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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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  • Guild Name
    Solo Player
  • Position
    Cruel Angel

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  • Title
    Floor Creation Team

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  1. Announcement YEY!!!

    Seeing as my proposition in this thread gets ignored, I won't cancel it but until something is established.
    I would like to announce that Aincrad's #1 Ranked, Provisional Master Tailor is fully back in business!

    Shop has been moved to the new location on the 11th floor and 'The Lion's Den' is now accepting again ANY TYPE OF CUSTOM ORDERS, for Tailor made items of course.

    To celebrate this re-reopening, all orders on perfect items get a 50% discount (rounded down) for a week (or two). Don't be a stranger:D!

    1. Shirien


      Congrats on your re-opening and new location (and also being number one)!

      Sorry to hear your Union of sorts isn't getting much traction, best of luck to you there in getting that started!

    2. Rain


      I wish this is like facebook, where I could just like a status. :D

    3. Zandra


      There is two reasons Im not joining so have two questions that can change it.

      1. Is it like a guild? Zandra have decided to be a solo player so cant join guilds.

      2. Im an alchemist(the number one as well :) ) and you mentioned that maybe you would let other preffessions join as well. Can the number one Alchemist join?

      Note: my shop not gonna open until next floor gets unlocked thou.

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