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Status Replies posted by Takao

  1. Long live Aster, till the next purge!

  2. I forgot how do you edit your signature again?

  3. Any tailors around that wanna make a bunch of mats?

  4. Any tailors around that wanna make a bunch of mats?

  5.  Does it rain on any of the floors?

  6. Nice PK rules! :D Designed perfectly to protect previous offenders.

  7. Nice PK rules! :D Designed perfectly to protect previous offenders.

  8. Nice PK rules! :D Designed perfectly to protect previous offenders.

  9. Nice PK rules! :D Designed perfectly to protect previous offenders.

  10. I Just Played Dark Souls Today... There is a hole in my computer monitor. I guess you could say I beat it. 

  11. Anyone else notice the rise in murderous backstories? Shino is bound to make lots of friends if this keeps up ^-^

  12. Anyone else notice the rise in murderous backstories? Shino is bound to make lots of friends if this keeps up ^-^

  13. Anyone ever have those days where you wish you were a pokemon that knew self destruct?

  14. Have listened to this song so many times the last days. Wonder why :)

    LiSA is realy awesome!


  15. Have listened to this song so many times the last days. Wonder why :)

    LiSA is realy awesome!


    1. Takao


      not available in my country? but this is AMERICA

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  16. When's the next boss fight?

  17. -Pokes @Opal- How did you go from orange to green? I didn't see you accept Redemption...

  18. So, when do you think Kayaba is gonna have a troll boss that's just a single solitary puppy that doesn't even attack us but we still need to kill to progress?

  19. So we can change text background colors, increase indentation and add tables.... Be we lose the option to change font? Nooooo!!! :c I like writing in my normal Courier New. :s

  20. Oh cool they actually added a memorial thing

  21. Boss meeting thread is up! It's an OP, so if you wanna hop in and see what's up or just for some easy SP, you're more than welcome to.

  22. Boss meeting thread is up! It's an OP, so if you wanna hop in and see what's up or just for some easy SP, you're more than welcome to.

  23. @XWuZHeAR duel me half loss

    1. Takao


      " who you plunge your sword into. "

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  24. @ShinoTenshi Your Journal is not even finished yet and I'm already terrified of this charecter

    1. Takao


      Scrolling through this might help. The bottom had neutral and negative traits that could give you some ideas.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  25. @ShinoTenshi Your Journal is not even finished yet and I'm already terrified of this charecter

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