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Status Updates posted by Reusririasuir

  1. ...suddenly and quite unexpectedly, Reu found himself staring...at himself.

  2. "Players can no longer be revived in the game." "Well, I'm going to the Winchester, to have a nice, cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XWuZHeAR


      Shaun of the dead

    3. Skylar


      I have actually seen that movie twice.


    4. Jomei


      Amazing movie

  3. *Putting on the nice blue jeans*, it's dinner at the sizzler tonight!

  4. *Wakes up* Screw this, going back to sleep. YAAAWWWWNNN.

    1. Calrex


      *gives Reu some coffee*

    2. Zeri


      *grabs warm water*

  5. SAO running slooow... might be time to head to bed then.

  6. 22 posts about fishing...there has to be an easier way to Earn A Living... >.< Why did I choose FISHING! :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Reusririasuir


      I play text-based RPG games. "Oh that's...interesting. What exactly do you do in these games?" "Oh well, all kinds of stuff, see here are my 22 posts about...fishing. ...It's really fun I promise!" XD

    3. Calrex


      Well you could do that, or you could have taken part in "When the String Snaps" XD. Cherish the little things Reu, cherish the little things

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      yes join us..just read the last 3 posts and you'll be up to date!

  7. 22 Posts for Blades of Dreams is going to take me FOREVER. :(

  8. A little vinnie paz to relax with. I suggest you open up your ears and you listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2frJ3e0hxPE

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Open your ears? That's like asking someone to melt steel beams with jet fuel...

    2. Reusririasuir


      X. Go post in our Blood in the Sand.

  9. Anyone selling materials? I'm way too lazy to go hunting >.<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Calrex
    3. Reusririasuir


      Should be getting it soon now actually. Ignore my complaining, I'm just sleepy. Tty tomorrow! I'll post something in that thread, though tbh I was waiting to see if our companion had any questions of his own.

    4. Calrex


      Haha it's cool. We can break order for now until we actually start hunting/gathering

  10. Anyone selling materials?

  11. Bed time for this old man...

    1. Calrex


      Gnight dude!

    2. Ssendom
    3. Kotori


      Have a nice sleep for me because I can't!

  12. Bob Seger's Greatest Hits. Perfect choice for tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVM7yjpbeos

  13. Cal should invite Reu into the mountain thread, cause Reu needs another RP to gather materials and complete the benchmark. *whistles to himself*

    1. Calrex


      Hehe I see what you did there. I'll make another gathering thread once I get back from lunch. The mountain one is a dungeon date XD

    2. Reusririasuir
    3. Calrex
  14. Can you edit a title to a thread?

  15. Can't cool down from my run. So hot >.<

    1. Reusririasuir


      No replies to any RP's until late tonight. Too hot to concentrate and going out in a bit.

  16. Combat in SAO, one critical, a page of misses, one critical, half a page of misses >.<

    1. Calrex


      You mean in your Gemini thread? XD That's how them SPs go sometimes

  17. Crafting a sword, should I do +3 Damage, or +1 Damage with 2 points of Paralyze?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reusririasuir


      But I think you're right, +3 dmg. Just can't take the loss in damage.

    3. Baldur


      What Azide said. We ran the numbers ^_^

    4. Rusty


      I made a +2 DMG and +1 ACC on my first perfect.I did that because I have trouble getting hits alot.. just gonna have to wait the night for the approval, although since the dice roller was nice for once, I'm wait as long as I have to.

  18. Do battle arena threads count as benchmarks?

    1. Echo


      "Floor Benchmarks

      - Benchmarks are a challenge that divides the floor forums.

      - To advance from any floor group forum to another, a player must complete the Benchmark.

      - A benchmark is made to separate out the characters.

      - A character must have at least 10 completed in character RPs in the floor group forum before they can apply for a benchmark."

    2. Echo


      Basically all I can provide you with at the moment.

    3. Mari


      I personally don't think they do.

  19. Does anyone else feel a need to keep SAO playing on Netflix in the background? Like, all time time >.>

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baldur


      I haven't listened to the dub, but that's mostly because I watched it as it came out in Japan, so there was no dubbing then :P

    3. Reusririasuir


      I watched it subbed, but then watched the dub and now it's actually harder for me to watch it subbed. I couldn't imagine watching it subbed if I had seen the dubbing first.

      We're you in Japan Baldur?

    4. Baldur


      No, but the sites I use have it subbed the day after it airs in Japan.

  20. Does Concentration boost a roll into a critical?

    1. Calrex


      Unfortunately no. All it does is secure the hit. If you have a hit already you'd be better off saving it. Crits only occur on the natural roll

    2. Reusririasuir


      K. That's what I thought. It's a shame, I feel like you should have to declare using it on your next attack in the previous post, but because of having to do that, boosting it to a critical should be allowed.

    3. Calrex


      Yeah in those cases it's more for when you're dealing with enemies that have higher Evasion. That's why you could have all of the ACC boosts to the cap, but it won't result in any more criticals. Otherwise many players focusing on DPS would be wayy too overpowered XD

  21. Fell asleep with my leg all weird underneath me; stood up to answer the door and almost fell over. >.<

    1. Kiru


      HAH I just did the same thing but...I was sitting on the floor for two hours drawing..

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