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Status Replies posted by Lowenthal

  1. I got punched in the throat today. It was greeaaat... but hey, that's what friends are for.

  2. Alrighty guys heading for the bus. See you on my phone!

  3. First song ever crafted... perfect item... xD

  4. First song ever crafted... perfect item... xD

  5. Gah watching players die from floor one enemies is sad as hell; they really neexd to make cloth armor always give you 1 damage mitigation to help avoid this, and maybe a hp potion or whatnot.

  6. Gah watching players die from floor one enemies is sad as hell; they really neexd to make cloth armor always give you 1 damage mitigation to help avoid this, and maybe a hp potion or whatnot.

  7. It's been a good run as Axios... X_X... Last post ever as Axios... May it forever commemorate his death.

  8. My pyres have been sabotaged... Whoever messed with Lemon's is coming after me...

  9. Anyone looking for a RP partner?

  10. I came from the moon! What year is it?

  11. I am the type of person that would sneak quietly not to wake someone. Trips over own foot! Breaking five vases, tripping an alarm, and awaking all the dogs in the neighborhood.

  12. I am the type of person that would sneak quietly not to wake someone. Trips over own foot! Breaking five vases, tripping an alarm, and awaking all the dogs in the neighborhood.

  13. I'm almost done with my earning a living quest so I can open my shop soon. Yay! *faints from exhaustion*

  14. Welp, finally got my shop up and running! :D

  15. the boss fight seem to go well right now but still I'm wondering how many forms it has and at this point... I'm too afraid to ask -empties a mug of beer-

  16. I just got overly excited for killing a boar and getting 30 col...

  17. Changed my mind... way too hot to sleep x_x

  18. Alrighty back at home. Let's do this!

  19. two lenghty paragraphs because my computer crashed. ;-;

  20. A gift from the gods-8 mats-8 more chances to craft a perfect. XD

  21. did my first combat post!!

  22. Upon reveiw, I see that my quest was completed and locked. But there is no final GM or PSS post with my Mat drop xD

  23. Whew so much business today!

  24. Hey Lowenthal is the shop open yet?

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