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Status Updates posted by Calrex

  1. Man, this video makes me wish there were rope/chain weapons in SAO XD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY1Woo4aUYI

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      rope/chain....ah yeah the art of bondage.

    2. Calrex


      Well if it's anything in the video then...self...bondage maybe? O_o. I was thinking more like how Ryu Hayabusa uses his kusarigama

  2. Hey guys, will be intermittently on again today, so for now to help all your dice rolls...*starts building dice god worship pyres*

    1. Teayre


      *stands on one of the pyres* Human sacrifice for the blood dice gods!

    2. Calrex


      You fool! *pulls Teayre off of the pyres and pats her out* Humans sacrifices don't work on them!

  3. Time for lunch! Burgers!

    1. Kotori
    2. Calrex


      It was very delicious! P8

  4. Gonna be watching the Avengers in about an hour, so I'll be offline for a couple of hours once that happens XD

    1. Reusririasuir


      If you come and post spoilers, I am going to PK-you.

    2. Calrex


      Oh don't worry I'm not that guy XD

  5. Alrighty wide awake, let's do this!

    1. Azrael


      Good morning!

    2. Calrex


      Good morning! XD

  6. Alrighty, wide awake and ready to RP!

  7. Sorry guys, got home and suddenly my body decided to celebrate Friday...by taking a nap XD. Should be on in a little bit after dinner

    1. Rusty


      Gonna need you teh post. But eat first.

    2. Teayre


      *gets jealous* I wanna sleep! *cries at retail life D:

  8. Alrighty heading for the bus soon guys. I'll be on later tonight, probably in a few hours or so.

    1. Oikawa


      *Notices he hasn't caught a chibi Oikawa yet* *Laughs at his incoming failed attempt*

    2. Calrex


      You're mine now chibi Oikawa!

  9. The AC World Premiere is starting in 5 minutes! So excited!

    1. Zeri


      What's that

    2. Calrex


      Assassin's creed? XD

  10. Alright guys gonna be heading for the bus home in a few minutes. See you all in a bit!

  11. *starts building dice god worship pyres*

    1. Azrael


      *dances around the fires*

    2. Zero


      *grants you blessings of good luck*

  12. Wide awake and ready to RP! *looks at Oikawa's thread and jaw drops*

  13. I should really update my profile. Curse you laziness!

    1. Azrael


      Stop being lazy, Cal!

    2. Calrex


      I can't help it! XD

  14. Hey guys guess what? It's chibi catching time! Btw I'm also on the bus XD

    1. Kotori
    2. Calrex


      Dangit I'm back home already! I'll have to try another time XP

  15. Woohoo wide and awake and ready to RP! Let's do this!

    1. Azrael


      YAY! Play with my again my favorite talking blue toaster!

    2. Calrex


      O_O XD alrighty alrighty I'll make a new thread! Any particular floor or things you want to do?

  16. On the bus home. It's chibi catching time!

    1. Kotori


      *still hiding under bush*

    2. XWuZHeAR


      *stocks up in chibi bombs*

  17. Btw I know this is a bit late, but AW FREAKING YEAH LEVEL 30! XD

    1. Ssendom


      Congratulations Calrex, The next tier is within you reach.

    2. Calrex


      Now to aim for 40!...o good lord XD

  18. Alrighty I'm ready to RP! Let's do this!

    1. Hikoru


      As soon as Teayre gets on, we can continue Rping ^-^ *waits patiently and plays with thumbs*

    2. Calrex
  19. The dice are working bad right now...*starts building dice god pyres*

    1. Zandra


      Worked perfectly fine for me after I posted the complaining before, two 10's out of five rolls and mob only hitted one. XD

    2. Zandra


      with hitted I mean succesful hit, not crit :)

  20. Heading to lunch. See you all in about a half hour!

    1. Shuyin


      Have a good lunch

    2. Skylar


      Eat in peace my friend.

  21. Alright everyone I need to knock out. Last day of work tomorrow before the weekend. Gnight all!

  22. Alrighty, time for me to knock out everyone. I'll catch you laters!

  23. Alrighty guys heading out for lunch. See you all in about an hour!

    1. Leon010


      Bring me some food back please

    2. Calrex


      Oh...here ya go! *gives leon some chili and tacos*

  24. Alrighty everyone I'll be leaving to go to a nerf game in about an hour and a half, so no replies after then until late tonight

    1. Skylar


      Have fun bro!

    2. Kurou


      Hope you enjoy it!

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