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Status Replies posted by Azide

  1. Calrex, you have the best theme music. I've been listening to them for a while now.

  2. I just want to apologize to everybody for my lack of posting, somehow over night I caught bronchitis and came down with a fever...unless this gives in the next few days I won't be able to post...T.T

  3. I just want to apologize to everybody for my lack of posting, somehow over night I caught bronchitis and came down with a fever...unless this gives in the next few days I won't be able to post...T.T

  4. Ahhh I got my computer back. Apparently the hard drive collapsed in on itself, and he had to fix it up like you patch a tire, so its on its last legs and ill probably need to grab a new one, which is gonna be like another 80 bucks ;^;

  5. Ahhh I got my computer back. Apparently the hard drive collapsed in on itself, and he had to fix it up like you patch a tire, so its on its last legs and ill probably need to grab a new one, which is gonna be like another 80 bucks ;^;

  6. Ahhh I got my computer back. Apparently the hard drive collapsed in on itself, and he had to fix it up like you patch a tire, so its on its last legs and ill probably need to grab a new one, which is gonna be like another 80 bucks ;^;

  7. It's so quiet on the forumfront...Wonder if it might be time to make an OP O_o

  8. Finally getting to upload episode 2 of my Minish Cap Series! Im so happy I get to do this ^-^

  9. Finally getting to upload episode 2 of my Minish Cap Series! Im so happy I get to do this ^-^

  10. Heading for the bus!...you all know the drill XD

  11. Dangit! I think the dice gods realized I'm rolling for a SP thread O_O *starts building worship pyres*

  12. Dangit! I think the dice gods realized I'm rolling for a SP thread O_O *starts building worship pyres*

  13. Two new enhancements have been added--Heavy and Light Momentum!

  14. What is your favorite/least favorite word to say? My favorite is "Promiscous". Lease is "Moist"

  15. What's a good name for my shop once I do Earning A Living? (I'm going to be a blacksmith.)

  16. my god it took me 30 min to post because i kept falling asleep.i need a nap

  17. Heads up guys I'm gonna be heading for the bus again in about 15 minutes (got to work early today). So I'll be on my phone for about an hour and a half

  18. Aeternum's future: he lives in his forge, The Everlasting Anvil, with his pet bat, Sempre.

  19. Aeternum's future: he lives in his forge, The Everlasting Anvil, with his pet bat, Sempre.

  20. my god it took me 30 min to post because i kept falling asleep.i need a nap

  21. What's a good name for my shop once I do Earning A Living? (I'm going to be a blacksmith.)

  22. What's a good name for my shop once I do Earning A Living? (I'm going to be a blacksmith.)

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