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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. Lisa took the lead, but felt Dom’s hand upon her shoulder guiding her through the darkness to keep her from harm’s way. She was glad to have such a handy man with her, especially at her back, where she was most vulnerable.  The cries grew louder and louder until they came to a cavern. Off not too far the child cried out to help and without thinking Lisa was about to charge in. A solid hand grabbed her shoulder and Dom said he would be taking the lead from here. The young woman nodded her head, knowing Dom could see her in the near black of the cave. It was about then that the bats appeared and the large man pulled his enormous sword from his back. The corners of Lisa’s mouth gently curled up into a smile as she waited to see the outcome of Dom using his great weapon against the creatures. 

  2. Lisa didn’t know how it was that she came to be on the roster for the boss fight. She had mentioned to others that she had wanted to be a battle medic, but that did not mean that she actually had the capabilities to do so. She was screwed. Really [censored] screwed. She had next to no level and she was supposed to help take out a floor boss? They were all insane and she was going to die.

    Rather than focus on her death, Lisa had decided to level as much as she could before the fight to see if there wasn’t some miracle that she and the others would survive. She was looking for someone to party with when a message came through. She opened it and saw it was from Jomei, one of the other handsome gingers she’d met the night of Zelruis’s birthday bash. Deciding that this was a good thing, she popped open a reply box and typed a message back to the young man before heading up to the fifth floor.

    Thanks for your offer! Would love to not die!

     Will meet you in town on the fifth floor; let me know a spot and I will find you. 

  3. 32963


    BD: 7   BOAR HITS FOR 1 DMG (3 DMG-3 MIT)




    Lisa nodded as Mack told her she needed to focus, and she turned back to the boar, readying her weapon. It was too late however; as the boar was not longer frozen in place and it came at her. This time she raised her shield in time and blocked the incoming blow. The boar impacted with her shield and knocked into the young woman taking her health down another tiny tick. The animal was not so lucky. The second he collided with her shield, the creature received another round of thorns. They stabbed into the creature causing it further damage, and then the animal shattered and disappeared in a flurry of pixels. Once the thing was gone, she found a bundle of boar bristles upon the ground and she collected it.

     “This is what I need for paintbrushes!” She said with a smile as she showed Mack. She took some steps toward the man and sighed. “That was pretty bad wasn’t it? Maybe I should have chosen a smaller weapon. I might have had less trouble with a dagger. ”


    Persephone   12/12 (- 1 DMG bringing to 10, Healed for 4)   Energy 0/3   (+1 healed/ -2 from miss)

    Frenzy Boar -1/6 DEAD



  4. Dom’s words perked Lisa’s confidence. “You’re right,” she sighed she took a deep breath. “I shall try my best .” she steadied her resolve.  From the darkness there was some sort of cry, a whimper really, like a small child. “Did you hear that?” She asked Dom, her senses perking up in the pitch black of the cave. “I think we’re getting closer.”  The cry was louder this time causing Lisa’s gut to wretch. Even though the child was just an NPC, she needed to go save it. Being lost and alone in the dark with giant bat monsters did not sound like a picnic. 

  5. Lisa smiled as she had taken the seat she was offered and then was quickly introduced to several individuals who all seemed to know her escort well.  She in turned smiled and greeted them all cordially rather pleased that everyone seemed so polite and rather lively. The young woman didn’t say much as no one had directly addressed her, but she smiled and listened to everyone speak nonetheless.

    It was about then that things quickly unfolded and Lowenthal excused himself from the table. He approached another young man and they had words. She couldn’t quite make out what was being said, but by the looks of things it wasn’t any good. The younger man looked disheveled and was in tears and Lowe looked almost angry with him. Mack then approached the pair and then was quickly ushered away by the lanky ginger she’d just met. He shuffled Mack toward the pretty girl in glasses and her date, and she went back to watching Lowenthal interact with the younger man. He pushed the young man away and then walked away with a mixture of disgust and anguish upon his face as he reproached the table and sat down beside her. He apologized for his actions and put a hand over his face trying to reassure himself that things were okay. Lisa sighed as she reached a glove hand toward Lowe and gently rubbed his back.

    “No apology necessary. I’m only sorry whatever happened had to happen.” She offered her condolences. Lisa glanced back at the young man feeling rather sad for him as he walked away. He looked so angry and dejected, much like Lowenthal did. Reaching for his hand, she gently pulled it from his face and smiled at him. “We’ll have fun and everything will be fine.” She reassured Lowenthal.

    “How about we start now,” she offered, “Would you care to dance with me?”

  6. Lisa grimaced as Dom rejected her offering. The young woman nodded and put the bread back nit oher inventory. “Fine,” she replied, “But once we’re done here… I’m buying you dinner, and you don’t get to say no. We’ll have some food and a lot of drinks… preferably with strong liquor in them,” she said with a firm nod. He could not refuse this offer even if he wanted to because she would just follow him around and bother him till her did.

    Dom located the cave they needed to find and Lisa kept close like she was told. The dark was more than her eyes could adjust to, and so she placed her hand against his back so she wouldn’t lose him in the near pitch black environment. Were they going to have to fight like this… in complete darkness? That would put the young woman at a severe handicap for sure, and her skills were already less than exemplary.  

  7. 32650   LD: 15     MATERIAL OBTAINED

    As she dreamed up all the things she could do once she was an artisan, she found herself nearly stepping on a blue azalea. “Damn…that could have been bad,” she clicked her tongue as she smacked the back of her hand to remind herself to get her head out of the clouds and back to business. She bent down and picked the flower and shoved this one in her inventory with the rest.  She was half way done now. Just a couple more as she could go throw these azaleas in that little snot nosed brat’s face!

    +1 Blue Azalea (Material) Obtained


    3/5 Blue Azalea

  8. 32648   LD: 14     NOTHING

    Pulling herself from the spot that she laid, the young woman gave a heavy sigh. Hunting for materials in this fashion was truly such a tedious chore. There had to be an easier way to find things. “Well of course there is, don’t be silly.” She knew of ways, but things were expensive, and she had to earn her money the old fashioned way, the hard way, until she could get things done and could make items for herself. Once she was done, she knew she could make things that would increase her chances of amassing whatever it was she need it be it material or Col. 

  9. 32647   LD: 15     MATERIAL OBTAINED

    The clouds were big and fluffy and had taken on a myriad of shapes for Lisa’s entertainment. She saw a turtle, a shark attack complete with wispy clouds as blood spurts… and even a giant flower. “Damn it… “ she huffed realizing that it had the same shape as the damn azaleas she was looking for. “Fine you damn game I get it!” Lisa sat up quickly. “ I’ll go look for your damn flowers!” she  continued as she shook her fist at the sky.  Looking down beside her she realized she was sitting right beside exactly what she was looking for. “Oh well isn’t that stupid!” she said realizing she nearly sat on the damn thing. Plucking it up, she shoved the damn thing straight into her inventory.

    +1 Blue Azalea (Material) Obtained


    2/5 Blue Azalea


  10. 32646   LD: 12     NOTHING

    This was starting to suck. Why was it that she had such an easier time digging in the mud, than she was right now? On her first attempt she was able to find all she needed in only half an hour. This time it was seemingly going to take much longer than that. “This sucks!” The young woman said as she flopped back into the flowers and lay there staring up at the sky. All she wanted was to find some damn blue azaleas. Why was that so damn hard to do? Deciding that now would be a good time for a break, the young woman stared up at the sky watching clouds sail by. 

  11. “Dom it is then,” she said still smiling.

    Dom was a kind man even in his sad condition. He told her that the bats could give him nothing he would need and so she was free to collect anything they dropped. “Really? That is most appreciated!” She said rather excitedly. Now that was promising. It meant that she would have more supplies to craft with, and even opportunities for better gear. As it stood her gear now was rather nice, but she would like something that would offer her a bit more protection from mobs.  Opening his inventory, he took out some water and began to drink. She in turn opened her as well and pulled some bread. She held it out to him in both hands. “You should eat,” Lisa moved in closer as she held the food out to him. “It’s not much but you honestly look like you could use even a little something.” It probably wasn’t very nice of her to say, but he probably didn’t know how bad off he looked.

  12. Lisa squealed and then twirled way too excited about landing ONE hit on a frenzy boar of all things. If only she had known that the animal was the most basic of creatures with a loot drop, then she might not have been so excited. Okay. Maybe not AS excited, this was her first MMORPG for crying out loud. Mack told her to focus and the young woman ceased her antics. “Oh right… cos he might move… ugh! STUPID ME!” She said popping herself in the head with the heel of her right hand. Readying her weapon again, she focused on the boar and moved to strike.




    BD: 5   MISSED     -2 ENERGY

    MD: 7   BOAR HITS FOR 1 DMG (3 DMG -3 MIT)





    Releasing her attack too soon, her wing went wide, rushed over the boars head by only a few centimeters and the animal lunged in to attack. She brought up her shield trying to minimize the blow, but the creature connected with both her and her defense knocking her health down a few points. The animal let out a terrible sound as he activated her shield’s thorns capabilities and it was injured but its attack.  She grinned. She might not have connected her attack, but the damn thing got his anyway.

    “This is pretty awesome!” She said.



    Persephone   11/12     Energy    0/3 (+1 healed / -2 from attack)


    Frenzy Boar   1/6    


  13. The man finally spoke and gave her his name. This caused Lisa’s face to light up and smile brightly. “It’s very nice to meet you Ssendom.” She said. The corners of her chocolate brown almond shaped eyes crinkled as she felt better that he would speak to her. He looked haggard and his voice was a little hoarse, as if it hadn’t been used in sometime. “I’m glad I ran into you… I was looking for something to do, but I could never have taken this on my own. Whatever treasure or materials we find, you can keep them.” She said, “I mean I doubt I’ll be of much help and you helping me build my skills is reward enough.”Lisa offered. There was nothing else she could give him as she had so little as payment for his assistance. 

  14. Lisa frowned. That must have been the problem. She had no accuracy! That explained so much considered she couldn’t hit anything because she was swinging so wildly. It also didn’t help that everything was so heavy. “Are all weapons and armor this…heavy?” she asked Mack with a sigh. She already knew the answer though… she had seen it in the movie “Thirteen Warriors” when one of the little Vikings told Antonio  to “grow stronger”. Indeed, she figured Mack would tell her something similar. The only way to grow stronger was to fight, so Lisa tried to attack once more.


    BD: 9   +1 CRIT  -1 Energy   PARALYSIS ACTIVATED     Persephone hits Frenzy Boar with Reaver for  3 DMG


    This time Lisa held her sword a bit longer. She felt something different about her weapon, and when she felt something building, she released her attack, unleashing Reaver. ‘CRITICAL’ and ‘Paralysis Activated’ showed on her display and the woman brought her weapon down in a vertical strike upon the creature damaging it for half its health.

    “I hit it!” Lisa squealed and jumped about.

    The creature did not move a hair as she had paralyzed it, and Lisa readied herself to attack it again while it couldn’t move.


    Persephone   12/12     Energy    1/3 (+1 healed / -1 from attack)


    Frenzy Boar   3/6    PARALYZED 

  15. Lisa smiled as Lowe said he would remember the name of her silly game. It was a sweet gesture and she nodded with a smile on her face. About then the young man stood and offered his hand to her. She took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet as he said he hoped they would run into each other again. “I would really like that,” she said and smiled. Without a thought she leaned in and pecked Lowe’s cheek,” That’s for saving me!” She said and giggled as she bounced off quickly back toward the town of Beginning before he had a chance to say anything else. With any lucky, she would see Lowenthal again. “Stay safe…” she said softly as she turned around to look back at him and gave him a wave as she disappeared into the city gates.



    Lowenthal and Persephone earn the following:

    200 Col

    +1 SP

  16. 32474   LD: 6     NOTHING

    “Oh my GOD!” Lisa whined as she was now in the middle of the field and still not one damn Azalea to be found. “I thought this place was supposed to be covered in them.” She huffed. “The damn player guide was wrong again!” This was super frustrating. All she wanted to do was find some damn flowers. Nothing terribly difficult!” If it was this hard finding flowers, I wonder how everything else is.” She said with a sigh. If this was only the beginning then SAO was all uphill from here. 

  17. 32572   LD: 6     NOTHING

    Still nothing.

    This was terribly said because this was going way too slow for her liking. If only the NPC had given her a killing quest. That might have been easier. “Oh who are you kidding Lisa?” she said to herself and sighed, remembering how stupid she looked the first time she set foot on the battlefield. She swung her sword far too wide and failed to connect with anything. Maybe she should’ve picked a dagger like Lownethal. A butter knife had to be easier than the big weapon she was using to fight. 

  18. 32570    LD: 5     NOTHING

    Lisa sighed as she kicked her feet through the grass and the flowers mucking up the blooms around her. Not one of them was a darn Azalea. “That lady gave me the most difficult one on purpose!” Lisa decided as she stamped a blue daisy until it disappeared. Of course it only made sense that she would since quests were supposed to have a little bit of challenge to them. Lisa kept her eyes open; surely she would come upon one sooner than later. Knowing her luck, it would be the other way around. The woman took a deep breath and continued on. 

  19. Mack gave her an odd look as her fit of giggles died down. The young woman only grinned and shrugged as the man eyed her for her fit and continued alongside him. Mack pointed to some boar not too far off from where they were and Lisa nodded deciding that it was time that she gave her new weapon a try. Pulling Reaver, her new curved blade from the sheath, the young woman went in for the attack.


    BD: 2     MISSED -2 Energy

    MOB: 3   MISSED

    Lisa’s attack fell short of the mob. Fortunately for her, the animal didn’t seem to notice as it didn’t attack.  The young woman frowned and sheepishly looked over at her companion. “No wonder I almost died... I can’t even hit ones just standing here.” She said with a sigh. If things went like this for her, she would die for certain.


    Persephone   12/12     Energy    1/3


    Frenzy Boar   6/6

  20. The young woman listened to Mack’s words intently. He began to explain how she should go about things, but when he reached the part about not walking up to the biggest thing out there and slapping it, she had to laugh. The visual of her tiny self marching up to a gigantic boar and then slapping it with her big metal gloves was absolutely amusing. Her laugher carried through the field as she held her put a hand to her face trying to get the visual from out of her head.

     “Alright…no slapping bigger things… got it,” she said still chuckling, her cheeks stained pink from laughter. “I kind of wish I could get paybacks on the one that got me. Think we can find one like it?” She asked wondering if mobs like this regenerated.

  21. Mack had agreed to take Persephone back to the first floor to try out her new gear. She was all too excited, as they headed back down to where the man had found her, which meant that she was going to give that damn boar the asskicking it deserved. The young woman felt like skipping, however, the armor she wore was far too heavy and cumbersome for any such bouncing. The pair descended the fourth floor, back from the teleport devices and was now headed out the main gates of the town. Lisa was amped. There was just something about this that she knew would go better for her. Maybe it was that she actually had some protection. Or maybe it was because Mack was with her. While his armor was pretty, she figured he would do a much better job of keeping her safe. They began down the path that lead from the gates out into the field once more. This time she was ready.

  22. The man turned and looked at her. He looked in bad off shape which made the young woman frown. His face was handsome to be sure, but he looked worn down, even exhausted, so much so that she was tempted to ask if he was alright, even offer him her lap so he could rest his head and have a nap. However, in this situation she wasn’t sure that would fly. Instead she opened up her HUD and also accepted the NPC’s quest.

    “My name is Persephone.” The young woman said as she smiled softly at the good looking man in the tincan. 

  23. Lisa smiled as Mack gave her a hug back. He was a terribly nice man to be sure, which made the young woman like the big man all the more. He told her once again that it was hid guild’s duty to help lower levels and offered her a spot within his guild. Although the safety of a guild did sound tempting, she wanted to first learn a bit more about Mack organization before joining their ranks, or any other guild’s for that matter.

    “I will definitely think on your offer.” She said with a nod. “For now… do you think we could go test this stuff out?” She asked the man with a grin on her face. Now that she was properly outfitted, it was time to give her battle skills a try.  



    Mack Earns:

    1 SP

    200 Col

    Persephone Earns:

    1 SP

    200 Col

    And gains Lazarus, Night’s Protection, and Reaver

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