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Posts posted by Rain

  1. As the group delved farther into the dungeon, the wanderer took the liberty of leading the group as Lawfer still had to recover his energy. Everything seemed quiet at first, until screech came echoing across the dark and damp halls of the dungeon. Normally this floor would be very very dry, but for some reason, there seems to be a lot of moisture in this dungeon. As they pressed on forward, the screeching became louder. Suddenly, four lizard like warriors came running and jumping from the shadows who all aimed their attacks at the wanderer. The first of the creature tried to land it's axe at the wanderer only to be dodged like it's nothing. The rest of the creatures, however managed to land their attacks on the wanderer, who was playing the role of scout at the moment, which tossed the wanderer around like a ragdoll.

    After suddenly getting attacked like that, the wanderer grew more pissed than he has ever been before. He quickly rushed all four and quickly drew his blade. In an instant, all four of the lizard warriors blew up into pixels. As the wanderer sheathed his blade, he fell to the ground as it seems one of the creatures that attacked him managed to cut off one of his legs. It'll regen eventually, but right now, he's going to be hoping the rest of the dungeon.



    ID# 64796 results: MOB: 4 (6-2)
    [Lizard Warrior] [HP (0/83)] [DMG 27] [MIT 20] DEAD -103 HP

    ID# 64807 results: MOB: 6 (8-2)
    [Lizard Warrior] [HP (0/83)] [DMG 27] [MIT 20] DEAD -103 HP
     » DMG 27 - MIT 9 = DMG 18

    ID# 64808 results: MOB: 10
    [Lizard Warrior] [HP (0/83)] [DMG 27] [MIT 20] DEAD -103 HP
     » (DMG 27 + Crit 2) - MIT 9 = DMG 20

    ID# 64809 results: MOB: 6 (8-2)
    [Lizard Warrior] [HP (0/83)] [DMG 27] [MIT 20] DEAD
    -103 HP
     » DMG 27 - MIT 9 = DMG 18

    ID# 64810 results: Battle: 9
    [Rain] [Level 21] [HP (28/84)] [Energy (1/21)] [DMG 9+2] [ACC 3] [EVA 2] [MIT 9]

     » [Amatsu no Homura] [DMG 9 + Potion 2 + Crit 1] DMG 12 * SA (5*2) = DMG 120 AoE - MIT 17 = DMG 103 AoE
      » -20 Energy; -56 HP

    +4 Materials (100%)

    - Total Loot -
    6 Materials
    770 Col

  2. The wanderer lined up his fist one more time. This rock was already slowly breaking down. It wouldn't be long until they finish this rock off finally. The wanderer began to walk forward, which turned into a run. Soon after, he leaped into the air before throwing his fist into the rock, causing the cracks that he made earlier to spread rapidly. It wasn't enough to completely demolish the rock, but this rock's going to break soon.

    After throwing his fist, he looks back to Graves. "If you have some good ramen, I'll take you up on the offer."

    ID# 64742 results: Battle: 7
    [Rain] [Level 24] [HP (96/96)] [Energy (24/24)] [DMG 1+3+2] [ACC 3] [EVA 0] [MIT 9]
     » DMG 6

    [Rock] [HP 12/50] -6 HP

  3. Quote

    Items to Hikoru
    01 Major Damage Potion II
    01 Major Mitigation Potion II

    37 Mats from Hikoru

    "Are you sure you want to give me that much materials?" The wanderer paused for a second as he contemplated what his motives were. He wasn't exactly sure as to why the player would give so much extra mats and after a long second of contemplation, there was no real motive. "Well... thanks for the donation."


  4. The snow lightly fell on him as he lied there on the snow. In a blink of an eye more people seemed to have joined them in their hunt. One of the people who happened to came out of nowhere was a particular girl who the wanderer vaguely remembers while he was handing out potions. There was nothing that really caught his attention except for the fact that she tried taking 3 rare potions - which the wanderer caught in time before she took off. Other than that, she seemed to just be a normal new player. Why she came all the way out, he wasn't quiet sure, but with her around, Seul and the wanderer's task is going to get a little tougher as they need to protect her.

    After that thought, another familiar face came strolling by as if randomly jumping to leech for SP. It was Xion. One of the main tanks helping out in the Low Level Event Bosses and one of the wanderer's guild mates. The wanderer was skeptical at first as to why he came out here, but he didn't really took it to mind. He was more concern on finding materials for his shop. With Xion being there, however, protecting the noirette, Kasier, would be so much easier.

    The wanderer slowly sat up from his position. He didn't particularly had any thought of greeting them properly as his thoughts were somewhere else and he just wanted to hurry this little hunt they have going on as soon as possible. He quickly stood back up and raised his hands for a quick wave. "Yo." He says to the two new players before he began walking backing to the fields. His energy wasn't full restored, but he didn't want to waste any more time.

    +1 Energy Regen (2/3)

  5. Spoiler

    Item: Minor Damage Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
     +1 Damage
    Description: A vial of black liquid with gold sediments; bitter taste; increases damage by 1.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64713
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Minor Damage Potion II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Uncommon
     +2 Damage
    Description: A vial of black liquid with gold sediments; bitter taste; increases damage by 2.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64722
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Greater Life Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
     +40 HP
    Description: A red crystal that instantly heals you for 40 HP.
    Quantity: 3
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64714   |  64717   |  64720
    Craft: 10 (9+1) | 10 (9+1) | 10 (9+1)

    Item: Major Power Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
     +6 Damage
    Description: A black crystal with gold sediments; increases damage by 6.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#  64715
    Craft: 12

    Item: Major Armor Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
     +54 Mitigation
    Description: A pale yellow crystal boosts your damage mitigation by 54.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#  64718
    Craft: 12

    Item: Major Life Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
     +60 HP
    Description: A red crystal that instantly heals you for 60 HP.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64721
    Craft: 12 (11+1)


  6. Quote

    Received from Zandra
    97 Materials
    01 Crafter's Tonic [Crafter's Respite]
    04 Refreshing Fluid[Crafter's Respite]

    Seeing Zandra send all that material back to the wanderer put a smile on the wanderer's face. For the past couple of days, he's been worried about how he'll manage to farm so many materials to keep up with the demands. "Sweet! Thanks for returning/reimbursing the materials and potions, I've been getting worried since I've been getting somewhat low on materials recently."

    Upon receiving the new materials and potions, the wanderer quickly got to work on more new potions for the day. He was just about to get to work on his crafts for the day and seeing Zandra drop by to give him back the materials really put him in a good mood.

    After a few minutes of working on making potions, a couple of loud explosions echoed through the shop. This was normal, however, in the wanderer's little store. As he walked back out, something looked odd about him. His face was cover it soot, like what usually happens after an explosion, but this time, something was strangely wrong. The wanderer's left eyes seems to have gone red while his other eye grew darker, almost like as dark as bottomless pit. Whether this is to be permanent, no one knows for sure.


    ID Roll Quality Exp
    ID# 64713 Craft: 7 (6+1) Uncommon +4 Exp
    ID# 64714 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64715 Craft: 12 Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64716 Craft: 5 (4+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64717 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64718 Craft: 12 Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64719 Craft: 1 Crit Fail +2 Exp
    ID# 64720 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64721 Craft: 12 (11+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64722 Craft: 7 (6+1) Uncommon +4 Exp
    ID# 64723 Craft: 1 Crit Fail +2 Exp

    +60 Exp
    -17 Mats (6 Extra for crystals)
    1 Good
    1 Minor Damage Potion I
    1 Minor Damage Potion II

    3 Greater Life Crystal II
    1 Major Power Crystal II
    1 Major Armor Crystal II
    1 Major Life Crystal II

  7. "Ohayo!" echoes through the shop as the wanderer slowly pushes the door of the Amethyst Boutique. He's been to this shop before, but it's been a long time. As he kept walking through, he quickly went for the counter where he saw a familiar red head. "Ohayo Tea, can I get this made?"


    Item: Death's Dance
    Item Type: Trinket - Ring - Necklace
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +2 ACC; +1 EVA
    Description: A dark ashy black color ring with a crimson colored strip running through the middle of the ring. Inside the ring are an unfamiliar inscription of a long dead language. Going through the ring is a silver chain that forms to make the ring into a necklace of sorts.

    Item: Theif's Gamble v2
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 LD
    Description: A single red crystal with a golden loop through the top attached to a hooked earpiece.


  8. Spoiler

    Item: Minor Damage Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Damage
    Description: A vial of black liquid with gold sediments; bitter taste; increases damage by 1.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64621
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Greater Life Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +40 HP
    Description: A red crystal that instantly heals you for 40 HP.
    Quantity: 2
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#      64620  |  64623
    Craft: 10 (9+1) | 9 (8+1)

    Item: Greater Power Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +6 Damage
    Description: A black crystal with gold sediments; increases damage by 6.
    Quantity: 2
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#      64616   |   64619
    Craft: 12 (11+1) | 12 (11+1)

    Item: Greater Armor Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +54 Mitigation
    Description: A pale yellow crystal boosts your damage mitigation by 54. 
    Quantity: 2
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#  64624 |  64625
    Craft: 12  | 12 (11+1)


  9. With a quick thud of the door, the wanderer slammed open the front door and quickly rushed to the back of a shop. He had no time to lounge about and he had wanted to farm materials some more today. That said, the wanderer quickly gets to work. After a few minutes and an initial loud explosion, the wanderer walks back out, black faced, as his face is completely covered in soot. He, however, has a huge smile as he happens to have made 4 perfect potions.


    ID Roll Quality Exp
    ID# 64616 Craft: 12 (11+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64617 Craft: 6 (5+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64618 Craft: 1 Crit Fail +2 Exp
    ID# 64619 Craft: 12 (11+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64620 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64621 Craft: 7 (6+1) Uncommon +4 Exp
    ID# 64622 Craft: 5 (4+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64623 Craft: 9 (8+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64624 Craft: 12 Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64625 Craft: 12 (11+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64626 Craft: 5 (4+1) Good +3 Exp

    +63 Exp
    -17 Mats (6 for crystals)
    3 Good
    1 Minor Damage Potion I
    2 Greater Life Crystal II
    2 Major Power Crystal II
    2 Major Armor Crystal II

  10. The wanderer watched as Graves pummeled a good chunk of the boulder. His talk for being a martial artist wasn't all for talk after all. The wanderer didn't want to get left behind. After grave's attempt, the wanderer followed him up. With a clenched fist, he threw his fist straight at the rock. Specifically where he's been hitting, where the cracks were spread. As his fist hit the rock, the cracks once again began to spread. This boulder's going to crumble soon, the wanderer just knew it.

    ID# 64567 results: Battle: 6 (3+3)
    [Rain] [Level 24] [HP (96/96)] [Energy (24/24)] [DMG 1+3+2] [ACC 3] [EVA 0] [MIT 9]
     » DMG 6

    [Rock] [HP 18/50] -6 HP

  11. Spoiler

    Item: Minor Mitigation Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +9 Mitigation
    Description: A pale yellowish liquid in a vial that increases mitigation by 9
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64550
    Craft: 8 (7+1)

    Item: Minor Health Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +10 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 10 HP.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64555
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Greater Health Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +20 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 20 HP.
    Quantity: 2
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#      64558  |  64560
    Craft: 10 (9+1) | 10 (9+1)

    Item: Greater Life Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +40 HP
    Description: A red crystal that instantly heals you for 40 HP.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64561
    Craft: 9 (8+1)

    Item: Major Damage Potion II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +6 Damage
    Description: A vial of black liquid with gold sediments; bitter taste; increases damage by 6.
    Quantity: 2
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#      64552   |   64553
    Craft: 11 (10+1) | 12 (11+1)

    Item: Major Mitigation Potion II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +54 Mitigation
    Description: A pale yellowish liquid in a vial that increases mitigation by 54.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#  64559
    Craft: 12


  12. Quote

    Items to @Xion
    02 Greater Life Crystal I = 1,200 (600 Each) [In stock]
    01 Mass Life Crystal I    = 750 Col [Made to Order]
       Guild Discount (50%)

       Total                  = 975 Col


    Items to @Itzal
    01 Minor Mitigation Potion I =  150 Col [In Stock]
    03 Minor Health Potion I     = 450 Col (150 Each) [In Stock]
    01 Greater Health Potion I   = 300 Col [In Stock]
    01 Over Life I               = 450 Col [In Stock] 

       Total                     = 1,350 Col

    Rushing into the shop once more, the wanderer quickly got started on working potions. He had no time today. Today, he had planned on farming materials as he was slowly getting low. Soon, the wanderer is going to be empty on materials at this rate. That being said, after a few minutes in the back a loud explosion echoed throughout the small establishment. A couple more minutes go by before the wanderer wanders back out with soot covering his face. It didn't deter him at all from his work, however. It seems this happens way too often now. He quickly stores his new potions before grabbing his stuff to head out.


    ID Roll Quality Exp
    ID# 64550 Craft: 8 (7+1) Uncommon +4 Exp
    ID# 64551 Craft: 4 (3+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64552 Craft: 11 (10+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64553 Craft: 12 (11+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64554 Craft: 3 (2+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64555 Craft: 7 (6+1) Uncommon +4 Exp
    ID# 64557 Craft: 1 Crit Fail +2 Exp
    ID# 64558 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64559 Craft: 12 Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64560 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64561 Craft: 9 (8+1) Rare +6 Exp

    +61 Exp
    -12 Mats (1 Extra for Crystal)
    2 Good
    1 Minor Mitigation Potion I
    1 Minor Health Potion I

    2 Greater Health Potion I
    1 Greater Life Crystal II

    2 Major Damage Potion II
    1 Major Mitigation Potion II

  13. The wanderer fell to the snow covered ground on his back, as he finishes off his group of mobs. He made clear out mobs quickly, he losses energy just as fast. As he lied there in wait, he stared at his HUD, it seems as though Seul's still in a fight, as his just sees his Energy Pool sudden drop by a fair margin. The wanderer didn't really worry too much, however. He's been in fights with Seul, so he knew how well Seul can handle himself. If Seul can't kill the beasts, they'll just kill themselves with all his thorns he has on his gear. 

    +1 Energy Regen (1/3)

  14. The wanderer quickly turned around to find Graves just standing there already. He didn't know why he was there, but he took Grave's presence as a sign of relief. This quest would go by much faster with Graves here to do 1/2 the labor. He quickly raises his hands to wave a quick acknowledgment as he casually just says, "Yo." He played cool as if he expected Graves to be there to help their non martial artist butts.

    After quickly acknowledging Graves, the wanderer gripped his fist tighter once more as he came charging at the rock. With another quick blow, he dug his fist into the rock once more, causing the initial cracks to spread more.

    ID# 64549 results: Battle: 6 (3+3)
    [Rain] [Level 24] [HP (96/96)] [Energy (24/24)] [DMG 1+3+2] [ACC 3] [EVA 0] [MIT 9]
     » DMG 6

    [Rock] [HP 36/50] -6 HP

  15. The wanderer let off a slight chuckle as he readied himself to punch the dreaded rock. It wasn't meant to be intentional, but just thinking about her trying to punch something and tripping was just too funny to the wanderer. As the wanderer tightly grips his fist, he felt power surge through him. "Okay, let's go." He told himself. He slowly walked up to the rock, walking right passed the black haired woman. He tightly grips his fist and begins charging. Once he felt close enough, he slightly leaped into the air before digging his fist into the rock. Crack soon began to spread from the punch site. It wasn't a lot, but it shows that his punch actually did something.

    ID# 64506 results: Battle: 7
    [Rain] [Level 24] [HP (96/96)] [Energy (24/24)] [DMG 1+3+2] [ACC 3] [EVA 0] [MIT 9]
     » DMG 6

    [Rock] [HP 43/50] -6 HP

  16. Watching Seul jump right into the hunt, the wanderer quickly followed suite not wanting to be left behind. As he entered the field, the wanderer didn't bother with the one that his companion was fighting. He ran right past him and went for a group of 4 peculiar «Ice Wraiths» that happened to be near by. One the wanderer got close, he quickly drew his blade. In an azure flash, the four «Ice Wraiths» shattered into pixels before they even know what was going on.


    ID# 64489 results: Battle: 9 Loot: 19 (15+2+2)
    [Rain] [Level 24] [HP (96/96)] [EN (4/24)] [DMG 9] [ACC 3] [EVA 0] [MIT 9]

     » [Amatsu no Homura] [DMG 9 + Crit 1] = DMG 10 * SA (5*2) = DMG 100 - MIT 20 = 80
      » -20 EN

     » [H 0] [@Seul] [HP 141/141] [EN 32/34]
     » [H 1] [Rain] [HP 096/096] [EN 04/24]
    -20 EN

     » [Ice Wraith] [HP 0/80] [DMG 20] [MIT 20] DEAD -80 HP
     » [Ice Wraith] [HP 0/80] [DMG 20] [MIT 20] DEAD -80 HP
     » [Ice Wraith] [HP 0/80] [DMG 20] [MIT 20] DEAD -80 HP
     » [Ice Wraith] [HP 0/80] [DMG 20] [MIT 20] DEAD -80 HP
     » [Ice Elemental] [HP 70/70] [DMG 12] [MIT 17]

    +8 Materials (100%; LD 19]
    +1,600 Col [LD 19]

    - Total Loot -
    8 Materials
    1,600 Col


  17. snowy_fields_by_thorbet-d36oiuz.jpg

    As Seul arrives to the designated spot, the wanderer begins sifting through his stuff. He had thought that he'll be complaining about this floor. This was, the wanderer's home floor so he's used to the cold, but most people aren't really one for the cold. "Here." He tosses him a small little vial of fiery color. "That'll keep you warm." He says as he begins to walk through the exit gate. He had made that vial to keep people warm in cold places. He also has potions to keep people cool in warm places. Oh the powers of alchemy.

    HeatUp Given to Seul [A small vial of a fiery orange and red colored tonic. When drunk, it heats the body temperature up. Perfect for the cold environments.]

    The wanderer begins walking out of the exit. He didn't exactly look back as he had expected Seul to follow him. He's also not one for waiting. "There's place I use for hunting. Bunch of Ice Elementals there." He says. Short and to the point. No dilly-dallying, today it's all business.

    After a good 15 minute walk, they finally reach the fields where a bunch of Ice Elementals and other ice creatures spawn. This was where you would often at times find the wanderer if he was farming for materials.

    «Ice Elemental»
    HP 70
    DMG 12
    MIT 17

  18. The crisp sound of some somewhat harden snow echoed about the fields of the 4th floor, as the wanderer finds himself wandering the fields to once again hunt for materials for his shop. It's been sometime now since the wanderer had to deal with hunting, but his resources has recently gotten low. Well, not entirely low as he still has a little more than 100 mats left in his store, but that's will only last for a couple more days. That little help he gave Zandra took a toll on his resources and he needs to get grinding again. That said, He looked forward into the on coming field. He had sent a message out to guildmate of his to meet him out here to farm for materials.

  19. Spoiler

    Item: Minor Health Potion I
    Item Type: 
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +10 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 10 HP.
    Quantity: 1
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#      64427
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Greater Mitigation Potion I
    Item Type: 
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +18 Mitigation
    Description: A pale yellowish liquid in a vial that increases mitigation by 18.
    Quantity: 2
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#     64426   |  64434
    Craft: 10 (9+1) | 10 (9+1)

    Item: Crafter's Tonic
    Item Type: 
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Crafter's Respite
    Description: A vial of golden yellow liquid with a fragrant scent. Instantly resets all crafting attempts, so you can craft again during the same crafting day.
    Quantity: 3
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID#  64425 |   64431   |   64432
    Craft: 12  | 11 (10+1) | 11 (10+1)


  20. "I have this foggy memory that I offered to help with this quest." The wanderer says as he continues to scour his inventory. After a few moments later, his katana disappears in a bright light and as another bright light gleams from the wanderer's fists. Soon a pair of black UFC gloves with a golden lion sporting a crown embedded on it, appeared on the wanderer's hands. "So let me help you."

    Fighter's Bought Equipped [+3 Damage]

    The wanderer begins stretching as if getting ready to run a marathon. He stretched his leg reaching to the sides. He twists and turns his body on the waste. He crouched over into a ball before jumping up in the air. And all these other outlandish stretches, but not one time did he stretch his arms.

  21. "Hey Ariel." Silently echoed through the store as the wanderer slowly pushed through the shop's doors. "It's been sometime now, just checking up to see if all my items are done. Or at least some of them are." The wanderer says as he works his way to the counter. As he gets there he quickly spots Ariel who seems to be getting to work on her daily crafts. As the wander reaches the counter, he notices that all his orders seems to be all ready. "Awesome! They're all done!" The wanderer casually swipes his fingers in the air as he starts punching numbers in his inventory. Eventually, a large sack of Col appears which the wanderer props on the counter. "Here's the payment for it."

    10,050 Col and 2 Mats sent to Ariel


    Name: The Wandering Kingsman v2
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (9) Master
    ID: (the dice ID, leave it like this)
    Roll: ( leave it like this)
    Item Type: Light Armor - Suit
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 LD; +36 MIT
    A classy white blouse with black slacks,a brown slacks to match and grey jacket that matches the slacks slings on the shoulders as if it's a cloak, instead of it being really worn. A semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed on the right pocket breast area of the blouse, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop. Reference [Minus the scarf] [Guy on the right]
    Payment Method: 3350

    Name: Archangel's Regalia X
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (9) Master
    Roll: 12 (nat.)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 EVA; +18 MIT
    Description: A white set of light armor trimmed with black, gold and red. 
    A semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed on the item, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop. Reference [Here] [Here]
    Payment Method: 3350

    Name: Archangel's Regalia Y
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (9) Master
    Roll: 12 (nat.)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 EVA; +36 MIT
    Description: A white set of light armor trimmed with black, gold and red. 
    A semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed on the item, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop. Reference [Here] [Here]
    Payment Method: 3350

    Name: Nightstalker
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (9) Master
    Roll: 5 (3+2)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Vanity

    Enhancements: -
    Description: A black bodysuit with a black hoodie and black shorts on top. 
    A semi transparent white crowned lion head logo is discreetly placed on the item, the usual branding from the manufacturing shop. Reference [Minus the mask] [Just the clothing]
    Payment Method: 2 Mats

    Total = 10,050 Col and 2 Mats


  22. The wanderer rushed into the back of his shop once again. He didn't want to waste time. These potions aren't going to wait for him. He quickly gets to working on potions. Everything was running smoothly at first. Until an explosion was heard. After a few more minutes of silence. The wanderer slams the backdoor open. Soot covered his face. He begins to casually store his new potions. Although there was an explosion he still managed to make 3 perfect potions.


    ID Roll Quality Exp
    ID# 64425 Craft: 12 Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64426 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64427 Craft: 7 (6+1) Uncommon +4 Exp
    ID# 64428 Craft: 3 (2+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64429 Craft: 1 Crit Fail +2 Exp
    ID# 64430 Craft: 6 (5+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64431 Craft: 11 (10+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64432 Craft: 11 (10+1) Perfect +9 Exp
    ID# 64433 Craft: 3 (2+1) Good +3 Exp
    ID# 64434 Craft: 10 (9+1) Rare +6 Exp
    ID# 64435 Craft: 4 (3+1) Good +3 Exp

    +57 Exp
    -11 Mats
    4 Good
    1 Minor Health Potion I
    2 Greater Mitigation Potion I
    3 Crafter's Tonic

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