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About Teayre

  • Title
    The Crimson Maiden
  • Birthday 05/15/1993

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  • Guild Name
    Solo Player
  • Position
    The Amaranth Rose

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  1. I keep trying to catch up to someones post count... But most the RPs I do involve him so I can't catch up!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Teayre


      I do try and do SPs but get borrreeeddd and busy which sucks D:

    3. Calrex


      Lol just be careful with the SP quests. The dice gods seem to show their true faces when you play those O_O

    4. Teayre


      I know... It's why I'm hesitant about it the dice gods hate me... THEY HATE ME SO MUCH, I actually need to pray to them before dnd sessions when I'm DMing so I don't just constantly fudge rolls to make things a bit harder for the players... It's that bad xD

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