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Posts posted by Eruda

  1. A rather plain face at she bites her bottom lip. He answered her question, but if felt like only half. "I believe that if everyone stays focused and remembers their training that we will get out of there safely. Work with one another as a whole and think rationally and smart, we will all be fine." Scooting a bit closer to Raidou now she takes a deep breath. "When you shielded that Dragon's flames from me and my father, it was different. No glasses just straight and pure rage, but not that normal stuff I see from you. It looked like me when I was channeling the rage of my mother. The pure hatred of one living soul, it was a different feeling coming from you..." His words were precise but not exact. "I do not doubt that you fill the guild vault with everything you have collected. I knew that that amount had to come from somewhere. You say a multitude of chores, what are you doing besides gathering Raidou." In all those words said he didn't say that she was wrong to assume that there was something else, it just seemed a bit avoided. Turning her head to peer into his shielded eyes. He told her that he didn't not need his frames to see, that he didn't need to hide behind them while they were together, so why were the still on. Was it that he was just use to wearing them while he was doing work or was there something else there. "What are you hiding behind your frames Rai?" This was said in a very small voice, one that only if listening carefully would hear. A soft hand placed against his arm. At the corner of her eye, she could see Jublex bounce in place waiting for a meal. 

  2. Walking right behind Raidou into this weird reflection of colored room, she takes the time to glance around for a moment. She knew that stance, that glare, Raidou had used a form of howl to grab attention. This entire thing still felt off though. Why would this man @Gabrandr be the only guy in the room after opening these doors to this chamber. The tanks would be taking point and it was clear what she had to door. She was no mechanic of any sorts but she was somewhat book smart so she would try her best. Joining Baldur and Mina to the North Scather trying her best to figure this thing out. A glance toward Raidou and the guy with the orange icon. She didn't trust him, something didn't feel right, something didn't add up right. She was sure that Raidou thought the same thing. She would work on this while keeps an eye on everyone else, is this went south, she would be ready... A simple smile to Mina, "I look forward to seeing what you can do Mina, do your best. We all have your back."

    ID:201764 | Battle:3, Craft:12, Loot:5+1(Paragon Reward lvl 10) to Deactivate the Northern Scather
    N. Makeshift Scather: 25/48 LD (+6)
    E. Makeshift Scather: 0/48 LD 

    Eruda | HP: 984/984 | EN: 94/94 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 334 (incl. FL Aura 2) | ACC: 2 (Focus) | BH: 53 (SURV) | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | THRNS: 136 (FL Thrn Crit 16/2) | Antidote: [3/3]
       (STM, Rested, No Shift, +2 EN/turn [Horn], REC 8)

  3. Walking silently into the building with Raidou, he goes straight to his lab. He started to put together some potions, most likely for the upcoming battle they were going into. She digs into her inventory and places a hand full of different colored herbs on the side of the counter. Hopefully it would help a bit. -What did she mean- a sigh comes from her mouth. Glancing around, she found a small stool, one that she saw Ruri using that one day. Pulling it up, Eruda sits, watching Raidou work. "You told me that you were max level, yet we are still gaining skills. After looking into the amount of experience each quest that we have access to gave, even with the new systems update everyone had to go through, it didn't amount to your rate of growth." Taking a breath as Raidou stayed silent for now. Eruda became uneasy as she didn't know what Raidou was thinking, but she wanted to... "Even if you spent every waking moment, gathering when you were not helping Ruri get better, which I guess is highly possible, but something about that fight with the dragon... Something about you just seemed off to me, and Jublex?" Seeing that thing didn't scare her, she had seen similar stuff with Freyd but she was still curious... "Was there something on the side that you were doing other than what I named off, and if I got anything wrong or if I am wrong, I would like to know..."

    A few minutes in silence, "You told me that you were ready to share your world with me. I am ready to know what exactly that world is..." Raidou said that he could never be mad at her, but what line had to be crossed to change that. That was the last thing she wanted to do, but she wanted to know. To ease her mind of any weirdness or concerns that she had. Mainly to know if he was okay...

  4. She felt a small chill, she shrugs it off though. She was sure the hot blooded type and that fire, she was feeling in her chest was keeping her warm. It was a weird concept, she should be cold but just wasn't. Gazing at the stars as her HUD would chime, a quick message peaks the right of her vision. Sitting on the stairs of this large building, she would wait. Her heart raced now, just the thought itself of seeing Raidou set butterflies in her stomach. A deep breath as she knew that even though her body was reacting the way it did, she had to ask the hard questions. She had to fill those blanks that were left unanswered, the results would be unknown and she had not a clue how this conversation would turn out or where whatever they had would be, but it had to be done.

    Right then a light, brighter that the moonlight above, covering her face now to reflect it. Looking up now, he was there. Suddenly everything she wanted to ask was just lost in her mind but only for a moment. Eruda stays seated on those steps as she looks at him. That red garb that she made for him, that he kept all this time. Without taking her eyes off him, her face was a bit flushed, "All that time I was gone, what were you doing..." there was so many things that she wanted to ask him but baby steps, one thing at a time.     

  5. Reaching for the bowl of snack foods coming up empty, glancing into the bowl, nothing. A small puff of breath as she glances to the teacups, both were empty as well. "When did I..." a small twist of her lips. "Dang," commenting with a yawn. Grabbing the dishes as she gets up from her chair, walking to the kitchen, washing the dishes. It was clear that the man in red would not be showing up if he hasn't yet. Was he unable to sleep too... Another yawn, drying her hands and walking back to the table. Opening her HUD, sending a message. 

    To: Raidou
    From: Eruda

    There are some things that have been bothering me. Can we meet?

    Sorry if I woke you...

    With a chime of her HUD the message was sent. Another yawn, Eruda knew that she was tired, but she had already tried lying down and staring at the ceiling thing. It didn't work, not with her mind racing the way it was. The conversation with Nisahime, now knowing her name thanks to Freyd. It made things come to light that she would have never thought of before then. The last few days, the things that she has seen from this man, it was different that before. It could be that he just felt comfortable around the team, or it was something else. All she knew was, the more she thought about it, it brought up more questions. She would never know anything unless she just came forth and asked... Placing a jacket around her shoulders, she walks out of the large guild hall doors, looking up to the net yet ripe sky. A smile, it was a real sight...

  6. Battle Healing +42 HP

    Raidou sent fire off his sword using her flames, it was genius. Eruda glides past him on the slippery ground but it apparently was too slick for her liking. She liked the ice much better than this. She managed to hit one really hard though with her new skill that she barely had time to prep for. No wonder she missed the lot of them. Seeing now that it didn't really matter though as all 4 of the slimy creatures head straight for Eruda. Stopping herself on the wall, she turns and pulls her shield up to her face with a small lean forward. Without really looking to see which was hit in what order, she felt barely anything as she realized that the creatures were running a screeching with there arms up as Eruda actually did some of that damage back to them. It would seem that it didn't feel very good... "Good, Just a little longer," as she glanced at everyone's energy pool. They were doing okay for now, but for how much longer...

    Using Concentration (CD 0/5)

    [x11] AoE l  (11-2+2*1)=-11 EN

    ID:201702 | BD:2+2-4=0, CD: 6, MISS Using [x11] AoE l vs. Slime King 1
    ID:201703 | BD:9, CRIT+1 Using [x11] AoE l vs. Slime King 2 Dealing 88-50=38 DMG, [BRN: 224/2] applied 
    ID:201704 | BD:2+2-4=0, MISS Using [x11] AoE l vs. Slime King 3
    ID:201705 | BD:2+2-4=0, MISS Using [x11] AoE l vs. Slime King 4

    Slime King #2 Sustains 224 via Burn
    Slime King #3 Sustains 224 via Burn

    ID:201706 | Battle:3, Craft:2, Loot:9, Mob: 10, Crit +2 vs Eruda Dealing 222-239=1 Damage to Eruda, [FL. Thorns 32/1] applied
    ID:201707 | Battle:8, Craft:3, Loot:7, Mob: 5+4=9, Hit vs Eruda Dealing 220-239=1 Damage to Eruda, Sustains 112 via Thorns, 16 via Flame Aura, 8 via FL. Thorns
    ID:201708 | Battle:4, Craft:11, Loot:13, Mob: 2+4=6, Hit vs Eruda Dealing 220-239=1 Damage to Eruda, Sustains 112 via Thorns, 16 via Flame Aura, 8 via FL. Thorns
    ID:201709 | Battle:8, Craft:6, Loot:2, Mob: 10, Crit +2 vs Eruda Dealing 222-239=1 Damage to Eruda, [FL. Thorns 32/1] applied

    Slime King #3 Regains 100 HP via Self Sustaining

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 83/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 49/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 6 | LD: 7 | AA | REC: 8 | PHASE
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 62/132 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8 | EVA: 2 (-1 Rhino) | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 1/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 51/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 95/108 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | AA | REC: 8 | V.D.: 113 | Dote: 3/3
    Eruda | HP: 776/780 | EN: 79/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112

    [0,4,5,3,5,7] Slime King #1 | HP: 1250/1250 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | Incarceration |  [FL. Thorns 32/1]
    [0,4,5,3,5,10] Slime King #2 | HP: 852/1250 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | Incarceration |  BRN [224/1]
    [0,2,7,4,6,8] Slime King #3 | HP: 624/1250 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | Incarceration |  BRN [224/1]
    [0,2,7,4,3,8] Slime King #4 | HP: 1250/1250 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | Incarceration |  [FL. Thorns 32/1]

    King’s Aura: The <<Slime King>> is unaffected by Paralyze, Freeze and the Familiar’s Grappling skill.
    Almighty: The boss cannot be afflicted with both Lullaby and Hypnosis.
    Pure Structure: Any DoT effects on the boss will last half their original duration, except for Burn. Afflicting the boss with Burn will also deal double damage to it.
    Self Sustaining: On a CD 9+, <<Slime King>> will heal 100 HP at the end of his turn.

  7. Concentration Refreshed, ID:201683 | Battle:5, Craft:8, Loot:8 (Recovers +8 EN)

    Eruda watches the split 2 get beat up to no end. They were trying to fight back but it was no use. Seeing on of the creature begin to eye Freyd, Eruda pulls her shield back and -BINK-... "Well that didn't do much," she says as she pulls her metal up toward her face. Both creatures run at Eruda now, "or maybe it did..." as they clank against Eruda's shield burning their own flesh with a burst of flames that came from her defense. The impact made her health tic down ever so slightly but nothing to really worry about. Even without Eruda doing really connection, they are damn near killing themselves. Eruda could help but smile as she pulls her shield back up for more attacks to soon come. Shifting her feet to get a better grip on the ground, the last thing she needed was to fall on her butt...

    (x3) Raw-A (10-2)= -8 EN -2 EN

    ID:201684 | BD:4+2-4=2, CD: 11, MISS Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Slime King

    Slime King #1 Takes 224 Burn Damage, BRN Fades
    Slime King #2 Takes 224 Burn Damage, 64 TXV, 96 Bleed, BRN/TXV/BLD Fades

    ID:201685 | Battle:10, Craft:1, Loot:17, Mob: 7+4=11, Hit vs Eruda Dealing 220-239=1 Damage, Sustains 112 via Thorns, 16 via FL. Aura, 8 via FL. Thorns
    ID:201686 | Battle:8, Craft:9, Loot:6, Mob: 2+4=6, Hit vs Eruda Dealing 220-239=1 Damage, Sustains 112 via Thorns, 16 via FL. Aura, 8 via FL. Thorns

    Slime King #2 Recovers 100 HP via Self Sustaining

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 79/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 44/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 6(+1) | LD: 7 | AA | REC: 8 | PHASE
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 73/132 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8(+1) | EVA: 2 | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 1/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 58/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7(+1) | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 97/108 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4(+1) | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | AA | REC: 8 | V.D.: 113 | Dote: 3/3
    Eruda | HP: 778/780 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2(+1) | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112

    [0,4,4,2,5,6] Slime King #1 | HP: 957/2500 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | Incarceration
    [0,2,6,3,3,7] Slime King #2 | HP: 769/2500 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | Incarceration

    King’s Aura: The <<Slime King>> is unaffected by Paralyze, Freeze and the Familiar’s Grappling skill.
    Almighty: The boss cannot be afflicted with both Lullaby and Hypnosis.
    Pure Structure: Any DoT effects on the boss will last half their original duration, except for Burn. Afflicting the boss with Burn will also deal double damage to it.
    Self Sustaining: On a CD 9+, <<Slime King>> will heal 100 HP at the end of his turn.
    Quick Split: On a CD 9+ and LD 10+, the <<Slime King>> will not attack and instead, summon a <<Slime Abomination>> to his aid. A <<Slime Abomination>> can only be summoned once per turn. This skill is deactivated once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated twice.
    Gelatinous Form: Every time the boss’ health reaches 0, two more Kings will spawn, using the next lowest HP available. If a Slime King with the lowest amount of max HP possible dies, he will not spawn any more.

  8. A calming breath as she walks down these halls, seeing the large group of people in the distance. Normally, she would be crawling into a corner hiding, she was sure that some people were, but not her, not this time. Eruda has been through way too much in these last few weeks alone to be what she started off in this game as. This is what she was meant to do, to help clear the floors of this game, to get players out of this hell safely. Eruda had worked hard to get to this point and she was finally ready to join the front lines. Knowing that she could make a difference, that was exactly what she was going to do. At this point she walks into the group glancing around. Seeing people that were all sizes in height and the armors they wore were so different but in a way the same. Faces that she had never seen before, it was relaxing to see. Eruda was not scared, for once in her life she felt comfortable, being around these new people having the same goals in mind.

    Glancing to her sister Freya, who was hovering around Freyd. She couldn't help but chuckle, but Samantha was no where to be seen... Odd how these turn of events transpired, this was her at one point. Not watching entirely where she was going, she bumps into a female. "Oh, I am sorry, I am Eruda, the Off tank for the Firm Anima Guild." @Mina It was time that she put herself out there and make a name for herself.

    Eruda | HP: 984/984 | EN: 94/94 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 334 | ACC: 2 | BH: 53 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112 | Antidote: [3/3]

    Mitigation Feast +3/T4 [6/6] (Freya)
    Accuracy +2 [6/6] (Freyd)
    Antidote +3, 201631
    Immolation Pot T4 +40 Thorns Here (Simmone put in Firm Anime Guild hall, Raidou took out for Eruda for Raid)
    King's Core (T4/Unique/Consumable) [201722e]: -10 DMG, +20% OH, +80 MITI
    Gold Star Stickers x1 (Tier 1 Unique Consumable | Charges: 2/3 -1): +15 MIT for one Here


    Eruda, The Blazing Lily
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 36
    HP: 984/984
    EN: 94/94

    Damage: 1
    Mitigation: 334
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 53
    BRN: 56
    FL. AURA: 16
    FL. THRN: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 112

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4 Demonic: Flame Aura 2, Flameproof, Recovery 1
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4 Demonic: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1, Flame Thorns 1)

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Combat Mastery:
    Mitigation 3

    Combat Shift:

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal x1
    Crippling Composition - Lullaby [T1/Rare/Debuff/Instant] -2 Accuracy x5
    Crippling Composition - Lullaby [T1/Rare/Debuff/Instant] -2 Accuracy x5
    Flash of Rejuvenation [T1/Perfect/Crystal] Mass Heal x5
    Blank Slot

    Housing Buffs:
    Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

  9. Sitting at the large red table where Eruda was going through notes and papers. Updating her knowledge for future quests. It was very early, rounding 3:30 am and she was unable to sleep. Her mind was racing after the guild had fought the Dragon yesterday. That feeling that she felt when she and Raidou had taken that last hit against him. It was such a thrill to be able to keep pace with Raidou and all though she was still learning something new every day, she was really excited to see what kind of damage they would do to this floor boss as a team. Two tea cups sitting side by side, hoping that she would see Raidou before they left to the sewers today. From there they would most likely go straight to the meeting and right now was the only chance that she would get to speak with Raidou without interruptions. A small bowl of carrots and strawberries, she had the munchies, but she wasn't really that hungry. Dressed in her PJ's still, a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt, no harm would come of her in this safe place. She had her gear on tap just in case though...

    Eruda | HP: 800/800 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 179 | BH: 44 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72


    Eruda, The Blazing Lily
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 32
    HP: 800/800
    EN: 92/92

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 179
    Battle Healing: 44
    BRN: 56
    FL. AURA: 16
    FL. THRN: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 72

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4 Demonic: Flame Aura 2, Flameproof, Recovery 1
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4 Demonic: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1, Flame Thorns 1)

    Custom Skill:

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal x1
    Crippling Composition - Lullaby [T1/Rare/Debuff/Instant] -2 Accuracy x5
    Crippling Composition - Lullaby [T1/Rare/Debuff/Instant] -2 Accuracy x5
    Flash of Rejuvenation [T1/Perfect/Crystal] Mass Heal x5

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  10. Concentration (CD 4/5)

    Her heart was racing a million miles a second as Raidou removes his hand from her waist. To be perfectly honest she didn't want it to end. She knew that he was just trying to move her out of harms way but it was so much more to her than just that alone. He said sorry... A smile toward him with a slight twist of her head, "Don't apologize, it was rather enjoyable." Hearing Freya she glances down quickly and catches the sword with her foot. Picking the hilt up and placing it in Rai's hand, touching his shoulder keeping that smile, "Lets end him together," as she feels a slight pulse, glancing down at her gear, the icons began to glow bright. It was then she realized somehow that this attack would go through. Glancing at the creature with a glare, she skate carefully on the slippery floor, she used her knowledge of skating on the ice with Raidou to keep her footing as she pulls her shield back closing the distance. Upon impact against the things chest, the flames ignite in a large burst of blue fire that stuck to his flesh, burning as he rages out in pain. Turning her head back to Rai with a a smile.

    (x3) Raw-A (10-2)= -8 EN

    ID:201572 | BD:8 Crit+1 (Focus), CD: 12, HIT Using (x3) Raw-A vs. Slime King Dealing 408-50= 358 DMG, [BRN: 224/2]  applied

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 72/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 55/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 6 | LD: 7 | REC: 8 | PHASE
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 85/132 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8 | EVA: 2 | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 1/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 72/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 82/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 105/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 6 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170 | Dote: 3/3

    [0,2,4,1,6,2] Slime King | HP:317/5000 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | BLGT: 32 [AoE] | TXV 64 (0/1) | [BRN: 224/2]

    King’s Aura: The <<Slime King>> is unaffected by Paralyze, Freeze and the Familiar’s Grappling skill.
    Almighty: The boss cannot be afflicted with both Lullaby and Hypnosis.
    Pure Structure: Any DoT effects on the boss will last half their original duration, except for Burn. Afflicting the boss with Burn will also deal double damage to it.
    Self Sustaining: On a CD 9+, <<Slime King>> will heal 100 HP at the end of his turn.
    Royal Gel: On an MD 9-10, the <<Slime King>> will launch an AoE attack at the four players with the highest hate, dealing 160 DMG and afflicting them with T4 Blight for two turns. This skill cannot occur once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated.
    Quick Split: On a CD 9+ and LD 10+, the <<Slime King>> will not attack and instead, summon a <<Slime Abomination>> to his aid. A <<Slime Abomination>> can only be summoned once per turn. This skill is deactivated once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated twice.
    Gelatinous Form: Every time the boss’ health reaches 0, two more Kings will spawn, using the next lowest HP available. If a Slime King with the lowest amount of max HP possible dies, he will not spawn any more.

  11. Concentration (CD 3/5)

    Shielding herself from the bright light, her ears began to ring from the pure blast that was Freyd. Glancing down at Raidou, "It's time to get up," holding her had down to Raidou as she walks toward him. Pulling him up to his feet, "Firm Anima, this creature is no different that what we have fought before. Strike big and precise and we will get through this like we did with that Dragon that we just fought. No matter how hard it may seem, keep going until it's done. I believe in you all." Glancing around the room as some mates where rubbing their eyes as others were having the same ear weirdness as her. They would get through this, she knew they would, Freyd had taken a huge chunk of damage off the total and it was just a matter of time before they did the rest. She would stand strong beside Raidou, it was time to focus on the task at hand. A glare toward the thing that was holding his head himself trying to contemplate what had just transpired.

    Raw-A (10-2)= -8 EN -2

    ID:201555 | BD:2+2-4=0, CD: 12, MISS Using Raw-A vs. Slime King        

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 70/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 61/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 6 | LD: 7 | REC: 8 | PHASE
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 94/132 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8 | EVA: 2 | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 1/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 78/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 89/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 95/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 6 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170 | Dote: 3/3

    [0,1,2,0,2,1] Slime King | HP:2265/5000 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | BLGT: 32 [AoE] | TXV 64 (0/1)

    King’s Aura: The <<Slime King>> is unaffected by Paralyze, Freeze and the Familiar’s Grappling skill.
    Almighty: The boss cannot be afflicted with both Lullaby and Hypnosis.
    Pure Structure: Any DoT effects on the boss will last half their original duration, except for Burn. Afflicting the boss with Burn will also deal double damage to it.
    Self Sustaining: On a CD 9+, <<Slime King>> will heal 100 HP at the end of his turn.
    Royal Gel: On an MD 9-10, the <<Slime King>> will launch an AoE attack at the four players with the highest hate, dealing 160 DMG and afflicting them with T4 Blight for two turns. This skill cannot occur once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated.
    Quick Split: On a CD 9+ and LD 10+, the <<Slime King>> will not attack and instead, summon a <<Slime Abomination>> to his aid. A <<Slime Abomination>> can only be summoned once per turn. This skill is deactivated once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated twice.
    Gelatinous Form: Every time the boss’ health reaches 0, two more Kings will spawn, using the next lowest HP available. If a Slime King with the lowest amount of max HP possible dies, he will not spawn any more.

  12. Concentration (CD 2/5)

    Seeing the others struggling to stay on their feet, she stays still so that she wouldn't have that issue. Hearing the noises coming around the corner, a large green thing comes into the room. This was the big this for this quest that they had to fight. It was clear by it's stance and how they presented themselves. Eruda right then pulls up her shield and walks just a bit forward. Glaring at the thing Eruda to bash the thing with no connection, as flames dance around her feet waiting to ignite. The creature's head turns slowly to her. "Come get me," saying as she readjusts her feet in the goop under her feet. She didn't want to face plant the ground like her sister and she knew that if she moved to fast, she would do just that. She was hoping to distract the creature enough to allow everyone to get back on their feet.

    [x3] RAW-A (10-2)= -8 EN -2 EN

    ID:201543 | BD:4+2-4=2, CD: 11, MISS Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Slime King

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 76/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 62/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 107/132 (114+4+8-19) | DMG: 29 (-3, CD 2/2) | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8 | EVA: 2 | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 1/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 64/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 93/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 6 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170 | Dote: 3/3

    [0,0,0,0,1,0] Slime King | HP: 5000/5000 | DMG: 220 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4

    King’s Aura: The <<Slime King>> is unaffected by Paralyze, Freeze and the Familiar’s Grappling skill.
    Almighty: The boss cannot be afflicted with both Lullaby and Hypnosis.
    Pure Structure: Any DoT effects on the boss will last half their original duration, except for Burn. Afflicting the boss with Burn will also deal double damage to it.
    Self Sustaining: On a CD 9+, <<Slime King>> will heal 100 HP at the end of his turn.
    Royal Gel: On an MD 9-10, the <<Slime King>> will launch an AoE attack at the four players with the highest hate, dealing 160 DMG and afflicting them with T4 Blight for two turns. This skill cannot occur once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated.
    Quick Split: On a CD 9+ and LD 10+, the <<Slime King>> will not attack and instead, summon a <<Slime Abomination>> to his aid. A <<Slime Abomination>> can only be summoned once per turn. This skill is deactivated once <<Gelatinous Form>> has activated twice.
    Gelatinous Form: Every time the boss’ health reaches 0, two more Kings will spawn, using the next lowest HP available. If a Slime King with the lowest amount of max HP possible dies, he will not spawn any more.

  13. Battle Heal Triggers Gaining +42 Health, Concentration [CD 3/5], ID:201453 | Battle:6, Craft:8, Loot:9 (Recovery Proc) +8 EN

    A gust of wind caused by the creatures flight. Glancing to Firm Anima, she knew the intention of this action. She would not let that damage go through. She would not let this creature hurt her family any more... Glancing up at the dragon, she quickly unlaces her shield from her arm as fury and flames began to boil inside of her. Taking a deep breath as she watches the creature get further into the air, taking the side of her shield with extra grip. Her fury and rage outburst in a detonation of blue flames as she throws her shield, igniting in flames as well with its own little burst as it sores through the air. A moment of silence as every one watches this burning metal, impact was made... One last echoing roar from the beast as the shield carves deep within the back of the neck. The wings stop flapping as it falls like a meteor toward the tower it claimed as it's own. Seeing the party move quickly to take cover away from the impacted spot as Rai shields Eruda and himself with his robe. Silence falls over the group, as Rai pulls his robe back. Eruda slowly walks to the fallen, as it bursts into nothing... Her shield clatters to the ground, picking it up now. Taking a deep breath now as she tries to cope with what just happened. "Let's go take care of this floor boss," looking to the group as they were all staring at Eruda and Raidou. This was only the beginning...

    They follow the markings of chalk created by Shiina to get out of the maze, getting out safely...

    [x3] RAW-A (10-2)=-8 EN

    ID:201454 | BD:10, CD: 8, CRIT+2 Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Shadow Dragon Matriarch Dealing 408-110=298 DMG, [BRN: 112/2] applied

    [H:12] Eruda | HP: 744/780 | EN: 82/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | EVA: 0(-1/2) | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    [H:2] Simmoné | HP: 580/700 | EN: 65/88 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 63 | EVA: 4(-1/2) | ACC: 3 | LD: 8 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | ENV.O: 32 | REC: 8
    [H:2] Sam | HP: 600/720 | EN: 58/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3(-1/2) | ACC: 3 | LD: 10 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    [H:0] Shiina | HP: 670/760 | EN: 83/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | EVA: 0(-1/2) | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    [H:4] Freya | HP: 620/740 | EN: 51/112(+3/2) | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5(-1/2) | ACC: 6 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    [H:15] Raidou | HP: 1034/1035 | EN: 84/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7(-1/2) | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170

    Shadow Dragon Matriarch | HP: 251/4500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 110 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | INCARCERATION | Hellfire | [SHATTER (2)/2/3][BLGT: 64/1][Fl. Thorns 32/1] BLD: 96/1 | ENV.O: 64/3 | FRSTB: 80/1 | STK: 80/1

    Dragon’s Scales: The Matriarch’s scales protect it, not allowing its MIT to drop below 110.
    Pureblood: The boss is immune to Hypnosis, Lullaby, Misperception, Paralysis, Freeze as well as the Familiar’s Grappling Skill.
    Tail Swipe: When rolling MD 9-10, the Matriarch will use its tail as a whip to attack all of the party, dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and lower everyone’s energy by 10.
    Piercing Gaze: On a CD 10+, the boss will paralyze the player with the lowest hate for a turn before attacking normally. This skill cannot activate alongside <<Tail Swipe>> or <<Hellfire>>.
    Vicious Stomp: In the case of a CD 6-9 and LD 10+, the Matriarch will stomp the ground, lowering the entire party’s EVA by 1 for two turns. This effect does not stacked and any further activations will refresh its duration.
    Preparation: Every four turns, the boss will attack the player with the highest hate for 100 DMG before flying up in the air, preparing to bombard the players with fire on its next turn. 
    Hellfire: After staying in <<Preparation>> for a turn uninterrupted, the boss will breathe out fire on the players, dealing 300 unmitigatable DMG and applying 24 Burn DMG for the next two turns.
    Bring Down The House: If the Matriarch is still in <<Preparation>>, players can deal 750 DMG to it to knock it out of the sky. Doing so will prevent it from using <<Hellfire>> and deal an additional 250 unmitigatable DMG to it.

  14. Battle healing activates healing +42 health, Concentration (CD 1/5) ID:201191 | Battle:9, Craft:10, Loot:15 (Recovers +8 EN)       

    Rushing down the hall the meet the others, she couldn't blame them really for running off. It wasn't really Freyd's fault that he slid down the hall, and Freya was just trying to give him support until the others got there. Simple though, as she turns the corner with flames beginning to light beneath her feet. The moment she had vision her rage out bursts with a battle cry creating most of the attention of her. It was clear that Freya had already done some serious damage, only a bit left to go. Counting the room, there was a lot more of the bigger one this time. "Another 6, more on the large side." This was mainly intended for Raidou as he was the other tank in the team, letting him know that she couldn't get all of their attention. Sliding her feet between the creatures and her allies, she would protect them no matter what.

    Using Howl -2 EN (CD 0/2)
    Slime Polyp #1
    Slime Polyp #2
    Slime Abomination #1
    Slime Abomination #2

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 77/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 67/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3(+1) | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 114/132 (114+4+8-12) | DMG: 29(-3, CD 1/2) | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8(+1) | EVA: 2 (-1) | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 3/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 68/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7(+1) | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2(+1) | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 106/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4(+1) | BH: 56 | LD: 6 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170 | Dote: 3/3

    [0,0,0,0,0,0] Slime Worm | HP: 1200/1200 | DMG: 120 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1
    [0,0,0,1,4,0] Slime Polyp #1 | HP: 248/800 | DMG: 80 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BLGT: 32
    [0,0,0,1,4,0] Slime Polyp #2 | HP: 248/800 | DMG: 80 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BLGT: 32
    [0,0,0,0,0,0] Slime Polyp #3 | HP: 800/800 | DMG: 80 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BLGT: 32
    [0,0,0,1,4,0] Slime Abomination #1 | HP: 288/900 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2
    [0,0,0,1,4,0] Slime Abomination #2 | HP: 288/900 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 40 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2

    Slime Worm
    Predator: On an MD 10, <<Slime Worm>> will attack again. This effect cannot occur twice in a row.
    Toxic Touch: If an attack roll against a <<Slime Worm>> results in an CD 10+, the player will lose 3 base DMG for the next two turns. This effect does not stack.

    Slime Polyp
    Toxic: On an MD 9-10, the monster’s attacks will inflict T4 Blight for two turns on their targets.
    Acid Spit: In the case of a CD 6+ and MD 9-10, the attack will become an AoE and target the four players with the highest hate.
    Unison: If another Slime monster falls, <<Slime Polyp>> will gain +10 DMG for the rest of the battle.

    Slime Abomination
    Back and Forth: If a <<Slime Abomination>> takes 500 DMG before its next turn, it will attack twice during the following turn.
    Strength in Numbers: If any other Slime monsters are alive, every second attack, the <<Slime Abomination>> will instead heal every Slime for its DMG.
    Unison: If another Slime monster falls, <<Slime Abomination>> will gain +10 DMG for the rest of the battle.

  15. Battle Heal Triggers Gaining +42 Health, Concentration [CD 2/5], ID:201182 | Battle:9, Craft:11, Loot:10 (Recovery Proc) +8 EN

    A shield to her face as a force pushed her back. A deep breath as she glances at the health of her party. It was clear that the beast was pissed but so were the tanks. Flames dance around her feet as she stood next to Raidou, the mixture of his red fury and her blue flames made a very odd color. The moment the beast head moves down, Eruda's shield was against his face as a rebuke against the damage that he had caused. "SHIINA," she calls behind her as the creature shakes his head furiously upon impact on her metal. Like Rai, she was not going to let him press his attacks on their team if she could help it. It was the one thing she could not stand for, standing side by side with Raidou. "BRING IT," as her flames burst with the rage that she felt toward this mystical creature.

    [x3] RAW-A (10-2 EN)=-8 EN

    ID:201183 | BD:6+2-1=7, CD: 3, HIT Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Shadow Dragon Matriarch Dealing 408-110=298 DMG

    [H:8] Eruda | HP: 702/780 | EN: 82/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | EVA: 0(-1/2) | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    [H:2] Simmoné | HP: 580/700 | EN: 73/88 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 63 | EVA: 4(-1/2) | ACC: 3 | LD: 8 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | ENV.O: 32 | REC: 8
    [H:1] Sam | HP: 600/720 | EN: 85/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3(-1/2) | ACC: 3 | LD: 10 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    [H:0] Shiina | HP: 640/760 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | EVA: 0(-1/2) | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    [H:3] Freya | HP: 620/740 | EN: 74/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5(-1/2) | ACC: 6 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    [H:11] Raidou | HP: 915/1035 | EN: 95/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7(-1/2) | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170

    Shadow Dragon Matriarch | HP: 1429/4500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 110 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | INCARCERATION | Preparation READY | [SHATTER (2)/1/2][BLGT: 64/1][Fl. Thorns 32/2]

    Dragon’s Scales: The Matriarch’s scales protect it, not allowing its MIT to drop below 110.
    Pureblood: The boss is immune to Hypnosis, Lullaby, Misperception, Paralysis, Freeze as well as the Familiar’s Grappling Skill.
    Tail Swipe: When rolling MD 9-10, the Matriarch will use its tail as a whip to attack all of the party, dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and lower everyone’s energy by 10.
    Piercing Gaze: On a CD 10+, the boss will paralyze the player with the lowest hate for a turn before attacking normally. This skill cannot activate alongside <<Tail Swipe>> or <<Hellfire>>.
    Vicious Stomp: In the case of a CD 6-9 and LD 10+, the Matriarch will stomp the ground, lowering the entire party’s EVA by 1 for two turns. This effect does not stacked and any further activations will refresh its duration.
    Preparation: Every four turns, the boss will attack the player with the highest hate for 100 DMG before flying up in the air, preparing to bombard the players with fire on its next turn. 
    Hellfire: After staying in <<Preparation>> for a turn uninterrupted, the boss will breathe out fire on the players, dealing 300 unmitigatable DMG and applying 24 Burn DMG for the next two turns.
    Bring Down The House: If the Matriarch is still in <<Preparation>>, players can deal 750 DMG to it to knock it out of the sky. Doing so will prevent it from using <<Hellfire>> and deal an additional 250 unmitigatable DMG to it.

  16. Watching Freya, it was weird, she seemed different right, it was odd to see this still even though it was explained to her just the other day. Seeing it in action though was much different than just hearing. It was a unique part of Freya that Eruda had excepted. As long as she was safe, it was all that mattered. Her eyes shift to one of the goops as she follows suit right behind Freya as it took damage but wasn't laying still yet. The icons that link the two parts together glow bright as did she with a large burst of flames upon impact toward this poor creature. A screech from this simpleton as it ignites in blue fire and tries to slither away from Eruda. A small grin as she was painted in slime herself. Everyone was grossed out a bit but Eruda was satisfied. -Bring it-, she thought to herself as her feet move with grace around the remaining slimes to gather them together for the force that was Raidou, making it easier on him ever so slightly.

    Raw-A (10-2 [Stamina]) -8 EN, Using Concentration (CD 0/5)

    ID:201154 | BD:9, CRIT+1 Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Slime Worm #3 Dealing 408 DMG, [BRN: 56/2]  applied

    Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 78/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 75/90 | DMG: 29(+4) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | LD: 7 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | PARA | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    Freyd | HP: 1097/1097 | EN: 114/132 (132-18) | DMG: 29(+4)(-3, CD 0/2) | MIT: 98 | ACC: 8 | EVA: 2 (-1) | BH: 60 | LD: 8 | PROSP 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV 32/3 | TROLL'S BLOOD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 3/3
    Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 93/112 | DMG: 29(+4) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 7 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 82/90 | DMG: 8(+4) | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 14(+4) | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 6 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170 | Dote: 3/3

    [0,0,1,1,0,0] Slime Worm #1 | HP: 150/1200 | DMG: 120 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1
    [0,0,0,1,4,0] Slime Worm #3| HP: 282/1200 | DMG: 120 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | [BRN: 56/2]

    Slime Polyp
    Acid Spit: In the case of a CD 6+ and MD 9-10, the attack will become an AoE and target the four players with the highest hate.
    Unison: If another Slime monster falls, <<Slime Polyp>> will gain +10 DMG for the rest of the battle.

    Slime Worm
    Predator: On an MD 10, <<Slime Worm>> will attack again. This effect cannot occur twice in a row.
    Toxic Touch: If an attack roll against a <<Slime Worm>> results in an CD 10+, the player will lose 3 base DMG for the next two turns. This effect does not stack.

  17. Eruda lays there thinking. This battle was only one of many that she would be facing with Raidou. This is what she had wanted and Samantha was right on point. She did want to prove that she could do this. She knew with the right support on the team that her health would not be an issue, but that feeling that she could tank the near impossible without Raidou present was an amazing feeling. Eruda was ready, she was ready to face those situations with Raidou by her side. Protecting everyone that they loved most in this world, she lays there in the heat with a large smile on her face. The heat felt nice on her skin, Raserei walks to her and just lays there with Eruda. Opening her eyes, "You did really well too my little wolf, I am proud of you too." Setting a hand on her back, as her fingers moved slightly scratching that fur of hers. She was ready, Firm Anima was ready...

    Later that day she gives the equipment back to Freyd:
    All-Weather Plate +4 (T4 Perfect Heavy Armor - Antifreeze, Fireproof, Thorns 1)
    Collateral Crunch (T1 Rare Shield; TAUNT, REC 1)

  18. Battle Healing activates (Heals 42 Health), Rampart (CD 2/5), ID:201122 | Battle:7, Craft:3, Loot:9 (No Proc)  

    Down to two, they were dying quickly and that is what she was waiting for. Getting to her feet as she sees the remainder Cerberus head come in toward her, placing her shield up as teeth catch her arm. Eruda just grins as she pushed her metal against this creature. When the pressure became to much, the head started to move back. Eruda takes this opportunity to pull her shield back but then slams it right against face, sending it back as it looses its balance and falls limp with a -THUD-. Eruda's eyes now dart to the hound that Freya send off of her. It was trying to run knowing that it was out numbered. Suddenly Raserei comes out of seemingly no where and tackles it to the ground. Holding it on the ground, pinned with her jaw latched onto its throat bearing her canine teeth with a growling that has yet to be heard from her wolf til now. Fir was fluffed up as you could see the blue flames from the wolfs frame sheering and sizzling with this hounds own fire. With a raise of her brow she turns to Freyd. "Would you like to do the honor," as she too sits on the ground, now exhausted... 

    Eruda uses Howl -2 EN (CD 0/2)

    ID:201123 | MD: 7+3=10, Hits, Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) vs Eruda Dealing 175-147=28 Damage, Inflicted with 72 Thorns and 8 Flame Thorns
    ID:201124 | MD: 3+2=5, Miss, Infernal Hell Hound 1 vs Eruda

    ID:201125 | Battle:1, Craft:10, Loot:18 Loot roll for Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1)

    Freyd | HP: 890/980 (980-90) | EN: 111/132 (123+4-16) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA) | (EVA -1) | BH: 53 | LD: 5 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8
    Sam | HP: 622/720 | EN: 85/90 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 7 | AA | PHASE | REC: 8
    Freya | HP: 620/740 | EN: 83/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 4 | LD: 6 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 680/780 | EN: 86/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | FRZ IMMUNE | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72 | FL. THRNS: 8

    [0,3,0,8] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 10/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [1,0,0,4] Infernal Hell Hound 1 | HP: 5/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2

    Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
    Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
    Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
    Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
    Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
    Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
    Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  

    Infernal Hell Hounds:
    Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
    Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against an Infernal Hell Hound, the player receives 25 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Infernal Hell Hounds increases damage received by the player to 40. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
    Infernal Soul |Deals additional damage. (+25 minor crit | +50 major crit)

    Total Loot:
    T4 Perfect Consumable #201106a
    T4 Rare Trinket #201106b
    T4 Rare Trinket #201125a


  19. Battle Healing activates (Heals 42 Health), Howl (CD 2/2) Refreshed, Rampart (CD 1/5), ID:201099 | Battle:3, Craft:3, Loot:16 (No Proc)       

    Glancing up at all the health bars of these heads now, she quickly switches to her normal shield. The matching pair to her sword as the icons linked to one another glow once more. Getting up to his feet from all the blows that were taken, the three heads raise up and give a loud -HOWL-. Eruda watches in the distance for the others to come knowing they were from what she had read in Raidou's notes. Around the corner comes three raging infernal hell hounds parading toward the group. Eruda's first instinct is to get their attention so she quickly races between her team and the hounds. Sliding to a halt in front of them as one starts to race past Eruda before getting a shield bashed against his head. It got the gist as the 3 started to circle around Eruda. Slowly backing up so that the Cerberus heads would be in proximity allowing the others to follow her. It was go time...

    One of the large heads behind her snap at her before getting a shield to the face, following suit as the one just to it's right comes in for a snap. Eruda burst's into blue flames as the last head expires and falls limp on the large body. Each hound got a taste as they crunch against Eruda's arms and one clamps down on her leg. Being attacked at all angles as she flails her shield around gracefully, striking at every turn as her flames followed her every movement. This is what she was training to do...

    Eruda Switches her Shield as a post action from battle ready inventory. From this [Collateral Crunch (T1 Rare Shield; TAUNT, REC 1)] to this [Stalwart Defender T4 Demonic: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1, Flame Thorns 1)]             

    Cerberus Uses Blazing Bite as a free action

    ID:201100 | MD: 5+3=8, Hit Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) vs Eruda dealing 175-147=28 Damage, (Takes 72 Thorns and 8 Flame Thorns Damage)
    ID:201101 | MD: 7+3=10, Hit Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) vs Eruda dealing 175-147=28 Damage, (Takes 72 Thorns and 8 Flame Thorns Damage)
    ID:201102 | MD: 8+3=11, Hit Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) vs Eruda dealing 175-147=28 Damage, (Takes 72 Thorns and 8 Flame Thorns Damage)
    ID:201103 | MD: 10 Major Critical Infernal Hell Hound 1 vs Eruda dealing 175-147=28 Damage
    ID:201104 | MD: 4+2=6, Hit Infernal Hell Hound 2 vs Eruda dealing 125-147=1 Damage, (Takes 72 Thorns and 8 Flame Thorns Damage)
    ID:201105 | MD: 8+2=10, Hit Infernal Hell Hound 3 vs Eruda dealing 125-147=1 Damage, (Takes 72 Thorns and 8 Flame Thorns Damage)

    ID:201106 | Battle:7, Craft:4, Loot:20 Loot Roll for Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2)

    Freyd | HP: 980/980 | EN: 123/132 | DMG: 30 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 8 (AA) | BH: 53 | LD: 5 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8
    Sam | HP: 652/720 | EN: 79/90 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 7 | AA | PHASE | REC: 8
    Freya | HP: 680/740 | EN: 89/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 4 | LD: 6 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 666/780 | EN: 84/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | FRZ IMMUNE | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | REC: 4 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72 | FL. THRNS: 8

    [0,3,0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 10/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [0,0,1,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 32/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [1,0,0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 39/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [0,0,0,0] Infernal Hell Hound 1 | HP: 450/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | Flame Aura: 25 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
    [0,0,0,0] Infernal Hell Hound 2 | HP: 370/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | Flame Aura: 25 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
    [0,0,0,0] Infernal Hell Hound 3 | HP: 370/450 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | Flame Aura: 25 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2

    Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status ailments.
    Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
    Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. This also extends to AoE attacks.
    Burning Bite | On Cerberus' successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.) This ailment is negatable by Fireproof.
    Boiling Hide | On successful attacks against Cerberus, the player receives 30 thorns damage. Successful critical attacks against Cerberus increases damage received by the player to 50. This damage is negatable by Fireproof.
    Infernal Punishment | On a critical attack, heads of Cerberus that have not yet attacked for that turn will gain additional damage and 50% Phase for their attack that turn. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
    Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post. Damage from new applications of Burning Bite is now doubled. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  
    NOTE: Boss stats were altered after consultation with staff for clarification on Flame Aura.  This stat block reflects the updated content.
    NOTE: I miscalculated healing effects incorrectly on post 6.  Eruda healed more than originally shown.  Value corrected in this post.

    Infernal Hell Hounds:
    Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
    Infernal Soul |Deals additional damage. (+25 minor crit | +50 major crit)

    Total Loot:
    T4 Perfect Consumable #201106a
    T4 Rare Trinket #201106b


  20. Concentration [CD 1/5], ID:201075 | Battle:2, Craft:7, Loot:6 (Recovery Proc) +8 EN

    Seeing Raidou and the dragon lock together, no one was seeming to get anywhere. Something had to give, and she was not going to give up hope. Time and time again they have fought a sea of different enemies and this time was going to be no different. They would win no matter what. As she attempts to bash her shield against the shoulder once more, her flames on her shield burn out. A small huff as she turns to the group. "This is only a fragment of what the next floor boss will have to offer. The odds will be stacked against us and there will be issues like now. Keep at it and stay strong, work together and we will get through this." Her face was more serious than it has ever been and every word spoken was from pure faith. This will end the way they want but not how they expected...

    [x3] RAW-A (10 EN) -2

    ID:201076 | BD:1+2-1=1, CD: 6, MISS Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Shadow Dragon Matriarch

    [H:5] Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 8(+4) | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    [H:1] Simmoné | HP: 700/700 | EN: 73/88 | DMG: 27(+4) | MIT: 63 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 3 | LD: 8 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | ENV.O: 32 | REC: 8
    [H:1] Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 80/90 | DMG: 29(+4) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | LD: 10 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | PARA | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    [H:0] Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 78/88 | DMG: 1(-4) | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112 [Paralyzed]
    [H:3] Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 83/112 | DMG: 29(+4) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 6 | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    [H:7] Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 106/108 | DMG: 14(+4) | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4 | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170

    Shadow Dragon Matriarch | HP: 2656/4500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 130 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | INCARCERATION | Preparation [2/3] | [BRN 112/1] | [SHATTER 1/2] | [BLD: 96/1]

    Dragon’s Scales: The Matriarch’s scales protect it, not allowing its MIT to drop below 110.
    Pureblood: The boss is immune to Hypnosis, Lullaby, Misperception, Paralysis, Freeze as well as the Familiar’s Grappling Skill.
    Tail Swipe: When rolling MD 9-10, the Matriarch will use its tail as a whip to attack all of the party, dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and lower everyone’s energy by 10.
    Piercing Gaze: On a CD 10+, the boss will paralyze the player with the lowest hate for a turn before attacking normally. This skill cannot activate alongside <<Tail Swipe>> or <<Hellfire>>.
    Vicious Stomp: In the case of a CD 6-9 and LD 10+, the Matriarch will stomp the ground, lowering the entire party’s EVA by 1 for two turns. This effect does not stacked and any further activations will refresh its duration.
    Preparation: Every four turns, the boss will attack the player with the highest hate for 100 DMG before flying up in the air, preparing to bombard the players with fire on its next turn. 
    Hellfire: After staying in <<Preparation>> for a turn uninterrupted, the boss will breathe out fire on the players, dealing 300 unmitigatable DMG and applying 24 Burn DMG for the next two turns.
    Bring Down The House: If the Matriarch is still in <<Preparation>>, players can deal 750 DMG to it to knock it out of the sky. Doing so will prevent it from using <<Hellfire>> and deal an additional 250 unmitigatable DMG to it.

  21. Battle Healing activates (Heals 42 Health), Howl (CD 1/2)

    Eruda smiles as the others arrive. Listening to was Sam said, she trusted in her. She knew that Sam was smart with the numbers so if she did some further research toward this quest, then she would trust in her to get this right. Eruda closes her eyes to focus a skill that she has had forever but never used before now. A dark blue light surrounds her and makes a  barrier around her form. Right after the dogs maws began to nip at her but only scratch the surface this time. Her health didn't seem to go down this time but there was always next time. Glancing to Freyd now, "Heal me like before, take no other action. I trust Sam." A smile is given toward Freyd with this being said. She had to believe that everything would work out exactly how it was meant to and if by a slim change that Sam was wrong in her calculations and they would have to take this quest again then so be it. They would come better prepared next time. But this time, right now, she chose to trust in what Sam was telling her. That was what Firm Anima was about.

    Eruda uses Rampart -10 EN (CD 0/5) [Reduces all final DMG by 25% after MITI]

    ID:201063 | MD: 1, Miss! Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) vs Eruda
    ID:201064 | MD: 5+3=8, Hit! Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) vs Eruda Dealing 175-147=28*.75=21 Damage Inflicting 36 Thorns Damage (Flameproof no damage from Flame Aura)
    ID:201065 | MD: 4+3=7, Hit!! Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) vs Eruda Dealing 175-147=28*.75=21 Damage Inflicting 36 Thorns Damage (Flameproof no damage from Flame Aura)

    Freyd | HP: 950/980 | EN: 95/132 (108+4-17) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 8 (AA) | BH: 53 | LD: 5 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8
    Sam | HP: 640/720 | EN: 77/90 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | LD: 7 | AA | PHASE | REC: 8
    Freya | HP: 680/740 | EN: 91/112 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 4 | LD: 6 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    Eruda | HP: 601/780 | EN: 80/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | FRZ IMMUNE | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | REC: 1 | TAUNT | THRNS: 36

    [0,2,0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 291/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | Flame Aura: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [0,0,1,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 233/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | Flame Aura: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [1,0,0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 119/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | Flame Aura: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

    Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
    Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. AoE attacks are ineffectual against this boss.
    Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
    Infernal Punishment | On critical attacks, this boss gains additional damage and will Phase through 50% of the target’s Mitigation on all attacks for that turn following the critical hit. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
    Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status effects.
    Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post.  <<Blazing Bite>> will replace <<Burning Bite>>, doubling the Burn damage. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)

  22. Jumping over the ledge as the ground slightly shakes from the impact of the land. Eruda's eyes dart to the figure with three raging heads. Raserei begins to growl as Eruda closed her eyes for a split second before she opens them and a burst of flames illuminates from her from. All the heads turn to her and she raises her shield walking slowly toward the large creature. Two of the dog like heads bite down on Eruda like a chew toy but insently retract shaking the the pure heat that Eruda let off. The middle head however latches her arm holding her sword. "Freyd it's go time," as Raserei gives a growling lead on the creature larger than her and begins to nah on one of the necks connecting to the body. She would have to trust Freyd, this was his chance to prove that she could. Trying to pull her arm away but it was no use. It had to much of a grip so she smashes her shield against his head, he un-latches right then... 

    Howl -2

    ID:201044 | MD: 8+3=11 Hit, Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) vs Eruda Dealing 175-147=28 Damage (No Burn due to Fireproof) Taking 36 Thorns DMG
    ID:201045 | MD: 7+3=10 Hit, Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) vs Eruda Dealing 175-147=28 Damage (No Burn due to Fireproof)Taking 36 Thorns DMG
    ID:201046 | MD: 10 Major Critical, Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) vs Eruda Dealing 250-(147/2 PHASE=73)=177 Damage (No Burn due to Fireproof)

    Freyd | HP: 905/980 (980-75) | EN: 108/132 (132-16-8) | DMG: 30 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 8 (AA) | BH: 53 | LD: 5 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 547/780 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | FRZ IMMUNE | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | REC: 1 | TAUNT | THRNS: 36

    [0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #1) HP: 614/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | Flame Aura: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #2) HP: 614/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | Flame Aura: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    [0,4] Cerberus, Inferno's Rage (Head #3) HP: 650/650 | DMG: 175 | MIT: 75 | Flame Aura: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2

    Bringing Hell | This boss can attack once per turn for each head active.
    Limited Availability | Players can only target one head at a time. AoE attacks are ineffectual against this boss.
    Burning Bite | On successful attacks, the player is afflicted with T4 Burn. (56 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)
    Infernal Punishment | On critical attacks, this boss gains additional damage and will Phase through 50% of the target’s Mitigation on all attacks for that turn following the critical hit. (+25 on minor crit | +75 on major crit)
    Bloodless | This boss is immune to all status effects.
    Blazing Bite | If all three heads are reduced to 150 HP or less without any having been destroyed, <<Cerberus, Inferno’s Rage>> will howl with all three heads, summoning 3 <<Infernal Hell Hounds>> to come to its aid as a Free Action. They attack immediately, as part of the same post.  <<Blazing Bite>> will replace <<Burning Bite>>, doubling the Burn damage. (112 unmitigatable damage per turn for 2 turns.)  

  23. Sitting on her couch tracing over the symbols that her father had carved on her sword and shield. He knew that the power of either would be dull until they were fully finished and paired together. He was an amazing blacksmith and a wonderful father even though she had only really met him. Leaning back against the sofa, a chime of her HUD. With a raise of her brow, it was Freyd. A quest that she was already planning on going for. After that last quest though it was weird to think that there was something bigger out there than Aincrad itself. Was that female even human... She would set all that on the back burner for al least now, as she gets from her couch and sets some of her equipment in her battle ready inventory. She would be taking a risk to change her equipment now, but Freyd was there. If Raidou and Freya trusted him with there life, then she would take that chance too. "You ready to go visit home my little wolf." Raserei perks up from where she laid and ran right to the door. "Thought so," saying with a grin as she gathers a few other things and heads out to floor 9.

    "So a rubber suit, huh, well let me have it." Freyd hand her the armor, she felt really bare with her plate on. It was warm outside given the area, but Eruda was used to the heat. Freyd turns away to let her get dressed. Very thoughtful as she gets the armor on. Moments later Freyd turns, giving her a shield as well. She knew that she would have to downgrade for this quest but damn... "Okay, so what is the plan. I know that we have to get each head at a certain health after the others are gone of course, to get that art that I am looking for... I read Raidou's notes..." Readjusting the armor, it was uncomfortable compared to what she was wearing. 

    Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (5/6)

    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | FRZ IMMUNE | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | REC: 1 | TAUNT | THRNS: 36


    Eruda, The Blazing Lily
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 29
    HP: 780/780
    EN: 90/90

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 147
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 42
    BRN: 56
    REC: 1
    THRNS: 36

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: All-Weather Plate +4 (T4 Perfect Heavy Armor - Antifreeze, Fireproof, Thorns 1)
    Misc: "Collateral Crunch (T1 Rare Shield; TAUNT, REC 1)

    Custom Skill:

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Stalwart Defender T4 Demonic: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1, Flame Thorns 1) x1
    Reinforced Plate - Lily T4 Demonic: Flame Aura 2, Flameproof, Recovery 1 x

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:



  24. She had looked away for less than a minute and the two of them were making this seem like a joke. "Work as one Firm Anima. Now is not the time to revert back to the old ways. We have come to far and been through to much to do just that." A turn to the others that would see her eyes flare up. Quickly glancing to shield, she needed to figure out how this combo worked and fast. New mechanics and new arts, a lot to figure out. Eruda was determined to get it right. Placing the edge against the ends metal and carving down, harder than before. Sparks fly in every direction before flame once again burst in every direction but this time it hit the large mystical creature and hard. As the scale of his body set to blue flame, it finds a shield against it's shoulder blade stumbling back from the pure impact of the unknown blow. The large figure cries out in pain as his scales start to burn off its flesh. "Sam, use what you learned from Monkey King, Simmone find a weak point and strike hard. I believe in you, all of you." Her attention shifts back to the creature in front of them who was trying to put the flames out with no success as it began to spread up his body. Raidou had it's attention, she would create that opening for the others.

    [x3] RAW-A (10 EN) Using Concentration [CD 0/5]

    ID:200939 | BD:7+3-1-1=8, CD: 2, HIT Using [x3] RAW-A vs. Shadow Dragon Matriarch Dealing 408-150=258 DMG Burn Applied (112/2)

    [H:4] Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 80/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2(+1) | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112
    [H:0] Simmoné | HP: 700/700 | EN: 86/88 | DMG: 27 | MIT: 63 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 3(+1) | LD: 8 | BLD: 48 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | ENV.O: 32 | REC: 8
    [H:0] Sam | HP: 720/720 | EN: 88/90 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3(+1) | LD: 10 | BLD: 48 | ENV.O: 32 | FRSTB: 40 | PARA | REC: 8 | STK: 40
    [H:0] Shiina | HP: 760/760 | EN: 82/88 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 251 | ACC: 0(-1) | LD: 1 | FL. AURA: 16 | FR. AURA: 16 | HLY BLS: 30 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 112
    [H:1] Freya | HP: 740/740 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 6(+1) | LD: 9 | AA | BLD: 48 | PHASE | REC: 4 | V.O.: 81
    [H:6] Raidou | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 104/108 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 129 | EVA: 7 | ACC: 4(+1) | BH: 56 | LD: 9 | BLGT: 32 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | V.D.: 113 | V.O.: 170

    Shadow Dragon Matriarch | HP: 3957/4500 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 150 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3 | INCARCERATION | Preparation [1/3] Burn Applied (112/2)

    Dragon’s Scales: The Matriarch’s scales protect it, not allowing its MIT to drop below 110.
    Pureblood: The boss is immune to Hypnosis, Lullaby, Misperception, Paralysis, Freeze as well as the Familiar’s Grappling Skill.
    Tail Swipe: When rolling MD 9-10, the Matriarch will use its tail as a whip to attack all of the party, dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and lower everyone’s energy by 10.
    Piercing Gaze: On a CD 10+, the boss will paralyze the player with the lowest hate for a turn before attacking normally. This skill cannot activate alongside <<Tail Swipe>> or <<Hellfire>>.
    Vicious Stomp: In the case of a CD 6-9 and LD 10+, the Matriarch will stomp the ground, lowering the entire party’s EVA by 1 for two turns. This effect does not stacked and any further activations will refresh its duration.
    Preparation: Every four turns, the boss will attack the player with the highest hate for 100 DMG before flying up in the air, preparing to bombard the players with fire on its next turn. 
    Hellfire: After staying in <<Preparation>> for a turn uninterrupted, the boss will breathe out fire on the players, dealing 300 unmitigatable DMG and applying 24 Burn DMG for the next two turns.
    Bring Down The House: If the Matriarch is still in <<Preparation>>, players can deal 750 DMG to it to knock it out of the sky. Doing so will prevent it from using <<Hellfire>> and deal an additional 250 unmitigatable DMG to it.

  25. Walking in silence beside Raidou, trying to take any big breaths. It was horrible smelling down here but that would not distract her from the task at hand. Freyd had spotted the monster and they looked like slimes, which made sense giving this quest. Glancing into the distance there was a good hand full of these creatures. Never fighting them before, she was unsure what to expect so she would keep on her toes. Droplets echoed in the area, hard to tell in which direction. Pulling out her sword and shield as she fell just a bit behind Raidou and Freyd. She would be ready to take on the adds if she needed to but if there was a big bad creature amosnt the fray then she would let Raidou take position. Walking behind them as she kept her eyes side dry from the water above them. She would be ready for anything that came their way regardless.

    Mitigation +3 (T4): 190995, 190996, 190996-1 [Feasted]

    Feast [1/6] T4 Mitigation 3
    Immolation Potion (T4)
    Freyd shares: Gugnir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (3/6)

    Eruda | HP: 780/780 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 239 | ACC: 2 | BH: 42 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 112


    Eruda, The Blazing Lily
    Level: 31
    Paragon Level: 29
    HP: 780/780
    EN: 90/90

    Damage: 8
    Mitigation: 239
    Accuracy: 2
    Battle Healing: 42
    BRN: 56
    FL. AURA: 16
    FL. THRN: 8
    REC: 8
    THRNS: 112

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Consuming Pyre - Surt T4: (Burn 2, Taunt)
    Armor: Reinforced Plate - Lily T4 Demonic: Flame Aura 2, Flameproof, Recovery 1
    Misc: Stalwart Defender T4 Demonic: (Thorns 2, Recovery 1, Flame Thorns 1)

    Custom Skill:

    Curved Sword R5
    Heavy Armor R5
    Battle Healing R5
    Fighting Spirit

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:

    Iron Skin

    Active Extra Skills:
    Block R5

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    ITEM x1

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:

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