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Posts posted by Sey

  1. Now to claim some loot! It wasn't the most desirable it seemed, but a swift kick would get him something that was perfect. One thing to try and identify. The rest could perish, he had no interest in them for now. Maybe the other fishes will cough up something that won't make him roll his eyes. Not a single weapon came out yet, but that was okay, for he had a much bigger idea in mind. One of the fish would hit him yet again, giving him a bit of space while lowering his health a little closer to the yellow zone. It wasn't a comfortable color to deal with, but at least his own health was still green, and that was what mattered at the end of the fight. One of the fishes he hit was close to dying as well, so that was a bonus he was going to enjoy relishing in. The enemies were going to give him some loot today, damn it!


    Sey: 838/1350 | EN: 63/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | -25% DoT Damage | +8 LD

    Action: Tornado Kick

    Sinker: 36/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 162/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 42/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 42/504 | 189 DMG


    Loot: 3,528 Col, 2 T3 Mats, 1 Perfect Trinket 1 Rare Weapon, 1 Uncommon Consumable

  2. And THIS was why he did not want to take the risk of using the item that he wanted to. If Sey wanted to try and act smart by adding more damage, he would have had hell waiting for him real soon. Sey was prepared to take some attacks, but three of this level was not what he would have desired. Two of them gutted him while one slammed the back of his head, two criticals in fact. With that, he would desperately kick out yet again, but only two of them would end up taking a hit. This would cause Sey to swim back a bit and let his battle healing help him. It seems like he was going to have to have the item wait for a different time, because this would be an execution day if he used it now. With that in mind, two of the enemies were still in the yellow, but two of them finally hit the red zone. All right, motivation to keep pushing forward.


    Sey: 915/1350 | EN: 72/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | -25% DoT Damage | +8 LD

    Action: Tornado Kick

    Sinker: 36/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 162/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 162/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 42/504 | 189 DMG

  3. Now to take form of one of them, for one of them was growing way too close to him for comfort. A swift kick to keep them all away yet again, with the exception of the one that was looking for a decent strike. At the very last second, Sey became one of them, looking to swim around the area swiftly so that he did not end up being caught in the attack. When given the chance to do this, he would then return back to normal so that he could examine all of their health bars again. This time, they were in the yellow. It should not take more than another two or three strikes to make them all disappear. Then it would be time to collect that sweet sweet loot. A rest wouldn't be so bad for him either, he did not want to pull what he did back in the fight against War. Risks like that, he learned, they were just not worth the price. Serious experiences points could have been lost that day.


    Sey: 1350/1350 | EN: 81/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | -25% DoT Damage | +8 LD

    Action: Tornado Kick
    Skill: Disguise [+1 EVA]

    Sinker: 150/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 162/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 162/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 162/504 | 189 DMG

  4. They were swift, but they were not going to be swimming annoyingly for too long under his watch. They were beginning to become predictable, it wouldn't be long before they lined themselves up for a good kick. And before he was able to think about it, the chance revealed himself and give him the chance to swiftly attack at a rapid rate. A harsh kick towards all of them in a spinning motion and a threat towards their health bars. Three of them were in the green and one of them finally entered the yellow. Fragile enemies on the twenty second floor, just what he needed to loot items. And with his he has been doing so well, he wanted to play with risks a little bit more. But in case that did not work out, he wanted to make sure these fools would be off of the face of the game so that he did not risk losing too much energy.


    Sey: 1338/1350 | EN: 92/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | -25% DoT Damage | +8 LD

    Action: Tornado Kick

    Sinker: 150/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 276/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 276/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 276/504 | 189 DMG

  5. They were fast enough to avoid him at the rate they did, swimming in circles around him. That made them slippery, but in perfect range for a sharp kick towards the side. As a result, he would aim a swift leg towards the side to hit two of them, only for the other two to get out of the way just in time. A click of his tongue would follow as he would look towards them, they wanted revenge. One of them was near yellow, so that was a note. A few more of those and the chances of obtaining some weapons will be heavily increased, it was best to fight in schools despite the effort it took him to hit them. And so he would manage to avoid their next attacks, his battle healing keeping his health from going too down low and his evasion allowing him a chance to escape without a problem. Looks like he was going to remain safe after all.


    Action: Tornado Kick

    Sey: 1271/1350 | EN: 105/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | -25% DoT Damage | +8 LD

    Sinker: 276/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 390/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 390/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 390/504 | 189 DMG

  6. Sey decided to take the fight underwater since there was a lack of punishment for doing this. He was a solo party currently, meaning that he was going to be fighting this battle without a pair of lips to speak with. A fair trade for the weapons, since he had no one to speak to as of currently anyways. And he had little intentions of calling anyone into the fray to change that reality, this was his battle to fight. Now to swim with the fishes, a school of them seemed interested in engaging with him. Sey’s fists were prepared to sink them. One aimed for a quick slap, but nothing too good of a hit was made! The second managed to get a good blow to the gut, only to take a kick in return. One of them escaped his attempts at punishment through the Tornado kick, but the rest swiftly fell flat to the attack. With a smile on his face, he would then brace for the next attack.


    Action: Tornado Kick [x6 AoE] (6 Energy +2 per target hit) - Kick off the ground with a spin, then do a sweeping 360 kick.

    Sey: 1204/1350 | EN: 114/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | -25% DoT Damage | +8 LD

    Sinker: 390/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 390/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 390/504 | 189 DMG
    Sinker: 504/504 | 189 DMG

  7. Applying: (Yui's Grace 1/5)

    Sey was going to handle enemies one at a time in order to get himself some weapons. It was a simple way of trying to fish out for enhancements of the unique sort, something that he can focus his build around if it helped in damage. It was a tough time for him since he was going to be going in one at a time, so it was a hit or miss whether he manages to even get some drops at the end of this grind. But if he was capable of obtaining something that was better than the current basic accuracy and evasion build he was rocking, then it would be worth it.  Though it would be interesting to find something that worked in the damage over time effect department. Unexpected, but the damage could possibly be consistent if he focused on a completely different skill, one that would be completely contrary to anything he’s worked for before.

  8. And though he made his attempts to cook yet again, nothing came out correctly. Ah, a lovely reason to motivate him indeed, the lack of results coming from the materials he dropped beads of sweat for. It was a lovely reward and he just loved his job so much as of currently. How was he going to be out grinding in the fields again if he couldn't get the buffs? Well, that was his attempt at getting them, all he could do was sit still and hope for the best next time. Cross those fingers and wish that the next few attempts did not perish. If they did, he was pretty much screwed with his search for the items he needed. Let's see how the next day fares.


  9. "Then lets make your tankier. Or more of a healer. Whatever it is, we can make sure that you get gains that go beyond what you currently know. Hard for a floor boss to kill you as it is, all we have to add is a bit more and you'll be looking invincible." Sey declared, placing his hands in his pockets before looking over to Miraak. He made the declaration of the ending of the quest, none of the filler text being too interesting. So long as he didn't try to nuke the both of them, he would just follow along in order to get those sweet quest experience points. And all it took was a hand onto the shoulder. It was time for them to leave the scene. And so Sey would do as instructed, and soon, the both of them would be teleported back to where they started, where they could claim the points needed in order to advance through to the next level. A lovely result, a guaranteed level up and a massive amount of skill points to dance with.

  10. "I can do them, but then they wouldn't be of the highest tier with these current materials. I gave up Gatherer quite a while ago as well, and until the boss fight ends, I can't really invest into Search either. But if you don't mind that little hindering detail, I don't mind making them!" Considering the amount of materials they obtained, it should not take more than two days for him to have all of the items ready, assuming he didn't burn through all of them first. And if he did, he was just going to have to take what he made and hope for the best. It wasn't like they were going to be dying anytime soon anyways. Though now he did wonder what Hestia was looking to add into her build. "And what about you? Surely there is something that you could add onto your build that would give you a bit of a boost." Because who didn't want that boost? He was hard-pressed to say he didn't, and most people who wanted to survive could relate.

  11. Considering his energy levels and how close they were to just finishing this, it wasn't really in his best interests to continue grinding here, just for the sake of being able to on the third tier floor rather than the current one. There were good intentions, but he felt done on this one more or less. "Sounds like a lovely idea! I'm going to try my luck on the third tier floor to see if I can steal enough from there to hopefully get a really buffed unique. I'll try to make a build around it once I am done with that." And that was his plan, for the 22nd floor was something that made weapon grinding much easier. Less col and an even amount of materials, but he needed those weapons to be fine for him. Though he would have to make some food. Speaking of which... "I'm definitely going to have to make a bunch of food for that as well to keep the damage high and the number of mobs low. So if I mix that item, some protein, and maybe a potion..."

  12. Considering the results, he couldn't care less about being pushed to the point where energy didn't exist. It was a new feeling, far less than one that he would like, but as if he would turn down the chance to get something that would help him. And considering his basic gear, he would love to get up to par with the current players in terms of damage. "I'll take you up on that, but don't feel so bad about it. We managed to make it through and the amount of experience we got through this was huge!" And that was perfect for him, he didn't know whether to reinvest back into charge or emergency healing, but he did know that skill points of this level will only benefit him. "Now I just need to regain my damage dealing skills and sprinkle in a few unique enhancements and I'll pretty much be set. My level is a bit on the lower end, but I can take the heat if it means being able to boost my damage up!."

  13. Hestia held her best, but it wasn't going to be doing the last pixels worth of damage. In this unfortunate scenario, both of them would be forced to try and run. But Miraak's health was in the most critical state, meaning that the quest was about to be a failure if they did nothing. Fortunately for the party, Miraak seemed to have a gleam in his eye. "All right, I cannot hold back any longer. War, I condemn you to banishment!" And with that, a right palm would be placed forward and the execution of a wave of light would be thrown out. Light that blinded so harshly and would cause all of the players to experience smokescreen for a moment. Upon the clearance of that screen came a few crystals from the monster they just faced off against. This was the end of the quest, the banishment of a hellish enemy that nearly brought the players to their knees.


    Miraak: 300 Unmitigated Damage towards War

    [10] Sey: 570/1330 | EN: 3/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [16] Hestia: 1561/1810  Energy: 31/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 97/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 74/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10. 

    Last Hit Reward:

    T2 Crystal - Bloodcrystal of War: +4 DMG, -20* Player's Tier Mitigation


  14. "I-I'm free? D-Damn it, why the hell am I taking less damage?" But that was not a huge concern, not for the moment. When it came to the party, it looks like the off-tank would be taking more heat than himself, meaning that he dropped the hate. A shame since his original intention was to howl before since he felt that the DPS of the group was being threatened. Though the compressed water threatened his health even more, he didn't feel the worst of it and felt he could still brave the storm. Once the Ire was off of him, this will become no problem for him. That being said, he needed to do his best to retain the heat of Leviathan. Another Focused Howl should do the trick.

    A simple tap of the skill before addressing the boss monster.  "You're fleeing away from the shores. I take it you have an alternative suggestion already prepared? If not, prepare for another wave." And with that, they would be given a bit of mercy through some weird crystal looking things. It was up to Sey to keep the hate, though he would have loved to aim a strike at them. It could have been dangerous to keep them active. "Those weren't there before. Before they spawn adds, let's get them out of the way."

    Due to being under the "Freeze" effect, "Scald" check successfully completed.
    Retained Hate by paying 5 Energy
    Focused Howl on Leviathan [Fighting Spirit Enhanced]

    [H:13] Sey: 885/1465 HP | 78/124 EN | 19  DMG (This Round: 16) | 171 MIT | 4 ACC (Temporarily: 3) | 4 EVA (Temporarily: 3) | 73 BH | 25% STNW | 27 PRB [Queen's Ire]
    [H:4] @Ariel - The Crowned Lion: 1065/1330 HP | 61/130 EN | 22 DMG | 88 MIT | 6 ACC | 3-1 TR 0 EVA | 1 KEN | 24 HB | 27 PRB | 8 FLN [Snowfrost] [Queen's Ire] 
    [H:6] @Zandra: 1773/1920 HP | 107/162 EN | 22 DMG | 128 MIT | 6 ACC | 3 EVA | 66 THN | 6-8/12 FLN | 8-10/36 BRN | 96 BH |  9-10/24 TV | 27 PRB [Squeaky Clean] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:4] @Itzal: 1666/1885 HP | 128/160 EN | 22 DMG | 94 MIT |  4 ACC |  5 EVA |  1 KEN |  30 THN | 9-10/24 TV | 9-10 PLZ | 8-10/36 BLD | BH 94 [Queen's Ire]
    [H:2] @Domarus: 819/970 HP | 74/88 EN | 18 DMG | 126 MIT | 3 ACC | Concentration Cooldown: 3/3 

  15. Hestia didn't know the situation at hand, he couldn't stun the boss anymore. It would have been a nice treat for him to enjoy that sweet stun for a moment, but not even that could help his case, for his build made it so that he needed a higher level of energy to be doing stuns. Oh how lovely it would have been to have a skill that could remedy the situation, but those were few and far between. All he could do now was hope for the best with his energy refillings and pray that he didn't end up screwing them over. War was about to be taken down and this was not the time for him to be so down. And the worst part of it was that he lacked the skills to bring his energy up, for he didn't expect to be fighting from halfway. War was good at creating bad timings for the both of them, but it was now up to them to fight on that as he would try to regain his strength.


    Sey: Standby
    Miraak: Heals Party for 100

    [10] Sey: 1120/1330 | EN: 3/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [14] Hestia: 1810/1810  Energy: 41/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 797/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 186/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10.  

  16. Hestia pushed for every last bit of energy from him, but he just couldn't see a way he could do it! Looking up to the monster, his knees would give weight to the ground with a massive thud. An attempt to press his palm against the ground was given, teeth clenched and his eyes closed. It was just too heavy for him to continue with. And with every word came a bit of desperation to at least represent himself and the guild planned for the future. If he wanted a future with the one who resided in the darkness, he needed to survive this encounter. Miraak would push to keep himself alive, and Sey would find a bit of strength to lift himself onto his feet. Once more would his body blur into nothingness, placing himself onto the enemies vitals the best he could before sliding back against the ground, then falling onto his knees. "T-That's... That..."


    Sey: Acupuncture
    Miraak: Heals himself for 200

    [10] Sey: 955/1330 | EN: 2/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [12] Hestia: 1683/1810  Energy: 51/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 697/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 298/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10.  


  17. And just like that, they were nearing the end of this stupid fight. Seemingly. Miraak was doing his best and gave a bit of health over to Hestia, keeping her from going into the yellow. They were recovering quite nicely, but Sey just couldn't find his feet on the ground it seemed. War was difficult and somehow extremely slippery at the same time, causing this unfortunate scenario to play out. With a swift step, he would leap up with a modified kick towards the opponent to stun him, only for his energy to lower yet again and lock the skill from being used, forcing Sey to step back down onto the ground awkwardly. "D-Damn it, my energy is just too... Too..." Too low. Lowered to the point where it might be extinct, resulting in this painful execution of the move. It was unfortunate for him to have stooped down to this level, but at least... At least...


    Sey: Full Cowl
    Miraak: Heals Hestia for 200

    [6] Sey: 816/1330 | EN: 11/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [12] Hestia: 1370/1810  Energy: 63/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 579/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 475/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10.  

  18. "Isn't it obvious? You give the best reactions!" And it was sooooo true, he would love to see them again sometime. If this was what Leru experienced when they were much younger, they would have had such a great time if Sey only had the understanding. It was a give and take sort of thing. Kirbs then proceeded to grab him by the shoulders before shaking violently. "AHHHHHHHH!" The only appropriate answer as she was shaking, a violently strong girl. No wonder she was bound to be single forever. Poor little redhead, maybe she will get lucky! "Okay okay! I didn't think you would want to know that badly! Just take the invitation ahhhhhhh!" And with that, he would then shake his head if she ever did let him go. And she did! When she began to whine that everyone was having dates. "Oh come on, it's not THAT bad~. Think of all the players in the game, out of ten thousand, one must love you dorky self~."

  19. And with that came a huge boost of confidence, a switch and Hestia was back at full steam. Sey wished to have said the same thing,, but Miraak would just place another buff to refresh the original and he would end up missing his next strike, his attempt to stun failing and his energy falling down yet again. This was all sorts of dangerous for him to be playing with, for he didn't have the energy to push much further than another hit. Unless Miraak had another nuke in his pocket to be released, they were all just sitting in a pain express and had to stay on until every last hit of damage was inflicted. Sey almost wished that they ended up getting something different, but they were also almost done. "I have to... Keep... Going..." Sey declared with an attempt to be triumphant through the storm, the barrage, the agony. It was painfully difficult.

    Sey: Full Cowl
    Miraak: Damage Buff

    [5] Sey: 925/1330 | EN: 12/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [12] Hestia: 1239/1810  Energy: 72/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 637/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 529/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10.  

  20. Things were looking rough, yes. But that did not mean Sey was looking down quite yet, for he was not prepared to die after coming all of this way. Miraak seemed to have a similar idea. "Make sure to finish him off as soon as you can! We can push through this!" The priest would declare. Sey nodded his head before listening to the stupid boss talk on and on about war and how big and bad he was and whatever. All Sey heard were the words of a useless shell without the ability to function without the creation of a human. Pathetic. "You talk too much, but you look quite ready to fall!" Sey declared, another swift strike before his energy bar would give him a warning. "Hestia, I'm running a little low on fuel here! I can stun a fool once, make sure to rest up when you can!" Their health mattered the most as of currently. Unless a miracle happened, they were sort of stuck.


    Miraak: +2 Damage to Party for 2 Turns
    Sey: All Might

    [10] Sey: 925/1330 | EN: 13/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [5] Hestia: 1308/1810  Energy: 82/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 637/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 717/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10.  

  21. Nothing came from the few materials he had, in which he would merely shrug his arms for the moment. It looked like he was going to have to fetch more in order to make this venture a success, but he was settling for no less than perfect, meaning he had a sixth of a chance to do such a thing. It should have been expected that there wouldn't be such a painfully high number waiting for him at the end of the road. But now that he had that reality, he had to change it, right? Well, he could, but he's been planning on doing some quests, so any trash mobs from there may be the pity materials he would obtain. And so he would just close up for now with the intent to try again soon.

  22. War spoke of nothing that made Sey any less bothered by the situation, talking down onto the three of them like they had nothing going on. But to speak so loosely on his situation while Sey was perfectly fine and dandy was a mistake. His health was threatened, no doubt about that. But there was a reason he was able to still stand up against worse threats than pitiful things like this. "I-I need to heal, my apologies!" Miraak declared, opening a skill that would soon bring his health back up over the yellow zone. As for Sey, his health healing would give him a slight bit of an assist, pushing him further away from the yellow zone. "Oh, piss off! As if you can tell me what does and doesn't control my life! Take a bloody knee!" And a swift sword art-filled gale strike to the leg would inflict damage to threaten War's health into the yellow. This was an endurance contest, but Sey knew to keep himself sharp and try to end this as soon as possible. "Come on, Hestia! If you take the knee, we're all going to fall! We're almost halfway through this!"

    Miraak: Heals himself for 200 HP
    Sey: All Might

    [7] Sey: 842/1330 | EN: 29/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [5] Hestia: 999/1810  Energy: 102/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:3 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 576/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 1026/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10.  

  23. In comes the mighty fall of a sword, swinging down mercilessly onto the whole entire party and wiping out a dangerous level of health in return. Hestia retaliated the best she could, but this was the sort of progression the party did not need. Fortunately, there only seemed to be one swing going along with this, but it still was a devastating blow regardless. Miraak took a massive strike from the impact in return for the attack. "Hang on! We will have this taken care of, just keep trying to heal us through this or something!" It was tough to be encouraging in a dangerous time like this, but it was all he had as well. Regardless, Sey's fists went up yet again, ready to continue this little charade. They attacked hard enough to get about a quarter of the health bar down. Miraak would not waste any time to try and keep the tank alive, forgetting to help himself in the process. All Sey could do was hope that his energy would last long enough to survive this fight. And so he would just give War another punch.


    Sey: All Might (+4 Charge)
    Miraak: Heals Hestia for 200

    [5] Sey: 1251/1330 | EN: 45/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [4] Hestia: 1348/1810  Energy: 102/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:1 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 626/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 1290/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10. 

  24. Wait a second, did War just attempt to attack Hestia twice!? Oh nooooo, the damage also translated roughly towards him and Miraak as well. The threat was much bigger now, for there was a chance of the priest dying. If the priest dying was a thing, they could kiss the chances of obtaining this goodbye. Even Miraak took the hit as well, and he was the first one to comment on the matter. "L-Lady Hestia, we are under fire as well!" And it was true, for those hits were going to be annoying for Sey to handle, but Miraak was having it far worse. It was time to act! Miraak was quick to handle  Hestia's health the best he could, for she was the one taking the worst of the attacks while they were just taking the leftovers in the back. Sey could shut War's arrogant mouth, a swift palm towards the leg of the enemy successfully to knock a jester back to humility.


    Sey: All Might
    Miraak: Heals Hestia for 200 HP

    [3] Sey: 1307/1330 | EN: 45/124 | DMG: 19 [23] | MIT: 126 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 65 | -25% DoT Damage
    [1] Hestia: 1148/1810  Energy: 112/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC:1 Eva: -1  BH: 80 Rec: 3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Miraak: 701/800  MIT:50  EVA: 2

    War: HP: 1682/2000 | MIT: 75 | DMG:300 | ACC:3 | EVA:1
    War (Passive) -  On a CD:10-12, Receives another Attack. Can only activate once per turn. This CD is determined on his first attack's roll. 
    Corruption (Passive) - Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT. 
    Cleave(Passive) - Hits main target for normal damage and every other player and Miraak for half of that damage. Attacks not against main target don't receive additional ACC. Each part of Cleave uses the same MD determined from main attack.
    Devils Smite - Will deal an extra 100 DMG on MD:9-10. 

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