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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. Lisa sat there staring at the young man for a moment as he spoke, unable to determine if he were friend or foe. “I’m okay,” she said with a nod, her chocolate brown eyes still transfixed on his face. “I’m afraid you got the brunt of my fall. I suppose I should thank you for being there to save me. I know it wasn’t exactly intentional, but… thank you.” The young woman smiled softly as she brushed a lock of curls back from her face as she spoke.

    The man who sat before her was young and he had a rather pleasing face. She noticed his cursor above her was a different color than her own, but being a total gaming noob, she had no idea what it meant. 

  2. Lisa ran as quickly as her legs could carry her, the boar hot on her heels only a few steps behind close enough for the young woman to feel the animal’s hot breath upon her calves as she hightailed it away as fast as she could.  The tree was close and she jumped with all her might catching the lowest limb and swinging herself up using all her might and dexterity. She wobbled a bit as she swung herself up and wrapped her legs around the branch hanging upside down like a sloth would. The boar was still coming and she was worried it could somehow still grab her so she hoisted herself up onto the topside of the branch and kept climbing. Up and up she went until she was sure she was safe from the damn thing.

    Looking down from her safe spot she heard a voice greet her. She leaned a bit further to see a large, board-shouldered man standing below her.

    “Watch out!” she called down to him, but he had already spotted the boar that had chased her down.

    "Ah, I see,"  the man said.

    The gargantuan man below picked up a great axe and brought it crashing down upon the boar who had charged the young woman. He nearly split it into two before the animal shattered and dematerialized. He called up to her again telling her she was safe, but Lisa was not reday to come down just yet.

    “Are you sure? There aren’t others around are there?”

    While she was worried that there might be more boar around, she was a bit more afraid of the sentinel below. What if he weren’t friendly and only killed the boar to finish her off himself? That was a terribly scary thought for the young woman who was quite near dead.



    HP 4/4

    Energy 1/1

  3. Lisa had done her homework. She was grateful that there were those working on a guide for lower level players like herself to work through. Without this little book she would have not known where to begin.  According to the document, noobs like herself were to begin the game by killing off Frenzy Boars. They were apparently rather weak and easy practice so that new players could get used to their sword skills. This sounded like a perfect plan to the young woman who really had no idea what she was doing.

    Once more the young woman found herself walking out into the grassy fields, but this time she was ready to fight. She had read over the bit on battle mechanics and taken a look at the weapon skills she possessed. As a first rank, one handed curved sword user, she had two skills: Reaver and Fell Crescent. She had yet to find out what they actually did and could not wait to try them both. The young woman did not have far to go before she found her first piggy not too far off. She took a deep breath and then pulled her Hwando from its sheath.  Lisa knew very little about the origin of her weapon; the pretty brunette had chosen it for its likeness to a smaller, skinny katana. To her, it looked light, but very durable. Now she was about to find out what it could do. 

    Gripping her blade in her hand, Lisa charged the Frenzy Boar ready to activate Reaver, but the damn animal charged her before she was ready to strike. Her attack was not ready to be released, and the animal struck her, knocking her back before she could. Lisa was knocked back and tumbled several feet away from the creature.  Her health bar was in the red and she only had one point left. If she was hit again, she would die.

    “Oh [censored] this!” The young woman explained as she hopped up out of the dirt. Lisa Edwards was not going to die today! She pulled herself up and began to run as quickly as she could in the opposite direction as the boar gave chase. Not too far off from her was a set of trees. If she could make it to them she could climb to safety and escape the reaper, at least for this afternoon.









    Health:   1/4 HP

    Energy:  0/1



    Frenzy Boar:   4/4 HP



    Lisa disengages from battle.

  4. Lisa Edwards was no gamer, far from it. She had been popular and pretty, and spent her time exploring the real world, not two dimensional spaces. As a student of world history, she loved to travel and explore exotic destinations absorbing the history and culture of the lands she visited. She didn’t begrudge gamers their world: to each his own, but it was never for her. And yet, she had somehow managed to find herself stuck in a virtual world with no way home but to fight her way out. The young woman had spent quite a bit of time hiding herself, working her way through the many stages of grief until she had finally come to acceptance. She was here and there was nothing that she could do but work herself out and home again, and get back to leading the life she had before. Though the Town of Beginnings was nice,it was starting to become too small for her, much the way her hometown had when she had begun her explorations. It was time for her to set out and discover what this world held.


    Lisa walked through the Town of Beginning just before dawn, and found herself at the gates leading out a little before the sun began its trek up over the horizon. She walked through the gates and began the slow decline downhill as she looked about her wearily wondering if she was safe out in the open. Deciding that she was far from safe she found herself drawing closer to a small group of trees. The pretty brunette figured she would get a better view from above and picked out the largest tree as she came closer to them all. She began to climb said tree and pulled herself through the branches going higher and higher until she reached the very top. There she was amazed at what she’d found. The land was vast and carried far beyond what her eye could see. The sorrounding were lush and green and there were animals and things that dotted the land around her. “This is unbelieveable…” she gasped in awe of all she saw before her. Never had she known a pretend world to be so detailed… so real.


    Wanting a better look , Lisa found herself leaning over far more than she should’ve. The lean branch beneath her gave way and snapped causing her to slip and tumble down through the other leaves and branches. She tried to catch herself on the way down but could never keep a firm grip upon anything to keep her from falling further. But down, down she went, the ground coming ever nearer and she closed her eyes wondering what exactly would happen to her when she hit the ground below. Would it be enough to kill her? What felt like forever happened in a mere couple of moments and Lisa finally hit what was below her. There was a heavy “OOMPH!” as she landed safely and in one piece. Puzzled as to why there was no pain, she found herself laid out across something, or rather, someone soft.


    “OH MY GOODNESS!” she exclaimed as she pushed of the person and backed away crab walking backward across the ground before falling on her behind. “I didn’t mean to! I slipped and oh my gosh… I didn’t hurt you did I?” She said rather frightened over what might happen next. What if this person weren’t terribly friendly?


  5. anime-cute-girl-japanese-takenaka-Favim.

    Username: Persephone
    Real name: Lisa Antonia Edwards
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5’2”

    Profession: Artisan

    About: History/personality

    Before SAO, Lisa lived a rather normal life. The only child, she has a good relationship with her parents whom she talks to weekly. She grew up outside of Los Angeles, California in the boring little community of Downey. Social and friendly, Lisa has always been the sort of girl to be at the center of attention, and is adored by many for her good and fun-loving nature although she is quite the introvert. In high school she was an under achiever as she saw no point in the poorly structured education system. In college she became a bit of a rock star, acing her courses and has pursued a degree in History, to one day become a museum curator.

    Lisa came to Japan through an exchange program through her university to intern at the Tokyo National Museum. She had never done much gaming before, although she had heard of SAO and was impressed by the gaming platform. The host family she was staying with had a teenage son who was kind enough to offer to let her see the opening ceremony, and being rather curious about the game, she created a character and decided to take a look. What she found however was that she was now trapped in a virtual world, and had to somehow learn to play the game and fight her way out. Both excited and scared at this revelation, she had stuck to the Town of Beginnings until now. Now, she was ready to take on Eicrad and everything in this world and kick its behind.

    Bold- Persphone is not a timid woman. She’s the sort who won’t back down or back off when she feels impassioned about something. She is the sort who is willing bend the rules when necessary, and is always willing to risk being rejected by others in order to do what she perceives is the correct choice on a matter. She is never afraid to follow her own path, and trail blaze a new one, when one cannot be found.

    Jovial- Warmhearted and kind, Lisa has as very amiable disposition. Believing that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar, she uses her friendly way of being to charm people to make friends and allies of those she comes across. She sees all alliances as advantageous as one can never have too many friends, but she is not the sort of person to use people solely for her own benefit; she will always return the favor and is always willing to lend a hand.

    Sincere- Lisa is honest to a fault. She believes in telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This is even when the listener would prefer her not to. She believes that being straightforward with a person and showing integrity is the only way to live authentically. Being totally truthful comes at a price, namely that Lisa will be brutally honest, so much so that she may often say very damaging things in the pursuit of complete honesty.

    Comforting- Whatever Lisa can do to bring comfort to another person, she will do. Lisa wants nothing more than to keep those around her and important to her warm, safe and happy. She is an excellent listener, ready with hugs, and always willing to console another in their time of need. She often neglects her own person happiness for that of others because she cares.

    Impatient- Lisa cannot stand still. She absolutely hates idling by when she knows there is something to be done. Even if she knows there is not a quick resolution to a situation, she will not hesitate to let things fly and jump into head first into the problem just to get moving again. While it doesn’t usually work out in her favor, she is the sort to kill first, and ask questions later.

    Quick-Tempered- Lisa can go from zero to bitch in 1.5 seconds if driven to do so. While she is typically a kind person, if she feels she is being in any way attacked whether physically or verbally, she will go on the defensive and retaliate against the one she feels is provoking her. She typically feels gut wrenchingly awful after verbally assaulting another, and is always quick to apologize. However, she still cannot manage to get her temper under control.

    Anxious- A long time anxiety sufferer, Lisa is always easily stressed and tends to feel overwhelmed by many of life’s situations, even those that are routine. It is often her anxiety that leads her to become impatient, especially with herself.

    Seductive: Lisa’s milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. There’s just something about her that is like catnip to men, and she has no problems collecting boys and men like Pokemon. (She’s just gotta catch ‘em all!) She will use her feminine wilds when necessary, especially in situations where she finds herself attracted to a particular individual. She enjoys getting what she wants and reverse harems.


    Skill Points Available: 3

    Still Points Used:23



    Rank Two: First Aid


    Rank One: One-handed Curved Blade


    Rank One: heavy Armor



    Material Collected: 0




    -10 Material : Himawari Cafe  (Nectar, Marranillo, Drunken Nut)

    -12 Material: Wander's Forge (The White Queen and Light Reaver)

    -5 Material: Amethyst Boutique (The Breath of the White Dragon)

    -5 Material: Mayuri



    Earned: 2,625col




    -1500 Himarwai Cafe  (x5 Green Tea)

    -2,625 Mayuri

    +2625 from Mayuri




    Lazarus +2 Regen

    Night's Protection +1 Mit/ +1 Thorns

    The White Queen +2 Regen +1 Mit



    [private] A Rush of Blood to the Head - Complete (200 Col, +1 SP)
    [private] Trial and Error- Complete ( 200 Col, +1 SP, Lazarus, Night's Protection, Reaver)

    [solo] The Best Way Out is Always Through - Complete ( 400 Col, +1 SP, 8 Material)
    [solo] Tchotchke, Trinkets, and Bric a Brac, Oh My! - (+400 Col, +2 SP, 15 Material rolled by Tristan and 5 Material from collection)

    [private] Secret Medicine of the Forest  - Abandoned
    [private] Quelling the Darkness - (+325 Col, +2 SP, 2 Material)

    [private] A Night of Freedom - Abandoned
    [private] And so, it Begins Again- (+200 Col, +1 SP, 2 Material)

    [private] Meeting and Hunting - Abandoned
    [private]  Always a Bigger Fish - Completed ( +200 Col, +4 SP, Sand Armor Potion)

    [solo]  Seeking a Friend for the End of Her World - Abandoned
    [private] All the Ideas I Have Are Stupid - Complete (200 Col, +4 SP, Snowfrost)

    [solo] Long Way From Home- Abandoned
    [private] Paving the Way to Floor 12
     - Completed (+ 2000 Col, +4 SP, Blood of the Champions)

    [private] Floor 2: Meeting with a Goddess- Completed (+1 SP      LOST THE FOLLOWING ITEMS:, -5 Green Tea, -4  Health Crystals (+15), -4 Healing Crystals (+20), -3 Mass Healing Crystals (+15), -1 Antidote Crystal, -2,625 Col, -5 Material, Light Reaver (+2 PARA/ +1 DMG), Blood of Champions (+2 DMG +40 Overhealth) )
    [private] Ressurection -Completed (REGAINED THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: -5 Green Tea, -4  Health Crystals (+15), -4 Healing Crystals (+20), -3 Mass Healing Crystals (+15), -1 Antidote Crystal, -2,625 Col, -5 Material, Light Reaver (+2 PARA/ +1 DMG), Blood of Champions (+2 DMG +40 Overhealth)  LOST: REAVER (+2 PARA) )

    [solo] Hunt and Gather- In Progress
    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress


    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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