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Status Replies posted by Lowenthal

  1. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

  2. Wow, 5 days flew by when I decided to get off the site to work on new mechanics for the fighting aspect as well as play Dragon Age Inquisition for inspiration. Just realized how much my facial hair has grown too. o_o Well anyway, I'll hopefully be getting these mechanics done with soon enough so I can get back on the site. Oh and guess who bough Kaneki Ken's Ghoul mask from Tokyo Ghoul, a set of 24 celestial keys from Fairy Tail and Kurapika's chain glove with the finger chains fr...

  3. Just me, Avalanche, and the Tron Legacy Soundtrack...

  4. Total noob question, but um, Where can I find a list of GM's?

  5. Hai I'm the new kawaii girl here~

  6. Yay I'm home and I have beer! YAY!!!!!

  7. Time to see the Avengers* 2~ This should be gud

  8. Time to see the Avengers* 2~ This should be gud

  9. *Singing the Doom song in her head.*

  10. Doing combat in a solo thread, let's hope this doesn't lead to my death...

  11. Don't you love it when you've been waiting all day for a reply, then they log in enough for one post. Then they bolt. Isn't that great?

  12. Watching Persona 4: The Golden Animation, waiting for posrs

  13. How much health do you regenerate per post outside of combat?

  14. Need motivation to finish sp lol

  15. Be Back loves, my kiddle is making her own account QQ They grow up so fast!

  16. Stop stealing all the good dice rolls damn it!

  17. Sersously, dont hire me if you want a good alchemist, I snitt 1,6 EXP/Material :(

  18. No idea what music to listen to, any one have any suggestions?

  19. -streches- Goooood morning everyone! I'm dug in my usual spot for the weekend, and i'm good for ALL day posting.

  20. Alrighty, time for me to knock out everyone. I'll catch you laters!

  21. I have returned home, and can no reply 'post' hate hu3hu3hu3

  22. Someone dance with me damn it! *wants to dance*

  23. *begins building dice god worship pyres, making sure all of them are fully intact*

  24. I'm online now LD

  25. Alright everyone I need to knock out. Last day of work tomorrow before the weekend. Gnight all!

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