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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. Jomei placed his hand on her back reassuringly as he spoke telling her he had called her out to help. “Thank you Jomei, you’re terribly kind.” She said smiling brightly. He then went into explaining their mission and she nodded all the while. The idea of a land shark was excellent. She had seen many silly shark movies dealing with the same premise and now he got to live out a secret horror movie fantasy.  The man paused for a moment and then pulled something from his inventory and placed it in her hands. It was a teleport crystal. He told her to use it in the event things got ugly. “But…” she was going to ask about his safety, but she knew he was much stronger than she was. “Okay Jomei… I won’t make you worry by staying in a bad place. Just you be careful too okay?” 


  2. No butterfly bush yet, but it was there somewhere… She knew it had to be. She tried to think of alternatives; however nothing else came to mind. Her memory as vividly flooded with visions of sitting in the bay window and watching the things come to grab a bite. There were always honey and bumble bees and wasps a plenty. The plants were always teeming with life, and she would sit there and watch them for long stretches of time just buzzing in and out. On occasion she would catch hummingbirds all up in that action. It was why she was just so sure if she could find that plant, she would find the little helicopter birds as well.

  3. “Now where to look?” she asked herself as she scanned the garden. She needed to find bushes and other flowers that attracted hummingbirds and the like to it. “Butterfly bush…” she said as she remembered the blooming plant in her mother’s garden as a child. The butter fly bush brought all sorts of nectar loving creatures to call, even hummingbirds. She scanned the area and didn’t see any ought right. She would have to poke around here and there to see if maybe the game makers had added it into the game. If she got lucky, it would be here. 

  4. Lisa already felt luckier. Or maybe that was just the placebo effect. Either way, she was going to take it and run with it. Hopefully it was enough to get her a damn pet on the first time. She did not like the idea of having to wait a long time just to find something that she probably wasn’t going to make use of. It was kind of like insurance, you had it in hopes of never having to need it, but when you do… you were glad you had it. She knew once she had a tiny bird in her possession, she would feel much better. But for now she was going to be apprehensive.


  5. It was about then that Lisa had remembered the cookie she had bought from the Sunflower Café. “Maybe if I eat it now, I’ll have more luck finding one,” she said as she opened her HUD.  She scrolled through her inventory until she saw the name and clicked on it. The girl didn’t know why it was called a Marranito, but she gathered it must have mean “piggy cookie” in some sort of language. The young woman took up the sweet and began to take bites of the thing. It was soft and moist, and smelled heavily of molasses. In a few bites the cookie was gone,  and her luck modifier increased by two.


    Persephone consumes +2 LD TREAT adding +2 to all her LD rolls. 

  6. The young man took her list and gave it a once over before agreeing to the order. “That’s great!” she said with a sigh of relief. She waited a few minutes and wandered about the café while he disappeared to the back. The display cases were full of all sorts of delicious looking things that made the young woman start to salivate. The little cakes all particularly looked scrumptious. Just as she was about to press her face to the glass, the young man came back with her items. “You’re a lifesaver!” she said as she handed the package over. “Thank you so much!” She said cheerfully as she took up her items, added them to her inventory, and then slipped out of the shop and went back to whence she came.  


  7. Lisa walked through the garden, just staring up at the sky wondering what sort of hummingbirds she would find in the garden. She had seen one the night of the party. It was nested inside a bird box and she was all too excited to have found it. Now that she was there in the garden however, she seemed to be having trouble finding the damn things. “Come out little birdies!” she said as she walked around looking at all the roses in bloom. “This place is ridiculously pretty,” Lisa sighed to herself as she brushed her curls out of her face. 

  8. Lisa nodded as Jomei said they ought to head out. She wasn’t sure how much help she could be on a quest like this, but some would be better than none. She walked alongside the young man, her head down watching her feet as she walked, feeling rather unsure of herself. Jomei must have sensed her worry as he piped up and asked why she had joined the fight when she seemed so unsure of herself.

     “To be honest, I didn’t know I had. “ She laughed. “I had mentioned my want to be a medic, and the next thing I know I’m being told I’m needed on the front, and Zelruis is such a smooth talker I agreed before I even realized it. I didn’t even remember saying something like a yes until I saw my name on the announcement. I feel absolutely stupid. I’m probably going to die… that is if I don’t die here first.” She lamented. 

  9. Lisa was worried that what she was doing wasn’t going to be enough to keep her alive. She’d taken on as many quests as she could thus far, but she was in need of more. She was nowhere high enough level to do much and she really needed her First aid skill to be a higher rank so that she could survive the upcoming boss fight. But even then that wouldn’t be enough. Sure, she could keep others safe, but what about herself? Her armor could regenerate health, but would it be enough to keep her alive? She doubted it. No, the healer needed a healer. She needed a familiar, one that could help her through the dark time, one that could see her through the possible end of her world. The young woman didn’t want to think about dying, but she knew if she wasn’t careful, that would be a possibility.

    The woman had stumbled upon the quest quite by accident but she was glad that she had. She had accepted the quest some time ago, but made no effort to complete It as she had no idea what she wanted the familiar to do, nor did she know what kind she wanted. Now that she knew both answers, she found herself in the one place that she knew for sure she could find what she was looking for: the field of crossing. The garden she had come to for Zelrius’s birthday was the perfect place to go looking for the kind of familiar she wanted. There were hummingbirds a plenty in that place, all she had to do was wait for the right opportunity to collect one and hope that she caught an uncommon one. She really didn’t want to have to kill any of the pretty little birds. 

  10. Lisa needed help and a lot of it. If she was going to the boss fight, she was going to need to bring a friend… one with the ability to heal her as she was not going to have very many ways to protect herself in the boss fight.  She was going to need a familiar to do her healing while she healed others. She came to the Sunflower Café looking for said good to help her out.

    She entered the shop where she saw a familiar young man behind the counter. “Hi there… I was wondering if you could help me with a few things…” She said as she handed him her list off goods she required for her mission. "I've got the payment for all this right here," She said pulling a pouch containing the materials she'd use as payment for the items.


    Name: Nectar
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: ( leave blank )
    Roll: ( leave blank )
    Item Type: snack
    Quality: Common
    Enhancements: None
    Description: A sweet concoction of honey and water used to attract wildlife attracted to flower nectar


    Name: Marranito
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5

    ID: ( leave blank )
    Roll: ( leave blank )
    Item Type: dessert
    Quality: rare
    Enhancements: +2 Vitamins
    Description: A pig shaped, molasses cookie that increases the eater's luck.




    Name: Drunken Nut
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5

    ID: ( leave blank )
    Roll: ( leave blank )
    Item Type: dessert
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Alcoholic
    Description: A slice of bourbon pecan pie. Do not operate heavy machinery after consuming said sweet.  


  11. Lisa had not opened her shop yet, but her workshop was all set and ready to go. She needed things to help her get and find things that would allow her to level her stuff up quickly so she could build her first aid skill. She decided she was going to make more charms, but should couldn’t get a clear mental image on what she wanted them to be so she kept screwing them up. Luckily on both tries the clay was still workable and she was able to roll it up and try again. After her second screw up she knew it was time to give crafting a rest for one day.


    32986   LD: 6 (BAD)      LD: 15   MATERIAL SALVAGED

    32987   LD: 5 (BAD)     LD: 19   MATERIAL SALVAGED






  12. The young woman smiled softly as the lanky man greeted her so kindly. She was pleased that Lowenthal knew so many lovely individuals. She still wondered about the disheveled young man at Zelruis’s party, but she was not the type to pry, especially since that looked like an incredibly explosive subject. “It’s very lovely to see you again as well. Thank you for inviting me out. I was afraid I wouldn’t even be a bit ready for this fight. Now I’ve got a chance…” she said so very grateful that Jomei had called her out.

    Lisa watched as the pretty ginger man opened his panel and then sent her a friend and party request. She accepted both and gave a nod. “I’m ready!” she said with a determined look on her face. 

  13. Will edit here for description


    Rank One Artisan

    The CD Result Chart 
    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-4] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [5-7] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [8-9] = Good item  
    [10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


  14. “Now glaze them… that’s what.”

    Once more Lisa looked in the panel and saw the option to glaze the charms and she used the blue glaze on the hearts. When they were done, she needed to fire them once more to seal, and several minutes later they were done. She set them back on the work table and a screen popped up congratulating her for finishing the quest. “YEAH!! I’M AN ARTISAN!” she cheered. With her newly earned title, she set out to go find herself a place to set up shop. She had to get crafting so she could make what she needed before the boss fight. With any luck she'd roll what she needed first try!



    Persephone Earns the following:

    • Title of "Beginner Artisan"
    • A Shop
    • +2 SP
    • +400 Col
    • X number of Mats rolled by moderating team


  15. Lisa received her instructions and headed off toward the warp platforms. She chose the level and then headed off toward the desert level for some fun. Having reached the correct floor, she hopped off the platform and bounced her way toward the church she was told about. She opened up her map and selected the landmark, a red marker popped up on the screen and she followed the blip till she arrived at her destination. Sure enough the tall young man was there waiting for her and she hurried over to him with a wide smile on her cute face. “I’m here!” She said as she stopped just a few meters short of running right into Jomei. 

  16. Taking clay from her inventory, she did what she was told, and soon her hands were working the clay like they had known what to do all along. It was fascinating really, like she was on autopilot. She concentrated hard on what she wanted the clay to be. She pinched off small pieces and began to roll them into small balls, and once she had several of them she began to form them into small hearts and stamped holes in the tops of them. When she was done, the system then guided her to the kiln where they were fired and then removed and cooled. The clay hearts were perfect and cute.

    “ Now what?” She asked. 

  17. Dom shielded his eyes from the light until his skill deactivated. “That must really suck,” Lisa commented as she looked at the discomfort upon his face. All was well in a couple of moments and they were traveling swiftly along. Dom had made mention of knowing the lost child’s predicament first hand and the young woman grimaced. “I’m so sorry…” was all she could find to say. She wouldn’t wish that sort of thing on anyone, not even her worst enemy. The child had fallen asleep in Dom’s arms causing her to smile and her travel companion spoke about how good it felt helping them this way versus playing behind a screen. “I wouldn’t know… I have never gamed until now, but this is certainly rewarding… even if the quest has to reset and she has to be lost again.”

  18. It was Lisa’s turn. She sat down at the table once the NPC stood and she collected a flower and clicked the panels like the girl had and then began to make the blue glaze. Several motions and moments later, she crafted a pot of her own. “Yes!” she cheered herself.

    “That was a lucky start,” the girl huffed.

    “Yeah whatever… so now what?”

    “Now you make charms. Pull clay from your inventory and set a piece on the crafting table, then select  the option to make a clay charm. You need to think about what it is you want to make and hold a good mental picture of it so that the system can help you to make what it is you’re wanting. ” The girl explained.  

  19. Lisa collected her flowers and followed the girl to the back. There she had an entire art studio set up. She walked over to the crafting table and sat down. “Okay first, give me your flowers,” she said. Lisa handed them over. The young girl took one and placed it on the table and then opened the crafting panel. She selected “Blue glaze” and then clicked “start”. It took a few seconds but he girl began to “make” the glaze with the preset game motions in place of crafting. When the job was complete, there sat a lovely pot of blue liquid ready for use.

    “Now you try!” the girl told Lisa. 

  20. Lisa had run her happy ass all the way back to town, right back into the artisan’s shop. She reached the counter slightly winded but thoroughly satisfied as she slammed all five flowers down on the glass counter. “BOOM!” Lisa said as she slapped the countertop and laughed. “Didn’t think I’d be back so soon did you, you little brat.” She told the NPC.

    The girl scoffed. “Took you long enough. Most people are back here faster.”

    “Why you little brat!”

    “Still, you did it so it looks like I HAVE to teach you then.  Come on!” She said,” Bring your flowers with you.”

  21. Dom brought Lisa the materials and placed them in her hands just like he had promised her he would. “Thank you,” she said as she added the items to her inventory without checking to see what they were. It didn’t matter really, they could be sold If need be. They began to walk toward the exit and continued to talk as they went along. The pretty brunette was glad that the cave was dark as Dom’s kind words were enough to make her cheeks flush hot pink. She knew he was only being kind but his words were just too flattering. “Fair enough,” she agreed and giggled.  After a few minutes the exited the cave and were on their way to return the child to its mother.

    “This is a rather terrible quest…” she said aloud. “I know they’re just NPC’s but still… could you imagine begin lost and alone like that?” 

  22.  32971   LD: 18     MATERIAL OBTAINED

    “OH MOTHER OF GOD, HOLY [CENSORED] [CENSORED]!!!”  The woman swore as her assumptions were correct.

    All she had to do was sit tight, and sure enough the flowers she needed all grew back and she choose the closest one to pick. She was able to gather the blue azalea no problem! She couldn’t believe it. She finally had the five she needed to finish the damn quest. “Yes, yes, yes!” She shouted as she threw her hands up in the air and then ran her behind back to town. She was going to show that little brat that she was serious about becoming an artisan and then she was going to bomb shizz to sell. Everything was going to her plans and that was pretty freaking awesome.


    +1 Blue Azalea (Material) Obtained


    5/5 Blue Azalea

  23. Ssendom was a beast... a sexy, sexy beast! He attacked using his rather impressive double handed sword, and the attack he used emitted a light from the weapon that gave her opportunity to see exactly what he had done. The blade hit both beasts with amazing force and he obliterated the creatures in one massive swing.

     “That was AMAZING!” She squealed as soon as the mobs were dusted.

    “I can’t believe you smashed them up like that in one go!” While she gushed over the awesome that was Dom, the man scooped up the child and began to carry her off.  He came back to Lisa’s side and thanked her for her assistance.  “I just followed her cries… you kept me from walking into walls, “ she laughed.” Thank you for letting me tag along with you. That was amazing to see. I quite enjoyed the show.” Lisa thanked the man in return. 

  24. 32968     LD: 5     NOTHING

    Once more, there was nothing to be found. It was fine. She was so close she could taste the finish. All she needed to do was wait a little while and the ones she already picked would respawn after some time and she could try picking them again. Once she had enough money one of the first things she was going to buy was some sort of lucky item. She really needed some sort of talisman to increase her game luck so she had an easier time of locating materials.  Lord knows Lisa was the terribly unlucky sort and she needed all the help that she could get. 

  25. 32967   LD: 15     MATERIAL OBTAINED

    “Oh another one!” Lisa said as she dropped down to the floor and with a quick swipe she confidently pulled the flower, game mechanics be damned! If she was going to lose the flower it would happen no matter how gently she plucked the damn thing. Luckily enough for her the blossom did not disappear and she was able to add it right into the inventory with the rest of them. “Only one more left Lisa, then we can get out of here and I can start making shizz!” she said with a grin. Hopefully she'd find one and quickly. She wanted to scout locations for her shop before dark. 


    +1 Blue Azalea (Material) Obtained

    4/5 Blue Azalea

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