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Status Updates posted by Jomei

  1. Its been a super quiet week..

    1. Zelrius


      Go post in kill the pack

    2. Jomei


      Oh is it my turn? I lost track honestly. Thanks

  2. You know you're a ginger when you get sunburn on only one arm from driving...

    1. Kiru


      omigosh I don't know why ths is so funny

    2. Calrex
    3. Jomei


      It gets funnier to me every time i look in the mirror xD

  3. Could use some new faces to RP with, anyone down?

    1. Rusty


      Setting an op.. join if you want.

    2. Jomei


      Sweet I will

    3. Rusty
  4. Just became THAT teacher with Smash hooked up to the projector.

    1. Vaan-The Berserker
    2. Lowenthal


      Glad I'm not in tht class, cause then I'd 'School' you

    3. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      Oh yeah you're gonna school me? Um...... I got nothing.

  5. Cant tell if I should start new RPs.... or if the ones I was in need replies..

    1. Jomei


      Im no good at starting them lmao. But it totally is the 2nd one, I have a couple that just fell off and are waiting on others

    2. Oikawa
    3. Jomei


      It sucks even more because I have ideas for character development in each that I need to fulfill

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  6. Gonna take a quick nap. See you guys in a bit

  7. Came back to so many replies. Makes me happy

  8. Activity died down.. guess ill take that as a hint to get some shut eye. Night friends

  9. Bleehh

    1. Kiru


      I do, just procrastinating. :D Lol I need a closing paragraph and revision.

    2. Jomei
    3. Show next comments  15 more
  10. Woo! Still have interwebs. Looks like you guys are gonna be stuck with me xD

    1. Calrex


      Good lord why?! XD just joking nice dude!

    2. Jomei
    3. Calrex


      *pats on back*

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  11. Leaving now for my trip into the mountains lol. If I have internet, then ill reply to anything when I can. If not, just be patient for Sunday night. Adios!

  12. Tis' a slow day.

  13. Gonna be away for the weekend. Not sure if Ill have internet where I'm going or not, but if I do, replies will be limited. Ill be on for most of today and will be back Sunday night. Don't miss me too much guys xD

    1. Calrex


      NOOOOO! XD Have a good trip dude!

    2. Jomei


      Haha thank you!

  14. just went to type "SHUT UP" but wasnt paying attention and typed "DHUR" xD!!!

    1. Calrex
    2. Lowenthal


      Cal, you home? ^-^

    3. Calrex


      Yes I am. Just replied recently to the initiation thread

  15. Anyone care to set something up?

    1. Ssendom


      *Twiddles his thumb in patience to be invited to things... he is a lonely boy lol*

    2. Jomei


      But that means I have to do the hard paaarrttt. *pouts.* okay haha ill come up with something and ill send out a PM when its up.

    3. Lowenthal
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. Great.... now I have a stomach bug -_-

    1. Jomei


      I might've just been something I ate

    2. Lowenthal


      *hits panic button*

    3. Calrex



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  17. Feel like a cool person now that I have one of Calrex's signatures :D

    1. Jomei


      Yeah I laughed when I first saw you put it on your sig, and then you leveled up almost immediately after

    2. Lowenthal


      I likd mine. I can update it at anytime. ^-^

    3. Zandra


      If you only lvl up and have the SAO-fonts, just go into paint, pipet a color close to the letters, cover leters that color, write white letters where they was

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. After super careful drawing *cough editing* I think I finally have a good representation of Jomei *points at new profile picture*

    1. Jomei


      I mean it wasnt just simple recoloring if that makes you feel any better xD

      Eventually Im gonna try and draw one out, I'm just getting used to the tablet again.

    2. Calrex


      Ah gotcha XD

    3. Lowenthal


      Wish i could draw. All I can do are simple landscapes

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  19. Anyone wanna do <> with me? Could use the company

    1. Ahti


      Finish up the previous quest so I can buy some skills and I'll go with you~

    2. Jomei
  20. I have a feeling its gonna be a boring day

    1. Zandra
    2. Jomei


      I dunno, just feels like one of those days. Probably just tired from getting up early.

  21. The attitude I'm getting from my students today is astounding -__-

    1. Jomei


      nice guys! Im gonna be teaching math

    2. Kiru


      We mean no harm.

    3. Skylar


      Jomei that is the most despised course. XD

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  22. Getting ready for another long day subbing.. Luckily ill have SAO to keep me entertained

  23. 32 posts later and 5 dead boars... I got a nice jacket :D

  24. This isn't looking too good...

    1. Jomei


      *shrug* at least it was after my fight

    2. Calrex
    3. Jomei


      I think the dice gods are angry at me for living and are now trying to kill me in the real world xD

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