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Status Replies posted by Lowenthal

  1. Who else is on this late at night?

  2. Hoping to get my journal approved tonight so I can join you guys on some adventures

  3. Is it just me, or did things just suddenly get slower?

  4. Am I kawaii yet? â€â—• ‿ â—•â€

  5. I see that Mari is online. Hello Mari, I trust that you're feeling better then you did a few days ago?

  6. Finally the 6 SP I need for the <> Skill!

  7. Am I kawaii yet? â€â—• ‿ â—•â€

  8. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      xD my guitar is at my house. But I can't play music on it only chords. I think my first song I learn to play will be 'You are A Pirate' from LazyTown

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  9. Where is an Artisan when you need one. XD

  10. Where is an Artisan when you need one. XD

  11. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      Wow, just wow. That's like my Favorite song. :3 And it's so good

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  12. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

  13. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

  14. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

  15. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      But, we've full circle. Now we can hear Hikoru sing the blues!

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  16. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      There was no errors in spel-uufh. Whhat? I would nver.>_>

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  17. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      We're bored with that now. We're on a pirate adventure.

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  18. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      -starts work on pirate ship- You're gonna need one of these then. Now, how many Canons would the Koikawa have? 15 or 20? hmmmmm

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  19. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      No, this is kikoru. Say hi. -silence- He's so shy

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  20. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      -Kikoru and Lowen toss Confetti on Hikoru- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~~

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  21. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      -looks an imaginary friend- What? Him? He's coo'. He wif me. :3

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

  22. Wow, 5 days flew by when I decided to get off the site to work on new mechanics for the fighting aspect as well as play Dragon Age Inquisition for inspiration. Just realized how much my facial hair has grown too. o_o Well anyway, I'll hopefully be getting these mechanics done with soon enough so I can get back on the site. Oh and guess who bough Kaneki Ken's Ghoul mask from Tokyo Ghoul, a set of 24 celestial keys from Fairy Tail and Kurapika's chain glove with the finger chains fr...

  23. I've got a really, really stupid question.... But, would anyone be interested in hearing me sing? I started RPing and Hikoru sang a bit.... and I thought, why not? I already showed my face.... So again, anybody interested? I can PM a link to a video of me singing, or just post it on here xD

    1. Lowenthal


      -throws confetti all over Kikoru- Yaaaaaay~~

    2. (See 72 other replies to this status update)

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