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Posts posted by Simmone

  1. 2/8/21 (Crafting Respite: 179945) Milky Way Rail Blueprint (1 of remaining 2) (ID's: 10 + 3 [Familiar] + 1 [Extended Workshop] + 2 [Trading Hall] = 16 x 2 [Respite] = 32)

    T3 Perfect Light Armor #173803a

    ID:173803a (T3/Light Armor/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182640 5 2 7 Savvy/L.M.
    182641 10 2 20 Loot Dice
    182642 4 11 2 Regen/Recovery

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179215c

    ID:179215c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182643 4 3 20 Damage/Accuracy
    182644 4 4 10 Bleed/Paralyze
    182645 9 9 16 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179218b

    ID:179218b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182646 1 3 5 Taunt/Keen
    182647 6 8 11 Bleed/Paralyze
    182648 8 11 10 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179228b

    ID:179228b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182649 1 6 19 Damage/Accuracy
    182650 4 1 19 Damage/Accuracy
    182651 3 12 19 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179228c

    ID:179228c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182652 3 5 5 Taunt/Keen
    182653 2 1 11 Bleed/Paralyze
    182654 3 10 14 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179230b

    ID:179230b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182655 5 3 18 Damage/Accuracy
    182656 1 4 16 Damage/Accuracy
    182657 8 9 10 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Weapon #179231a

    ID:179231a (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182658 8 6 16 Damage/Accuracy
    182659 4 9 10 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179252a

    ID:179252a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182660 1 9 15 Damage/Accuracy
    182661 8 4 8 Bleed/Paralyze
    182662 1 1 16 Damage/Accuracy




    T3 Perfect Weapon #179334b

    ID:179334b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182663 3 8 12 Bleed/Paralyze
    182664 10 4 8 Bleed/Paralyze
    182665 10 11 17 Absolute Accuracy/Phase


    Name: Slate Axe
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Two Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Phase, Bleed 1, Paralyze 1
    Post Link: Here
    A simplistic looking weapon of glass appearance. It looks more like a component then an actual weapon.


    T3 Perfect Weapon #179336a

    ID:179336a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182667 3 2 5 Taunt/Keen
    182666 3 8 13 Bleed/Paralyze
    182668 9 12 11 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179336b

    ID:179336b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182669 3 11 10 Bleed/Paralyze
    182670 9 4 14 Damage/Accuracy
    182671 9 4 8 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179336c

    ID:179336c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182672 6 9 12 Bleed/Paralyze
    182673 6 6 6 Taunt/Keen
    182674 1 11 11 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #180198b

    ID:180198b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182675 10 10 15 Vampiric (Offensive)/Envenom (Offensive)
    182676 8 3 7 Bleed/Paralyze
    182677 2 10 4 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #180198c

    ID:180198c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182678 1 11 3 Taunt/Keen
    182679 2 7 16 Damage/Accuracy
    182680 3 5 5 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #181374b

    ID:181374b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182681 3 2 14 Damage/Accuracy
    182682 1 12 5 Taunt/Keen
    182683 2 5 20 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #181381a

    ID:181381a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182684 9 9 8 Bleed/Paralyze
    182685 6 10 9 Bleed/Paralyze
    182686 10 4 3 Taunt/Keen

    Crafting Respite

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #173829b

    ID:173829b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182687 8 10 8 Taunt/Paralyze
    182688 9 3 2 Regen/Recovery

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #173853a

    ID:173853a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182689 4 10 10 Taunt/Paralyze
    182690 8 9 8 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #178732b

    ID:178732b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182691 2 4 9 Taunt/Paralyze
    182692 1 11 7 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #178818b

    ID:178818b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182693 7 9 18 Mitigation/Thorns
    182694 10 12 14 Holy Bless/Paralytic Venom (Def)

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #178880a

    ID:178880a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182695 8 1 2 Regen/Recovery
    182696 3 2 13 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #178885a

    ID:178885a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182697 10 1 19 Mitigation/Thorns
    182698 8 4 12 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #178886b

    ID:178886b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182699 6 1 17 Mitigation/Thorns
    182700 9 2 6 Regen/Recovery

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179086a

    ID:179086a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182701 9 2 2 Regen/Recovery
    182702 1 9 12 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179095a

    ID:179095a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182703 8 8 7 Taunt/Paralyze
    182704 9 12 12 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179128a

    ID:179128a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182705 1 6 10 Taunt/Paralyze
    182706 8 1 14 Mitigation/Thorns

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179151b

    ID:179151b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182708 1 7 19 Mitigation/Thorns
    182709 7 3 7 Taunt/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179192b

    ID:179192b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182710 3 5 6 Regen/Recovery
    182711 2 11 3 Regen/Recovery

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179193a

    ID:179193a (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182712 6 6 18 Mitigation/Thorns
    182713 4 6 2 Regen/Recovery

    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #179331b

    ID:179331b (T3/Shield/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182714 10 7 4 Antifreeze/Fireproof
    182716 6 11 20 Mitigation/Thorns

    T3 Perfect Armor/Shield #173855a

    ID:173855a (T3/Shield/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182717 4 12 9 Taunt/Paralyze
    182718 2 9 10 Taunt/Paralyze
    182719 2 10 16 Mitigation/Thorns

    T3 Perfect Armor/Shield #174701c

    ID:174701c (T3/Shield/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    182721 7 11 3 Regen/Recovery
    182722 4 12 10 Taunt/Paralyze
    182723 5 7 2 Regen/Recovery

    Merchant Exp: 360
    Col Cost: 61360

    Perfect 17*2000=34000
    Rare 19*1440=27360

  2. Hyperactive Duration [1/3], Hyperactive CD [1/3]

    A slide of her hand pressed toward Setsuna, a snap of her fingers. A glimmer of golden dust, a small helix seeks the girl out. It worms it's way to her back, washing her in the same shade. A sudden skip of the girl's stamina corrects some of what she had used. Simmone knew the child would be essential to ending this quickly, she recalled what the girl had done in instances prior and was a fair bet to make. A burn of her own bar which still held that soft blue, showing that she was still augmenting its regeneration. A smile on her lips as she eyes the girl building another swing in that nasty weapon of hers, eager to place something more lethal in her grasp. If this is what she could do with something produceable anywhere. A glance to Freya the same as a chain detonation of small fry. That would be something to see.

    Simmone casts Energize on Setsuna (+8 EN), -10 EN, ID# 182115 results: Craft: 5 [No Proc]

    Setsuna | HP:820/820 | EN:55/82 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    Freya | HP:760/760 | EN:57/74 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:67/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    Griswold | HP:769/810 | EN:76/78 | DMG:9 | MIT:84 | ACC:2 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    (1,1,0,0) The Lurker | HP:162/500 | DMG:250 [+50, +100 on 9/10] | MIT:150 | EVA:-1 | ACC:2

  3. A sigh in disappointment, figures that like Sam somehow Freya had an equal issue with fishing. Recalling the Tanabata event the woman knew there was one skill she'd never purchase. With a tap of her right hand to her chest, she had a feeling as though she'd need to be fighting against endurance in this quest. If this was an ode to what was to come. Her bar shifts from green to a light blue shade, showing increased recovery, she was all too ready to sustain these fighters who would surely be dumping all their energy at wild amounts at this rate. It would be on the black cat to play battery and keep them going, but it was no different than in Val Halla. Fitting given the location. A brandish of her rapier in her left hand, drawn and held low just in case she may need it in the following moments to come. 

    Simmone Casts Hyperactive on herself (+3 EN over 3 rounds), -5 EN, Hyperactive CD [0/3]

    Setsuna | HP:820/820 | EN:80/82 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    Freya | HP:760/760 | EN:72/74 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:73/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:78/78 | DMG:9 | MIT:84 | ACC:2 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Fossil Fish 1 | HP:250/250 | DMG:100 [+25, +50 on 9/10] | MIT:50 | EVA:2 | ACC:1 

  4. With a silent nod of her head, Simmone accepts the invite from Freya having expedited her arrival to the floor. The place stunk like wet wood, stagnant water, and other decay. A moment later Griswold appears upon the gate, shortly after she had. Obviously, there would be no message from him, he could not use a menu to save his life. Keeping with him, she kept silent the whole part of the journey. She was doing her best to feign a typical demeanor, albeit with the lack of phrases spoken she'd appear no different. But inside the woman was torn up rather vigorously, old wounds made fresh. "Freya, Setsuna." She speaks their name shortly after showing in the clearing, a form of hello in short and sweet. A glance to her surroundings, a bit of fog lingered low on the various puddles in this grassland bog. Clouds of insects held to the top of the lake, this was going to be fun.

  5. An early message causes her to flutter awake, but the rest she had received was all too infrequent. It had been bothering her, those images of Tuatha. The boy shouldn't exist, couldn't exist, and was robbing her of much needed rest. A mill up from silk covers, a perk of the twins from their dualed beds in colors that matched their tiny heads. "Mistress?" They rubbed wary eyes as she lifted from her own bed. "Get some rest dears, I will be back after not too long. Tell Sam to keep the place in my absence." Simmone spoke to them softly, ushering them back beneath their comforters.

    Behind the three screens, a shift of her attire to the combat ready one. To the rapier still in black scabbard, leaned against a long drawn sofa designed for a comfortable lean. Strapping it to her right hip. Simmone would respond to the blonde:

    To Freya:
    From Simmone:

    I'll be there, give me a moment dear.

    With reluctance, it is sent to the ether, as she breaches into the early morning light leaving the black odyssey at her back.

    Mega Slime Farm Activated: +2 SP upon Thread Closure


    Simmone, The Black Lotus
    Level: 39
    HP: 780/780
    EN: 78/78

    Damage: 1
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ornate Quicksilver Rapier [T1/Rare/Rapier] (Bleed 1 [9-10{12 Dmg over 2}], 1 Keen)
    Armor: Cat's Gaze [T1/Perfect/Trinket] (3 Accuracy)
    Misc: The Black Lotus - Expedition [T2/Perfect/Trinket] Recovery 2, Evasion 1

    Searching [Rank 5]
    Picking [Obtained]
    Energize [Obtained]
    First Aid [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Assistant


    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Misperception [T1/Perfect/Debuff/Instant]*3
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*2
    Vocal Augmentation - Resonation [T1/Perfect/Support/Instant] +60 HP*2
    Gilded Lotus [T1/Perfect/Trinket] (+3 Loot Dice)

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata Plant]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  6. That burning Freya was feeling, was simply the chills of floor 6's rain. A flicker as the Gemini slides from her back, removing with it the skill she had been given by it. "I've watched you grow, and I am feeling pleased with what I've seen." The thing responds slinking out, taking a single step away from her as she fell onto her butt. "You would fear me? Why I have become you. My strength has been yours this whole time, little girl." It hissed with sharp laughter, a grim smile painted on its lips. Raking his hand through dark dirty blonde hair. It exhales sharply as if a burden had been dropped from its chest.

    Its attention fixated on Freya, when Simmone begins to speak. "Tuatha?" She choked it out, the name stung hotter than any knife. Her brother, one she'd all but forgotten. She mourned him, buried him, and pressed his memory down. The NPC projection stirs, a slink of its shoulders and a twist to peer over his right. The black lotus was none the wiser that it was not truly him, no it couldn't actually be. "Giselle, little mockingbird. So fleeting are we? Did you miss me?" It asks her as well, in a moniker she'd not heard for ages. Her voice was weak at first but gained ground as it continued. "Why are you here, Tuatha. What were you doing in that girl?"

  7. Hyperactive Refreshed

    Newly topped up, Simmone's slightly greenish white palm fades and she brings her index and thumb together. A snap sends a sprinkle of gold dust out from them like stars. Renewing the link to Freya's pool forces another skip of the girls draining energy. "Well done." Simmone remarks to Gaius, Ugzeke was on his last legs as it tries to pull itself off of the pierced pole. It was too long, too much to aspire to with its already waning strength. Gaius had just left it there like a flag pole, the beast beneath it, leaving the weapon as a monument of the attack and the fact that it was finished. "Yeah, just let him gurgle out. He won't be doing too much more." Gaius goads, reaching for his pocket and pulling out a roll. A bite through it as he peels back white paper, he was proud of himself.

    Simmone casts Energize on Freya, Freya recovers +8 EN, -10 EN

    ID# 182009 results: Craft: 8 [+4 EN]

    [H:4] Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:55/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:2] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:87/100 | DMG:22 | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:62/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:5] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:65/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:150/1500 | DMG:250 | MIT:30 | ACC:0 | EVA:0 | Stun Immunity [0/3]
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  8. Hyperactive CD [2/3]

    Another wave of her hand, still strapped to the girl's health as if she held it on a leash. With an extended left, she shifts it left and as a result the blonde's HP quickly climbs to full. "Just like that.." Simmone remarks as she feels the current rush through her tied up hair. An eye to the sky, Gaius was trapped in his own produced bubble. "This is the most I've ever seen..." She spoke beneath a mutter, not even during Val Halla had he charged this much. A glance back to Freya. There was still something lingering here. Why was Gaius so serious now of all times, when not even where things were at their worst did he wish to dump this much into his attacks. He truly was an enigma, and somehow that had something to do with Freya. She was the rogue element here. A smile finds Simmone's face.

    Simmone casts First Aid R3 on Freya, Freya recovers +108 HP, -6 EN

    ID# 182005 results: Craft: 3 [No Proc]

    [H:3] Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:54/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:99/100 | DMG:22{12} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:67/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:3] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:69/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:896/1500 | DMG:200 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:0
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  9. Hyperactive CD [1/3]

    A sway of her hand washes it with white that claims the top half of her palm. "I've got her dear, no need to get all flustered." Simmone slides beneath a rampant swinging Ugzeke. "Remember dear, that once you thought me useless." Simmone toyed with her as she spins around and plants an open hand against the blonde's back. The damage she had been done is quickly erased by half, a jump of her energy causes only but a tiny sliver of the black lotus's to fall. "A shame that I broke my promise, I should have left you low. Learn to appreciate those with different skill sets." She played further, it was unsure if she was serious or not. A spin of her hand and a snap of her fingers fixed just that much more of Freya's energy. The clack of her heels as she simply walks away, Ugzeke was none the wiser.

    Simmone casts First Aid R3 on Freya, Freya recovers +108 HP, -6 EN

    ID# 182000 results: Craft: 7 [+4 EN]

    [H:3] Freya | HP:628/720 | EN:50/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:99/100 | DMG:22{8} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:72/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:0] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:76/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:920/1500 | DMG:200 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:0 BLD (24/1)
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  10. A flick of her wrist as she draws her silver rapier to her left side, raising her right hand. "Now now dear, you heard him. Guess it's up to us, and well." Simmone eyes the girl's weapon and the damage she'd done. "It looks like your the damage here, to put it bluntly. Let's see how you fare..." Her thumb and index glow and a snap of her them casts a tethering helix. It seeks out and slides into Freya's back. This would cause her stamina to skip, as The black cat had placed her bet and had linked herself to the girl's energy. A lift of her rapier in defense with a lift her brow. "Now what is it that you may hold brute? I wonder what riches you hide? I suppose we will see, after you deal with him. It seems your easy to distract with a conversation." Her attentions shift in a way that forces Ugzeke to do as well.

    Simmone casts Hyperactive on Freya (+3 EN Regen for 3 rotations), -5 EN, Hyperactive CD [0/3]

    [H:2] Freya | HP:720/720 | EN:57/70 | DMG:20 | EVA:2 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:0] Gaius | HP:930/930 | EN:99/100 | DMG:22{4} | MIT:13 | ACC:0 | H.M.:4 | REC:2
    [H:0] Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:73/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:2 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4
    [H:0] Griswold | HP:810/810 | EN:78/78 | DMG:12 | MIT:84 | ACC:1 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT

    Ugzeke | HP:1194/1500 | DMG:200 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:0 BLD (24/2)
    Ugzeke Smash!: On a CD roll of 10+, Ugzeke uses his large wooden club and smashes it on top of the player with the most hate, dealing 175 Damage and Stunning the player.
    Ugzeke Mad!: When Ugzeke loses half of his health, his body overheats, his skin taking on more of a red color. His damage raises to 250, but loses 2 Accuracy
    Ugzeke Confused?: If Ugzeke rolls a CD of 3 or below, he has no action, despite his roll as he has difficulty seeing his enemies, and thinks that they are just stone

  11. A perk up from the rim of the fountain, holding a position at Griswold's side. She was leaning over a folded hand, waiting what felt like forever. "Punctual I see, Yes I was eager to see how you've developed." A shift of her body forward gives her the momentum to help her stand. "So what is it we are supposed to be undertaking today?" She eyes the girl digging for more information. It hadn't been that long since she'd seen the blonde last. A confirmation that the dragoon would be joining them. "Oh, I see, Gaius. We've met more of those I've warned you about I see. How you convinced him to come along, curious? Not normally one to have any sort of ambitions." A bat of her lashes, a twist of her head as she stared with an intensity that felt as though it would pass clean through Freya.

  12. A flash of the warp gate pushes her to floor 23, the luminescent glow of the Underdark that instantly reminded her of Val-Halla. Simmone takes a look around to seek out Freya, but she was unable to spot the blonde. "I guess I am first here." She remarks heading for the stalls and beginning to eye what it was the NPC's had to offer. A selection of darkly skinned elves that held raspy and almost cancerous voices. Especially the females, oddly enough. Shifting from one to the next, The guild merchant comes up rather empty handed but there was quite the number to peruse. To each one she activates her skill, allowing her skill to produce a readout of what each did. The result was nothing more than trivial and common enhancements, and despite the frequency of finding anything interesting was so abysmally low she always made a habit to check.

  13. Another identified object to the pile, Simmone was up early. Working her way through the recent stock that the wanderer had left, a flare of gold leaving her eyes as Felix offers a soft meow. "And that's the last of them." The black speaks as her familiar wobbles to her side and pounces up to her lap, his own eye draining of light to his own appriasals. "That was my energy for a while, I suppose I will begin my journey through the towns." A slight pur as she rubs the back of his head. The twins begin to peel up what had formed a stack of metal and leathers in the center of her chamber, whisking them away to various places for storage. "Let Sam know that she is to man the shop." She explains to them as a notification storms her HUD. "Or rather, perhaps a change of pace? Freya, been busy lately?" She asks the menu rhetorically, switching her clothes from the yukata to combat gear. "Let's see just how far you've come since."

    Simmone | HP:780/780 | EN:78/78 | DMG:1 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12 | LD:5 | KEEN:1 | REC:4


    Simmone, The Black Cat
    Level: 39
    HP: 780/780
    EN: 78/78

    Damage: 1
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ornate Quicksilver Rapier [T1/Rare/Rapier] (Bleed 1 [9-10{12 Dmg over 2}], 1 Keen)
    Armor: Cat's Gaze [T1/Perfect/Trinket] (3 Accuracy)
    Misc: The Black Lotus - Expedition [T2/Perfect/Trinket] Recovery 2, Evasion 1

    Searching [Rank 5]
    Picking [Obtained]
    Energize [Obtained]
    First Aid [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Assistant


    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Misperception [T1/Perfect/Debuff/Instant]*3
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*2
    Vocal Augmentation - Resonation [T1/Perfect/Support/Instant] +60 HP*2
    Gilded Lotus [T1/Perfect/Trinket] (+3 Loot Dice)

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata Plant]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  14. 1/24/21 Consuming Witches Brew/Crafting Respite: 179936



    T3 Perfect Weapon #178972a

    ID:178972a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181623 2 2 13 Bleed/Paralyze
    181624 10 9 20 Absolute Accuracy/Phase
    181625 8 2 1 Taunt/Keen


    Name: Final Calamity - Remorse
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Two Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Absolute Accuracy, Keen 1, Bleed 1
    Post Link: Here
    A single red bladed scythe, long and black and slightly humming as if its breathing. Once swung it leaves a faint image of the player behind it, that strikes true should they miss. It seems to drink deep of an enemies very life force and tear it away in an instant.



    T3 Perfect Weapon #178972c

    ID:178972c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181629 3 9 10 Bleed/Paralyze
    181630 8 10 6 Taunt/Keen
    181631 10 11 2 Paralytic Venom (Offensive)/Blight


    Name: Quicksilver Foil - Adder
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Rapier
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Blight 1, Bleed 1, Keen 1
    Post Link: Here
    A long and slender blade of pure polished silver, lighter than standard metals. A softness allows it to bend and snap back, designed to fully circumvent an opponents armor with ease. Looks to be a part of a more grand piece.



    T3 Perfect Weapon #179008c

    ID:179008c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181645 7 7 3 Taunt/Keen
    181646 10 10 19 Absolute Accuracy/Phase
    181647 7 5 6 Taunt/Keen


    Name: Ode to Endless Time
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Two Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Absolute Accuracy, Keen 2
    Post Link: Here
    The cogs beneath the glass layer do not move. The clock hands appear permanently frozen, for as long as the weapon is manifested. Yet with every new summoning, the 'time' this scythe measures slowly inches forward.


    T3 Perfect Weapon #179120b

    ID:179120b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181659 10 8 10 Freeze/Burn
    181660 5 2 3 Taunt/Keen
    181661 1 1 7 Bleed/Paralyze



    T3 Rare Weapon #179125a

    ID:179125a (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181665 10 11 17 Absolute Accuracy/Phase
    181666 4 2 12 Bleed/Paralyze


    Name: Subtle Ribbon
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Handwraps
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Phase, Bleed
    Post Link: Here
    An unassuming ribbon that seems always cold to the touch.

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179163c

    ID:179163c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181674 5 9 1 Taunt/Keen
    181675 8 12 6 Taunt/Keen
    181676 10 6 20 Absolute Accuracy/Phase



    T3 Rare Weapon #179177b

    ID:179177b (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181686 10 8 8 Fallen Damage/Holy Damage
    181687 4 6 11 Bleed/Paralyze


    Name: Ebon Edge - Black Frost
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Katana
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Fallen 1, Bleed 1
    Post Link: Here
    A rather standard looking blade, but once drawn from its saya it produces a film of white fog that drops to the floor in a parade like dry ice. This one seems fractured, as if a fraction of its power lingers elsewhere.



    T3 Perfect Weapon #179181b

    ID:179181b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181688 10 6 7 Fallen Damage/Holy Damage
    181689 5 9 7 Bleed/Paralyze
    181690 2 11 12 Bleed/Paralyze


    Name: Eye of the Gale - Brionac
    Profession: Merchant
    Rank: 5
    Roll ID: See Above
    Roll Result: See Above
    Item Type: Two Handed Assualt Spear
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Fallen 1, Bleed 2 (8-10)
    Post Link: Here
    A long weapon, it looks like some alterations had been made to the tip of this imposing looking polearm. The edge is a bright silver, as if made of platinum. The handle is a staggered array of gold and black. Modeled after the sword of the gods, its hard to believe that this is the same weapon but it does match Lugh's right in the destruction of the Partholons

    Junk Sell:

    T3 Perfect Weapon #178917c

    ID:178917c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181611 4 3 2 Taunt/Keen
    181612 1 12 6 Taunt/Keen
    181613 8 3 1 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #178926a

    ID:178926a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181614 8 7 13 Bleed/Paralyze
    181615 6 1 16 Damage/Accuracy
    181616 1 10 2 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #178926b

    ID:178926b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181617 2 2 4 Taunt/Keen
    181618 9 10 7 Bleed/Paralyze
    181619 10 5 4 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #178926c

    ID:178926c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181620 4 6 14 Damage/Accuracy
    181621 7 9 10 Bleed/Paralyze
    181622 3 2 8 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #178972b

    ID:178972b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181626 10 5 17 Damage/Accuracy
    181627 8 12 18 Damage/Accuracy
    181628 5 7 5 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #178981b

    ID:178981b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181632 6 1 18 Damage/Accuracy
    181633 3 12 1 Taunt/Keen
    181634 3 11 2 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Rare Weapon #178986b

    ID:178986b (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181635 9 12 4 Taunt/Keen
    181636 5 5 8 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Weapon #178993b

    ID:178993b (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181637 1 11 4 Taunt/Keen
    181638 7 6 15 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179007b

    ID:179007b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181639 4 10 10 Bleed/Paralyze
    181640 9 5 7 Bleed/Paralyze
    181641 3 5 5 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179008b

    ID:179008b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181642 3 4 13 Bleed/Paralyze
    181643 3 10 9 Bleed/Paralyze
    181644 3 10 8 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Weapon #179057b

    ID:179057b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181648 8 9 20 Damage/Accuracy
    181649 9 1 20 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179060b

    ID:179060b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181650 5 4 5 Taunt/Keen
    181651 5 7 7 Bleed/Paralyze
    181652 7 10 13 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179077b

    ID:179077b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181653 7 12 19 Damage/Accuracy
    181654 2 8 17 Damage/Accuracy
    181655 5 6 13 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179077c

    ID:179077c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181656 2 8 17 Damage/Accuracy
    181657 7 10 5 Taunt/Keen
    181658 1 6 6 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179120c

    ID:179120c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181662 7 2 18 Damage/Accuracy
    181663 6 6 6 Taunt/Keen
    181664 1 2 13 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Rare Weapon #179149a

    ID:179149a (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181667 7 1 19 Damage/Accuracy
    181668 2 1 4 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Rare Weapon #179152a

    ID:179152a (T3/Weapon/Rare)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181669 1 6 8 Bleed/Paralyze
    181670 7 3 17 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179163b

    ID:179163b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181671 7 1 19 Damage/Accuracy
    181672 2 7 11 Bleed/Paralyze
    181673 4 5 2 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179165a

    ID:179165a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181677 10 5 17 Damage/Accuracy
    181678 6 8 17 Damage/Accuracy
    181679 8 9 1 Taunt/Keen

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179165b

    ID:179165b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181680 3 7 19 Damage/Accuracy
    181681 10 1 8 Bleed/Paralyze
    181682 7 5 12 Bleed/Paralyze

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179165c

    ID:179165c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181683 4 11 5 Taunt/Keen
    181684 4 3 10 Bleed/Paralyze
    181685 6 4 17 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179181c

    ID:179181c (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181691 2 6 18 Damage/Accuracy
    181692 2 12 16 Damage/Accuracy
    181693 2 5 17 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179215a

    ID:179215a (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181694 7 6 1 Taunt/Keen
    181695 1 11 17 Damage/Accuracy
    181696 1 5 15 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Perfect Weapon #179215b

    ID:179215b (T3/Weapon/Perfect)
      BD: CD: LD:  
    181697 3 6 4 Taunt/Keen
    181698 5 11 19 Damage/Accuracy
    181699 4 10 20 Damage/Accuracy

    T3 Rare: 7*1440=10080
    T3 Perfect: 25*2000=50000

    Grand Total:
    Col: 60080
    Merchant Exp: 512

  15. A pause in her chair as she shifts, fiddling with a single coin and listening to this huge confrontation between a whole lot of multicolored topped hairstyles. A single look to the other few that still littered the chamber and reassurance offered. "It's not usually like this I assure you. This was nothing more than an unexpected escalation." To the anthem of slamming doors she reaches for her own teacup and reaches for Shiina who was still fiddling with a damaged and miserable-looking pastry. "So Chase is a risk, I can see that but I would be hesitant to exclude him from everything. He can have his uses, and I am sure the boy means well all things considered. It is not that I do not trust your judgment's on this." She nurses a spoon in the white device before rimming it with an index finger. A glance up to Freyd "I just cannot abandon hopes that he can be redeemed." But it was not for Chase but what he meant to her in her own sick way.

  16. "Now now dear." Simmone quips as the nepent detonates from the triggered enhancement, that deep puncture taking all of its vitality. "A simple modification, nothing more and nothing less. Sometimes it just takes a little finesse to meet the same goal." The black cat remarks leaning down and claiming the little lump of plant matter. It reads back a label as appraisal triggers and is marked as a quest item. Which means it could not be used or sold, a pity.

    "Your quite the fickle thing, and now I have you worried to what I might say next..." Simmone remarks, underhanded tossing the worthless object to the blonde. "Go get your reward, I am not all that mad. You would hope. But please do mind your manners carefully. Others may not have the same...patience." Sheathing the blade on her hip, a clever way to allow Freya to do the leg work and she could reap the rewards. 

    Simmone takes no action

    BLD Procs (12) Nepent Variant expires before taking an action

    Loot Roll:

    ID# 181168 results: Loot: 14+8=22, Success [Nepent Ovule Obtained]

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:47/50 | DMG:15 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:2] Simmone | HP:760/760 | EN:73/76 | DMG:1 | MIT:36 | EVA:1 | BLD:12 | LD:8

    Nepent Variant | HP:2/15 | DMG:10 | MIT:5 | BLD 12 [0/2]

  17. A single carefully planned gambit from the blonde seems to find purchase, knocking clean the beast that was taking method to conceal itself. Simmone rockets and slams her rapier into the flailing beast that at first glance doesn't seem to do really anything. It vanishes into it up to the hilt, and as the creature offers a spray of tendrils, she places a booted heel to it and pulls off to her left side. "Wait for it." The black cat offers a smile, looking to the blonde as the nepent takes a single shift forward and a spray of its insides. "I wouldn't move dear, that can be nasty." she taunts her target, the damage had been done and now all that was left was to let it expire in silence. With the click of her heels on the dirt and stone beneath her, she ushers closer to Freya. "Enjoy the show."

    Basic Attack [x1]

    ID# 181166 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical! vs Nepent Variant dealing 3x1 Damage=3-5=1 DMG and applying Bleed [12/2]

    ID# 181167 results: MOB: 6-1=5, Missed vs. Simmone!

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:46/50 | DMG:15 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    [H:2] Simmone | HP:760/760 | EN:72/76 | DMG:1 | MIT:36 | EVA:1 | BLD:12 | LD:8

    Nepent Variant | HP:2/15 | DMG:10 | MIT:5 | BLD 12 [1/2]

  18. The girl could get the sense that she had stepped on a land mine. Good. "It's no matter dear." Simmone remarks but it was not so simple to forgive or forget, but she did respect her candor and her perceptions. A dismissal that tints her perspective with doubt, but the girl claims to mean well. Perhaps a more careful choice of words was in order, else she'd draw increased ire from one's with hotter blood. The girl had her uses and was still a member of the guild so just maybe that would allow the hatch an easy burial. As quick as the blonde forces it to pop up, it reburies and scurries away just as quick as it sprung. "Typical, for them to be so damn difficult to pin down. As is all things, unnecessarily difficult for no reason other than for difficulties sake. Our choices? High odds with low output, or low odds with high output. This way is simply more cost-effective."

    ID# 181164 results: Battle: 1 (Nope)

    ID# 181165 results: MOB: 2-2=0, Missed vs. Freya!

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:45/50 | DMG:15 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:760/760 | EN:72/76 | DMG:1 | MIT:36 | EVA:1 | BLD:12 | LD:8

    Nepent Variant | HP:15/15 | DMG:10 | MIT:5

  19. "I'll hold you to that." Simmone replies rather subtly while she scans the soil looking for her culprit, who continued to burrow outside of sight. It was as if it was frightened, somehow aware that both players involved were drastically over the required level to deal with it. A rapier in her hand she scanned, shifting her feet and keeping an eye peeled to the ground beneath her. Freya seemed to be patronizing her with her words, even if unintentional it was a bit unwelcomed. But the black cat had dealt with her sort before, it was no bother. It would only be a matter of time before the girl's life hung on her hands, being a member of the guild. It would be a shame if she was not healed during a fight when it mattered. The thought was as grim as it was a joke, or was it?

    ID# 181073 results: Battle: 3 (Nope)

    MOB: 3-1=2, Missed vs. Simmone!

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:44/50 | DMG:15 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:760/760 | EN:73/76 | DMG:1 | MIT:36 | EVA:1 | BLD:12 | LD:8

    Nepent Variant | HP:15/15 | DMG:10 | MIT:5

  20. Redirecting and looking for whatever culprit waited for them during the quest they were on, to which Simmone was still unsure of the targets. "Adorable." Simmone remarks rather placidly as it rushes past, Felix quickly giving chase to it as it flees the blonde with a scythe. Rising from their flanks were droves of plants with vines for the appendage. "Our targets I presume?" She asks Freya rather loosely as she unsheathes the rapier from her right hip, but before she can attack one wide sweep from Freya reduces them to nothing.

    "Well then, looks like your like Megitsune and Sam." Simmone quipped to the girl at her prowess, the weapon being similar and all. "A bit more to go before your quite at their level but a fair show. So secret medicine." She recalled the sheet of paper and its outline. "So this one." Spoken as a different colored one rose from the earth. "Has a drop that I can be some assistance in acquiring. My luck is also unmatched." A high pitched whirl and the nepent proceeds to dig below the ground. "And now we get to the annoying part."

    ID# 181070 results: Battle: 2, Missed vs. Nepent Variant, -2 EN

    MOB: 5-2=3, Missed vs. Simmone!

    Freya | HP:500/500 | EN:43/50 | DMG:15 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | REC:1
    Simmone | HP:760/760 | EN:74/76 | DMG:1 | MIT:36 | EVA:1 | BLD:12 | LD:8

    Nepent Variant | HP:15/15 | DMG:10 | MIT:5

  21. A single spark in the girl's eyes and Simmone knew she had piqued the girl's interest. "Precisely, the trick is knowing which member of the group to focus on. It's more difficult than support, what I do which is why I hesitate to claim it as such. In time, you'll meet them all I am sure. There are many faces you've yet to experience, and for some, I would say that is a blessing." The lotus played with the girl like a cat with a ball of yarn, but it was the truth. Shiina came to mind on that last statement, the girl was a regular dynamo of destruction you simply needed to point in a direction. "It's quite alright dear, just try not to get us too turned around now." knowing full well where they stood, she'd been here a few times before now. But not under this context so it was a curiosity that had no definition yet. In time she'd have what she wished, once the rules of the engagement had been made clearer.

  22. "Let's just say." A slight shift in Freya's frame catches her attention, but she decides to leave the girl be to her own strange affair. "What I make is basically everything they can, but occasionally. I find something that cannot be reproduced easily, about a 1 in 60 chance of getting something interesting. They even have lower odds of being multiple on the same weapon, and that is when you know you found something truly...powerful." Simmone did her best to explain a unique to the girl. "I am a merchant, the best in the business. There are some that come close, but when it comes to chances. It's best to tip the scales in your favor as much as possible." A support? the very notion got caught on her thoughts like glue. "Not quite but I could be called that, what I do is rig the field. Your energy, your health, your damage. I can alter it all, with a snap of my fingers. The damage I deal bypasses all armor, but only on chance. I deal in odds, rolling the dice so to speak. It's funner that way."

  23. "They are aren't they, Gaius can be a bit of a handful though." Simmone remarks honestly, she knew first hand that although he's a bit of a pain in the ass he was effective when it counted. "There are all kinds my dear, mine?" She offers with a raise of her left hand to produce a rapier, of rather poor quality. "I really should get it replaced, but usually." The lotus lifts her right, a faint glimmer of gold played upon her index and thumb "This is my weapon, which plays out as someone else getting just a bit of a boost when it counts." Recalling just how much she was capable of sustaining the party of six, with a snap of her fingers that wasn't all that difficult to continue. "Then you're looking to get your teeth cut into, and by the look of it." A flare of her iris reads the statistics back to her. "It's your father's work, curious that names and gear all seem to come full circle. The question is when the time comes will you be holding my work?" Simmone remarked coyly in regards to how her craft brought out the best in the wielders.

  24. "Freya then, something the matter dear?" picking up on the subtle twist in her demeanor, perhaps some figment of her routine bets still held to her fingers. "Hmm? Yes I know Eruda very well, we've been acquainted for quite some time now. A half-decent tank by the look of it, and I knew based on your face that you must have been the twin. Which given that you just called Griswold your father means that." She pauses as she weighs the possibility, Shiina would surely lose her mind if she were present at this moment. "Eruda's father is Griswold, I cannot say that I am surprised. Same temper, same likeability to a shield. Have you seen your old man fight? Or your sister?" Simmone switched straight from outward inspection to a more pressed interrogation on the flip of a dime. "You've met all the heavy hitters, but a couple.." The lotus offered coyly, knowing full well that Setsuna and Kasumi were not in her list and were in fact terrifying.

  25. Felix was reciprocating the same amount of playfulness, he was a bit of a little tyrant in his own right. "She's quite alright, Felix can take it. I had him get slapped off of my lap by something much larger and he seemed." Another signature pause as she searched her head for the correct phrasing. "Unfazed." Sliding her menu open with her off hand, to her right to left brings it up. A tap of the screen twice accepts both the quest and the party invite. "Now isn't that interesting. Simmoné Escheté of Firm Anima's Provisionalist Division, at your service." noticing the girls guild symbol immediately. "Every time I meet a new face, there seems to be a coin flip involved if they are a member of the guild." She quips at the fact they seemed to be an ever increasing number. "And you are?" The lotus asks with a porcelain white skin hand extends as a greeting.

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