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Posts posted by Eruda

  1. "That makes some sense, but Griswold would have told me if I had any other siblings. I just know about my younger sister Anna, but she was left with my father when my mother decided to leave him with just Freya and I..." Eruda and Kasumi were seeming trying to figure this out... Something didn't add up. If only family was allowed in those homes... She never once recalled her mother being pregnant again so that couldn't be it. Taking a roll in her hand, she sets it to her lips but doesn't take a bite... Thinking... "Maybe... " Eruda says this in a slight mumble with a bun against her face. Finally taking a bite she gives a sigh. This was a lot. She had no idea that this was even a requirement for the barracks. Hell, her mother shared nothing like this to her, why would she though. The distance from the twins explains some now though... "Well, if I do have family in those walls, what are the chances of me getting in as a student, under Rai of course?"

  2. Eruda could tell that it bothered Kasumi? "Raidou has told me what his father teaches and its absolutely horrendous. I also know that Raidou is the Heir to the Mughan Tension Clan and that if he put work into it, he could create something great from a pure defensive standpoint," Eruda sits there for a moment, sipping her drink. "I haven't seen any other family besides mine, Freya, me, and my stuck up mother..." Eruda pauses for a moment... Then it dawned on her... "Wait... How do you know about the Barracks?" Was she missing something... Her head goes slightly down like she was thinking as her eyes move back and forth without head movement... Her head goes up to look at the ceiling now with a puff of breath... "I'm confused now... I was never able to go into the walls, I only know what Rai has told me... and as far as I'm concerned we are not related to anyone in there. Why do you ask this?" Eruda tries to wrap her head around the pure confusion of what Kasumi actually knew...    

  3. Kasumi's reaction brings a smile to her face. "Yes, Raidou could teach me, but this is for him and for me," taking a deep breath she chuckles a bit. "You know how I told you we had a lot to talk about, that is one of them." Taking a small sip this time from her shake, "Better..." Clearing her throat a bit glancing back at Kasumi. "I found out that it was a very real possibility that we would know one another outside this world. I practically live right in his backyard." A twist of her lips as it just started to sink in. "I may have told him that I would support him in every way possible to try making what he has there a defensive option. That means that I need to know his ways in defensive style and I have seen the way you fight.  It seems similar to what I'm looking for..." This may have been a lot to take in but for some reason her words just flew out. "Wow, I am so sorry, that was a bit straight forward..." Thinking about what Kasumi last said... "That's the boulder quest right? It was on my list of things to do. Completing all the quests eventually is a goal of mine," saying this with a smile as she takes another sip. 

  4. A slight nod hearing Kasumi's voice next to her from the question asked. She found herself staring at the NPC. "I don't know..." turning slowly to face her friend. "Her gaze was a bit too long for my liking... Never mind" shaking her head. "It's probably nothing." A bit confused as she glances back for a moment but then turns back. "First, I really want to say sorry. We should have done this a very long time ago, but I was a bit off my rockers for a while." Taking another sip of her shake. Closing her eyes tight as it was a bit too much... "Tiny sips, I always forget that..." saying with a chuckle. Shaking her freeze off. "I have soo much I want to tell you but first I want to ask for your personal assistance." Taking her hands and wrapping it around one of Kasumi's. "I want you to train me in the fine arts and not the skill that this game provides, the old stuff, defensive. I know that it might be rough for a noob just starting out, but I really want to learn. Will you teach me?" Her eyes were generally earnest and hopeful as her main focus was Kasumi now...  

  5. Fixing her hair as it felt like a serious mess to be reckoned with. A chime, as the last loop was formed. Opening her HUD, a location that she recognized. A place that she and Haine frequented when they had their chats. Eruda smiles as her feet begin to pace that direction. The smell of damp nature enters her senses and she realized then that her mind was clear, like she could see what she wasn't able to before. After a warp gate was taken, she arrives at the building that was all too familiar to her. Sitting in a chair next to the counter, she notices that there were more players here than normal. Something was different though, she was not nervous in the slightest. An enlightened chuckle given before ordering 2 strawberry milkshakes and honey rolls. Waiting for the order as she continues to glance around the shop waiting for that feeling she was used to, to show back up, but it never did...

    A few minutes pass and Eruda's eyes widen before it came to light that she never said okay to her friend. Opening her HUD quickly with a rushed response...

    To: Kasumi
    From: Eruda

    Yes, sorry I was so excited forgot to reply back. I'm waiting here for you...

    A huff of breath as she sends the message quickly, as the orders come to her. Eruda takes a sip, "Yum," as she enjoys her shake.


  6. Howl (CD: 1/2)

    Pulling up her shield at fangs come straight for her. Dragging her metal against its teeth causing sparks to fly in every direction, Eruda up lashes her blazing sword right against the jaw line. The head springs up erratically as it shakes off the weird feeling. Eruda knows she didn't do much damage but the moment that it lashes its head back in her direction she knew that all its attention was on her. That was really all she was going for, it felt good... "KEEP IT UP FIRM ANIMA" she calls out and a small burst of flames ignites under her feet as her voice carries throughout the field. Taking a deep breath as she realized that it was  at full movement again. This next attack coming up would be a doozy but she would stand her ground no matter what. "I cannot lose like this," saying before the neck of the creature extends upward as a loud echoing screech escapes it's maw as one of the heads drop to the ground. "You can't lose what you have already lost..." in a very sincere almost demanding voice.

    ID:199222 | Battle:7, Craft:11, Loot:19 Recovers 4 Energy

    [x12] ST-I (12 EN)

    ID:199224 | BD:4+2=6, Hit! Using [x12] ST-I vs. Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn Dealing 132-150=1 Damage

    Lun'Rael takes no Action, [Stunned!] fades and is replaced with Stun Immunity [0/3]  

    [H:2] Gaius | HP: 851/851 | EN: 87/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | FLN: 8 | H.M.: 6 | REC: 3 | BH: 34
    [H:2] Kasumi | HP: 761/761 | EN: 62/86 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 6 | LD: 4 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O
    Shiina | HP: 761/761 | EN: 71/86 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 167 | EVA: 3 | LD: 1 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
    [H:7] Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 61/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD: 3 | BD: 42

    Total Damage this Round: 462+516+462+240+430+210+198+1+48+32+24=2623

    Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn
    HP: ????/???? | DMG: 400 | MIT: 70 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 [BLD: 48/1] [BLGT: 32/1] [TXC VNM: 24/2] Stun Immunity [0/3] [Shatter: 3/3]

    Damage Dealt Prior Rounds: 2137

    Unmaking Breath: On a MD 9-10: Attack becomes an AOE dealing 180 Unmitigated DMG to all targets.
    Unnatural Regeneration: Battle Healing 50
    Status Resistance: Unless the same CC effect is applied again, it fails to activate (To freeze her, one needs to land two instances of freeze before it triggers)
    Global Entity: Her statistics, Debuffs, status effects, DoT's and attacks are split over multiple threads.

  7. An egg drops to the ground as she was trying to get it onto the plate. "Dang..." she says as Raserei comes to clean up the mess. Looking up to Eruda with a weird face. "Okay, I know I'm not the best chef, but I'm trying..." 3 eggs still remained, though, as she turns to oven off and sits at the small table. Eating as a chime comes through. Kasumi, smiling as she opens the message. Sending one back...

    To: Kasumi
    From: Eruda

    Somewhere relaxing, a place that we can focus without being interrupted. You pick and sent me the coordinates... I will explain everything when we get there.

    The chime for sending goes through as Eruda finishes her eggs, which really were not the best. Her wolf was right. They were plain and a little burnt at the rims. Getting up, bringing her dish to the sink. Finding a cup and a plate already in there, she cleans all of them. Drying them and putting them away she starts to gather her things. Getting into something a bit more active like, a pair of sweets and a T-shirt... "I'll be back in a bit..." as she pets her wolf on the head before heading out the door. Locking the door behind her, she waits right outside for a location.

  8. The lily turns to a blue flame as it sinks into her skin. A burning sensation throughout her body, something that she had never felt before. One unlike any other flame that came from her alone before. It was such a weird feeling though, because it did not hurt. It almost felt like a flame was lit inside of her... Like something had unhinged itself... On the top left corner Eruda has gained access to Unbridled Fury. She looks at the female. What did she do... It begs the question back to what was she. The burning fades, but doesn't leave. Eruda was really confused, but she would accept everything and anything from here on out. At first she just watches this beautiful person? The female that help her regain her motive. Help her realize something that she might have already known, but needed a little push to get there. She knew that this person was special, and she would always be grateful for this. Right then exhaustion hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh, wow..." Eruda holds her head with a hand. Shaking her head, she looks to the female, "Thank you, truly. I think I have to lay down though..." her voice was rough... Eruda leaves with one more glance backwards and the woman was gone... Giving a small huff, she starts to stumble to the warp gate in town.

    After some time she finally gets to the house that her and Raidou share. Holding the building for balance, staring at the doors, taking a breather... Unlocking the door she walks in. Silence falls still within these walls. Closing the door behind her as Raseria brushes her head against Eruda's dangled hand. Eyeing the couch, she bought just days ago, a small smile as she practically falls onto the sofa. With no energy left to spare she was left laying in the tank top and jeans she changed into earlier... Right to sleep...

    About an hour later Raidou walks in the door seeing Eruda fast asleep. Raseria comes to greet him, but he puts a finger to his lips the hush her. With the other hand he pulls out a failed disk of orange citrus, the wolf takes it softly and lays back down with it. A small smile creeps on the edge of his mouth as he walks to the other room and comes out with a blanket. Laying it over the blonde, he takes off his frames and walks to his room. 


    Eruda wakes up in a scramble nearly falling off the couch. Looking at the blanket... "When did this get here..." Glancing to Raseria still sleeping. She knew exactly who placed it here... Eruda couldn't help but smile at this point. Taking a deep breath now as she remembered what happened last night. The woman with long white hair. That flare could still be felt within her and it was a really good feeling. "A new day, new start. Where to start..." Her eyes widen as she quickly opens her HUD and sends a message to Kasumi. It was rounding noon, so she hoped that her friend was not too busy.

    To: Kasumi
    From: Eruda

    "If you're not too busy, I could use your help with something?"

     A chime of her HUD as the message was sent. Eruda gets up and folds the blanket, setting it on the edge. She walks to the kitchen to attempt to make breakfast... Simple eggs...


  9. This perks her interest even further, this female is icon from her definition... From her wise words, though it seems so much more than just that alone... 

    Pursuit, a trail. A path walked.

    She was unsure at first, but as she continued to walk the thin road, she chose, the day she realized she could become something more than she was. She knew she was heading in the right direction...

    Lost, but found. Taken but led astray. Allow such fears control you, and they will consume you. Precious is a voice, so fragile.

    That man found me at my weakest point, but built her up with words alone. Even with the disconnection that happened throughout these years, it made her stronger. Firm Anima has helped me find my voice. Eruda is a strong leader that every has grown to count on knowing that the right thing will be done no matter what... They all believe in me... But, the true question is, does she believe in herself...

    Truth it may be, an inquiry left unanswered. Would you allow it to wilt?

    Looking to the lily in this female's hand, she walks to her. She has spent this entire time improving herself physically and mentally. She has made amazing friends and allies that would stand behind her no matter what. For that she had vowed to protect them, to stand and fight the tough battles that others could not. Her voice to make the rough calls when many would not... She was willing to... No, she is ready to die for any number of whom ever wish to follow down this long road of destruction if it came to that. She is not afraid...

    Eruda takes to lily from the female's grasp. There was nothing like it around them... It was something that just appeared... Was this an icon for something that is one of a kind... "I will make my words be heard, good or bad outcome, I will be their strength. I will be their voice and I will doubt myself NO MORE." She opens her HUD and refreshed the wet cloths with something dry. Pulling out an umbrella, the material was plastic that could be seen through... "I am not that pathetic girl any more..."   

  10. "What? No..." Eruda stands there for a moment and realized that the miss was walking now... "Wait..." Eruda starts to follow the lad. This woman made her admit something that she might have not come up with her own until way later. How, the least she could do was follow. Thinking about what was just said, the storm that lays overhead... That could mean many things and from the way that this lady was talking it couldn't be as simple as the actual storm. "I am not, it's just what nature has decided to present at the moment." Where was she going... She could smell the damp wood and mud that tore beneath every foot fall. A twist of her head as she takes a second look and the girl. She was not getting wet at all. How was this even possible... Was this a Gemini thing that worked with the game mechanics to just make stuff weird... It felt different though... The energy with the Gemini that she fought was not this... Catching up to the female, she would keep on edge just in case this was a trap... "Who are you... What are you..." She acted like a normal player so maybe the rain not being able to touch her was just an enhancement of some sort... She was very curious... She was not going to let the monster thing slip her mind until she knew for sure...

  11. "What an interesting and yet tragic show, twisted cables of the heart do well to ill you."

    A voice like none other, Eruda pulls her head up with a sniffle. A pale skinned lady that had hair so white that it almost glows in the stormy dark. Eruda could not find words to speak at the moment, so she just listens... 

    "Want and need, a question still. Is it desire, or necessity that leaves one to beckon into the beyond for another to appear."

    Her chest feels tight and her muscle felt stiff, like she couldn't move... Mind over matter though... Maybe it's that she didn't want to is why she couldn't. Was she waiting for something... or nothing...

    "Tears that fall like a surrounding, that mimic the air and threaten to melt away a wall you've built."

    The wall I've built... Since day one in this messed up game all Eruda did was try to become a better person. One that could talk to another without leaving. Someone that was strong enough to stand straight for what she believed in. One that would not falter at ones request, regardless of the circumstances. To make her voice be heard... So why this... Why now...

    "What will you do, if no one shall heed that call. Wallow in sorrow and have faith that you'll be saved? A pity."

    Eruda forces herself to stand and lean against the building. Her legs were wobbly and her breath was uneven. Wrapping her arms crisscrossed, each hand on either shoulder. Everything this woman said came down to one thing in Eruda's mind... Closing her eyes tight as water drips down her face from her bangs. "I'm scared..." as much as she didn't want to believe this, it was very much the truth. "I'm scared that if I say what I want to, that I will lose everyone I care about... I'm scared that I will end up alone again... Alone..." That word... The word that drove her to stay silent once upon a time... "I..." Her chest begins to tighten... "I..."  

  12. Well done, that voice finally carries... Something recently heard, and it was very much true...

    I could never hate you Eruda, I wouldn't be me without you." The impact was real... 

    Even if she didn't realize it till now, she has help make change happen. She started to think about Shiina and that first time she held that small girl and helped her realize that anything was possible. They needed her, the guild needed her. "I can't break down now, I have came too far to just crumble..." she says this in a very small voice. Lifting her head as the tears just keep coming... Setting a hand against the building trying to lift herself up, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She couldn't do this alone... She did it alone and completely shut down last time. There was too much at stake this time. She was needed... She knew this, but how... Pulling her knees to her chest, sending, Haine a message. This was one of many. She couldn't seem to get a reply... "I need you Haine..." she says with a sniffle, closing her HUD as she wraps her arms and burrows her face in her knees... 

    Time passes by but she was unsure how long... It was dark... That's all she knew... Burrowing her face back as the rain continues... She began to shiver, but she was not aware of this small factor...

  13. Eruda's flames were still lit even though the battle was over. Her head lowers as she shuts her eyes tight. Everything was so overwhelming. It was too much... Thoughts raced through her head on loop and she could not shake them... Not alone... A feeling of a hand on her shoulder. "Don't touch me." She says as she jerks her should away from the grip. "Let me help you," she opens her eyes to see her sister standing there. She knew that other eyes were on her as well. A turn of her feet as to walk away, but another hand lands on her shoulder. "I will not say it again..." Eruda's head turns with a piercing glare toward Freya. Her voice was stern but sounded angry. Freya did not know that she was part of this problem and she rather not spit fire if she didn't have to. Calmer words where ideal which was something that she could not give right now. Freya backs up with her hands up in defense and Eruda starts running.  

  14. Listening to to words around the field, she hears a large echoing growl from her father. It was attacking. A shield raised high as her flames ignite with a burst. This thing didn't like that very much as an energy flares outward toward Eruda's group. An oddly green flame washed over her group, one would almost describe it as something ghostly. Hitting her shield she could feel the heat singe the pieces that her metal could not block. Eruda cringes ever so slightly and watches her health go down, she pushes through it though. Quickly glancing back after the damage was done, her groups health lowers as well. This infuriates Eruda as a sharp glare toward the creature which resolves in another burst of blue flares outward. "Your fight is with me," as she steps forward once more. "SHIINA keep us going, we will not fall today." The girls voice was new almost angelic, unique now more that ever but she would trust that Shiina knew exactly what to do. She knew that Raidou and her father could take care of themselves so she would not worry about that outcome. Somehow she just knew that if they all stood as one like they have been, they would finish this creature with ease...

    Howl: -2 EN

    ID:199183 | Battle:5, Craft:5, Loot:12, Monster: 9, Minor Critical!, Lun'Rael AoE Against Entire Party Dealing 180 Damage to all
    Global Status Condition Proc'd: Lun'Rael is now [Stunned!]

    [H:1] Gaius | HP: 671/851 | EN: 82/108 | DMG: 29(+4) | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | FLN: 8 | H.M.: 6 | REC: 3 | BH: 34
    Kasumi | HP: 581/761 | EN: 70/86 | DMG: 29(+4) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 6 | LD: 4 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O
    Shiina | HP: 581/761 | EN: 73/86 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 167 | EVA: 3 | LD: 1 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
    [H:4] Eruda | HP: 671/851 | EN: 65/88 | DMG: 11(+4) | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD: 3 | BD: 42

    Last Rounds Damage Dealt: 402+465+285+318+270+285=2025+112 (Griswold Thorns)= 2137

    Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn
    HP: ????/???? | DMG: 400 | MIT: 150 | EVA: 0 | ACC: 3

    Unmaking Breath: On a MD 9-10: Attack becomes an AOE dealing 180 Unmitigated DMG to all targets.
    Unnatural Regeneration: Battle Healing 50
    Status Resistance: Unless the same CC effect is applied again, it fails to activate (To freeze her, one needs to land two instances of freeze before it triggers)
    Global Entity: Her statistics, Debuffs, status effects, DoT's and attacks are split over multiple threads.

  15. Howl (CD: 1/2)

    Those words from Freyd makes her head turn slightly. The heat from her frame was causing those tears to turn to vapor. "You do not know me very well," as a small burst of flame ignite from under her feet. "I decided long ago that whatever I may feel, I refuse to let it distract me regardless. Firm Anima's safety is the only thing that matters..." Eruda's eyes glare back to the creature as it breaks free of it's shackles that pinned his frame, Freyd could believe what she says or not but her words rang nothing but truth. Yes, there were tears, but they came unwanted, un-voluntarily. They could not be helped.... It huffs... Eruda watched it carefully... It's head suddenly goes back with a loud eery screech. It pulls it weapon up and strikes down at Eruda. Quickly raising her shield at it clashes against it. With an outcry of her own she uses every muscle in her body to push the weapon away from her causing the weapon's weight to make the Ghost stumble backwards away from her. This creates an opening for Freyd to strike, if he is quick enough...

    [x12] ST-I, 12-2= 10 EN

    ID:199165 | BD:1+2=3, MISS Using [x12] ST-I vs. Ghost of Vengeance

    Ghost of Vengeance Unable to move from Grapple

    Freya | HP: 680/680 | EN: 71/86 | DMG: 29 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | AA | BLD: 48 | KEEN: 1 | REC: 4
    Sam | HP: 680/680 | EN: 22/86 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 2 | LD: 9 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | PARA
    Freyd | HP: 920/920 | EN: 108/126 (113+4-9) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 8 | BH: 50 | LD: 8 | PROS: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | TROLL'S BLD | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 87/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 (7-10) | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD:3

    [1,3,1,5] Ghost of Vengeance | HP: 363/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 (140 Shatter) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 (0) | STUNNED | STUN IMM (2/3) | GRAP IMM (1/3) |  ENV.O: 32/2

    Critical (MD 9): Deals (Tier * 100) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (Tier * 60) DMG to every other player.
    Critical (MD 10): Deals (Tier * 110) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (Tier * 85) DMG to every other player.

  16. A rising heat with every step she took. Flashing, visions of that night repeat in her head, thinking what she could have done differently to prevent it. That night was not about her, it was about Freya suffering. Freya had said it was over and she was in control but what originally caused it in the first place. Was it where she was held for that year and a half that caused her unknown out rage. Eruda was the one to dwell on things in silent. Until she knew all the information, it stayed in her the back of her head like a leach that wouldn't let go. She knew that she had a habit of repressing what she was feeling and that the only real way to make sure what happened all those years ago didn't happen again was to talk about it... But how could she... It was hard to say what she was feeling in fear that she was going to be judged or out right shunned... Her mother didn't help this cause. Didn't care enough to get either of her girls help...

    She felt her chest tighten as she walks into the room where all the battling was happening. She was not going to ignore this... She couldn't because she knew what would happen if she did... Teary eyes closed as she tried her best to keep her emotions at bay but her flames tell a different story. When Eruda walks in she ignites like a untamed bomb going off. Everything that could be possibly caught on fire was and the candle lighting on the walls turn to purple. Eruda was in pain... she had a small clue of what needed to be done but not the knowledge of the how... Her eyes flare within her flames as she sees the thing begin to eye her. Ever through all this thought, she would stay true to what had to be done. This thing would not touch the others as long as she still stood upright. With all this emotion that she was feeling, she refused to be that scared hopeless girl again... She would have time to break down later...   

    Roll a LD 1-10 Eruda realizes what is happening to her, Roll a LD 11-20 she has not a damn clue
    ID:198997 | LD: 6

    Eruda uses Howl -2 EN 

    Ghost of Vengeance can't attack due to being stunned

    Freya | HP: 680/680 | EN: 65/86 | DMG: 29 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | AA | BLD: 48 | KEEN: 1 | REC: 4
    Sam | HP: 680/680 | EN: 31/86 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 2 | LD: 9 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | PARA
    Freyd | HP: 920/920 | EN: 113/126 (126-13) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 8 | BH: 50 | LD: 8 | PROS: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | TROLL'S BLD | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 86/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 (7-10) | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD:3

    [1,2,1,4] Ghost of Vengeance | HP: 1218/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | STUN IMM (1/3) | STUNNED |  BLD: 48/1 |  ENV.O: 32/3

    Critical (MD 9): Deals (Tier * 100) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (Tier * 60) DMG to every other player.
    Critical (MD 10): Deals (Tier * 110) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (Tier * 85) DMG to every other player.

  17. "Eruda..." the battle was over before it began. She ran through these tunnels of the witches basement as fast as she could. She needed out... She needed to get out... "ERUDA WAIT UP..." she hears her name being called, but she just keeps running. Tears washed down her face, she tried so hard for so long to keep it together... "ERUDA..." it was closer this time as she runs head first into her sister... "What is wrong, why are you crying..." Eruda tries to push her out of the way but Freya grabs her shoulders. "Was it something I did, something I said... That night... You said you forgave me..." Eruda closes her eyes tightly, saying nothing. She felt stiff... Eruda without looking tries to push through Freya but she doesn't budge. Tears falling down her face in a constant stream. "Eruda say something, your scaring me..." But nothing was said... All Eruda wanted to do is leave... She had to get out now... With all her force she takes her hands and pushes Freya to the right causing her to hit the wall. Starting to run again now, she had to get out... Freya's eyes widen. "Shit, shit, SHIT FREYD we have to go..."

    Eruda opens the trap door that they came through, climbs out and just keeps running. 

    I have forgiven her Sam so why can't you...

    A shield clashing against Freya weapon, forcing it away as it clatters to the ground... Have I really forgiven her or was it a fraud thought to just say I was okay...

    I am your father...

    Pushing branches from her face as she ran through the forest She did not give a damn about us, I was a slave in my own house...

    You do not know a dam thing about me, just go away...
    Go before I make you leave...

    Tears blur her vision causing her to trip on a branch. Falling to her hands and knees... I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you Ruri... I don't know how to fix this...

    If you'd like to take one of the empty rooms, I will not object
    I do, It wasn't something I thought I needed until I had it

    Getting up rather quickly, she finds herself running again, until she hits a building... Why could I not tell him I loved him... Why is it so god damn hard...

    The side of the Firm Anima building... Touching the walls with both hands, placing her head against it... Why can I not just let it all go or say what I'm feeling... I thought I got better... Twisting herself, back against the building now sliding down to the ground. The ground felt wet, letting herself come slightly out of her head enough to know it was pouring down rain... Thunder crashed in the sky, as flashes of lightning lit the moonlight sky... Pulling her knees to her chest slowly and wraps her arms on top... Burrowing her face in the arms now... Why is this happening again... Her chest feels tight and she couldn't find a word to say that mattered... 



    Eruda, The Rising Phoenix
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 24
    HP: 700/700
    EN: 88/88

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 132
    BRN: 56
    REC: 4
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4: Damage Mitigation 3 (+72 Mitigation)
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1)

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.



  18. Rest 2/2 Rested fully

    Eruda walks forward, sorta stuck in her own head... It was always Sam they were talking about, her feeling. Eruda was always one to keep those types of feeling repressed. It was why she kept to herself back home. Talking to no one because she was unable to express what she was feeling. Everything she said about trusting Freya was true, but that night... That night was terrifying. Watching her sister passed out the way she was and then waking up in pure rage at its finest. Why... Freya never actually talked to her about any of it. Ultimately, that was fine as long as she talked to someone. It was hard to not talk the way they use to. All this building tension and emotion was bad for Eruda specifically and she knew it but what could she do... She never talked about what she felt when they left their father, or about the fact that they were being fed lies that entire time. Eruda and Grisword talked about it a bit, but it was still on her mind. There were still things that never made sense. Not talking about what she felt with Freya was only making this a bit worse. What she felt and what she was keeping cooped up was dangerous on her part. She didn't want to resort back to what she was and that in itself was scary to think about... Keeping her face turned from the others walking through the dimmed lighting, a tear falls down her face... 

  19. Battle Healing Activates regaining 42 health
    Concentration CD: [1/5]

    Clashing of swords and popping of vessels, Eruda closes her eyes and lets the noise behind her fall upon deafened ears. Taking a deep breath, this was it, the final fight. Concentrating on the large growling heads pushed out from beneath the ground. Others would see flames begin to light under her feet. Thinking about her mother, her chest starts to feel heavy and full of rage. All these unique people surround her, she would count of them to deal the damage needed. Another deep breath, this was what she was meant to do, her destiny. To stand forth and protect everyone that she has grown to love. Eruda's eyes flash open now, with a new and improved burning sensation within her chest. "Stand as one, Show this thing what it means to be Firm Anima," calling to the group as a burst of flames outward expand further than before. Something was new, something had changed, shifted... She intended to use every ounce of this feeling... Face to face with a serpent head, no fear... as she carves her sword against the front of her shield now, the sword burning hot feeling the warmth again her skin, she was ready...

    Gaius | HP: 851/851 | EN: 77/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | FLN: 8 | H.M.: 6 | REC: 3 | BH: 34
    Kasumi | HP: 761/761 | EN: 66/86 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 6 | LD: 4 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O
    Shiina | HP: 761/761 | EN: 76/86 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 167 | EVA: 3 | LD: 1 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
    Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 63/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD: 3 | BD: 42

    Lun’Rael, Mother of the Reborn
    HP: ????/???? | DMG: 400 | MIT: 150 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3

    • Unmaking Breath: On a MD 9-10: Attack becomes an AOE dealing 180 Unmitigated DMG to all targets.
    • Unnatural Regeneration: Battle Healing 50
    • Status Resistance: Unless the same CC effect is applied again, it fails to activate (To freeze her, one needs to land two instances of freeze before it triggers)
    • Global Entity: Her statistics, Debuffs, status effects, DoT's and attacks are split over multiple threads.
  20. Battle Heal Triggers regaining 42 health

    A thunderous crash of weapons, screeches before a flash of light dismantles the creatures catches her attention. Seeing Freya and Rai for a split second before they both rush the building. A glance to her right before feeling a chill, calming her flames ever so slightly. A whisper from Setsuna as she vanishes, a smile peers across Eruda's face hearing this. A grand symphonic melody hit the field as you could feel the ground beneath your feet shake in a constant rhythm. The ice patches explode into a crystallized mineral as it was weird this time because the moment the creatures walked over these overheated patches, they burst into a light blue fire, steam... no shearing ice pours from their frame. It almost felt as though when they were passing by that they were freezing but at the same time, flames consumed the figure. One whom did not partake of this new substance attacks Eruda. Turning with pure instinct she bashes the thing in the face with her shield as fury danced within her eyes. It began to back away slowly with it's hands raised... Oh it was such a brave thing to do... Eruda extends her armed sword forward, landing the point against the creatures neck... It seemed to be petrified in pure terror and stopped moving completely... 

    [x14] AOE-Il, 12 + 2 * 4 = 18 EN
    Using Concentration

    ID:198708 | BD:8+3=11, HIT Using [x14] AOE-II vs. Sundered Spire Soldier #10 Dealing 168 DMG, [BRN: 56/2] applied MD:1 CD:4
    ID:198709 | BD:8+3=11, HIT Using [x14] AOE-II vs. Sundered Spire Soldier #11 Dealing 168 DMG, [BRN: 56/2] applied MD:2
    ID:198710 | BD:6+3=9, HIT Using [x14] AOE-II vs. Sundered Spire Soldier #12 Dealing 154 DMG MD:9 Hits! dealing 125-207=1 Damage to Eruda
    ID:198711 | BD:8+3=11, HIT Using [x14] AOE-II vs. Sundered Spire Soldier #13 Dealing 168 DMG, [BRN: 56/2] applied MD:4

    ID:198711 was meant for Sundered Spire Soldier #13

    Gaius | HP: 851/851 | EN: 89/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | FLN: 8 | H.M.: 6 | REC: 3 | BH: 34
    Kasumi | HP: 761/761 | EN: 54/86 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 6 | ACC: 6 | LD: 4 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O
    Shiina | HP: 761/761 | EN: 79/86 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 167 | EVA: 3 | LD: 1 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36
    Eruda | HP: 847/851 | EN: 59/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD: 3 | BD: 42

    [0,0,0,4] Sundered Spire Soldier #10 | HP: 148/372 | DMG: 124 [BRN: 56/1]
    [0,0,0,4] Sundered Spire Soldier #11 | HP: 148/372 | DMG: 124 [BRN: 56/1]
    [0,0,0,3] Sundered Spire Soldier #12 | HP: 218/372 | DMG: 124
    [0,0,0,4] Sundered Spire Soldier #13 | HP: 148/372 | DMG: 124 [BRN: 56/1]

  21. Rest 1/2

    Pulling Freya into a hug now, it was a bit awkward with her sitting, but Freya stood to make it easier. "You know that's my job, don't go getting yourself killed. I would really hate you for it..." With the twins arms around each other, Eruda closed her eyes. Even with all the fighting and the ignoring that Freya did toward her, she still felt like she was the one that was supposed to apologize. She thought that when Freya went missing, it was just another attempt of Freya resorting to her old ways. When Eruda started to see phantom messages was when she really started to freak out. It was a twin thing, but Eruda had thought the worst before she thought the obvious which made her mad. Eruda did not once ever not trust Freya, she was just scared for her not of her. Scared how everything would turn out for her sister. 

    Freyd's comment though made her chuckle a bit as a trap door was revealed. They were all a little mad, being in this game would do that to you she guessed... Eruda was the first to hop in the doorway, as she stood at the bottom waiting for the others...

  22. Very impressed by the 3 of them, the witch was nearly done for. It could not move, face against the wood floor and her arms were in a pretzel. It looked like it would hurt. Eruda failed her last attack, she decides to do what she knows. Eyeing the beast of sorts, she takes a page out of her fathers book. She stomps her foot as hard as she can against the ground, right them blue flames ignite it a large burst around them. Crates lite as the door to the building is crashes to the outside grassed area. Her eyes glow with fury as she takes her foot and pushes the body upward forcing it to lay of her back. "You keep coming here, it does not matter what new tricks you have, you will die the same way every time. At the hands of Firm Anima, you will not be aloud to stay alive..." The witches eyes widen at these words, as data of various colors spray out of her already inflicted wounds. She knew what was coming... Her hand begins to move to a pocket of hers as the effects begin to wear off... At the corner of her eye she sees Freya...

    Using Howl (-2 EN)

    ID:198620 | Craft:3 (No Proc)

    Witch of the West can't make any action due to being Paralyzed...

    Freya | HP: 680/680 | EN: 55/86 | DMG: 29 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | AA | BLD: 48 | KEEN: 1 | REC: 4
    Sam | HP: 680/680 | EN: 42/86 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 4 | LD: 9 | AA | PARA
    Freyd | HP: 920/920 | EN: 95/126 (108+4+8-17-8) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 8 | BH: 50 | LD: 8 | PROS: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | TROLL'S BLD | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 86/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 (7-10) | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD:3

    [0,1,1,4] Witch of the West | HP: 240/1200 | DMG: 150 (Minimum: 100 after MIT) | MIT: 75 ENV.O: 32/3BLD: 48/1PARA
    Potion of Fireball | On a natural MD 9, the Witch of the West throws a vial of swirling flames the sprays to affect the entire party, engulfing them in fire. This ability automatically hits and deals 120 AoE damage, then applies T3 Burn to each target for 2 turns.
    Poisoned Dagger | On a natural MD 10, the Witch of the West paralyzes her target for one turn.  The target is also poisoned, taking 20 unmitigatable damage per turn for 3 turns.
    Unnatural Swiftness | When the Witch of the West's health is reduced to 400 HP or less, she will drink a potion as a Free Action on her next turn. This potion grants her EVA 3 for the rest of the fight.

  23. Entering the room now, seeing the creatures slamming into the walls, exploding like confetti. Freya says something that turns the tables in Sam's mind. She would allow it to slide for now simple because she wanted to see how Sam would react. Not seeing the remainder monkey, she glances around trying to find this creature. Her flames begin to boil beneath her feet. Right then the flying beast flies toward her, catching Eruda's shield as raises it up. The crazed monkey gives a demented laughter that echoes within the interior, grabbing her shield now that was not yet lit. Staring face to face with this creature now, Eruda hits it hard in the head with the bottom of her hilt. "HEY YOU PIECE OF SHIT," Freya comes slamming into the creature at full force, causing it to surrender the shield and fling straight to the towers wall. When Eruda glances to her twin, she was leaking out black mist from her body, and her green eyes had a slight golden yellow rimmed around them. Freya darts forward to finish the job... 

    Eruda was suppose to be protecting everyone but somewhere along the way... She didn't realize just how much her own sister had changed... RIght now, she couldn't figure out if that was a good or bad thing...

    [x3] RAW-A (10 EN) | THORNS -2= 8 

    ID:198605 | BD:3+2=5, MISS [x3] RAW-A vs. Elite Flying Monkey 2

    ID:198605 | MD:1, MISS Elite Flying Monkey 2 vs Eruda

    Freya | HP: 680/680 | EN: 67/86 | DMG: 29 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | AA | BLD: 48 | KEEN: 1 | REC: 4
    Sam | HP: 680/680 | EN: 67/86 | DMG: 28 | ACC: 2 | LD: 9 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | PARA
    Freyd | HP: 920/920 | EN: 108/126 | DMG: 30 | MIT: 78 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 8 | BH: 50 | LD: 8 | PROS: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | TROLL'S BLD | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 87/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 (7-10) | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD:3

    [0,0,0,3] Elite Flying Monkey 2 | HP: 220/220 | DMG: 90(Minimum 45) | MIT: 35 

  24. A hard rough breath, trees timbering down around her from burning flames. Sitting on the ground watching bursting creatures evaporate into nothing. Sword and shield lying on either side, Raserei curls into a ball at her feet, her breath too was hard to the exhale. She was training, has been all day, since the sun began to rise. Sizzling flames around her go out, as a chime from her HUD echoes in the dimming silence. Looking at her HUD, Sam, the witch that had to be killed for more materials. She smiles, she knew fairly well that she had never actually fought this creature before but she was ready. Closing her HUD she glances down at her wolf. "You ready to go have some fun," as she scratches behind the ear. Raserei coos and gets to her feet. She had a very large breakfast and knew that the others would bring more to compensate for the buffs needed. Getting to her own feet, picking her blade and shield up, she was just in the forest outside the guild hall. Peering just outside the tree line so that the others could see her, leaning against a tree. Anyone that was looking in that direction would see her... 

    Titan's Strength: Damage +3: 186754-2
    ACC II (via Gugnir Shard) and consumes 1 portion (2/6 remaining)(Feasted above)
    Cinnamon Rounded Stick: Prosperity +3: 175442-1
    Lemon Berry Palmiers: Loot Dice +3 Loot Dice +3: 176286-1, 180413 (Feast Remaining Above 0/4)
    Fiery Dragon Roll: Mitigation +3 (T4): 190621-1
    Immolation Potion (T4)
    Field Ration

    Eruda | HP: 851/851 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 207 | ACC: 2 | BRN: 56 (7-10) | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | LD:3


    Eruda, The Rising Phoenix
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 20
    HP: 851/851
    EN: 88/88

    Damage: 11
    Mitigation: 207
    Accuracy: 2
    BRN: 56
    REC: 4
    THRNS: 112

    Prosperity: 3
    Loot Dice: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4: Damage Mitigation 3 (+72 Mitigation)
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1)

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

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