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Posts posted by Aya

  1. “Hey, it’ll be nice to have some company.” as she was about to sit down, from behind Aya a waitress arrived with a drink for Vrytew. “T-thanks.” He stammered "Woah he has one too?!" Aya was shocked she suffered from a stammer herself from time to time but to know someone close to her had one too, She smiled at him. “Shall we head outside?” he asked "Yeah that sounds good I'll just order..." He was off outside it looked like he was talking to a man clad in blue who was sat outside the tea shop sharpening his blade. Aya ordered a Chi tea and joining Vrytew outside slumping into the chair. "What are you doing up here anyway" She inquired hoping this wasn't another annoying question.

  2. Aya was lying on her bed in the Dragons Head Inn. She wanted to do something different she needed to get off the First Floor, She hadn't been to the Second floor for a while, there was a small tea shop that she enjoyed frequenting in the safe zone "I may go there today and not starlight café" Aya yawned, stretched and jumped off the bed, quickly tied her hair into two long plaits . "Floor 2 it is then." Walking down the stairs and past the Npc's that ran the Inn "Morning, no breakfast for me this morning" she smiled and left, coming out into the small alleyway that connected the Inn to Aincrad. Aya walked through the streets, as the sun rose and the city woke up, towards the town teleport. "Teleport, Floor 2,Urbus" She spoke aloud.

    She appeared in the teleport in Urbus, "Now which way was it, Ah yes" Making her way to the cafe tentatively, although it was a safe zone she couldn't drop her guard.

    Opening the door to the tea shop she was surprised to see Vyrtew sat the rest of the Café deserted. The Npc taking his order left in the direction of the counter top. Aya strolled over to where Vyrtew sat "Good morning, I wasn't expecting to see you here could I sit with you?" She smiled, hoping.

  3. He finally looked up nodding and smiling “Good you haven't scared him off yet” "Ummm...." He replied “I’m only 13…” “Oh” Aya giggled to herself “Errmm, just it's usually everyone who mistakes my age and .. well .. ermm... there's me doing it to you” "When will you learn to control yourself!" Her internal monologue rebuked. Vyrtew was looking looking down into the bowls of ice cream , vanilla with chocolate sprinkles, and pushing one towards Aya “Here,one for you” he swirled his spoon around “So how come you’ve stayed around Starting City?”

    Aya contemplated staring through him for what seemed to her like an eternity remembering. She snapped out of her trance “Erm I went out to start with but I was lucky or maybe I was stupid... Anyway and after a day I came back into the city I saw many players who weren't coping so decided to make some friends,support people a bit, but they all moved on some to the front lines some are no longer with us...” She trailed off staring into the Ice cream which was melting slightly in the heat of the café. Spooning off the creamy liquid and slurping it off.

    I guess I'll go back out there one day , now I'm better prepared" she looked up at Vyrtew.

  4. Holding his hand up to his mouth to stifle the giggle that filled the booth Aya? Right, you must be at least thirty-five. How come you’re firing questions off left right and centre like my sister?” Aya eyes widening, not knowing to respond, heart beat quickening “Hang on how old is he?” she pondered to her self. “The girl must be his sister.” His words failed him and he clasped his hand over his mouth his eyes widening “I’m. So. Sorry.” Aya calmed inside not realising her temper had started to raise at the previous comment. Vyrtew was slinking down in to his chair, his face going bright red it was then Aya realised her face and arms were burning she also must be bright red, she smiled. “It’s just… You look about the same age as some of my teachers in school.” mouth open in shock, Aya didn't have time to respond before he buried his nose into the menu, quickly deciding what he wanted grabbing a waitress by the skirt. “Can I get these two please.” The waitress glared at him and rolled her eyes at Aya who smiled back “I raise the previous question, how old is he?” her internal monologue continued. He didn't raise his eyes to Aya.Sorry for all the questions. I'm just nervous” She smiled hoping he would look up.I'm 28 but usually my height confuses people,” giggling to herself. “Most people think I'm about 15 to 20 it's nice for someone to think I'm older for once.” 

    How old are you anyway?”

  5. As Aya moved over to the table the Flash of color was off again like lightning Aya over in the direction of the two players that had entered earlier. The white haired boy smiled turning to Aya and slipped into the free booth  Of course, I’m Vyrtew what’s your name?” he spoke as quietly as Aya did, he folded his hands on the table  "Come on Aya you can do this,"  Smiling back at Vyrtew "My name's Aya, How long have you been here? Who's the flash of colour?" her eyes widened and her heart started to race "Too many questions! Slow down!" Her internal monologue screamed at her. 

  6. As her food arrived Aya was starting to feel uneasy she hadn't felt like this for a while, the need to talk to people but in the past 20 minutes or so those walking into the cafe seemed to know people have people come talk to them Aya was starting to crave contact. Beyond the npc's. She switched chairs to face into the cafe and not out onto the street, tucking into her food. "I mean it has been a while, I've started to go backwards, I'm becoming the player I've been supporting since I entered the game." she started panicking to herself. "Right, Aya you made a promise to yourself before you entered this world it's time to start living up to that promise again." She finished eating swiped her menu down, sending the book to her inventory and picking up her milkshake stood up walking towards the flash of colour and the boy with the white hair from the bench "Hi" she croaked her voice catching in the back of her throat. "Could I sit with you for a while I'm getting tired of being alone" the confidence returning to her voice.

  7. Aya continued to watch the boy sat on the bench aware at the same time that the flash of colour had been joined by another male player and was deciding on what to eat.

    The boy back on the bench meanwhile was staring through her and suddenly jumped up from the bench spoke aloud to himself again and walked with purpose towards the café as he entered he smiled at Aya. She quickly buried her head in her book, her hair which was un-braided ,for once, pooling around as to hid herself from the world.

    Realising the book, it was upside down, “Damn!” She scolded herself turning it quickly. “How long have I been here, How long had the book been like that?"  she thought “Who else has noticed the book? Damn! I’m hungry.” She picked up the menu on the table why she didn’t know why she knew what she wanted. A waitress walked past, the badge on her chest had dark letters emblazoned onto it that read 'Donna'. "Ermm, Excuse me, could I have the cookies with ice cream and a chocolate milkshake please?"

  8. Aya sat at the small table in the window of The Starlight Café looking out on the world as it passed her by absent mindedly fiddling with her long sword securely in its scabbard, on her lap. Players coming and going as they had done for the several hours she had been there watching, observing, being.  But then something caught her eye sat by the fountain he was also watching, not something many players did, stop and look. "They are all still too caught up in the adventure to notice anything," she grumbled to herself. Was he talking to himself? “Hmm” she thought as a flash of colour, a girl appeared in the back of the café taking a menu and studying it.

  9. aya1.jpg

    Aya Matsura

    Real name: Kai Hiroe

    Age: 28

    Birth date: 29th February 1988

    Gender: Female


    Aya is short often finding those younger than her, tower above her. Her purple hairs always tied in two braids which wrap around her. She mainly wears black, purple and green flowing clothing.


    Aya is a loner, she is very quiet and reserved she grew up with her parents and younger brother. As a child she was a keen swimmer but never chose to shine regardless of swimming in national competitions. Aya had a group of friends between the ages of two and five, although they all kept touch in one way or another by the time she was in year 2 they have all left for different schools. Leaving Aya alone and a target for persistent bullying that lasted until she left secondary education, As a result she became a keen fighter however due to the relationship between her and her family breaking down over time, due to her believe that no one understood her in the world, she couldn't always control her tempt. She found comfort in single player games such as the Sims and Sims City, Roller-coaster Tycoon, Tomb Raider, Pokémon, Zelda and Mario to name but a few. Aya is an avid reader, loving Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels, Terry Pratchett, JK Rowling and Tolkien being amongst her favourite authors. Due to her hanging around the school library and knowing about her keen interest in gaming the school librarian challenged Aya to consider an MMORPG and particularly Sword Art Online, using her birthday money she purchased herself a Nerve Gear and entered Aincrad.



    Understanding: Due to everything that has happened to her Aya is extremely empathetic towards other. Although she has been hurt, she often will see the good in others even if they don't see it themselves. She will notice the loners and others like her who hide themselves away, befriending them and supporting them until they flourish and then she dissipates.

    Resourceful: Aya is able to make ends meet on her own, she adapts to the situation given to her easily and quickly, thinking fast and constantly, overcoming any difficulties that she faces. If it seems she's overwhelmed she'll keep a level head and think of a solution. She is always capable to think on his toes due to being bullied in the past.


    Persistent (Fighter): Aya is determined to get things done, to fight to the end sometimes at great cost to herself. She becomes especially persistent and stubborn when others don’t believe she can do it, doing all she can to prove them wrong and overcoming any barriers that prevent her from doing this.

    Constant inner monologue: Thinking fast and constantly her constant inner monologue keeps a level head in any situation however Aya can have times where she has low self esteem and her inner monologue can be self-deprecating she can seem distant when in conversation with others due to this internal monologue taking the space where she would talk.


    Loner: Aya prefers to be alone even if she is in a group she will need time to herself to go and sit. She will often choose to spend her days in one of many cafes or will take herself somewhere quiet . Although if she feels she is getting too close to someone she will change her routine and fade away.

    Short tempered at times: Especially when tired, hungry, tired of individuals or cross with herself, Aya can snap and loose her temper. If she is told she can’t do something her temper can often snap and along with her persistence this can be a dangerous combination. It has been known to get her into trouble in the past.


    Basic Scimitar Black Trench Coat, Green Flowing Shirt, Purple Flowing Summer Dress, White and Black Striped T Shirt, Black Tights, Black Ankle Boots.

    Books: Guards, Guards, The Hobbit.

    Leather note book, Set of 4 pens,

     4 Materials

    Basic Long Sword.

    Anneal Blade (+1 Damage)

    Item: Mortar and Pestle
    Item Type: Miniature Masterpiece
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: 1 Extra Crafting Attempt Per Day
    Description: A clay fired mortar and pestle.

    Item: Herb Planter
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition (+ 1 EXP to Every Craft)
    Description: A small planter in which to keep herbs and materials fresh.

    Item: Precise Alembic
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Crafting Die
    Description: An alembic that distils potions to a greater level than just a cauldron

    Corrupted Stone: +2 Accuracy

    Skills: 1h Straight Sword - Rank 2

    Extra Skills:


    Total SP: 13

    Starting SP: 5

    Roleplay SP: 3

    Quest SP: 5


    Total Col: 734

    Thread Col: 474

    Spent Col: 0

    Quest Col: 260





    The Blue Dragon


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