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Status Updates posted by Lucifer

  1. Do understand the danger involved with the boss. If you have no accuracy enhancement, then you have a 30% chance to hit. If you have full DMG Mit enhancement and R1 Armor, you'll still take 2 damage a hit. We still don't know everything about the boss either. Don't get cocky.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Draterion


      My brother dropped out.

    3. Natsu


      My old guild leader did not allow me too, and I backed out after I left the guild anyways. This Solo beast!

    4. Tyger


      For good reason, Natsu. You probably would have died. If the wrong rolls happen, anyone under level 10 can get obliterated.

  2. Wait, why did Zelrius claim the loot from the Molten Hydra? Unless I mathed wrong, Mari should have gotten the loot (she dealt 9 DMG when it only had 7 HP left).

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zelrius


      I didn't Infact the Floor 8 Boss Fight had a Tiny bit of Character Development and Post Battle Actions, If you care to take a look

    3. Lucifer


      Please don't do that. I know that there was a smidge of character development and some IC emotions about teamwork/healing/deaths, but after the battle is when everyone has the chance to let all those emotions out without some molten monstrosity distracting them. That is when it gets juicy with character development, drama, and twists to future plot lines.

    4. Mari


      No one can move forward to the next floor whilst the boss battle thread is open, I think whilst that would be good, there is little point to spending another week with posts regarding that.

      I'm glad the fight is finally over and done with and closed up

  3. Should I get a dog-sized Tarantula as my familiar? Hehehe....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Alyss


      GIANT SPIDER!!! +1 Awesomeness

    3. XWuZHeAR


      This is all just to piss Oikawa off isn't it?

    4. Crozeph


      nope, nope, and NOPE

  4. Another one bites the dust, but will a third? I don't see it happening, unless people genuinely don't care (IC-wise).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mari


      Most active players have Alts anyway :P

    3. Lucifer


      Mari, that is true. However, I have yet to witness an older and/or high level player die yet. I will admit that I would have been disappointed if you were to die, a lot happened between the start of the boss fight and now.

      Thank you for your warm wishes Jubei, I'll update you with my rolls as they come. It seems others are suffering from the bad dice dilemma at the moment, what is one more?

    4. Lucifer


      Yes, what has it been - 3 months? That's not pleasant.

  5. Hmm... Lots of options on where to start.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crozeph


      do I see a pun? nahh just my imagination ^_^

    3. Lessa


      The possibilities are endless.

    4. Kosan


      Yup... Dont go for erro things tho.. That would make a bad image..

  6. Anyone up for an RP? Don't really care if it's a quest, loot, or casual thread.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crozeph


      -waves hand from afar- me!

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel will join too, just sent a PM with the topic link.

    4. XWuZHeAR


      Throw us all in a PM we'll discuss it there

  7. If I choose Curved Swords, once I get it to Rank 3, do I have to start at Rank 1 with Katanas?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baldur


      The way it is worded, I believe you would start at Rank 1

    3. Baldur


      I found the journal of a senior player with Katana. You start at Rank 1.

    4. Lucifer


      Eww, sounds like a waste, but thanks for letting me know though.

  8. More or less testing the waters with it, but I have some mats available for sale at Lucky Luci's Lounge.

    1. Lucifer


      Link for the interested:

    2. Tyger


      When the waters get a little less rough, i'll probably buy them :P Just not at current price. But i'll stalk it, unless you want to try and haggle ;)

    3. Lucifer


      Bargaining is a merchant's best tool. Drop in and see what might procure.

  9. 8 materials are left! Instant price is 400 Col, but with a little bargaining IC, perhaps you can cut a deal.

    1. Lucifer


      Brought to you by Lucky Luci's Lounge, merchant shop on Floor 1 (PKer accessible).

      *Fine Print*

      By engaging in any terms of business or agreement with trade, you must sell your soul to Lucifer. Non negotiable offer, will reward you with an eternal paradise in the fiery depths of... Wait a minute.....

      Sorry, ignore that. Wrong business...

    2. Oske


      It's your turn in the game show ^w^

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      8 mats for 400 or 400 a mat? because 8 mats for 400 its very cheap!!! you should use them to lvl up your profession

  10. Tick tock goes the clock as the boss fight inevitably draws near. Shall it arrive when we hope or least expect? For that, I do not know.

    1. Zelrius


      Either get there now Or I'll run you through if you show up late.

    2. Lucifer


      Luci supports this message, brought to you by Zelrius.

  11. Didn't someone post a status not too long ago saying they had some +1 CD items?

    1. Baldur


      Tyger had some, she may be sold out, but you can get them from her.

    2. Alyss


      And cookies +5

  12. Would anyone mind explaining the rules of healing? Just curious about healing others. It's consensual healing? (hums the tune of a similar name)

    1. Mari


      explain what you mean, are you asking if you are allowed to heal someone else in a battle? The general consensus is yes, unless the person PMs you and says "Nah I want my character to die"

    2. Baldur


      Throw the heal crystal at them, when it hits, it activates! :P

  13. Busy, busy, busy... Will knock out all my posts tonight and finish a few threads... Yes, the first step to world domin- I mean, to hitting that Level 7 curve.

    1. Oikawa


      7 to 8 is brutal, i still have like 90 posts to go....

  14. My Merchant shop is now open! Discounted rates for a limited time. This is your opportunity to stock up while you can. Floor 10 is knocking on your door. Are you prepared?

  15. For a limited time, you can stock up on items for bare minimum prices (at no profit to me) at Lucky Luci's Lounge. This is in hopes that players can prepare for and conquer the tenth floor. Good luck, players.

    1. Oikawa


      You're a kind soul Luci

  16. Welp, I believe I have a path planned now. Still very disappointed that the Katana skill requires you to waste 12SP

  17. I do believe good tidings are forthcoming. What may first appear to be just another rock might be a turtle willing to carry you along the countless other trodden rocks. Rest your weary feet and enjoy the ride.

  18. Oh boy, what a controversy people can stir up over nothing.

  19. I may step on toes by mistake, but I don't wear cleats. My intent is not to injure, merely to make a point.

  20. Sorry eveyone that I owe posts to, I didn't expect the website to be down when I had the time to post. I'll get to it tomorrow, sorry.

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