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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. Lisa rose from her crouched position as her eyes scanned the area for her next excavation point, but something darted through the water catching her attention. A Water Moccasin came slithering up through the water gliding upon the surface, leaving as small wake behind. Reaching for Light Reaver, she brandished her weapon from its sheath and watched as the serpent drew ever near. The woman had hoped it would float on by, but it was making a beeline for her. 


    Water Moccasin


    DMG: 36


    When the creature was in range, Persephone swung her falchion with everything she had and connected a strike upon the snake’s back. The monster recoiled as it slipped onto the shore and put some distance between the two of them as it fixated it’s gaze upon the woman. Now locked into battle, Seph could do nothing but kill the snake. With any luck, it’d have something for her and she would get something she could use from mob.



    BD: 9     -2 ENERGY

    +1 CRIT

    Paralysis Activated


    Persephone uses Rage Blow

    Persephone hits Water Moccasin for 12 Damage (5 Base damage +1 DMG Critical *2= 12)

    Water Moccasin is stunned




    HP: 320

    Energy: 20/22


    Water Moccasin     -12 DMG



  2. Getting down on her hands and knees, Lisa began to sift through the layers of mud, pitting the Earth as she clawed through the sediment. So far nothing was to be found, but with as red as the waters were, she knew eventually she’d hit pay dirt quite literally. She brushed back her long tresses from her face, wiping them away as not to get mud on her fair cheeks. Moving the dirt into a pile beside her, she widened her search by digging out the edges of the hole she was already making. But she worked too close to the water’s edge and slowly the water began to creep in, filling the opening as she worked. Eventually, the space left behind by dirt was filled with water and she stopped her search. “ I guess that was the wrong spot then.”  She mused as she looked further inland for another spot to dig.



    LD: 6    NOTHING



  3. Persephone needed to train. It’d been so long since she held a sword in hand that she didn’t entirely know if she even knew how to use any of her sword arts anymore. “No time like the present to find out,” she told herself as she left the safety of her home and made her way to floor eight. Floor eight was perfect for her training. The monsters there were pretty simplistic, and at the edge of one of the rivers were clay deposits, perfect for her crafting needs. She teleported into the city and walked many a mile down to the banks of the Red River. Gazing at the ruddy waters she surveyed the area looking for signs of life. So far she saw nothing, but that meant very little in this game. At some point in time a monster would find her and she would test her metal soon enough. For now, she was content to gather up the red clay that hid in the damn earth below her feet.

    Lisa walked until she came to a point where the waters were a bit calmer and the red sediment settled at the bottom of the tranquil waters, seeming clearer toward the surface. This was the perfect place for gathering as mobs would have a harder time to get the drop on her if she could see them swimming near the surface of the water. Before she began to do anything, Persephone removed <<The Blood of Champions>> from her inventory and used the crystal. The gem glowed brightly as her stats were boosted, and she quickly put her item away to keep it safe. Now battle-ready, she began to root around in the silt looking for clay to try and dig up.





    Persephone Stats

    Level 11

    HP: 320 ( 220 base + 100 OH from Blood of Champions)

    SP: 22

    DMG: 5 (3 base +2 from Blood of Champions)

    MIT: 26

    REGEN: + 2 (+10 HP)

    PARA: +2


    FA: 8%



    Rank 1 OHCS

    Rank 2 First Aid

    Rank 1 Heavy Armor




    The White Queen +2 Regen +1 Mit

    Light Reaver + 2 Para +1 Dmg

    Night's Protection +2 Thorns


    At Ready:

    Blood of Champions +2 Dmg +2 Over Health

    4- +15 Health Crystals





  4. Before Lisa could ask the girl to lunch, Mai ran away. She didn’t blame her, even if she hadn’t been adventuring anymore, it must have been hard for Mayuri to pause like Persephone had. But Mai had life, and they were happy, so lisa knew they’d be okay. Opening her inventory Lisa looked over everything once more before getting up and leaving the café. She was ready and she wasn’t going to waste one moment just sitting around.


    Lisa exits stage left.


    RP Complete No Reward earned


    Persephone received the following items:

    +5 Green Tea

     +4  Health Crystals (+15)

     +4 Healing Crystals (+20)

     +3 Mass Healing Crystals (+15)

     +1 Antidote Crystal

     +2,625 Col

    Light Reaver (+2 PARA/ +1 DMG)

    Blood of Champions (+2 DMG/+2 Overhealth)


    Mai received the following item:

    Reaver (+2 PARA)

  5. “Say no more,” Lisa said. With Mayuri’s short answer she felt it was best not to pry into the couples personal life. She was just glad that they were alive and well. Nothing else mattered after that.

    A screen popped up on her display and she opened Mayuri’s trade. Everything was still there as she had given it to the girl, even the money. “Wow, thank you!” Lisa said as she opened up her trade box. “ I don’t want you to be without weapon, so I’ve got something for you. “Lisa clicked on her Reaver and sent it back for trade.



    Persephone received the following items:

    +5 Green Tea

     +4  Health Crystals (+15)

     +4 Healing Crystals (+20)

     +3 Mass Healing Crystals (+15)

     +1 Antidote Crystal

     +2,625 Col

    Light Reaver (+2 PARA/ +1 DMG)

    Blood of Champions (+2 DMG/+2 Overhealth)


    Persephone has sent the following items:

    Reaver (+2 PARA)




  6. Lisa eased back into her seat. Things were going well. All kinds of ideas flowed through the woman’s mind. The woman was quite excited. She was going to fight again, and quest and be helpful. She was going to get home and felt like she’d accomplished something in her time away. It would all be good.

    “But what will you do?” Lisa asked Mai as she tiled her head to the side. “What have you been doing? Is Life doing well?” She asked these little questions as means of small talk. It’d been awhile since she socialized and she was curious as to how things were for them.

  7. Lisa relaxed into her seat as Mayuri understood what was going on before Lisa had said anything. The sweet girl carried on and explained she always knew the day would come and she was eagar to retrun the items.

    “I confess that is exactly what I wanted.” She told Mai easily. “Thank you for making this simple. I mean I gave those things to you, so I was prepared to beg if need be and if begging didn’t work, I have a few items in my possession that might have been worth something to the pair of you. I’d have paid any price I could.” Lisa explained.

    It seemed that Mai would hear none of it though as the girl scrolled her inventory and carried on. So she hadn’t made it to the front. Lisa wasn’t mad about that. Mai had after all, taken it upon herself to help late starters grow in level. “I’m just glad it could be of service to you and others. I promise you, I’ll do the same as I continue to level too. I think you and I are of like mind when it comes to getting as many people home as we can. Life mentioned that to me once about you. It’s why I chose you to be my advocate to begin with.”

  8. Seph didn’t have to wait long. She spotted the pretty younger girl almost immediately as she came down the road and into the shop. Mai was smiling. It was good to see that she was still smiling after all this time. Lisa took it as a sign that all was well with the girl. “It’s good to see you too,” Lisa said and smiled as the young woman had come to join her.  Mai sat across from her and Lisa finally got a good look at her. She was a little taller than last they met, and she wasn’t like she was before. The girl she’d met was a bouncy bubble. The young woman that sat across from her now seemed calm and composed. Mai had grown up.

    “I won’t keep you too long. I’m sure you and Life are busy. There is something I wanted to discuss with you though.  Thank you for coming. I was wondering...”

  9. Two years.

    Had it really already been that long since she had done anything? “Just about,” Lisa reminded herself as she shook her head. It’d been just over two years since Persephone had helped out on the floor twelve dungeon raid, and had gone into hiding. Although the woman had said she’d not fight again, she had managed to get out and do things here and there. Not big things, but enough to keep her alive and earn enough col to get herself a home in one of the safer areas of SAO.  And Lisa had lived there peacefully for a time until the day she saw that Lowenthal was gone. At first Persephone had thought nothing of it. After all she’d not seen the man in a long time so when his name fell off her friend’s list, she thought maybe she’d been removed. But over time, she had noticed other names had long disappeared… Dom… Zelrius… countless others. It was then she realized that they were dead, and she was still alive.

    Lisa agonized over this for weeks and months feeling guilty. She knew she couldn’t have saved all of them, but had she continued to train, maybe just maybe she might have kept one or two people from their demise. It was then she decided she could no longer idly sit by. It was then she decided she neededto train again, and that’s when she got in contact with Mayuri. Mayuri was a sweet little thing Lisa had met through an acquaintance. It was this girl with the same values and aspirations that Lisa had left in possession of very valuable items. It was her hope that the young lady might return these things. It was a long shot, but Lisa was going to give it a try.

    Persephone sat in a café in Urbus waiting for the buxom brunette. She knew Mai lived in the vicinity so she knew she would not have to wait very long to see the girl. Sipping a cup of tea, Lisa searched the passersby of the café window hoping to spot the girl when she came.

  10. “No thank you,” Lisa said and sighed believed that it was now all over. She would go back to the Town of beginnings and lay low and not have to worry about the front of death. The young woman brushed her long curls out of her face and began to breathe easier now that the responsibilities of taking care of others was gone. She didn’t feel guilty yet, but she knew if she eventually did, she’d remind herself she was still alive and she would have to be happy with that.

    Feeling free, the brunette stood and looked at the smaller woman. “I must take my leave. It has been a pleasure meeting you Mayuri. Take care of yourself and your travel companion.” It was all she said before turning about and heading back out into the street.



  11. “I’m sure. I want you to just go ahead and click accepts.” The woman said slightly irked at the young dark haired girl. Mayuri couldn’t really be this good; she was resisting Lisa’s assistance a little too vehemently. “Really… just take your cute little fingers and push the accept button. It’s getting to be later in the day and I wanted to get back to my place before sundown.” Persephone said rather brashly. She didn’t mean to be mean, but the cute girl was just being too darn nice.

  12. “I’m also a curved blade user… okay… then one more thing.” The woman opened up the trade once more and added in one more item and then hit “send”.

    “This is everything you’ll need. The crystals aren’t actually mine. Zelruis gave them to me to use on the front. I don’t want to tell him I can’t fight anymore, so I’ll need you to let him know. I don’t like disappointing people. So there are health crystals, an antidote crystal, and mass healing crystals… then there’s the Blood of the Champions... there’s materials and Col to help you build up your shop stock so you can level and start making potions and crystals of your own for the front. There are energy recovery items… and I’m giving you my weapon, Light Reaver. It’s a falchion but the combination is perfect for someone like us. It’s got plus two paralyze and a little damage on it so you can stun the enemies while your damage wielders can smash the crap out of the mobs. It’s a pretty effective method. ” The woman leaned back in her seat. She knew this wasn’t an original idea, she’d heard of other players utilizing it, but never a support.



    • 5- Green Tea
    • 4 - +15 health crystal
    • 4 - +20 healing crystals
    • 3 - mass healing +15 crystals
    • 1-  antidote crystal
    • 2,625 Col
    • 5- Materials
    • Light Reaver (+2 Para/+1 DMG) - OHCS: Falchion
    • «Blood of the Champions»: A small, red crystal in the shape of a needle that oozes with untold power. It seems incapable of ceasing to exist. +2 Damage and +40 Overhealth, doesn’t get consumed but can only be used once per thread.`
  13. “Thank you,” Lisa said and smiled as she freed her hands from Mayuri’s. Opening up her HUD, Persephone began to click on the various items from her inventory. Anything and everything that might help the girl protect the others and do what she could not. As she worked, the woman smiled and then threw in a few more things until she was sure that she had everything the girl might need. Lisa then sent Mayuri a friend and trade request.

    “That should be everything…”  She paused.

    “Oh no… maybe one more thing… what kind of weapon do you use?” She asked the girl curiously.

  14. Lisa patted Mayuri’s hands trying to reassure her things were alright. “It’s okay Mayuri,” the woman began. “I can’t go to the front anymore, but I’ll help in the Town of Beginnings. I’ll heal the low levels that come to me for help. I’ll craft. I’ll farm. I’ll be useful how I can… just far from the front. Don’t worry. I think I know what you’re thinking, but that won’t happen. I won’t leave this place until the game ends. I want to go home. I’m not ready to die. I’m just not cut out for this. But I think you are. You seem like a kind girl, and you have a good head on your shoulders, and you’re not alone. So please… let me help you, help them.” She held the girl’s hands trying to make her feel better about what was going on.

  15. Lisa looked up and over at the kind girl who held her hand and reassured her that she would be okay. “You’re a very sweet girl Mayuri, hold on to that.” Lisa said and smiled weakly.  Once more the girl repeated that she would hear Lisa offer, and Lisa felt now was the time to explain what was going on.

    “In the boss fight, I was given a drop. It’s an item called Blood of the Champions. Once per battle, I can use a special crystal on anyone, and this crystal increases as players damage up two points and it gives them forty additional health points over their normal maximum. This crystal isn’t like other consumables. It won’t go away after just one use. You can use it, and it’ll never be used up. I want you to have it. I want you to have several things actually, things that will help you to get to the front and protect everyone like you want to. I wish I could go with you, but I just can’t Mayuri. I know it is a lot to ask of you considering I can’t do it myself, but I want to help you save everyone like you want. Will you let me do that?”

  16. Lisa laughed as the girl began to bounce. She was a rather adorable albeit naïve creature, and Lisa began to wonder if such a person belonged on the battlefield. The woman felt that the girl’s optimism could save her from darker things, things Lisa was dealing with at the very moment.

    The woman frowned as she saw the disappointment in the girl’s face when she explained she no longer wanted to be a medic and demanded an explanation. Being that she was the only one of her kind of the field, she figured it was probably best to explain herself fully to the young woman who would be putting herself in great peril.

    “Well… the truth is I really wasn’t all that big of a help. I healed Tristan, but I wasn’t useful in any other way. And the plain fact of the matter is… I’m afraid. I’m not a gamer. I came here knowing nothing about games, or being a medic, or anything of this. I chose medic, because I want to help, but I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die here Mayuri.  Aren’t you afraid you might die trying to save others? I just want to go back to the starting city. I’ll help the others who can’t even step outside the gates to be safe. I can’t go beyond these basic floors. Even though the players were terribly strong, at some point I don’t know that they will be and a lot of lives are going to be lost. I don’t want to be one of those who fall.”

    Lisa put her head in her hands and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry… you must be terribly disappointed in me.”

    She began to breathe slowly trying to catch her breath so she could carry on with what she set out to do here.

  17. Lisa felt relief at the girl’s words. The knot that had been tied in her chest and stomach began to loosen as Mayuri spoke about her intentions as a support and a healer. The young woman was truly something else! Was she truly so altruistic? Looking into Mayuri’s soul as the girl made eye contact; it wasn’t hard to see that she did indeed meant every word of what she said. The young girl even claimed to know that she sounded ridiculous, but Lisa only shook her head in disagreement.

    “No… I think it’s a fantastic aspiration. And yes… it’s why I wanted become a medic. Only… I don’t anymore. That’s where you come in Mayuri. I would like to make you an offer, would you be interested in hearing it?”

  18. Lisa smiled and listed as the girl began to ramble. “You’re fine.” She told Mayuri with a smile. “There’s no reason to be nervous I promise. I wanted to talk to you because I’d heard about you from Life. He had told me that you were interested in becoming a battle medic. I myself am one.  Is this true?”

    She paused and listened to the girl’s answer and nodded. “What made you decide to become one if you don’t mind my asking." The answer was of utmost importance to Lisa. Hopefully the young woman's response was one she could accept. It was imperative to Lisa that Mayuri had sound reasoning before she could make her offer.    

  19. About a week had passed since the boss fight, and Lisa had finally come out from hiding. She had found out much about herself in the recent weeks and very quickly came to terms with some things that did not sit well with the young woman, namely that she wasn’t a gamer. The woman had only tried out SAO because she was curious to see the world. She did not actually intend on playing the game, and yet the day she sighed in to have a look around, her world had been forever changed by some prick who’d locked all the players into this world to live out nerd fantasies or die trying, and Lisa was just not having that! But she had gone, gained experience and knowledge and a rather cool item that could help others out. She’d been offered Col for it, but she didn’t need it, so she didn’t take it.  Lisa wanted something more for it and she had found her answer in a young girl named Mayuri.

    Lisa had first learned about the girl from Life. She had met Life while trying to pursue Avalanche, and he was kind enough to help her. When she had mentioned her intentions, Life had mentioned a girl he knew having the very same aspirations. After the boss fight and receiving her item, she again remembered this detail and longed to meet the young woman. She had spoken to Life who then gave Lisa the girl’s name, and that was how their meeting came to be. The woman was en route to meet this young woman, have a chat with her, and if everything was on the up and up, she had a proposition for the girl, one that could prove useful to her.

    The pretty brunette quickly moved down the rows of shops looking for the meeting placed. She passed a large building, guessing that it looked right for a pub, and stopped to look at the sign, discovering she was indeed at the right place. The pub was empty save one lone girl and Lisa figured that had to be her. She walked over to the dark haired girl who stood and introduced herself.

    “You must be Persephone,”  she said as she extended a hand to Lisa.

    “And you must be Mayuri…” The woman replied as she took the girl’s had and shook it.

    She was offered a seat and a drink and the woman sat down and nodded as the girl kindly offered to pay for anything Lisa would like.

    “ Water will do just fine.” She said with a smile.

    The pair sat there awkwardly for a moment, and the teal-eyed girl wanted Lisa a bit too intently. “You must be wondering why I called you here…” she said finally. 

  20. From the moment the damn doors opened and Lisa saw what was awaiting her team, the young woman was in awe. Never had she witnessed anything like this. It was all really too much for her to comprehend. The thing had started and Zelrius practically smashed his way inside, damaging the boss to half life and taking out several minions in one blow. It was no wonder that he was the one leading the charge on the monster. One by one the others fought their best, but few managed to do even half as well as the one leading the battle.  Not even sweet Lowenthal managed to do very much. There was no way that she could do anything to the boss at all. She could try to stun him, but that wouldn’t do too much instead she decided to do what she was assigned to do: heal the hottie tin man, Tristan Delaney.

    Tristan’s health barely had a few points shaved but it didn’t matter. If those two points were the difference between life and death, she’d rather he was at full than leave him as he was. She used her turn to heal Tristan’s slight damage. Pulling bandages from her bag, and activating her skill, she set to work applying the bandages. She successfully healed the man for the two hit points he lost, bringing his bar back to full health again. If all went well, and the boss was to be finished off in the next round or two, then she would be the worst of anything she’d have to try and recover for another player and for that she was glad.



    CD: 11

    Heals Tristan for 8% of Max Health (128 x 8%= 10 HP)



    «Forsaken Crusader»  
    «HP»: 40/330
    «Mitigation»: 40

    Endless Knight: 165/165 (15 Mitigation) Energy 33/33 
    Endless Knight: 165/165 (15 Mitigation) Energy 33/33 
    Endless Knight: 165/165 (15 Mitigation) Energy 33/33 
    Endless Knight: 165/165 (15 Mitigation) Energy 33/33
    Endless Knight: 165/165 (15 Mitigation) Energy 31/33
    «Endless Spirit of the Warrior»: Whenever an «Endless Knights» is defeated they are resurrected 4 posts after their death.

    Lowenthal 85/85     | Energy (15/21)  | [[«Forsaken Crusader» Hate : 1 ]] 

    Persephone 60/60  | Energy (10/10)  |

    Kiru 60/60

    Ssendom 106/106

  21. Lisa was late! She didn’t have much time to make it to the boss fight, and if she didn’t hurry her party was going to be short a medic which meant that everyone would die! Okay so maybe it wouldn’t be THAT bad, after all, most smart players did have a teleport crystal on them. She however, was not one of the smart ones. As she ran, she shoved the well-fed item that she’d bought in the Sunflower Café in her face. The temporary boost in health was going to help her somewhat; she just wasn’t sure it would be enough to keep her alive. She hoped it would be, but there was just no way of knowing.

    Reaching her destination, she found the party waiting outside the doors. She quickly ran over to Zelruis. “I’ve got all I could pick up… one of the merchants didn’t have stuff ready, so I wasn’t able to get everything. I’m sorry.” She apologized to the young man, feeling that she somehow had failed him. She returned the rest of his Col and his materials along with the items. She’d purchased. “I’ve held on to the healing crystals as you’ve instructed. Everything else had been accounted for. I shall go join my party now. Good luck to you,” She said as she nodded to the young man acknowledging him. He was the captain on this magic carpet ride after all, and one of the strongest players within the game. He deserved the respect he commanded.

    Lisa rushed to find her party which wasn’t hard to do. All she had to do was to look for the lanky ginger hottie in a tin can, and he was easy enough to spot. “I’m here… I’m here,” she said to her party mates. “Well hello again!” she greeted Tristan whom she’d met at Zelrius’s shindig. “Now, I’m counting on you to keep whatever is in there off me, and I’ll keep you alive.” She was about to greet the other two but she was taken aback by the person standing there behind her. “Well hello gorgeous,” she said giving Lowenthal a knowing wink and a smile. Lisa had not seen him in a nearly a week as she’d been so busy power leveling that she hadn’t the time to go flirt with her handsome friend again. “Fancy seeing you again in a place like this,” she giggled. “Finally going to show me that it’d not the size of the weapon?” she teased.




    lv 10

    HP 40 (60 next post when wed fed kicks in)

    energy 4

    dmg 3 

    mit 3

    regen 4

    para 2

    first aid 8%

    combat craft 3



    rank 2 first aid

    rank 1 one hand curved sword



    The white queen +2 regen +1mit

    Light reaper +2 para +1dmg

    breath of the white dragon +3 combat craft



    4 +15 health crystal

    4 +20 healing crystals

    3 mass healing +15 crystals

    1 mikasa (well fed) +20 hp boost (consumed this post)

    1 antidote crystal

    5 green tea + 4 energy


  22. Prsephone opened her HUD as Jomei had and sure enough she had one of the potions like he’s shown her. He explained what it was for and the pretty woman smiled. “Really?” That’s flipping brilliant! OH Jomei, you really are a lifesaver! If I make it out of there alive, I will I don’t know… but we will do something to celebrate me not dying.” Lisa began to laugh but dying was really something that had been looming on her mind lately. She hoped she would be alright. 

  23. 33852

    CD: 12

    Lisa was nearing the end of her journey. This was great because her writer had little want to continue to keep writing blurb after blurb of useless fluff. The young woman’s mind was now focused on the boss fight. Her writer had to power her through these last posts so that Lisa could earn her Survival skill, it was imperative that she did. The skill would help boost her health which in turn would give her a slight chance of not dying. Not dying sounded like an amazing idea. It was much too soon and she was much too pretty to die this young.

  24. 33851

    CD: 9     SAFE

    Fortune had been very kind to the young woman. The sun didn’t seem so harsh, and the devil winds that were supposed to travel the floor were nonexistent. She figured a t some point she was going to have to face some peril, but so far there was none. Instead what she had was a walking pony express journey to fetch some package for some weirdo in robes. All in all it wasn’t a bad deal for some experience points and the ability to withstand harsh climates. 

  25. 33850

    CD: 4     SAFE

    Twelve posts in and so far the journey was cake. Writing this damn thing with the boss fight looming over the writer’s head was not. Still Lisa would have preferred this over the other quests on harder floors with more serious bosses. The young woman sang to herself to pass the time. Her voice was starting to wear however as she was singing a bit too loudly and making herself hoarse. Still she sang anyway as she’d nothing else better to do. 

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