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Status Updates posted by Rusty

  1. I'm level.. 13. How this happen?! *shakes fist in the air* Why couldn't it be 8!?

    1. Reusririasuir


      Yep, I gained levels too. SO MUCH MORE HP!!

    2. Matsuo Kaito

      Matsuo Kaito

      8 is perfect in every way. Because it's symmetrical! (Caught your reference ;D)

    3. Klick


      Same here... what happen...

      now all the mobs will take like 50 post to beat T-T

  2. Its been a month since I joined... I'm sad now.

    1. Calrex


      The ones that are usually online haven't been on in a while now. I'm guessing IRL stuff.

    2. Matsuo Kaito
    3. Show next comments  6 more
  3. I posted twice a topic, will somebody please delete one of them?

    1. Kiru


      Ask Shark, or an available GM :33

  4. Did I miss anything?

    1. Raissuh


      I do not believe so.

    2. Raissuh


      Ooooooh. I know. You missed your target!

  5. Ranked up on my blacksmith stats, Reusririasuir and Klick, I'll have your orders coming soon!

    1. Rusty
    2. Klick
    3. Reusririasuir


      :) Now I just need the item Torunn has for me approved and I'll be all set for a bit.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Don't lose your way, in your mind.

    1. Vashtor


      Then we are in agreement! There are mods for Left 4 Dead for example that replaces the tank theme with the part you were singing. It's awesome.

    2. Rusty


      (: Mako is love, Mako is life.

    3. Klick


      i like the rap part >.>

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. Switching back to my original avatar... Look to your left.

    1. Rusty


      *turns into Chibi Rusty to escape Teayre... and Azide*

    2. Calrex


      *Calrex's face's face winces*

    3. Azide


      *Pulls arrow from chest and punches Cal in the face*

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Rusty's familiar. http://i.imgur.com/LJEfKpf.jpg

    1. Teayre


      Dude.... Totally xD

    2. Rusty


      I see what you did there.. But yeah, if he ever had a familiar, it would be squirt but in a land turtle form.

  9. I wish I could make one of those neat signatures that actually have the H.U.D from SAO. D: I can't photoshop at all..

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Just get the raw picture and then edit in the text your self.

    2. Vesuvius


      Want one? I can get you one

    3. Rusty


      Yep, please?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. Just realized I hit 200 posts some time ago..

  11. When you salvage something, do you roll and do a new post or is the loot die on the post where you got a bad item count instead.

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      your roll for a crafting attempt right? it has a BD/CD/LD/MD right? if the CD is for a bad item you use the LD in the same roll to salvage or not

  12. So.. how many piece of equipment can you have in battle on you at a time. In one place it says 3 items and in another it says 6.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reusririasuir


      Psh, like I care that much. Besides, I'm totally writing a page and a half of 'he swung his sword, he missed. It's ok, his opponent swung his sword, he also missed.' posts... :(

    3. Calrex


      Just keep swinging, just keep swinging

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      3 equiped items and 6 inventory items ..just as Azide said.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  13. Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rage at close of day, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    1. Rusty


      Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

      Because their words had forked no lightning they

      Do not go gentle into that good night.

  14. Kill La Kill or SAO 2?

    1. Aquila
    2. XWuZHeAR


      Honestly I'm just obsessed with gun gale so calibur and mothers Rosario just sort of rolled off to me.

    3. Calrex
  15. DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY.... *loses her way almost every single time*

  16. Kill la kill.... is life now. I apologize, but I will be leaving the site till I finish watching. MAKO IS LOVE MAKO IS LIFE

    1. Shanok


      Rusty, don't lose your way.

    2. Calrex


      In your mind we have to be as one

    3. Rusty
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. Level 7 has beeen reached.

  18. I would like to show, cut open my skull, look into my head. I don't know why I'm so harsh, I can be so brash, and I'm going to clash!!! Cause I feeeel.

    1. Calrex


      I can always show my everything to youuuuu! If this moment was for me!

    2. Rusty


      I try to hear

      Lend my ear

      Voices inside

      One link to join it all again

    3. Calrex


      XD You gotta love Nothing's Carved in Stone

  19. Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time, I feel aliveeeee..

    1. XWuZHeAR


      So don't stop me nowwwww...

    2. Rusty


      *air guitar solo midway through song*

    3. XWuZHeAR


      I'm moving at the speed of light, that's why the call me mr. Fahrenheit ohhhh I'm gonna make a super sonic man out of you!

  20. I officially declare this day the weirdest day ever in SAO-RPG. First, three people leave. Second, the right bar changes. Third, levels are changing.

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