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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. 33849

    CD: 12     SAFE

    Many, many miles later, Lisa stopped running. She was tired, out of breath, and just plain ready to get this quest over with. Daybreak had happened hours ago, and she was only a quarter of the way into her return trip. With at least 60% of the quest over, the young woman had no trouble with completing the quest thus far. She’d been warned the winds were dangerous, but there were only easy breezes so far in her journey. Lisa figured it was just because she’d caught the system on a lucky day.

  2. 33847

    CD: 9     SAFE

    Sleep. Lisa needed all of it and even though it wasn’t a terribly bright idea, The young woman lay down in the sand and passed out like she’d been knocked out in a championship prize fight by a heavyweight boxer. Two hours after she’d fallen asleep however she was woken up by a tickling sensation on the back of her neck. When her hand went to reach for what it was that was bothering her, she found a scorpion on her hand. Screaming the young woman flung the thing as far as she could throw it and began to run away from the area. Naptime was over!

  3. 33846

    CD: 11     SAFE



    It was nightfall before she finally made it to her target. She made good time, but now she had to dig, and dig she did. Lisa got on her hands and knees and began to scoop out the sand but it kept falling back in the hole. Slowly but sure and after several hours of hard work, the young woman found the package she was looking for. “Yes!” she cheered as she tucked it away. Her digging had also produced a piece of desert glass. Unsure of anything more than what it appeared to be, the young woman tucked it in her inventory as well.


  4. 33845

    CD: 9     SAFE



    “Nearly there!” The young woman huffed as she marched along still making her way to find the damn item lost in the wilderness of the desert floor. Upon her way she was able to gather yet another flower for her collection. At this point her writer wasn’t even trying very hard as she was in a rush to make her post line count as well as her thread count number high enough to close this damn thing out with time to spare before she had to post in the boss fight. Sifficed to say, nothing exciting happened in this post either. 


  5. 33844

    CD: 9

    “This isn’t a sprint… it’s a marathon.” Persephone reminded herself. Already twelve hours in, and the woman was starting to get tired. “Keep moving Lisa…” she told herself. If she got to the item in enough time she could have a rest for awhile there in the darkest hours of night. There was no point in her wandering around in the dark. Sleep was soon to be hers. She just had to get where she was going. 

  6. 33842

    CD: 10     SAFE

    The winds died down after a few hours and Lisa wiped her face and spit sand from her mouth. She opened her HUD and retrieved another bottle of water. Opening it, she took a swig in her mouth and swished it around before spitting it and the rest of the sand from her mouth. The rest of it she consumed and saved the bottle to refill when she could. She stopped to check to see if she’d been pushed off course by the bad weather, but the woman was inline with her target. Nearly two thirds of the way there, and she was making great time. 

  7. 33841

    CD:6     SAFE


    Fed and rested, it was time to move again. Lisa stood and redressed herself, feeling much cooler and a little less weary after the hours she’d been traveling.  She found another flower along the way and plucked it up. So far she’d great luck in finding materials for her crafting, but was still so far from her intended target. The winds picked up and the sands began to swirl. The woman shielded her eyes to keep herself safe from harm.



  8. Lisa made a last minute stop to the Sunflower Café to pick up one more thing she needed. She had placed an order for an item with well-fed, it didn’t matter the kind. Takao was accommodating and went to the back and grabbed her something that would help her out.  He returned with a dish called Mikasa. “This is perfect thank you!” She went to pay him, but he told her it’d be free of charge. "I owe you a gift then. I’ll make something for you in return,” she promised before she ran off. There was still more to do before the fight. 




  9. Lisa didn’t even bat an eyelash when she was given the total of the items that she was picking up. She knew Zel had made some hefty arrangements given the purse she was carrying on behalf of the man. Piera sent a trade request and Lisa placed the amounts in question into the trade and sent the request back. Once it was approved, all the items had been added into her inventory and Piera had been paid. “My employer appreciates your assistance on the matter.” She said politely as she left the shop and headed back to Zelruis to make the delivery.






  10. “Yeah me too! I’m so glad you didn’t get swallowed alive.” Lisa doubled over in laughter still amazed at what she saw. It wasn’t her first rodeo by any means, but it was certainly the most interesting boss fight she’d had thus far. After minutes of giddy laughter the young woman packed up her first aid equipment and stood up giving a bit of a stretch. She checked her stats and smiled widely, “I got two levels out of this!” She cheered and threw her hands up in the air.  “Thank you Jomei! I really needed that boost!” 

    As she stood there she realized that they hadn’t collected their winnings. “Hey… what’d this stupid shark drop?” She asked curiously. 

  11. He accepted her offer and the young woman smiled. She was grateful the man had been so kind as to help her out last minute. He’d already given her so much already she felt it was only right to give him something in return, even if it was only payment for his finely made goods. She went into her inventory and removed the items she intended as payment and completed a trade request with the man. When all was squared away, she took her new items and equipped them. “This is truly a work of art!” She said as she marveled herself in the White Queen. “Thank you Mack! If I survive this boss fight and make it out of here… I’ll name my firstborn after you… If I on’t have kids… then I’ll name a pet or a plant after you.” She said with a laugh and then kissed the man’s cheek before heading out again.

    “Bye baby bear!” she called to the cub that had mauled the piece of bread she’d given him already.





  12. 33747

    CD: 2     SAFE


    Hours had passed and the young woman was getting hot and thirsty. She stopped for a few minutes, sitting herself down in the sand and unequipped everything to cool off a moment. She didn’t care who saw her sitting there in her underwear. She hadn’t seen anyone one or thing for miles and she was sure she was safe. She pulled a bottle of water and a bread roll from her inventory and had a small meal. The water was nice and cool, and it helped refresh her parched throat. As she dine, she spotted another flower, and easily added the damn thing to her inventory.


    -1 BREAD

    -1 WATER


  13. 33745



    Another hour went by and there was nothing out here but sun, sand, and the occasional flower. Speaking of the last, she spotted another one of the rare blooms just growing upon the desert floor as if it’d been waiting for her to show.  “Alright!” Lisa cheered as she collected her second blossom of the day. So far everything had been going well. She only hoped that her journey into the damn desert would continue to be as pleasant.



  14. 33744

    CD: 5     SAFE


    As Lisa walked along, she turned around to see how far she’d gotten from the settlement. Only an hour into her journey, and the city upon the dunes was already nothing but a dot on the horizon. “My goodness I walk fast,” she said to herself in surprise. “But remember Lisa… this isn’t a sprint… this is a parathion. We go slow and steady and we find that package and get the hell out of here.” She reminded herself. The young woman often talked to herself when she was a lone, but she was wise and never answered herself back. Only crazy people answered back. Lisa spotted a flower that she could use to make dye from and she plucked it up easily adding it to her inventory and then kept moving along. She had somewhere she needed to be.



  15. 33743

    CD: 6      SAFE

    Persephone began to head out of town and the hot winds began to blow her long curly brunette tresses in the wind. She shielded her eyes from the sand and whipping winds. The sane was large and coarse and under the right circumstances, could totally take off skin. “Now I see why this is a quest. “She was going to have to survive the arid conditions, plush the dangers that existed in the environment… the wind and sand being one of them. Good thing I still have bread and water,” she told herself. 

  16. “I think I’ve gotten the hang of things… She said with a smile as Mack asked her what was next. “Ummm… I’m not exactly sure. I think I’m ready to practice on my own. I don’t think I can actually die out here, now as you’ve seen. That’s all thanks to you.” Lisa bounded over to the man and gave him a great big hug again. “Thank you for everything Mack! You’re amazing. “She said as she released him. “I will come see you again, and I will consider the offer you made me.”

    With that she kissed his cheek and ran off before he could say anything else. She’d see him again soon, she just didn’t realize how soon that would be.




    • 200 COL
    • 1 SP
  17. Lisa looked at the packaged food and half smiled. “What an interesting assortment of goods.” She said looking at the young man wondering what was going on. Maybe Zel had purposely ordered things this way. She honestly had no idea. The young man behind the counter said they were free of charge given Zelrius’s importance to the mission. “Well then your services are much appreciated.” She thanked the young man kindly on her employer’s behalf. As she took the package of goods and loaded them into her inventory, she hoped that she truly had Zel’s order and hoped this wasn’t a mix up.


    Persephone accepts:

    - Pistachio Nuts x1 (Electrolytes 3 (+6 Energy / 1 Use))
    - Lemon x1 (Electrolytes 3 (+6 Energy / 1 Use))
    - Spaghetti and Meatballs x1 (Electrolytes 3 (+6 Energy / 1 Use))
    - Hard-shell Taco x1 (Electrolytes 3 (+6 Energy / 1 Use))
    - Rum x1 (Alcoholic 3 (+3 Damage | -3 Evasion / 1 Use))

    No payment was necessary.

    Persephone exits stage left.  

  18. Lisa was sweltering on floor five. It was no wonder. She was in a full set of armor, and the sun was a blazer, heating the desert floor to bazillion degrees. But the young woman had been smart, she showed up to the floor in the later part of the day, when it was much cooler than it was at midday. Lisa had found the Traveler quest in her player guide. It was something that shouldn’t have taken too much effort to complete seeing as there wasn’t much around except sand and dunes. A quick walk into the wilderness and a stroll right back, and she would have an ability that would boost her health points and give her a slight chance of improving on her situation of dying. Lisa was trying to do everything she could to ensure she would survive the boss and come out of the fight a champ. She wanted to prove her skills as a battle medic were vital.

    The young woman located the mysterious hooded figure that offered the quest and listened to the objective. She was supposed to go looking for a lost package, and bring it back to the sickly figure within two days or else she would fail the quest. “Sound simple enough… I accept this quest.” She said as she pressed the “accept” button.  A timer popped up next to her health bar. It seemed to be counting down from fourty-eight hours.

    “Well…no time to lose. I’m off to find your package!” She said as she turned and began walking toward the edge of town to get the heck out of Dodge and on the road to finding the missing goods. 

  19. 33734



    MD: 4     MISSED

    Lisa just needed one more hit… that was all. Just one, and she would prove that she was getting the hang of letting it ride.  She went to use her Reaver attack again and followed through with letting the system guide her. Once more she activated both her paralysis and landed a critical blow upon the beast with her slashing strike. The creature burst into pixels and disappeared.

    “YEAH!!!”  She cheered and jumped up and down. “I’m totally getting the hang of this!” She said still bouncing.

    Persephone   12/12     Energy    0/3 (+1 energy healed/-1 from attack)

    Frenzy Boar   -2/6   DEAD

  20. The young woman was relieved when the man said he had things for her. “Oh you’re amazing!” She said smiling widely. First he produced a magnificent set of armor that was similar to her Lazarus, but a little more. “It’s lovely and perfect.” She said smiling. Next her pulled a white blade, similar to her own, but once more better than what she had. “I love it!” She squealed. With both items out for taking, he said he was willing to take what was fair. Being an honest person, she made an honest offer. How about twelve mats for the set?”

    Six a piece was fair. 

  21. 33726


    MD:4     MISSED

    Lisa rushed toward the boar again, her blade ready for another attack. Once more she gave into the system and felt that familiar pull like before, and at the very height of that sensation, her Reaver attack initiated. She brought her blade down upon the boar in a swift vertical strike. Her blade sung as it sliced through the air and connected with the back of the animal. The young woman smiled as the boar was as good as dead. Only one more hit to go.


    Persephone   12/12     Energy    0/3 (+1 energy healed/-1 from attack)

    Frenzy Boar   1/6   

  22. Last stop was to floor three where another alchemist by the name of Piera was employed to create good for Zelruis for the boss fight. Piera’s shop was out in the countryside and was terribly cute from the outside. Inside was equally amazing, and she found herself wandering around all the displays while she called out for the proprietor of the shop.

    “Piera?” She called out. “I’m here on behalf of Zelrius. I’m to pick up his boss fight order. I have your payment here with me, I just need to know how much you want for everything.” She said aloud as she waited for the woman to appear. 

  23. It was on to the next shop. She had already picked up Zelrius’s order from the Sunflower Café. She had now made her way to the second floor to find an alchemist by the name of Zandra. After asking around, she was point in the right direction, and easily found the shop she was looking for. Upon entering she gave a shout. “Hello… Zandra?” She called out,” I’m here on the behalf of Zelrius… I’m here for his order. I have payment if all his stuff is ready. I just need to know how much it is.”  Lisa looked around while she waited for the young alchemist to show. 

  24. "I am still considering your offer." she said with a smile. " Today I'm here on business.I'd like to know if you could make me new armor and a weapon. I'm going tothe boss fight in a day, and I need something strong than what I have to protect myself. I'm supposed to be with the lead team which means I'll be right in the middle of all the danger and I need to stay alive, or my party is as good as dead. I have plenty of materials... some col still too. Just name your price and I'll pay. I'm desperate!" She said looking at him with pleading in her eyes.

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