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Status Replies posted by Lowenthal

  1. Approved and what not. RP anyone?

  2. Morning all, time for school(RP) :)

  3. Alrighty, time for me to head to bed. Catch you all tomorrow! :)

  4. I'm waiting for us to get a performer who's a comedian. He calls himself a comic. We just call him Sans.

  5. The attitude I'm getting from my students today is astounding -__-

  6. Is there an item that can decrease the amount of time you have to wait to craft items

  7. Back at work, so back to posting between clients. #1 employee right here.

  8. Welp. Lost phone service this weekend. So untill I get my phone bill paid. I'm afraid i won't be able to play on weekends anymore.

  9. Goodmorning friends :D

  10. Welp, I managed to not post at all this morning. Just going to go hit the gym.

  11. Goodmorning friends :D

  12. So forgot how to spell emerged, so I typed 'ermergerd' and google fixed it for me

  13. Hoping to have to avoid the doctor. So who's down to RP? :)

  14. Oki just made 4 items all 3 threes on the roll. YOU CAN'Y MAKE THIS CRAP UP! LIGHT MORE PYRES!

  15. Oki just made 4 items all 3 threes on the roll. YOU CAN'Y MAKE THIS CRAP UP! LIGHT MORE PYRES!

  16. SAO Lost song, the one with Charcter creation and online multiplayer, comfirmed for coming to america in 2015 fall.

  17. SAO Lost song, the one with Charcter creation and online multiplayer, comfirmed for coming to america in 2015 fall.

  18. SAO Lost song, the one with Charcter creation and online multiplayer, comfirmed for coming to america in 2015 fall.

  19. I'm back from being sick how is everyone today?

  20. Basketball calls, they want their player back. see you all in a few hours

  21. Starting to think that all of the people who I have constant rps with are in different timezones.. because you guys are all up when i should be asleep, or early in the morning haha

  22. Oops. Made Breeze sound bad. Gotta try and fix it.

  23. all right free cookies for everyone...just don't swallow the burnt part

  24. Thinking about about the quest Long Live the Queen, any takers?

  25. Ugh, everyone I know is at Rockfest today and I'm at work. But at least I have SAO

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