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Status Replies posted by Macradon

  1. Is there any group that I can join for the new quest, War of the Ancient?

  2. Is there any group that I can join for the new quest, War of the Ancient?

  3. Anyone up for doing Guardian of Fire with me?

  4. Vi Veri Veniversum Vivi Vici ~ Words To Live By


  5. Vi Veri Veniversum Vivi Vici ~ Words To Live By


  6. Vi Veri Veniversum Vivi Vici ~ Words To Live By


  7. *You have 40 notifications* Holy smokes!

  8. *You have 40 notifications* Holy smokes!

  9. Anyone want to complete a thread with me? I found that I am currently short on some of those. Wanna meet some new people.

  10. Anyone feel like running through <<Blood in the Sand>> with me?-

  11. Anyone feel like running through <<Blood in the Sand>> with me?-

  12. I was bored so I've made some changes.

  13. So what professions are in need???? I'm thinking a tailor I wanna be, but what is needed most right now????

  14. Still trying to get used to my new drawing tablet, harder than I thought.


  15. Anybody up for some RP? I've done rp's involving combat, so I'd be nice to do some simple character interaction. Anybody?

  16. So... I get trapped by vines and then get a nat 1 in the boss fight... -_- Someone doesn't want me to hit anything QQ

  17. Received my fencing jacket in the mail! Whup whup!

  18. Received my fencing jacket in the mail! Whup whup!

  19. I just epic failed. I tried to open a headphone box and had to get out the scissors. I then stabbed myself in the hand with them, ignored it and got the box open, and then left to take care of my hand.  By the time I was done with that id forgotten where id put the headphones.

    Its been long, interesting day.

  20. Following three animes and one manga, but I cant decide which one to watch/read :/

  21. Still trying to get used to my new drawing tablet, harder than I thought.


  22. Why Boku no Pico, why

  23. Happy late Halloween and late


    happy birthday to me yay (oct 31) 

  24. Hi there. I was just wondering, how much would it cost to have a custom one handed dagger with +1 damage (Good Quality) made? Or better yet, how much would it cost for the thief's knife? I am just wondering for when I finish the threads I'm currently doing, so that I can try and purchase them afterwards. Also, I tried to pm you, but it says that you cannot receive messages.

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