paralyze the player with the lowest hate for a turn before attacking normally. This skill cannot activate alongside <<Tail Swipe>> or <<Hellfire>>.
    Vicious Stomp: In the case of a CD 6-9 and LD 10+, the Matriarch will stomp the ground, lowering the entire party’s EVA by 1 for two turns. This effect does not stacked and any further activations will refresh its duration.
    Preparation: Every four turns, the boss will attack the player with the highest hate for 100 DMG before flying up in the air, preparing to bombard the players with fire on its next turn. 
    Hellfire: After staying in <<Preparation>> for a turn uninterrupted, the boss will breathe out fire on the players, dealing 300 unmitigatable DMG and applying 24 Burn DMG for the next two turns.
    Bring Down The House: If the Matriarch is still in <<Preparation>>, players can deal 750 DMG to it to knock it out of the sky. Doing so will prevent it from using <<Hellfire>> and deal an additional 250 unmitigatable DMG to it.

  2. Following suit readjusting her new armor, this was the beginning of something great. The next floor battle was coming sooner rather than later and from everything that has happened these last few days, she was ready, Firm Anima was ready. Just a few more things to grab before the big day and unfortunately it was on a floor that she had never set foot on before. She knew that with the team set, though, they would all come out alive. Taking something from Freya, as she passed something back to the others in the group. Raidou was the lead on this one, but she would give all the support that she could to help keep the moral up in the group. Taking out her sword and shield now, a small icon on back of the shield and the hilt of her weapon. "What the..." she whispers under her breath as she began to walk along side of Raidou. 

    Fiery Dragon Rolls [1/6]: Mitigation +3 (T4): (190636, 190636-1, 190994)

    Mitigation +3 (T4) [1/6]
    Accuracy Feast: [3/6] (Sam)
    Immolation Potion (T4)

    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112


    Eruda, The Blazing Lily
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 29
    HP: 780/780
    EN: 90/90

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 239
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 42
    BRN: 56
    FL. AURA: 16
    FL. THRN: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 112

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4 Demonic: Flame Aura 2, Flameproof, Recovery 1
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4 Demonic: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1, Flame Thorns 1)

    Custom Skill:

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    ITEM x1

    Housing Buffs:
    Dinning Hall 4 (Raidou's House)

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

  3. Using Cluster of Stars from Freyd (Guild Vault) On

    Name: Titan's Spine +4
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 198748b
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 4
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Flame Thorns 1, Mitigation 2
    Post Link: Here
    A rather scrumptious looking plate armor. It doesn't look like it fits to a chest at all, almost as if it was intended to be a shield instead.


    Name: Titan's Spine +4
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 198748b
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 4
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Flame Thorns 1, Mitigation 2
    Post Link: Here
    A rather scrumptious looking plate armor. It doesn't look like it fits to a chest at all, almost as if it was intended to be a shield instead.


  4. "Doubts, see, that's the thing. I have them no longer. My head was full of them on so many different levels and then in a swift instance they were just gone." A smile peers on her face as she raises her hand to look at it. "Freyd, is it so hard to believe that there is something out there bigger on a universe wide level. That fate itself has come to save us from this hell that shouldn't have ever existed in the first place." Just staring at her hand for a moment while they walked before turning her head to the her new friend. "All I am saying is while you are investigating this idol woman, keep an open mind." Eruda chose to believe in fate because it was what led her to Raidou in the first place. Without Raidou small pushes throughout her time in Aincrad, she doesn't know where she would be at this moment in time...

    Travels for 5 long hours just talking...

    The winds around them were stronger than ever and she could see the old man in the distance fiddling with something on his knees under a large canopy that looked slightly damaged from the Sandstorm. They were surrounded my large pointed rocks now. Walking to the guy and getting to her knees beside him, "You help me get here unharmed with some attitude." He looks back at Freyd now with a glare. "You did not have to try grabbing the water from him. You could have asked nicely and I would have given you one of mine." The old dude looks up at Eruda with a brow raised. "Begging will get you nowhere, manners are where it's at." You could see a small smile on this mans face as he started digging through the loot on the ground, "Found it," he calls out, pulling a vial as he start going into a coughing fit. After a moment, he catches his breath once more before turning to Eruda. "Thank you," he says to her before grabbing the bag of stuff and starts walking into the rocks. "Wait," Eruda calls out and gets to her feet. "Take this too," as she pulls out a bottle of water and a ration from her bag, handing it to him. Given her a wide smile he takes out a small bag of col and hands it to her, before he began to walk away.

    Eruda takes a puff of breath and sits on a small crate within the canopy. Pulling out a few honey rolls, she offers one to Freyd, "I think I am going to stay a little bit longer. Would you like to join me?"

    ID:200636 | Battle:8, Craft:8, Loot:17 No Damage taken

  5. The moment Freyd said he knew her by the name of Nisahime, Eruda just started ramping out a bunch of questions that he could not have possibly known. Clapping her hands to her mouth now as her face gets a bit flustered from embarrassment. "I'm sorry," saying with a muffled voice as she slowly takes her hands away. It was then that she realized something. She was talking to Freyd like a normal human being. It was usually family or Raidou or even people that she knew well enough to open that side of her. Freyd was neither nor... Was it that she had just grown enough to where it just didn't matter who she spoke with. Was it what Nisahime gave to her that night to help speak her mind regardless of the person. Eruda 's speech, nervousness came with more that just the lack of words. It was large groups of people that she didn't know too. Most of the time she would just clamp up and say nothing and be nowhere with huge crowds. This time, however, her words rolled off her tongue like what she said meant something. 

    "Precious is a voice, so fragile," She paused for a moment as she recalls more of what this female said to her. "A voice is a soul, desperate to be heard. It will not wait idle, to be tapped." Another pause as the entire phrase rings in her head on repeat word by word. "Cast off shackles and disbelief and believe in the yolk of thy heart, in that truth is the strength to stand and remain on the path you wish to walk. Speak, and it will be heard. For as long as truth bleeds from such lips, then ire not but kindness.A small voice, but enough that Freyd could hear her. "This is what she said to me before I took that pure white Lily in my hands. She gave me something that night, and  I felt so exhausted afterward I could barely stand. I do not think that we would be having this conversation if not for her." It was hard to understand what really happened that night and even more difficult to explain.  "Freyd for once in my life, I feel at peace. I think it was because of whatever she had done to me..." thinking about it for a minute, "No for me. She is not evil by any means, that we agree on. I think in a way she is trying to help in the only way she knows how..." A glance to her feet as she continue to think about what actually happened that night.

    ID:200433 | Battle:5, Craft:8, Loot:3 No damage

  6. A slide down her back with a grumpy old gruff. Walking faster that he was before. "Seriously," she says, glaring at the old man as he was sped walked away in the direction of his loot. Turning toward Freyd again with a gesture to move forward as she knew that it wouldn't be hard to catch up to him given the tiny legs this dude had. "Freya, how is she connected to all this... her. Wait me?," referring to the mysterious female. "What do you mean others? Others of what Freyd. English, please." She wondered if this thing was going to be a problem. What even was this thing, and how was Freya connected. Trying to wrap her head around what Freyd was trying to say in bits of pieces that he spat out that didn't make hardly any sense. She wanted to understand though. She wanted to know if this situation that they were all entwined with was something to be worried about. "Who else know what you know about this person..." 

    ID:200430 | Battle:10, Craft:11, Loot:20 SAFE

  7. Nisahime... A unique name for a unique person. "Well, you remember when I left that dungeon in a hurry. She found me in that dark spot when I was trying to get out of it and something in my brain made me want to follow her. She gave me a White Lily from a tree that should have never been able to produce such a beautiful thing. The moment I took it in my hands something happened. It's weird and I don't understand any of it, but after that I started getting this weird constant burning in my chest. It doesn't hurt, it's just there..." It was then that she realized that Freyd had stopped. Turning not hearing any crunching on sand behind her, "Okay, your turn to share detail buddy," saying in almost a demanding, confused voice, as she finds him just standing there staring at her now. It felt like he knew more than she was telling her, "When I looked back to see if she was still there, she was just gone..." Pulling out a bottle of water of her own, holding it up so he would notice as she takes a drink.  

    ID:200427 | Battle:3, Craft:9, Loot:1 She good

  8. "Seems like you know what they wanted," she chuckles as he sent them of with their tails between their legs. They all scatter in the wind as the long journey continued. "Yea it does seem that way right," answering is previous statement. Trying to recall this white haired female, trying to think of what would define this specific woman beyond anyone else. Something clicked right then, "She speaks in riddles, but it was poetic at time, sorta like Raidou but more mysterious." The way she spoke, some things said she was unable to put the puzzle together. The woman had really made her think and something made Eruda follow her. The pure mystery of someone she had never seen before in one of the most dire moments of this games time for her. That alone was weird to Eruda, and she was still trying to wrap her head around everything that happened that night. 

    ID:200419 | Battle:7, Craft:8, Loot:9 No damage from Sandstorm

  9. Thread Closure:


    5759/300=19 Seeds

    955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP

    955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP

    955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP

    955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP

    Simmone (Guild Treasure):
    (1117 Laurel, 19230 Dropped)*1.3=26451 Col (Gaius)
    (1117 Laurel, 13911 Dropped)*1.3=19536 Col (Kasumi)
    (1117 Laurel)*1.3=1452 Col (Shiina)
    (1117 Laurel)*1.3=1452 Col (Eruda)
    400*1.3=520 Col
    Total: 49411 Col

    (8 Dropped, 10 Tag)*1.5=27 Materials (Gaius)
    (16 Dropped, 10 Tag)*1.5=39 Materials (Kasumi)
    (10 Tag)*1.5=15 (Eruda)
    Total: 81 Materials

    T4 Rare Weapon #198462b
    T4 Rare Weapon #198579a
    T4 Rare Weapon #198731a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #198732a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200389a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200389b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200389c
    T4 Rare Armor/Shield #198696a
    T4 Rare Armor/Shield #198696b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #198697a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200399a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200399b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200399c
    (23) Intermediate Dungeon Map #198733a
    (23) Intermediate Dungeon Map #198733b
    Gleaming Scale (2) [198733a, 198733b]

    T4 Rare Consumable #198462a
    T4 Uncommon Consumable #198579b
    T4 Uncommon Consumable #198580a
    T4 Perfect Consumable #198730a
    T4 Perfect Consumable #198730b
    T4 Uncommon Consumable #198731b
    T4 Perfect Consumable #198732b
    T4 Perfect Consumable #198732c
    T4 Rare Trinket #198490a
    T4 Perfect Trinket #198491a
    T4 Perfect Trinket #198491b
    T4 Rare Trinket #198492a
    T4 Rare Trinket #198492b
    T4 Perfect Consumable #198697b
    T4 Perfect Consumable #198697c

    ID:200388 | Battle:3, Craft:12, Loot:18
    ID:200389 | Battle:7, Craft:9, Loot:14
    ID:200390 | Battle:7, Craft:1, Loot:11
    Tags 2
    10 materials, +5% EXP to the party, 
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200389a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200389b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200389c

    ID:200391 | Battle:3, Craft:2, Loot:18
    ID:200392 | Battle:10, Craft:7, Loot:11
    ID:200393 | Battle:1, Craft:11, Loot:12
    Tags 1
    10 materials, +5% EXP to the party

    ID:200394 | Battle:2, Craft:3, Loot:1
    ID:200395 | Battle:6, Craft:4, Loot:20
    ID:200396 | Battle:8, Craft:2, Loot:11

    ID:200397 | Battle:8, Craft:12, Loot:20
    ID:200398 | Battle:1, Craft:1, Loot:4
    ID:200399 | Battle:8, Craft:9, Loot:7
    Tags 2
    10 materials, +5% EXP to the party, 
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200399a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200399b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #200399c

  10. +42 via Battle Healing

    Chest pounding, a clamp of her loves weapon by the very obstruction this world has to give, another shield that shares her flames. Eruda in that moment, it felt like time was slowed as she shifts her feet behind the large abomination. The contested damage from all the parties surrounding her was starting to make this look like end game. Beneath her feet, her flames burn hotter than ever as she carves her sword against she shield one last time. A out cry of battle provides and echo in her voice as she fury explodes in fire beyond the figures before her. With that deep yell she pulls her shield back and clashes it against the creatures spine causing a push forward, just enough pressure to hear teeth snapping on Raidou's blade. The blade in it's mouth was cutting through were its mouth would stop. It was struggling to get free now, stuck. "Check mate," saying as it was no longer able to do anything but accept its fate that was brought on by Lun'Rael's own doing.

    Howl: -2 Energy [CD 0/2]

    ID:200369 | Battle:4, Craft:7, Loot:9 (Recovers +4 Energy)

    Lun'Rael sustains 48 via BLD, 24 via TXC VNM, 56 via Burn, 32 via ENV.O, 32 via BLGT, Lun'Rael Expires, BLD/TXC/BRN fade

    [H:4] Gaius | HP: 705/851 | EN: 94/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | FLN: 8 | H.M.: 6 | REC: 3 | BH: 34
    [H:4] Kasumi | HP: 581/761 | EN: 29/86 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 6 | LD: 4 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O
    Shiina | HP: 581/761 | EN: 76/86 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 167 | ACC: 0(-1) | EVA: 3 | LD: 1 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
    [H:15] Eruda | HP: 713/851 | EN: 65/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD: 3 | BD: 42

    Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn HP: -99/9999 | DMG: 400 | MIT: 90 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 [ENV.O: 32/2] [BLGT: 32/1] Stun Immunity [2/3] [Shatter: 3/1]

    Total Damage this Round: 345+645+166+378+470+490+48+24+56+32+32=2686
    Damage Dealt Prior Rounds: 2137+2623+2852+2686=10298

    Unmaking Breath: On a MD 9-10: Attack becomes an AOE dealing 180 Unmitigated DMG to all targets.
    Unnatural Regeneration: Battle Healing 50
    Status Resistance: Unless the same CC effect is applied again, it fails to activate (To freeze her, one needs to land two instances of freeze before it triggers)
    Global Entity: Her statistics, Debuffs, status effects, DoT's and attacks are split over multiple threads

  11. That... That right there says it all. The fact that Freyd was not going to reveal things about Freya meant to stay between them, it was all she needed. As she said before, trust goes both ways. She knew now that Freyd wouldn't betray that trust that they had. A smile forms on her face, "I was already going to, by saying nothing you said it all." Turning to the old man, finding him falling behind. Quickly rushing to him, "Get on my back, it will be easier for all of us." She gets down on one knee it front of him. "Oh, alright, thank you." Climbing onto her back now, Eruda gets to her feet and catches up to Freyd. Readjusting the dude for a better grip she looks to Freyd. "She has become much stronger for it. With the support that I was never able to give, you two managed the impossible. Thank you for being there for her Freyd."  Eruda was still confused to all get up, but once this quest was done, she would have that conversation with her sister. 

    Walking in silence for a while about 2 hours have passed, they were all trying to beat the storm which seemed to get rougher the further they went. Raserei held her head down low and pushed through the storm just like her master. Her mind kept going back to the mystery lady though. She had not been seen since then, and something about her just didn't add up. The rain that didn't touch a single hair on her head or clothing for that matter. There was no mechanic that she knew of that could do such thing. "Have you seen a long white haired female around," after a moment realized that there were a lot of white haired girls around Aincrad. "More specifically, one that almost glows in moonlight and reflects rain..." It was an odd description and she knew that but its what she saw. Mostly she wanted to know if she was crazy. If what she saw was a dream or hallucination from the distress that she was under at the time.

    ID:200646 | Battle:10, Craft:2, Loot:8 Safe from storm

  12. Freyd was there for her when she needed a friend. More than she could ever ask and it pains her that Freya didn't come to her, but she understood why. It was a rough patch between then and now. Taking a small puff of breath, a more specific question for an accurate answer. "Something that I haven't mentioned to Freya was when she was missing I felt it, it took a while and I regret that part but something just felt wrong. I think it was a twin thing, but when I mentioned this to Raidou she was back within the next day." He must have used tracking, or something to find her. As they continue to walk through the sands the wind begins to pick up. It was right then that she could feel shards of sand hit her skin. Glancing back behind her making sure the old dude was keeping up, she takes out a small blanket from her inventory and sets it over his head. "This should help," the elder gives her a simple smile.

    She started to think about the very beginning when everything started to get weird. "After her Gemini I found her passed out in the forest. When she woke it was pure rage and she sprung to attack Sam and me when I tried to stop her, but I'm sure you already knew that part." At that point in time she knew that something was wrong. Freya would never willingly hurt her in that way. Trying to organize her thoughts in a way that made sense, "I have never known a Gemini to do such thing. Which made me think about what happened to Mari when that came up. Did something similar happen to my sister? What was in her..." She was just trying to piece together what she knew or didn't. "If I am wrong in any of my thoughts, I need to know. I need absolute information." It was hard to see the truth when you knew pretty much nothing about the pieces connected to it.

    It was then that she realized that weird burning in her chest was still there from the other day. This feeling began to burn after that white haired female gave her that white lily from a tree that didn't have anything but leaves on it. "I have had my share of weirdness these last couple days. I can handle it," as she glances to the man that Freya cared so deeply about.

    ID:200308 | Battle:2, Craft:6, Loot:8 Safe from Sandstorm Damage

  13. Folding up the piece of paper and setting it in a small pocket of her sundress. "Well Raserei, it looks like it's just you and me today then." Getting up from her chair and walking to the from door as it opens, but not from her own doing. It was Freya, and she could help but smile. "Are here for the fun day," saying as her wolf peaks around her legs at Freya. A simple nod comes from her sister before she claps her hands together with a chuckle. Eruda wanted to speak with Freya about multiple things, but right now all she wanted to do was have fun. She couldn't remember the last time that they did something together that wasn't a quest. "I want to learn how to swim. You were on the swim team for school right? Can you teach me to swim, please..." Right now her face was both hopeful and pleading. Eruda wanted to learn new things, and this was the day to do just that. She was really excited.  

  14. "Of course," putting two fingers to her lips the turns to a whistle. Raserei comes running past Freyd with a slide in the sand as she turns to face the Eruda. "She is with me most of the time. As I am Raidou's support, she is mine. Nothing like those grappling tricks or mechanic's that the game provides. It's more of just knowing she is there somehow helps me focus. It's a bit weird, I know, but it's the truth," Raserei does a circle flip and runs forward to attack the sand around her. Now that she thought about it, she had yet to bring her wolf onto a floor like this one and she seemed to be having a blast. Taking a small inhale, "Freya has told me that you help her. How did you help her?" Her voice came out very serious. A flash back of that day. Freya is so night and day different from that time and she knew for damn sure that it wasn't her that helped with that factor. Did he do something like he did with Mari or was it different. No judgement, but she was very curious how everything went down. She was not aware of how much pain her sister was in until it was too late and already fixed. Those thoughts, however were no longer affecting her emotions. She would talk them out, not keep them hidden any longer.

  15. Eyes glance up from her HUD when she hears the voice she had been waiting for. She gives him a smile, "He is a mandatory thing for the quest now I guess. Nothing about it was in Raidou's notes, so I am guessing it's a new thing like most others quests I've taken." She nudges her head to the right to notion the direction she was going. What she has heard about Freyd was purely hear say. She has seen him fight a bit so she was not worried about that factor, but everything else was out in the open. The true factor is, she wanted to know if she could trust him. Silence fell for a few minutes as they walked before anything else was said. "I want to apologize for that outburst you saw." It was all she would say for now. The thought went the same way, she wanted Freyd to know that she could be trusted just as well. Trust goes both ways... What ever Freyd would ask her about that day, she would answer with nothing but honesty. The old man walks slowly behind them...

  16. Waking up early, there was things that she needed to accomplish. The Raid for the next floor was moving in fast and she wasn't about to walk into the unknown without being completely prepared for every possible scenario. This was one of many quest's that she needed to do before that happened. Taking the quest from the floor 5 quest board, as she pats Raserei on the head. She knew from Raidou's notes that this was going to be a decent travel so she had stashed water and honey buns in her bag just in case. She also knew that there was one specific person that would be joining their group in the raid. The one person that she didn't know very well. Opening her HUD sending a message,

    To: Freyd
    From: Eruda

    I think it's time for us to have a conversation. Come with me on this travels quest. Floor 5, I'll be waiting.

    After taking this quest and sending this message she speaks to the old man. This guy would be traveling with them, it would not be a problem though. He would have more than enough protection if anything were to happen on their journy through the sands. Leaning against the quest board post, she reads the quest information while she waits for Freyd.

    Eruda | HP: 720/720 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 164 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 56 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72


    "Eruda, The Rising Phoenix
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 27
    HP: 720/720
    EN: 90/90

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 164
    BRN: 56
    FL. AURA: 56
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4: Flame Aura 2, Flameproof, Recovery 1
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1)

    Custom Skill:

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:"


  17. Howl CD: 2/2 Refreshed

    Hearing her name she glanced to Griswold who was staring at Shiina. The creature was being super erratic with a bunch of head whips in every direction. It was the only one remaining which made perfect sense why it was acting so crazy. Eruda runs as the thing shifts vision to her. Eruda drags her sword across her shield which caused a detonation of blue fire in every direction as she carves deep into this creature face. It pulls back slightly with a cry of pain, as it does this though its head front faces Eruda's with a spray of the greenish flames of ghostly content, hitting everyone behind her. Eruda cringes as she brings her shield up. "DAD, FOCUS," standing right next to him now. "Now is not the time," saying as she was pushed back from the fury that came from the creature and her shield was starting to over heat from the sheer fire hitting it point blank as she tries to keep most of the damage on herself.

    ID:199909 | Battle:2, Craft:7, Loot:14 (Recovery Proc +4 Energy)

    [x12] ST-I (12 EN)

    ID:199911 | BD:8 Crit+1 (Focus), Hit! Using [x12] ST-I vs. Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn Dealing 12*12=144-74 Damage Applying BRN: 56/2

    ID:199917 | MOB:9 Crit, Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn vs AoE against Entire Group dealing 180 to Everyone

    [H:3] Gaius | HP: 671/851 | EN: 89/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | FLN: 8 | H.M.: 6 | REC: 3 | BH: 34
    [H:3] Kasumi | HP: 581/761 | EN: 43/86 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 6 | LD: 4 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O
    Shiina | HP: 581/761 | EN: 69/86 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 167 | ACC: 0(-1) | EVA: 3 | LD: 1 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
    [H:11] Eruda | HP: 671/851 | EN: 57/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD: 3 | BD: 42

    Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn
    HP: ????/???? | DMG: 400 | MIT: 90 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 [BLD: 48/1] [TXC VNM: 24/1] [BRN: 56/1] [ENV.O: 32/3] Stun Immunity [1/3] [Shatter: 3/2]

    Total Damage this Round: 1030+290+154+488+147+365+74+48+32+24+56+32=2740+112=2852
    Damage Dealt Prior Rounds: 2137+2623

    Unmaking Breath: On a MD 9-10: Attack becomes an AOE dealing 180 Unmitigated DMG to all targets.
    Unnatural Regeneration: Battle Healing 50
    Status Resistance: Unless the same CC effect is applied again, it fails to activate (To freeze her, one needs to land two instances of freeze before it triggers)
    Global Entity: Her statistics, Debuffs, status effects, DoT's and attacks are split over multiple threads.

  18. After doing some dishes she walks herself to the guild hall with Raserei at her feet. She was determined to have a long fun day, but not knowing of what was going to be a doozy if she didn't make any form of list. Walking through the misty forest, a breeze hits her bare skin, it was warm and felt nice. Moving her bangs out of her eyes as she opens the doors to the Firm Anima building. Her wolf hops inside between Eruda's feet makes her stumble a bit. With a small chuckle she sits in her chair pushed under the large redwood table. Grabbing a blank sheet of paper and a pen, she taps, it against her chin like she was thinking...

    Learn to play chests
    Learn to do Sparring on ice
    Learn to Swim
    Try Sushi

    Tapping the pen against her chin once more. Raserei hops up on her back legs and places her front pawns on the table. Petting her on the head, she gives a small coo. "I'm sure that someone will join us. If not, then this day will be all you and me." Raserei rubs her head against Eruda's now. Eruda was going to wait just a bit longer before heading out.


  19. 127453967_Erudabow.thumb.png.ff39ee7f4f5f0f04483e237570c602c1.pngStanding at the stove, attempting the eggs again. She would eventually get them right. Rounding about 7 am, today was the day. A day to relax and have fun. Eruda knew that the storm would hit soon and she just wanted a chance to have a day where she didn't have to worry about anything. A day full of new experiences, things that she doesn't know how to do or haven't gotten a chance to learn yet. Starting with these eggs, as the white turns from a liquid to a solid she flips them. Letting it sit just a little longer on the heat before placing them on a plate. She put a little bit of salt on the collection of cooked eggs, remembering last time that they were super plain. Sitting at the small table she opens her HUD. Pushing a message through the guild hall, she didn't care if she did this day alone, but she rather preferred to have someone tag along to enjoy it with her.

    To: Guild Chat
    From Eruda

    I am doing a break day today. If anyone wants to enjoy it with me, I will be at the guild hall soon to figure out a location.

    Sending the message with the chime of her HUD, she knew it was an odd message coming from her, but after everything her team had been through thus far, we needed it. Taking a bite of her food, it was better this time. Placing a few eggs on a smaller plate, Raserei comes to eat with her. She would wait for a response before heading to the hall, just enjoying the meal that she made herself. She was unsure what she wanted to do today, but Eruda would make it a full day.


    Eruda, The Rising Phoenix
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 27
    HP: 720/720
    EN: 90/90

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 132
    BRN: 56
    REC: 4
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4: Damage Mitigation 3 (+72 Mitigation)
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1)

    Custom Skill:

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  20. Eruda smiles... There was a but... "Kasumi, from the looks of it you do have some resemblance of feelings for this man. I say ask him out and make it clear it's a date. If he says no or makes an excuse why he can't then he probably just wants to be friends. If he says yes, then it will be clear that he feels something for you." Crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair as 2 more shakes arrive. "In honesty, I am just taking a guess here, but it's the most obvious answer. Figure out from there and take it slow. One step at a time..." God only knows she didn't have the easiest man in the world and she could only guess what men themselves thought but it was her honest opinion. She was in a good place, but this conversation. She was rather enjoying the girl time with her long lost friend. In a way it was peaceful... Smiling as she says "I hope that you two work out either way and if it comes down to it, it is always good to have another friend on your belt. I can tell you this though, don't stop trying. Everyone here deserves to be happy one way or another..." Taking a slurp of her shake, her eyes close instantly as she shakes her head. After the brain freeze dims a bit, she says, "Why don't we take these to go. We will do that boulder quest and then start with the training." Raising a hand up and pulling her fingers into a fist, "Time to go get exhausted," with a smile.

    Thread Complete:
    8292 words/30=276*5=1380
    8292 words/300=27 Seeds

    1380*6=8280*1.5=12420 Exp

    1380*2=2760*1.5=4140 Exp

    1380*6=8280*1.5=12420 Exp

    1380*6=8280*1.5=12420 Exp

    12420*.15=1863*3(Eruda, Kasumi,Setsuna)=5589+400(Thread Closure)=5989*1.3(Event)=7785

    ID:199285 | Battle:6, Craft:4, Loot:20
    ID:199286 | Battle:3, Craft:10, Loot:10
    ID:199287 | Battle:8, Craft:10, Loot:10
    Tags 2
    10 materials, +10% EXP to the party, 
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199287a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199287b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199287c

    ID:199288 | Battle:4, Craft:4, Loot:12
    ID:199289 | Battle:9, Craft:2, Loot:15
    ID:199290 | Battle:3, Craft:2, Loot:5

    ID:199291 | Battle:4, Craft:9, Loot:9
    ID:199292 | Battle:6, Craft:5, Loot:15
    ID:199293 | Battle:6, Craft:12, Loot:10
    Tags 2
    10 materials, +10% EXP to the party, 
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199293a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199293b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199293c

    ID:199294 | Battle:1, Craft:9, Loot:18
    ID:199295 | Battle:4, Craft:11, Loot:6
    ID:199296 | Battle:9, Craft:11, Loot:20
    Tags 3
    10 materials, +15% EXP to the party,
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199295a
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199295b
    T4 Perfect Armor/Shield #199295c
    T4 Demonic Weapon #199296

  21. The reaction given when the question was asked, there was only one obvious answer. "Oh come on please," softly, grabbing Kasumi's arm releasing her legs to the ground. Scooting her chair closer to the girl. "No names have to come up, I just want the details." On another note she might want the name just so if they did anything to hurt her friend there would be evil eyes set on him or her but that was besides the point right now. Releasing her arm, taking the shake in her hand and finishing the remainder. It tasted a bit warm but that was fine. "Can you at least say guy or girl... So that I can at least have a small picture with your spunky nature, please." If this was not a public place Eruda would have been on her knees begging. Eruda really want to know, she couldn't be the only one that was enjoying life and not just fighting to get out...

  22. Seeing Kasumi's excitement was not surprising in the least. It was clear that this was a long time coming, pulling one knee up letting the heel rest on the tip of the chair. "At first it was agonizing, the date before last was a mess. He just left me at the table with no explanation. It felt like being left at the altar of your wedding day. It didn't seem at that point that he was interested in the slightest. I locked away what I felt and avoided him for months..." Those painful thoughts were no longer there. Since be erased from her memory. Everything was different... "I found him sitting there mere meters from my shop and Raserei, my wolf would not allow me to leave, but all I wanted to do was run away." Eruda was gazing off into the distance looking at nothing really at all picturing that day. "Asked me to sit, a few words were spoken and then he just kissed me. My entire world was flipped upside down with shock and confusion. My heart was in panic mode, but I came to realize that all those other times he was trying, but it almost seemed like he couldn't go on with us until something in his life shifted... I feel like that kiss was him telling me he was finally ready to try..."

    Thinking about the blast to the past moment, being against that tree, being so close and the warmth of that touch from his hand, his breath against her face. Eruda's face became a bit red. "Did you know that Raidou could dance? He moved like he fought without the sword of course..." Her other leg came up to her chest too. "After we had dinner, I went home and just felt like I could melt. It was a huge blast to the past, but a million times different, it felt like a dream that I didn't want to end. Like something that you just wanted to last forever, something that you would want to freeze time for and stay in that moment," a pause as a small exhale puff releases from her mouth. Thinking about that last symbol in the tea cup and what it meant... "Since then we have been talking and actually getting to know one another. It's been a huge relief knowing that my feelings were not just one sided..." Eruda sits there for a moment flustered. "Kasumi do you have a special someone?" Her chest was raising a million miles a second and if she didn't change the subject slightly, she might explode... 

  23. It was clear that Kasumi was a bit disturbed by this conversation. "I am sorry... I guess I keep forgetting that you were there through all the hard ache that took place." Eruda takes a deep breath with a slow exhale. Biting her bottom lip slightly, thinking about everything that Rai has done for her in this game. It was more than she could ever hope for in her lifetime. She just wanted to do the same for him. Sitting back down, taking a sip of her shake. "Raidou has shown major change and not only in his fighting or leadership. He has become slightly more open with me and I..." Thinking about that day... "Rai..." Eruda readjusts in her chair facing the counter top now. Tracing the rim of her cup with a finger as her face became a bit flustered. "He kissed me... He then proceeded to make that day the most romantic one ever..." A small nervous chuckle, "Kasumi, I love him..." A pause while she lets that sink in without looking directly at her. She sits there for a moment in silence with a smile before saying, "He also invited me to live in his house..." She was unsure how to tell Raidou this, but it was going to happen. "I just want the very best for him..."

  24. "Raidou has told me that in different words, not that he was stripped of the title though. There has to be some way though. Some way to kick his father off the throne so to speak. Raidou is still his blood. That has to mean something, right?" She did not know much about the art itself, but there was always a loophole. There had to be. "Raidou told me that others were treated with complete shit, mainly left with broken bones and their soul dumped to nearly nothing. That is not the way for anyone to live. They would follow him if given that chance. I just know it..." Setting the roll down, she stares at the counter and her shake that was melting slowly. Looking up at Kasumi after a moment. "If there is a way we will find it. I am 110% with Raidou no matter what. I believe that Raidou will one day be in that same place but everything will be different." Eruda stands from her chair holding a hand out to Kasumi. "Will you help us find a way," It was a lot to handle but Eruda was determined now. Whatever it took... The violence had to stop one way or another... 

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