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Status Replies posted by Mari

  1. Some RP's are pretty hard to reply to but that won't stop me RPing NOPE NOEP!

  2. Some RP's are pretty hard to reply to but that won't stop me RPing NOPE NOEP!

  3. Drake isn't crazy. No, that Uriel guy was crazy.

  4. Some RP's are pretty hard to reply to but that won't stop me RPing NOPE NOEP!

  5. Sick and home from work :(

  6. Wanting to start my shop..but still waiting for approval of the quest:(

  7. Need to do another quest or SP or something,

  8. Need to do another quest or SP or something,

  9. Need to do another quest or SP or something,

  10. Need to do another quest or SP or something,

  11. Looking for someone whose willing to meet my character and maybe train him a little or get him some stuff, since he can't look like vincent in cloth clothing XD

  12. Just needing some assistance in getting started is all XD

  13. Please if you attended my party...leave! I need to get this thread done!

  14. Mari won't kill Legion will she? And if he is at a kind distance like Clarence, him approaching causal like, then Legion is fine? Right Mari?

  15. Snap hydra's next form! Yuji or Rue should probably heal Rue otherwise Rue gon die

  16. Snap hydra's next form! Yuji or Rue should probably heal Rue otherwise Rue gon die

  17. Mari won't kill Legion will she? And if he is at a kind distance like Clarence, him approaching causal like, then Legion is fine? Right Mari?

  18. Mari won't kill Legion will she? And if he is at a kind distance like Clarence, him approaching causal like, then Legion is fine? Right Mari?

  19. Mari won't kill Legion will she? And if he is at a kind distance like Clarence, him approaching causal like, then Legion is fine? Right Mari?

  20. Finished with my Journal, need approval now. Took me... 30 minutes.

  21. Finished with my Journal, need approval now. Took me... 30 minutes.

  22. New challenge posted in the Aincrad Fitness Challenge. How 'bout you get started early on that New Year resolution?

  23. lotsa PP and SP threads lately...should I make an OP or should I just wait for one?

  24. I suggest all BLACKSMITHS to take a look at the player request board. First to accept gets the deal.

  25. Yes, he has arrived. Whom might you ask? Him.

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