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Status Replies posted by Lowenthal

  1. Yes... Getting back into role playing is fun.

  2. Someone help, I'm stuck on vegeta mode!

  3. woop woop 100 posts

  4. So, is there a report players button?

  5. I'm back, I was awesome

  6. I'm back! Yay! Happy food tummy!

  7. Made a perfect item on my first role, I think I'm going to like this profession thing!

  8. *waits for peeps to join a certain op*

  9. Okay, 'Room Zero' Was good. It was WAY better then the first one. Kinda 'goofy' in the middle but the ending was nice.

  10. Okay, next 'creepy'pasta? The disney one was good until the 'anti mickey' Suit. If it was just a normal mickey suit, it would've been way better

  11. I think im gonna hit the sack now. eyes are droopy and I got a purring cat thats nulling my senses xD night all!

  12. I don't know why I punish myself like this. Why do I choose to listen to creepy soundtracks at night? I don't get it.

  13. I don't know why I punish myself like this. Why do I choose to listen to creepy soundtracks at night? I don't get it.

  14. I don't know why I punish myself like this. Why do I choose to listen to creepy soundtracks at night? I don't get it.

  15. *sets out on a journey to become a cook!*

  16. I don't know why I punish myself like this. Why do I choose to listen to creepy soundtracks at night? I don't get it.

  17. *sets out on a journey to become a cook!*

  18. *sets out on a journey to become a cook!*

  19. *sets out on a journey to become a cook!*

  20. *sets out on a journey to become a cook!*

  21. Who else is on this late at night?

  22. Who else is on this late at night?

  23. Who else is on this late at night?

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