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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. It seemed that Lisa had been made errand girl for Zelruis because she was a noob. She didn’t actually mind given that she found the authoritative young man to be very sweet, but she was feeling pressured as she had to rush to collect everything because there wasn’t much time left. She came to the Sunflower Café first because she’ d been here a few times already.

    “Hey… cutie!” She called for the shop keeper, “ You here? I need to pick up an order for Zelrius. Is it ready yet? I’ve got payment, I just need to know how much it is!” 

  2. Lisa was going to need a way to replenish her energy while healing Tristan. She knew that the battle was going to be costly in more ways than one and she needed to be as useful as she could so she decided to stock up on things that could help her in the boss battle. That meant going back to the Sunflower Café and picking up a few goods. She came in and picked up 5 Green Teas seeing as there was a discount on multiple purchases. She knew she was taking quite a few, but as far as she knew she was one of the only healers going and she needed to be prepared. She paid Takao her Col and left quickly heading toward the battlefield.

    X 5 Green Tea 

    Col Paid:  1500

    Lisa exits stage right.

  3. “Okay…” she said nervously. She didn’t like relinquishing control to the system, but if that’s what she needed to do, she would try. The boar respawned and the young woman readied her weapon and moved to strike.




    -1 ENERGY



    MD: 1   MISSED


    Persephone took a deep breath and relaxed as she gave in to the system. She felt the game automatically guide her through the movement and she hit the boar rather successfully, activating a “CRITICAL” on the creature. The animal made a terrible sound but did not move. She had stunned the animal. “YES!” She did a fist pump and readied to attack again.


    Persephone   12/12     Energy    0/3 (-1 from attack)


    Frenzy Boar   3/6    PARALYZED 

  4. Lisa and Jomei stood there looking about for where the shark might attack from next. The ground began to quiver and up came the damn shark. It sent Jomei flying through the air. Lisa screamed and rushed toward him, her blade at the ready to attack, but her companion had things handled. He flipped over and dove straight for the shark, connecting with the beast using his long thin blade cutting into the beast. His strike was a critical one and the monster burst into pixels as the young man sailed down through the frenzy of colored dots and fell into the sand.

    “OH MY GOD!” Lisa hollered as she rushed forward. “Are you okay Jomei?”

    She said as she started pulling bandages from her bag to administer first aid. Upon inspection however, the young man was absolutely perfect. Without a thought she grabbed the lanky ginger and hugged him tightly. “You are one tough son of a bitch you know that? Thank was absolutely amazing! You’re insane!” She laughed as she let him go, still smiling widely. 

  5. Lisa had come again to floor four looking for Mack. She knew where to find him and she headed for his tent on the outskirts of the main settlement on the floor. She reached the familiar tent and entered. Like last time the baby bear approached her and she gave it some bread which it took happily and ran off. “Mack!” Lisa hollered for the man as she walked further into the tent. “Are you here? I could use your help!” She hollered again as she looked around for him.  She finally found him by the forge and she approached him with a smile. "I need your help... please" She said. There wasn't much time and she was desperate. 

  6. Lisa listened and nodded as the man spoke. Mack knew quite a bit about weapons as he was a smith, and even more about combat. His information was something she certainly could use in the future, provided she lived long enough to make good use of it. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She said and nodded. The young woman sighed. “I suppose I ought to go try again…and work on keeping my strikes inline and not swinging wildly at air.  How do I know when to release the attack? I seem to be doing it too early or late or something. I can’t even really tell.”

  7. Jomei launched a brilliant attack on the monster unleashing a can of whoop ass that made the mobs life drop significantly. She smiled as she’d done her job properly. I was part of the reason she was being taken to the fight, her paralysis ability was supposed to help keep the mob from attacking so stronger players could wallop the crap out of it and finish it off without fear of attack. Being able to move again and fearing another stun, the shark dove back into the sand, its fin disappearing under the dunes. “Damn it… it ran! Be careful!” She said calling out to her companion.


    33637   BD: 3     MISSED     -2 ENERGY


    Jomei: 89/89 (11/21) (H:3)
    Persephone: 24/24 (3/6) (H:1)

    Sand Shark: 40/125 

  8. “Sweet!” Lisa said as she nodded and poured herself a coffee rather amazed at the fact that Teayre seemed to think she could get the job done rather quickly. The young woman disappeared into the back and Lisa made herself comfortable by the fire as she watched the flames flicker and dance in the fireplace. She settled in and sipped the coffee, enjoying herself in the peaceful environment. A book sat on the small end table beside her, and Lisa thumbed through it while she waited.

    Some time passed and eventually Teayre reemerged with the pendant. The young woman beamed. “Oh you’re amazing!” she said as she handed payment over to the girl and accepted the Pendant. Equipping it, Lisa grinned. This will help me keep everyone safe. Thank you so much. I hope we meet again!” The young woman said cheerfully as she left and went on her way to fulfill the job she’d sighed up for.


    Breath of The White Dragon Received

    Persephone exits the shop.

  9. Lisa couldn’t craft what she needed. Try as she might, she couldn’t make a Combat Craft item which would make her healing abilities more effective. She came to find that she was too low of a level to make something like that, and so she was pointed to someone who could help her, an artisan by the name of Teayre. It was how the young woman found herself trudging through the snow on the fourth floor. She reached the quaint little shop and entered. It was very cute and homey, just the sort of place she felt comfortable in.  She turned around to see a young red haired woman sitting in an armchair watching her curiously.

    “Hello, You’re Teayre right? I’ve got an order,” she said as she pulled a slip of paper from her inventory. “ I need this… can you help me? I have materials for an artisan that could be of use to you if you can make this item for me.” Lisa said with a smile as she patted the pouch at her hip, ready with payment.




    Item: Breath of the White Dragon

    Item Type:  Lucky Charm

    Quality:  Perfect

    Enhancement: +3 Combat Craft

    Description: A 2.5cm quartz teardrop on a white gold chain. Quartz is said to be a power stone used in many cultures as a way to harness energy and absorb power.  

  10. Lisa had been in the field when Lowe’s message came through. The young woman was lying in a grassy field hot and dirty from all her exertions. She had been training, trying to practice stunning and killing mobs. Her progress was slow, but she was making some.  The text box popped up, and a smile came over her face as she saw what he’d written. Lisa opened up the reply box, typed a short message back, and got her lazy ass up off the grass. She was going to see her friend Lowenthal on the third floor.  


    Would love to meet. What are we doing?


  11. The pair had finally made it to the desert wreckage. There was a ship half sunk into the sand and she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a trip to see ship wreckage in the middle of a dry and dusty desert. “Well I’ll be…” she said and smiled as they approached with caution. They were in shark territory now.  

    Jomei had told her to be careful and keep her eyes out for the monster, and no sooner than he had, the ground began to shake, and a large fin appeared from the top of the sand dunes close to where they were. “OH MY GOD…  THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME!” Lisa squealed in delight as she pulled her weapon from its sheath and readied Reaver for the attack. Her companion went first. He was able to strike the monster with little effort and she was relieved. With the damn thing focused on him, she would live to see another day.



    BD: 8     PERSEPHONE HITS SAND SHARK FOR 2 DMG    (-1 energy)



    Her turn.

    Persphone waited for an opening and she hit the sand shark with all she could, which wasn’t very much. However, her stunning abilities kicked in, and the shark was frozen. The young woman landed and bounced as she had done her job as she hoped. “There Jomei… go get it!” She cheered excitedly.


    Jomei: 89/89 (16/21) (H:1)
    Persephone: 24/24 (5/6) (H:1)

    Sand Shark: 88/125

  12. The young woman knew what she was getting in to, or she thought she did. The boss would be an over powered and probably even bigger version of the quest bosses. He would be stronger, attack harder, and be much tougher to kill. The floor boss would probably have strong hitting minions and these things would come at the players again and again. She would be afraid, but she would fight. She would probably die, but she would give it her all before she did.

    Life said his goodbye and Lisa stood there in the falling snow and watched as the young man in the blue silk kimono disappeared from her sight. “I hope we meet again…” she said softly as she turned to walk off. She was glad she met the young man and hoped that she would eventually see him again.




    200 Col

    1 SP


    200 Col

    4 SP


  13. Lisa smiled as Life took her hand a shook it softly as he began to speak. His expression changed quickly and he told her that she shouldn’t go. He began to say more, but stopped himself from doing so as he looked away. She was about to reach for his shoulder with her free hand, but he looked up at her, his demeanor and expression had changed.  Life told her not to run, or to get in front of Tristan, and she nodded silently as her eyes transfixed on his. He then told her that if she’d gone to an earlier bossfight she’d be as good as dead.

     “I figured. I’m trying to level as quickly as I can which is why I’ve been grinding quests for days. Thank you for being concerned.” She said as she gave his hand a squeeze before letting it go. “I’ll be careful as I can. If I die, then it was just my time to go. I’ve had a fantastic life till now, and we all have to die sometime…some of us sooner than others. I don’t think my life will have been a waste if I die here in this world. I’ll only be sorry I couldn’t be of more service.” 

  14. Lisa listened to Life and grimaced as she felt she was being chided for wanting to be of use. She knew her level was low, and that she had little skill, but if she was needed, then who was she to say no. It wasn’t just her life on the line… it was the lives of thousands of players resting upon this mission going well. “I understand, and I really don’t want to die, but I feel like if I’m not there, and someone does, it’ll be my fault for doing nothing. You’re very kind though. I’ll keep that in mind and keep leveling as hard as I can for the next few days so I can avoid my demise as well.” They had reached the edge of the tundra and were back under the cover of the tree line when the young woman stopped to face her companion. “Well… I suppose I better go find my next quest. Thank you for helping me with this one, Life. Any suggestions as to what to do next?” She said as she held her hand out to him cordially. 

  15. Lisa nodded and began to move. Now that they were done, they probably ought to clear the field unless they wished to take on the Avalanche again. Life began to tell her about the people she’d met and gave her tips on how to keep alive during the boss fight. She nodded and took in all the information finding the young man to be quite helpful in this situation. He made mention of knowing another player working to build her skill up in first aid and she smiled. “I’m not sure many have invested in it as they wanted to bring me along and you’ve seen my level… so they must be desperate.” She said with a laugh. 

  16. A light breeze swept through the area and the leaves in the trees rustled softly around her.  Her long dark curls were swept up in the breeze and a lock tumbled into her face. She pushed her hair back and tired it with a strip of cloth she’d cut from the bottom of her top which was hidden by the fact that she tucked in her blouse. The sun shone warmly down upon her face and she looked up to the sky allowing it to radiate down upon her skin as she enjoyed being there that very moment. Even though she knew none of this was real, it felt wonderful all the same. 

  17. Life gave her the bottle of whatever it was and Lisa smiled. “Thank you,” she said and added it to her inventory. It was the mention of Zelruis that made her perk up. “So I take it you know him then?  I had pleasure of meeting him at his birthday extravaganza. He’s actually why I’m in this mess.” She began to tell the young man her predicament. “I was sort of drafted into the boss fight… because I’m training my first aid skill, they want me there as a medic.  I’m supposed to help keep some guy name Tristan alive. To be honest I’m not even sure I’ll be able to keep myself alive long enough to do my job.  I’m glad you were here to help me though. This will definitely boost my experience at least a couple levels. She said with a smile. 

  18. Lisa’s jaw dropped as Life went in for another attack and completely ruined Avalanche’s day. The young man was really something to observe and she couldn’t believe how graceful and efficient his attacks were. He struck the creature, completely dusting it and the landed easily remarking how much fun he had. Not even a full minute had gone by before the Life had vanquished Avalanche like it was a frenzy boar on the first floor.

     “I can’t [censored] believe you just did that.” She said still in awe. 

    Something glittered on the ground behind Life and Lisa walked over to it picking it up. The bottle was cold to the touch and contained an icy blue gel like substance. She carried the bottle over to Life and held it out for him. “I believe this belongs to you...” she said still bewildered at the dizzying brilliance of his battle skill. 

  19. Life had managed to land a spectacular blow on the mob taking its health down at least two-thirds of the way. It was rather fantastic really, she had never seen anyone move so quickly or use a katana for that matter. Lisa marveled at the players who could so easily obliterate mobs with their weapon skills. Her were rather pathetic and she felt even more self conscious about going into the boss fight as unprepared as she was. She watched and waited for an opening, and when she saw one, the young woman rushed in to take her chance to hit it, maybe she could paralyze the damn thing and make it even easier for Life to finish it off.



    BD: 3   MISSED     -2 ENERGY


    No such luck, as she moved in to strike, Avalanche was ending out attacks trying to hit Life but the young man was far too fast for the creature to even come close to touching him. She however was almost nailed by an incoming icicle and she jumped back sliding backward along the ice trying to keep herself from being hit. She knew one wrong move and she was as a dead woman.


    LIFE   92/92      ENERGY   14/23

    PERSEPHONE   24/24     ENERGY   4/6


    AVALANCHE    27/100

  20. Lisa walked about the garden keeping her eyes peeled for the damn flowering bush but she didn’t seem to spot one anywhere. It seemed that the cookie hadn’t been terribly effective, or maybe she was just that unlucky. She was pretty sure it was the second. The young man in the shop looked rather capable and when she pulled the molasses pig from her inventory it did have the enhancement on it, so it had to be working.  “Maybe they just didn’t put that in game…” she told herself. "It's not like they could think to put everything in the game." 

  21. The young woman giggled as the young man half smiled at her stupid comment. “Couldn’t help myself,” she shrugged her shoulders. He reminded her they hadn’t fought the thing yet, but she didn’t seem too worried now that she had him to carry her through this quest as well. The young woman had the good fortune of being lucky enough to find others to help her which in the end would keep her alive and well, at least until the boss fight. Life seemed to be preparing himself for what was to come and Lisa waited patiently for the go so they could finish off this floor boss.  

  22. “Really? You’ll help me? You’re a lifesaver!” Lisa said, her face lit up with a bright smile. “I kind of got myself into a mess and if I don’t do something to help remedy it… I’m as good as dead come Monday.” She knitted her eyebrows as she explained. “My name’s Persephone.” Lisa said as she opened up her HUD and found the party invite menu. As he was the only one of the field it made it easy enough to send him a request. “Life... huh? Well thank you Life… for saving mine.” She giggled. It was a terrible joke and she was probably sure he got stuff like that all the time, but she ran with it anyway.

  23. As Lisa was walking away, a young man in a beautiful blue kimono approached and gave her a nod. She returned the gesture and kept walking a few more paces and thought nothing of it until he called out to her. She turned around and walked back over to the tall dark haired man and nodded. “Well that was the plan, but I can’t fight him. There’s no way in hell I could take on a thing like that alone right now.  I’ll probably die in like two seconds of being down there. But you have at him. I didn’t activate him so he should be all ready for you to go kill him off and all.” She said with a smile.

  24. Persephone had leveled as quickly as she could, but the impeding boss fight was looming over her head and she still wasn’t ready. She had finally earned her first rank in first aid, but that would not be enough to keep anyone alive, so she had to try and progress as much as she could before her impending death. It was how she found herself on the fourth floor out on the frozen tundra looking for a damn frost monster. Like an idiot, she had come alone. She had no idea what she was trying to prove other than she was entirely stupid.

    After about an hour of searching, she found it, or rather it showed itself. The creature was a giant walking ice monster at least ten meters tall. “Oh… I’m so [censored],” the young woman said as she looked up at the creature grimly from the set of rocks she had hidden herself behind. “What the hell are you even doing here …” she told herself as she took both her hands and slapped them to her cheeks trying to snap herself out of her idiotic plan. She wasn’t ready. There was no way in frozen hell or any hell for that matter that she would be able to defeat this thing on her own.

    Not today anyway.

    With a dejected sigh the young woman began to slowly walk away from the scene hoping she would not be spotted by the damn floor boss before she got away safely.  

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