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Status Updates posted by Oske

  1. Hey all! I'm sorry for not being on lately. I'm doing my best, but my situation is really... bad right now. Please link me to any threads or conversations I missed that you want me to see.

    1. Skylar


      It is okay. We have missed you though.

    2. Calrex


      No worries Oske! Hope your situation improves

  2. Hey guys! After chatting about it in staff, I thought I'd let you know I'm on LOA (leave of absense). I will still be able to moderate, just at a slower rate. I'll be rejoining staff completely when life gets better. Thanks, I love you guys! <3

    1. Skylar


      Good luck. We will miss you. Take your time and come back to us when you can. ^_^

    2. Calrex


      No worries Oske, take all the time you need to get things in order! We'll see you when you get back!

  3. 3 more slots in my roleplay! I know two people were interested, I sure hope they join before spots get snatched ;w;

  4. Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I am leaving staff. Please do not direct staff-related questions to me. I might be staff again one day, but until then, kisses! I had a wonderful time :)

    1. Golden
    2. Calrex


      No worries Oske! Enjoy being a regular player again!

  5. Ahh! The new update! It looks beautiful <3

    1. Shark


      It sure does, doesn't it.

  6. Ugh, so busy... Going to get back to roleplaying soon, though!

  7. Finally changed my avatar. Liking it so far... :)

    1. Sol


      You draw your own avatars? You're damn good at it!

  8. Aaaahaha I saw no status updates at first so I quickly posted "FIRST"

    1. Oske


      then realized that I just couldn't see them for a second and deleted my post very quickly

    1. Haine


      That's pretty neat, Oske! Once I get all my RP, COL, and SP organizing done, I'll stop by and order something \0/

  9. Just thought of the best nickname for my bf: Ranpoop

    1. Kiru


      HAHAHA! (Ranpu I get ittttt)

  10. It's been over 7 hours since I last ate food. *internal screaming*

    1. Kiru


      omg same! *dies*

  11. I made toffee again... I swear... It was here five seconds ago *burp*

    1. Rolland


      The toffee fairy took it, lol.

  12. *makes journal just a bit prettier and adds a little more info to it*

    1. Azide


      *Takes a picture*

  13. Good morning, all! It seems another day has come to cry over the ending of an anime that wasn't even sad.

    1. Calrex


      Which anime is this?

  14. Aha! I crafted an item that wasn't bad/a fail finally, so now my little shop is open <3 It's just a vanity item, but it's still fun. Fried Wheat Noodles!

  15. I'm still the shortest in my family... I'm still the shortest guy I know!

  16. I have a +1 crafting attempt item in my store! Check it out (Butterfly Bakery)

    1. Mari


      If only Mari liked sweet things... That'd be useful today

  17. I have some cheesecake in my shop now <3 (It's kiwi strawberry)

    1. Oikawa


      \O/ Yay Cheesecake! I will purchase here in a bit!

  18. The enhancement guide has been updated, fixing blacksmith and tailor issues. The re-evals have been opened again.

    1. Rook


      Updates look nice, Its awesome you guys listen to your players

  19. Sleepyske is sleepy

    1. Calrex


      Have a good night XD

  20. Posuto keeps messing up my hair... I think we'll get a divorce soon.

    1. Posuto



  21. I'm sorry everybody, I'm not in the best place right now so I'll be slow on roleplay replies... then again, I'm not in many anyway.

    1. Kiru


      It's oskay, I hope things get better!

  22. So sick... bah. Hopefully I'll be back, up, and running by tomorrow. Got some stuff to do >n<

    1. Kiru


      Get well soon!

  23. Aha! Completed a thread, now I only have 5 incompletes :D

    1. Rusty


      I CANnot complete a thread that's incomplete. Good job.

  24. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must be a bad kid~ ((also I'll get back to roleplaying soon <3))

    1. Calrex


      Why a bad kid? O_o

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