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Status Replies posted by Zandra

  1. Any Alchemists who are PK:A have some perfect Damage Potions and Crystals, as well as some rare or perfect Mitigation potions?

  2. Hey guys. X here reminding you all that potions are expensive but there's hope! Perfect songs only cost 4 mats! or 300 col! down at X's musical dojo. Start placing your orders today!

  3. Legit do no know how I found this... but wat? O.o


  4. once we clear all these floors someone should draw everyone who's active at the time characters posing for one big group photo. because it be interesting to see everyone's character in a similar art form and all together like that

  5. Someone wanna buy some healing songs? I need mats for tomorrow but really don't wanna go mat grinding

  6. Anyone else remember when post count was what determined your level?

  7. Morning guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm hoping to come back from my hiatus and join back up with you guys. 

  8. For those who know Lowenthal, or those who have recently met him please PLEASE send me some info.

    How we met, and when did Lowe see you last?

    I'm trying to make my journal moar pretty =P

  9. I have 3 important orders to make. The first two are potions. I need a tier 1 perfect damage mit potion, and a safeguard. I can pay in mats, and extra if it means I can get them faster.

    I also need a piece of heavy armor, a shoulderguard, tier 1 with 3 slots of mit. Once again, I can pay in mats and I can pay extra.

  10. If you want any perfect potions or crystals for the events, drop by Exellance Elexiruim and get your very own ones.

  11. I have 3 important orders to make. The first two are potions. I need a tier 1 perfect damage mit potion, and a safeguard. I can pay in mats, and extra if it means I can get them faster.

    I also need a piece of heavy armor, a shoulderguard, tier 1 with 3 slots of mit. Once again, I can pay in mats and I can pay extra.

  12. I am letting Opal out of her cage, with the current ban on PKing and me being strictly a PKer who will kill NPCs, I wanna get some plot going for Laughing Coffin. So if anyone would be interested in taking a purely Plot story driven Thread with my Laughing Coffin, hit me up! I have tons of ideas for fun for everyone of any Level Group. :)

  13. Anyonr up for dungeon hunting?

  14. Oh my, both Erroneus and Akumasaru keeping an eye on me:

  15. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

  16. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

  17. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

  18. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

  19. Oh my, both Erroneus and Akumasaru keeping an eye on me:

  20. Oh my, both Erroneus and Akumasaru keeping an eye on me:

  21. Opening up my shop again. So that's a thing! Rank 3 fishing right here! How? Why? WHO CARES?! :D

  22. Opening up my shop again. So that's a thing! Rank 3 fishing right here! How? Why? WHO CARES?! :D

  23. Opening up my shop again. So that's a thing! Rank 3 fishing right here! How? Why? WHO CARES?! :D

  24. Opening up my shop again. So that's a thing! Rank 3 fishing right here! How? Why? WHO CARES?! :D

  25. So this is probably i people's minds... Is the Battojustu up for grabs now, too? since it looks like Tea's dead - maybe. If so, I'll just go ahead and say what - probably - all katana users are thinking. Dibs. xD <3 kidding... I'll have to fight through a lot of peepz to get to that. T_T Oh @Scout Broker... where art thou?

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