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About orhalimi

  • Birthday 04/08/1990

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    Geeky things

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  1. Going to check the SP system. 
    It sound great! the only downside is that someone can potentially choose if he used it or not after he know the dice results..

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    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      you know, there is a thing that if I add your name, id tells me all your recent rolls (50 or so) and how they are linked. Any staff member probably knows how to use that so good luck in trying to cheat the system.

    3. Azide


      Just because it can be done in theory doesn't mean it's actually done. The system's not perfect, and Orhalimi is right- I've noticed it happening myself. That being said, it's hard to come up with a way around that particular issue.

      'It' referring to the checking of a user's rolling history.

    4. orhalimi


      Ariel - It's not hard. I'm not rolling twice, I will just write my post according to this roll and decide if to use skill or not.

      Well maybe you can add an option if you are using it or not on permaroller before the roll.
      It about trust, I get it. But in PVP its become more critical then PVE :-(

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