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Posts posted by Hikoru

  1. Keep 'er Rolling!

    ID: 114597 BD: 5+3-2=6 Hit!

    Hikoru used Swarm: 14 x 19 x 1.20 = 319 - 75 = 244 Damage to Pheonix

    ID: 114597 MD: 10 Crit!

    <<Hellstorm>>: 228+50 = 278 Damage - 79 = 199 Damge - 76 BH = 123 Damage to Hikoru

    Hikoru: 1427/1550  | EN: 137/152 | DMG: 16 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BH: 76 | -20% DoT Damage <<Burn>> 24 Damage per turn

    Pheonix: 516/760 | MIT: 75 | DMG: 228 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
    : On attack rolls of 9-10, the Phoenix raises to the skies and with a flap of its wings shoots feathers upon the player with the most hate, dealing 50 more damage to its base, additionally the player suffers Burn damage at 24 damage per turn for two turns.

  2. Hikoru made small hand signals towards his familiar, things that he had done his best to train him about. The Pumpking familiar nodded, then brought his vine-made arms and legs close, to keep as quiet as he could. Hikoru nodded and then made his way towards the top of the hill, avoiding the creature's eyesight. In all honesty, the creature was beautiful, and it was something that he saw as a powerful creature. He would love to have a familiar like that, but he loved Sir Rolland, and the creature and him had a special bond that not a lot of other people had. The creature was semi-intelligent and understood him, plus he knew how to make coffee like a master Barista. Those are things that you can't take for granted. He slowly found himself underneath the giant creature at a perfect vantage point. All he needed to do was wait for the right moment. He slowly unsheathed his dagger, making sure to not make any sudden noise to alert the creature, and waited for the right time to strike.

    ID: 114596 LD: 17+7= 25 Stealth Rating

  3. Hikoru ducked his head down carefully and made sure to keep low to the ground. He didn't want to alert the bird of his presence, but he was sure that his Blue cloak wasn't helping in the black and red environment that they were in. For right now, that wasn't his main problem. It was trying to find a vantage point that he could strike from. From what he could see, the bird was at the highest peak of the area, so he'd have to strike from below, which was never optimal in his mind. But, he would have to try and see what would happen. He slowly moved forward, but his foot slipped and revealed a large piece of Lapis Lazuli. His eyes widened at the large crystal. He had never really seen one that size and knew that this was the last material he needed. He grabbed it and put it in his inventory then, pulled up his hood, giving a small whistle to draw Sir Rolland under his cloak to hide.

    ID: 114595 LD: 15+8=22 Material Found!

    Mats: 5/5

  4. Hikoru yawned as he walked, himself starting to grow tired of the things around him. It was bleak, desolate, volcanic. Things didn't seem happy here, they only seemed grim, and it didn't help his mental state. Hikoru felt a tug, and he looked down to see Sir Rolland looking at him. He had forgotten that the little guy as with him, as he had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts and mind. He leaned down and pat his head, the creature giving a small coo of satisfaction. "What's up bud?" He asked, and the Pumpking pointed ahead of them. Hikoru looked and saw the giant creature that he was supposed to fight. He had almost walked right into him. Hikoru smiled and pat Rolland again. "Good job having my back. Extra candy tonight." He said, and Sir Rolland smiled widely. He always loved the prospect of more candy and getting it because of a good job always felt better than just receiving it.

    ID: 114594 LD: 3+8=11 No Material!

    Mats: 4/5

  5. Hikoru looked at the area around him. While it wasn't much, the area was still way too humid for any kind of guild hall, plus, he had heard that finding land on any floor below Floor 11 was extremely difficult, and expensive. He knew that he couldn't really afford anything like that at this time, nor did he think anyone else at the guild could. He mentally marked off all floors from 1-10 off his list, double-crossing out this floor, because he hated the heat. He looked around and saw something glinting out of the corner of his eye. He went over and looked, to find a bar of iron ore. He was a bit confused as to why this was here, or how someone could miss it, but he decided to not ask questions and just put it into his pack for the tailor to work on his armor. For now, he needed to find at least one more before he would go looking for the Pheonix. He was pretty sure the Pheonix wouldn't be hard to find though, as a large glowing bird is very difficult to miss.

    ID: 114593 LD: 7+8=15 Material Found!

    Mats: 4/5

  6. Hikoru waited until Sey entered, then the doors slammed shut as the crowd above them cheered. This was all a game to them, a game within a game. Nice job Kayaba. The Rhino struck Sey hard, lowering his health a bit. Hikoru just smiled and gripped his dagger. He took it well, and he could see the fire in his eyes. This was a Sey that had prepared for battle and was ready for anything to come his way. My, how the young man had come. He knew that now was his chance, and he leaped down, stabbing the Rhino straight through his heart. He gave a triumphant look as he watched the creature's health inch down with every stab he dealt, dealing a good chunk of it's' health.

    "Alright, now I'm gonna Vanish again and we'll see if I can do any better damage." He said with a chuckle, and then backed away from the large creature and watched it's movements, to see how his next hit could land easier.

    ID: 114591 BD: 3+3-2= 4 [Disregarded Due to Sneak Attack]

    Hikoru used Swarm! 14 x 19 x 1.20 = 319 - 50 = 269 Damage

    Sey: 1136/1310 | EN: 116/122 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage | Hate: 6
    Hikoru: 1550/1550  | EN: 137/152 | DMG: 16 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BH: 76 | -25% DoT Damage | Hate: 0

    Piasuhōn | HP: 831/1,100 | DMG: 300 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2

  7. Hikoru continued to walk along the path towards the Quest, keeping his eyes peeled for materials that he could see. He decided that he needed to stop thinking of so much depressing stuff, and knew that he needed to move forward. If he dwelled on the past for too long, he would become depressed and hurt again, and that's not something that he wanted. He started to think about the new adventures his new guild would have. Shark, Ryu, Kairi, and Mina, all players he hadn't really gotten to know, but there was a family atmosphere there that he couldn't explain just yet. He looked on the ground and found another crystal. He picked it up and pocketed it as he noticed that it was starting to get a bit hotter than it already it was. He gave a sigh and gave his <<Survival>> Skill a moment to activate, and soon he felt his body cool down back to normal temperature, a small blue hue covering his body, giving his cloak another level of mystical, bending and shaping into whatever it felt like doing.

    ID: 114589 LD: 14+8=22 Material Found!

    Mats: 3/5

  8. Hikoru nodded as he pulled up his cloak, entering the arena quietly and stealthily. He knew that his best shot at hitting this creature hard was to take it from stealth, and that's what he was the best at. He quietly slipped past the guards and all the others around him. Even with the new stealth update, he reigned supreme compared to everyone else, and he was now way better at detecting people as well when it came to fighting another stealthed creature or player. He unsheathed his dagger and found a good vantage point above the rhino that he could see, now below him at a perfect point to strike. He decided to wait for Sey to initiate the fight to strike the creature after he gained hate. While he would be fine with taking a few hits, he wanted to see how Sey was as a tank. With Shield going off the grid from what he heard from the info brokers, he could use a new partner in crime to handle quests that may come his way.

    ID: 114588 LD: 13+5= 18 Stealth Rating

  9. Hikoru's mind continued to wander. What if nothing like this had ever happened? What if he was still as innocent as he was when he was a beginning player. Would he still be seen the same? Would he be as strong as he was now? It was the hardness within him that made him want to be stronger, to prove to others that he was worthy of his Mentor's title. What if nothing happened? He would probably just be a simple merchant, never fighting in the frontlines, never would have met the Celestial Ascendants and made the friends that he has now. He never would have met Beatbox before he was murdered, he never would have watched Itzal and Morgenstern grow into the players he was now. He never would have met Shield, a man he looked up to as a fatherly figure, and he would never be as respected as he was. He sighed. Maybe the things that happened to him, the things that hurt him, were what made him into who he was, a more mature man, a person who knows right from wrong. In his time of searching, he didn't find any materials in this area. He decided to move along and see if he could find any more in a new area.

    ID: 114585 LD: 6+8=14 No Material!

    Mats: 2/5

  10. Hikoru continued to search, and his minded started to wander, going back to the days when he was a lower-leveled player, about a year ago now. He had always been searching for materials, wanting to be the best Merchant, back when the Merchant made vouchers before ID-ing items was ever a thing. He just chuckled to himself. Those were the days, when he was more innocent, before things happened between him and Jomei, Lowenthal, Calrex, before he had made the friends that shaped him. He frowned a bit. Before he met Ariel, before she broke him and he became a hardened person because of it. He wished he could go back to those days, but he could never look at the woman the same again. It was hard to look at her without thinking of her malice ways towards him, towards the frontlines. Her hands were stained with the hands of his mentor, and he had forgiven her, but it was still a hard subject. In his time of thinking, he almost missed another crystal. He pocketed it before he continued his gathering.

    ID: 114584 LD: 15+8=23 Material Found!

    Mats: 2/5

  11. Hikoru just nodded as he said he was doing better off. And sadly, it was somewhat true. Other players didn't cope well with the stress that came with the frontlines and other players. He had just grown numb to it, as he had to mess with the likes of Zel, Dom, and Tristan, some of the most hard-headed, cocky people he had ever met in his time on earth and this game. Thanks to them, the small squabbles didn't seem as bad. He sighed and looked as Sey gave him a paper about the quest, and his face lit up. "You're here for that too? That's what I came for! Why don't we tag team? It'll make it way easier to beat." He said with a small smile. He grabbed his dagger. and pulled it out, passing it to Sey with the hilt towards Sey, himself grabbing the blade carefully.

    "I still think I can handle myself alright." He said with a laugh. "While this weapon is only Tier 1, It packs a pretty good punch if I land a crit." He said with a sly tone in his voice. He had worked tirelessly to make his build accessible for crits, to make them the most effective. It had been a long time since he had crit, however, but he was excited to see one day his crit come from stealth. That day would be a good day. "It's up to you, but I think it'd be fun."

  12. Hikoru just chuckled as Sey welcomed him warmly. It had been a while, but their relationship hadn't changed since he had last seen him. It felt nice, but he felt himself feeling a lot better than he did before. When he last saw Sey, he was broken, pretending to be someone he wasn't. It felt nice to be out of his shell and just be himself. He had been taking baby steps towards it, and now it was finally paying off. Sey asked how he was able to stand the tenseness with the frontlines, the people trying to get out of here. He just sighed and looked up into the sky, a small frown forming on his face.

    "Y'know, I can't really give you a straight answer for that." He said. "When it comes to the frontlines... that's just how it's always been. It's never been easy to get along with everyone. Remember, every person has their own ideals, their own goals. It's just become something that im used to seeing, and that I've grown numb to. It's not a good thing for me, but it's the only way that I can really handle some of these people. Y'know?" He said. Then he remembered where he was. "By the way, what are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

  13. Hikoru made sure he had all his equipment on, then opened up his HUD to take a look at the Quest parameters. From what he had written down, he remembered that the Quest boss' strength was based on the strength of the strongest player in the party. It had him a bit worried, but he knew he would be fine. It had been a long time since he had really been hurt from an attack. He made his way out of the town he was in, and found himself in a large open field. He started to search around for materials. It was a bit awkward at first, but he eventually remembered how he used to check around areas cleverly, picking up large rocks and looking in hollowed, dead trees. Luckily, he found one inside of a patch of grass. He picked up a small little crystal and pocketed it. He was sure that it would be one of the items he needed for the quest.

    ID: 114583 LD: 8+8=16 Material Found

    Mats: 1/5

  14. Hikoru appeared onto the fourth floor quietly. He had been tasked with a few things from his Guild leader, Shark. He had been asked to find materials, find a place to build a Guildhall and to find recruits. He had decided that a good place to start would be changing his armor up to fit the uniform. He needed to make a good entrance at the upcoming Floor Boss, and make his presence known as apart of the Knights of Christ. He smiled at the thought. He had found himself in a guild again, even though he had left because he thought he was better off alone. My, how much he had truly changed in the time away from the Celestial Ascendants. He hoped this time, he would do better than he did previously. After a quick warmup at his slime farm, he was ready to fight whatever was coming his way.

    Slime Farm used: +2 SP in April 2019



    Title: Master of Shadows

    Level: 76

    HP: 1550

    EN: 152

    DMG: 16
    ACC: 3
    EVA: 0
    MIT: 79


    2x  T3 Tears of Tranquility - +120 HP Restore
    Shadows Gait (+3 Evasion)


    Grandmaster Dagger (+5 DMG)
    Grandmaster Light Armor (+25 MIT)
    Grandmaster Charge (+5 DMG first hit)
    Grandmaster Search (+5 LD) 
    Grandmaster Shadowed Path (+5 to Hiding Checks. +3 Base Damage when attacking from Stealth)
    Grandmaster Battle Healing (5% Health regen per hit)
    Novice Martial Arts (+4 Damage)
    Extended Mod Limit Rank 2 (+2 Mod Slots)

    Extra Skills:

    Concentration (+1 ACC when used)
    Martial Arts (Rank 2)
    Survival (+15*Tier HP Out of battle & Not affected by environment)
    Familiar Handling: Fighter (Max Rank) (+9 DMG)


    Sneak Attack [Assassin] (+2 Damage, Auto Attack, No stuns or status effects can trigger)
    Athletics (+1 DMG, +10*Tier HP)
    Precision (+1 ACC)
    Vanish (Return to stealth using a post, automatically enter stealth after killing a foe)
    Blindside (Gain +2 Stealth Rating. Natural BD rolls of 9-10 reduce the target's accuracy by 1 for one turn when attacking from stealth.)
    Untraceable (Negates the effect of the Tracking skill against the user.)


    Multipurpose (+1 Stealth Rating for one Post in a thread)
    Relaxed (Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts)
    Clean (The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down))
    Rested (-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat)
    Tasty (Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread)
    Item Stash (+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot)
    Filling (Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30)
    Col Stash (+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests)


    Weapon: Dimensional Dagger: (+1 Phase, +2 ACC)

    Armor: Shadow's Triumph (+54 MIT, +1 Light Momentum)

    Accessory: --- Shadow's Eye (+3 LD)

    Familiar: Sir Rolland the Mini Pumpking (+9 DMG)



  15. Hikoru appeared on the 24th floor a few days after the meeting, fully prepared to fight whatever was about to be thrown at them. He had been busy with trying to prepare, but a few things had come up. He was invited to a new guild, and he was all but agreeable to do it. He was now once again apart of the Knights for Christ, but he didn't have his armor yet. It didn't show, but the symbol above his head made it visible. He was now representing a guild, a party of people that believed in him enough to trust in what he can do, and it felt nice to be apart of a family again. He needed the time alone, but he missed having people to party and have fun with. He went to the door of the raid party and saw that Neo, a young woman whom he had seen around, having a store open for food consumables. He nodded and came over

    "I'll just take these two. Thank you for these." He said with a sincere smile. He ate then quietly and waited a bit before he entered stealth

    Snatching a Tofu Burger and Iron-Infused Steak from @Neopolitan



    Title: Master of Shadows

    Level: 76

    HP: 1550

    EN: 152

    DMG: 22
    ACC: 3
    EVA: 3
    MIT: 94


    2x  T3 Tears of Tranquility - +120 HP Restore
    1x Eggnog - Safeguard


    Grandmaster Dagger (+5 DMG)
    Grandmaster Light Armor (+25 MIT)
    Grandmaster Charge (+5 DMG first hit)
    Grandmaster Search (+5 LD) 
    Grandmaster Shadowed Path (+5 to Hiding Checks. +3 Base Damage when attacking from Stealth)
    Grandmaster Battle Healing (5% Health regen per hit)
    Novice Martial Arts (+4 Damage)
    Extended Mod Limit Rank 2 (+2 Mod Slots)

    Extra Skills:

    Concentration (+1 ACC when used)
    Martial Arts (Rank 2)
    Survival (+15*Tier HP Out of battle & Not affected by environment)
    Familiar Handling: Fighter (Max Rank) (+9 DMG)


    Sneak Attack [Assassin] (+2 Damage, Auto Attack, No stuns or status effects can trigger)
    Athletics (+1 DMG, +10*Tier HP)
    Precision (+1 ACC)
    Vanish (Return to stealth using a post, automatically enter stealth after killing a foe)
    Blindside (Gain +2 Stealth Rating. Natural BD rolls of 9-10 reduce the target's accuracy by 1 for one turn when attacking from stealth.)
    Untraceable (Negates the effect of the Tracking skill against the user.)


    Shadowed Path (Immunity to Passive Detection, 20% Damage increase when attacking from stealth, Do not gain Hate on a normal attack, Gain 1 Hate from a Critical attack)
    Multipurpose (+1 Stealth Rating for one Post in a thread)
    Relaxed (Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts)
    Clean (The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down))
    Rested (-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat)
    Tasty (Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread)
    Item Stash (+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot)
    Filling (Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30)
    Col Stash (+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests)
    Tofu Burger (+3 Base Damage [Using Filling on Burger], -30 MIT)
    Iron-Infused Steak (+45 Mitigation)
    Damage Potion (+3 Base Damage)
    Mitigation Potion (+45 Mitigation)


    Weapon: Dimensional Dagger: (+1 Phase, +2 ACC)

    Armor: Shadow's Triumph (+54 MIT, +1 Light Momentum)

    Accessory: --- Shadow's Gait (+3 EVA)

    Familiar: Sir Rolland the Mini Pumpking (+9 DMG)



  16. Hikoru appeared on the 24th floor, his blue cloak on his shoulders. After the last update, his cloak had lost its enchantment near water, which made him a bit depressed. But, he still wore it for the style that he was known for. He gave a small sigh as he looked around, finding the large collesium. With the Boss raid coming soon, he wanted to try and get stronger, and he had heard about a beast that he could fight and get some good SP for. He started to walk towards it, when he saw a familiar figure nearby. It was a face that he hadn't seen in a long time, but it was a face that he recognized.

    "Sey?" He asked curiously, drawing closer to him as he passed by a few characters and NPC's. "Sey is that you? What the heck man? Where have you been?" He asked, a smile on his face as he came close. "It's been a long time." He spoke, laughing a bit.

  17. Hikoru listened to the group get to know one another in their own unique ways, and he avoided eye contact as Shark complimented and said that he had become a force. It was true, but to hear that from the man he used to look up to was something he wasn't quite comfortable with. He listened to the trial that they had set, and Hikoru held back a laugh. Apparently, word didn't get to these two as to who he really was. He just cleared his throat a bit

    "Not to be rude, but I'll have to decline that offer to fight... For good reason." He said, then opened his HUD, pulling up his stats and his skills, but he crossed out his Unique Skill from sight, not wanting to reveal that quite yet. While the frontliners know, other's don't, and he'd like to keep it that way. He made two separate windows and gave both of them to @Shark and @RyujinSeaLord"As you can see, the thought of me fighting like that is... pointless." He said, not trying to sound cocky but being sincere. "But, I am willing to help these players by playing as a practice dummy." He said with a chuckle. He saw another young girl come over and ask to join, and he smiled. "Ah, that seems almost perfect. Three players as their challengers, and three players to take the test." He looked at Ryu. "I hope you'll accept, and I'm sorry if it becomes an inconvenience to your plans."

  18. Hikoru was working at his desk, as he usually did. Being one of the head leaders of the Info Broker Society had its perks, but also cost him a lot of time. It had been a long time since he had actually taken the quests that he had put onto the market. It was depressing, because other than Raid Bosses, he had no time to have a good fight, to take on foes that were stronger than him, or on par. It was thanks to the combination of both his level and the rate that they were taking the floors. He sighed and took a sip of coffee when he received a ping. He looked to see a small mail notification. He just shook his head, expecting it to be one of the IBS workers asking for a report. He looked at the sender, and his eyes widened a bit. A name that he hadn't heard in a long time, nor had he seen since he was around level 20, Shark. He was invited to come to their guild that he had been apart of long ago, the KoC. Hikoru sat back and thought about the offer, then decided to go and see what they had to say. Hikoru donned his blue cloak and made his way to Tomoika, then teleported to the Second Floor. He made his way to the Rusty dagger and walked through the doors. He pulled up his hood as heads turned towards him, then quickly looked away as he looked at them. He looked back to Rex, the Barkeeper, and gave him a nod. Rex nodded back and Hikoru looked to see a group of people that he knew stood out amongst the den of Thieves and Rogues. Two men and two women, all seemed to be of lower level. Hikoru came over quietly and pulled up a chair, sitting at the edge of the table.

    "It's been a very long time old friend..." He said as he pulled his cloak down, his Raven black hair and piercing gray eyes looked at Shark. "It seems that time has done its toll..." He smiled. "It's good to see your alive and well. And hello to all of you." He said to the others. "I do believe I'm not the only one invited to this guild by the looks of it. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." He sat and looked at Rex, giving him a thumbs up, and Rex went to prepare some drinks. "Rex here will provide some drinks, as you chose to meet at a Bar where I'm friends with the owner. It's on me."

  19. Hikoru listened to the two of them and nodded. He listened as they speculated and he had to agree, scouting would be good for his notes, plus it could help them to learn their patterns as to get them all grouped up and take out quickly. He scratched his chin, then grabbed the papers to take another look. "It says that they are docked, on the 16th Floor. That should be pretty easy to find. Just look for the Jolly Roger flag on top of it and go from there." He spoke, reading what his info brokers had written. "I'm guessing there will be a large amount of barrels. If we wanted to get crafty, we could hide in them to get aboard, but I don't like that idea. If they find us we're trapped and they could throw us overboard." He said with a chuckle. "And I don't want to find out how it feels to drown." He looked at them. "So lets hide around the barrels, find their pattern. I myself may go to the Crows Nest to get a better look, then when I find my targets I'll jump down and strike, then disappear again." He looked at them. "It's at that moment you guys jump in at your targets and take them out. The Lackeys are priority. They may not hit hard, but the DoT they can give if we ignore them wouldn't be good."

  20. Hikoru listened to the fights escalate, and he sat down quietly. He watched things unfold, saw Baldur leave in anger, and Shield and Hestia lash out with harsh words. Shield then called on @Jomei to say that he should lead. Hikoru nodded. It was a bright idea, and he knew Jomei, he was good at leading. Although, Jomei seemed a bit off. He knew something was bothering him. He nudged him a little.

    "Hey, if you need me to step in I can, but I'd say go for it if your up." He whispered, then stood and faced @Hestia. "I'm sorry, but I'm with Shield as well. From what I've heard things didn't go well at the fight that you had earlier, and your last fight on the frontlines was... interesting, to say the least. And what Baldur said is correct about me as well. Maybe it would be better for me to go with the less healing part and be moved to a group that may not have the highest damage. If we put all the high-damage dealers in one group, we'll have the same problem as we had in the past, before a lot of you came. We would have the Azure group." He spoke, keeping his cool speaking about them. "And then the rest of us would scrounge to find groups, and we would usually be in complete pain while that group was fine. We should avoid that if possible. If anything, go with teams that we're comfortable with but don't be afraid to branch out with others that you may not know" He looked at @Shield"I understand that trusting your team is important, but if we have a team completely overpowered, it leaves those that may be weaker no one to back them up, and it would be complete mayhem for them. I'd say have one person that you trust, then go with another pair that you may not have fought with before, learn each other's weaknesses and help cover them. Something of the sorts to make us stronger as a whole." He spoke, then crossed his arms. "It's just a suggestion, and coming from my place maybe you don't want to take me seriously. But i've been here for a while, some longer than others, and this is something I've never seen the frontlines do before, and maybe it's the next step we need to take."

  21. Hikoru's shoulders visibly slumped as she exclaimed that she was Lessa, and he gave a sigh of relief. He walked slowly, his arms visible and nowhere near his weapon. He came up to the counter and pulled down his hood, revealing all of his hair and his silver eyes, known for their intensity in combat, but now they were filled with sorrow, confusion, things that were easy to read. He opened his inventory and pulled out the sword that he had found, Gram, and placed it onto the counter. The giant sword sat and glinted in the room, giving off an ominous vibe from it, almost as if it was covered in a gas that filled the room, suffocating them with dread, along with how Hikoru was already feeling. He looked at Lessa with sincerity.

    "I... I want to know how you got this, and.... And why Vale is missing." He said, his voice choked on the last part. He held his tongue for a moment. "She said that you were the person to give this to her in some way shape or form. To do that, my mind only told me that you were the first person to come to, that you were close to her..." He held back the tears, but the water could still be seen glinting off of his eyes. "Please... Please tell me you can help."

    ((Photo of look here , exclude tears streaming down face))

  22. Hikoru listened to their thoughts and scratched his chin. He picked up the paper and read their stats. Fairly low, something that he didn't really think that they needed to stress about. He gave a sigh and thought. This fight would take place on a giant ship, so for them to get this done quietly and quickly, he would have to use Vanish, and have to use it quite a bit. He opened up his skill list and read the mod he had, and saw that it had an ability of immediately entering stealth after killing a mob or opponent. His eyebrow raised a bit and he nodded. "Well, after some quick double-checking, I can see that I can take out an opponent, eliminate him, then immediately enter stealth and attack from it the next round." He said with a smile. "So that's 2 out of 5 taken out in the first few seconds of us being there. After that, both of you charge in and take one out, then I'll attack the last one. Then, I leave the two strong ones to you two, and I'll enter stealth and take out the captain once you're done. Sound like a plan?" He asked, a proud smile on his lips. His build was made for situations like this. Take out enemies one at a time stealthily, and nobody would even notice before they were ambushed and out-numbered.

  23. Hikoru listened quietly as things continued onward. He listened to the planning of the groups and nodded, writing down the notes of what the boss room looked like and the roster, as to add it to his library for the History of Aincrad, which he hoped to take with him to the real world, he cleared his throat and stood. "If I may give some insight as to where to put me. I know I may not have the biggest AoE, but I am the only person here who does not receive hate when I attack unless I get a critical, but even then it's very few. With the giant damage spikes that I deal per opponent, something such as crowd control would be good, as I am a Burst DPS." He said. "So, if it's okay with everyone, I'd be asked to be put next to Calex and Zandra. They gain enough hate that I wouldn't have to worry about anything except AoE attacks, but even then my evasion is high enough to help avoid it," he spoke, then looked at Zandra "I do hope me being on your team would not be a problem." He said sincerely, almost apologetically. He then put his attention back to the group. "If anyone has anything against this with proper evidence, I am all ears, but this is what I would ask." He said, then he sat back down and resumed his notes, patting the back of Jomei. "It's good to have you back, and yes, maybe after this we could go to a pub, or to my house. It's been a while since I've had a good drink." He said with a laugh.

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