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Everything posted by Aeternum

  1. Okay! I completed a topic without dying! Now, what to do?

    1. Oikawa
    2. Kiru


      Roleplay with Kirruuuu

    3. Azide


      Also, we have a guild quest up as well, which you can find on our guild page!

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  2. Aeternum walked into the shop, looking around before making his way to the counter. He had heard that, because he was a member of Square One, he could get a free item from this shop's owner. He quickly found the forms, and wrote in a rather sloppy manner: After he finished writing, he handed his form to the Ariel, the shop's owner as he had been told. He took a few steps back, to give others room if they needed to get to the counter, and waited patiently.
  3. What is this about a new site? So confused.

    1. Alyss


      Thats always Nice to know Luci :)

    2. Kiru


      Non, this is the "new" site. I remember the old one...heheh.

    3. Kosan


      I remember it as well Kiru.. Hehehe

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  4. Before I go and get myself killed, is it safe for me to acquire a familiar?

    1. Alyss


      Aww i did have in mind going as lvl 0 :P

    2. XWuZHeAR


      NO! I am helping start the PP and invite me!

    3. Baldur


      Yea, close a few threads first and get some gear

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  5. D-did that shower curtain change? Also, your hair is majestic, no matter how it is styled!
  6. Kiru wants to know why there is a bad vibe? D-did she not know? *sadface* I guess I wasn't important enough.

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Oh man I'm still blown away at the fact that it's you and I didn't know everything is exactly the same.

    2. Kiru


      NON I MISS HIM SO MUCHHHHHH! Kiru however knows nothing about it. Kiru was never told!

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  7. They say history repeats itself. So far it has...

    1. Aeternum


      Yeh! I am going to be saving up a ton of col for better gear.

    2. Tyger


      <3 If you need anything, lemme know. I'm a blacksmith, and i've got like, a crap ton of gear and stuff right now.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      OMG I just figured out its you! I can't belive I did the exact same thing or something close to it ok let's actually finish this RP this time.

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  8. X just gave me feels. A cup of coffee has never meant more.

    1. Baldur


      You talking about the Anime X?

    2. Aeternum
    3. XWuZHeAR


      Ha yup i does that!

  9. Aeternum Username: Aeternum Real Name: Roman Joyce Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 5' 9" History: Roman was a rather normal child. He was born and raised in Japan by loving parents who taught him how to act properly and respect others. Roman, of course, was a rather well behaved child, but he did have his moments where only he mattered. Roman is a person known who acts instead of thinks, and this has led him into bad situations before. While Roman spent a large amount of time doing school work, he always put aside some time for gaming, which was his hobby. He kept himself up to date with anythi
  10. Guess who? Zarryn's reincarnate!

    1. Baldur


      Remember to buy a health potion as soon as you can! :P

    2. XWuZHeAR


      I literally just now figured out it was you OMG and I did the same thing with the coffee and the forest and the ah you get it

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