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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. She was full of energy, though when she heard him say Katherine, she seemed to die down for a moment, though only for a brief moment, then she was back. She was overflowing with excitement! She was so happy. He listened to what she had to say, she woke up a few times, and she was really excited for... today? How come? The last week or two he had been waking her up each day to make sure she was alright, and becasue she slept in. He kept rubbing his eyes, his hazy mind trying to remember. He rememebred... promising to help her with something... 

    "What di-" He started to talk, then noticed the blade on the wall, remembering what it was!

    "OH! I promised to help you get a profession today didn't i" He said as his body finally woke up, bending his back as he pushed up, sitting up onto the couch. Looking down, he noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, so... a little weird. "Right?"

  2. Hei went in for the strike, but the toadman didn't wait, and immediately striked him, Hei barely managing to get his shield up to scrape some of the blow, but he still was hit. Sky took this chance in which the toadman was raising his weapon to attack the poor guy who was falling over.

    "This isn't gunna finish him, but it will hurt!" He yells as he gets right behind him, delivering 5 insanely quick blows to the back of the legs, and along the back, finishing with a quick spin kick to the side of the toadman. This kick caused it to fall over, it being completely stunned and unable to even move as its joints tried to patch and come back into a normal state.

    He looked back over at the others, seeing them doing well. THe fight on there sdie was almost over...

    "I'v got no strength left, sorry Hei, you gotta finish this!"He says as he basically collapses onto his back, his energy completely drained.


    Five Swords

    ID# 112660 results:

     Battle: 9 - Crit! +1 DMG - Five swords = 5x16= 80 DMG + Stun to Toadman.

    [1] Hei (Level 30) : 545/600 HP | 21/60 Energy | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 12 DMG | 54 MIT - 3 Prosperity

    [2] Stryder (level 36) : 652/720 HP - 0/72 EN - 15 DMG - 3 EVA - 62 Mit - 4 ACC - 3/3 Concentration - 3 Prosperity


    Toadman - 51/500 HP - 108 DMG  {stun}




  3. She didn't take the guys advice for a year? Poor friend she had... He was probably doing his best to help her. He simply gave a small chuckle to her,  then looked up at the sky in front of the shop. He didn't know where he was. The guy had vanished after.... Well, after....

    "I don't know where he went. Though last time i saw him, i think i nearly killed someone.... Though he was threatening everyone" He said to Belle, keeping a few of the actual aspects out of the truth.  He didn't really need to go into that whole situation. It was messed up, and not something he needed to go on.Then she said she liked hearing him talk, calling him suger, and then they headed in side. He opened the door and let her through, smiling as she walked by. 

    He talked to the waiter, an dgot them a two seated table by a window. Once they got over there, he pulled out the chair for the girl, sitting down after she was comfy. "What about your friend? Where is he at these days?"

    "You'd be the only one! I honestly feel like i bore everyone, especially cuties like you" He says with a nervous chuckle.


  4. His friend... Beatbox, he seemed like he was one of a kind. Never missing, unique enhancement, and somehow managing to have one of the top damages... Using a one handed straigth sword. He sounded like someone he was would want to meet. It sounded really... Well, good. Then he went into how he was going with his own build. He mentioned Hestia, and shield. 

    "Huh... Well, i guess i'm going for more of a duel weapon at the moment. I'm going to try and finish up my charge, then move into a battle axe as a second weapon... And i don;t know how well Hestia is going, i mean, how can a build with everything specialize? You can probably deal more damage then she can, and shield can probably be a better tank then her... Guess i'l learn soon when i join the frontlines..." He said to him, patting his wolf as he looks at the boat. He really hoped it didn't just up and leave....



    Seems like it was time. The fight haad started, and immediately hearing Hestia go for her taunt. Her words.... were a little cringy. Why would you be an all round fighter? That just means that if someone specializes in an area, no matter what you do you will never beat them.... He watched then as Neo let go of her stealth and came out and attacked one of the enemies. It did a fair amount of damage! Though, he knew that if she were in this alone... She might not make it out. Luckily, none of them were. Sky braced his legs, and pushed off, sprinting as fast as he could as he practically leapt past Hestia, his fist glowing blue as he slammed it into one of the shadowy creatures, the impact sending it back, and its HP bar dropping to nearly half. He quickly put up his stance, ready to deflect an attack if need be. 



    ID# 112550 results:

     Battle: 7 +4 - HIT - All might = 15x17(charge) = 255 - Hushed Whisper 2 

    [3/3/3/3] Hestia:  HP: 1710/1710    Energy: 154/162 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54  Eva: -1  BH: 80 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)   Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    [0/0/0/0] Neopolitan: 640/640 HP | 52/64 EN | 12 DMG | 59 MIT | 1 ACC | 8-10/24 BLD | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC
    [0/1/0/0] @Stryder: 840/840HP / 65/82 EN / 72 MIT / 16 DMG(17 w charge) / 3 EVA / 4 ACC

    (4/8 standards)
    Hushed Whisper:  357/525  180DMG [24 BLD - 0/2] [PLZ - 0/1]
    Hushed Whisper: 270/525  180DMG (Stry has charged)
    Hushed Whisper: 525/525  180DMG
    Hushed Whisper:  525/525  180DMG

    @Neopolitan @Hestia

  6. So... these twisted... Frankensteins? They were the first wave of targets for them to deal with. He watched as Hestia hung back, waiting to see what was happening, and Neo went in and attacked one. Of course, straight after Pin sprinted past him. He was very sure he didn't actually know about what happened to Eatos... Though, he had left his guild.... He didn't know how to process it. He listened as he told him to pick up the pace. He shook his head, running behind him. The moment he stepped back, sky sidestepped around him and punhced the ne that had frozen, causing the ice building up to shatter, and along with it, the whole automatron. 

    "This won't take long... Lets do this Pin" He said, a small feeling of joy entering his heart at fighting alongside Pinball, something... he knew he would miss. He wondered if he would ever get him back... He doubted it, but he hoped he would.


    ID# 112551 results:

     Battle: 8+6- 14 - Hit! All Might = 16x15=240 - Twisted Soldier 1 (+24 DMG from freeze)

    [1/0/0/0] Neopolitan:  715/715 HP | 54/64 EN | 12 DMG | 95 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10/24x2 BLD | 8-10 PRZ | 2 REC
    @Stryder815/815 HP | 57/74 EN | 86 MIT | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | Concentration 3/3 | 16 DMG
    [2/1/1/1] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 82/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
    Hestia: HP: 1705/1705  Energy: 154/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)


    Twisted Ancient Soldier: 0/665 HP | 228 DMG {FRZ} {STUN}
    Twisted Ancient Soldier: 440/665 HP | 228 DMG {STUN}
    Twisted Ancient Soldier: 440/665 HP | 228 DMG {STUN}
    Twisted Ancient Soldier: 440/665 HP | 228 DMG {STUN} 


  7. Sky couldn't help but groan as he felt the words penentrate his ears. He was exhausted... Having been out on two dungeons recently, running a guild, going on all sorts of adventures. At this point, he was just.... done. His whole body hurt and his mentality wasn't going well. He had been doing everything... Everything to help himself feel better. He wanted.... wanted to honor Katherine, but... he hadn't yet. He just didn't know where to go... Didn't know what to do. 

    His eyes opened slowly, blinking out the layer of liquid which was covering his eyes, and when it was gone, he saw her. 

    "K..a.therine?" He said to her, blinking continuing for a moment as his eye sight went straight, noticing a girl standing there with an eyepatch, and ear muffs. It was Jinx... Alisea.

    "Oh.... Alisea, mor..morning. How did you sleep?" He said to her as he sat up on the couch, the blanket flalling off his shirtless form, though luckily he did have pants on. He moved his neck from side to side, and rolled his shoulders as he tried to make his body click in the right wya.

  8. Identifying 2 T3 uncommon consumables - [111514c] [111514d] - + 1 T3 rare consumable [110543b]

    Order Progress (+15 EXP)


    Finished NEO'S

    5x T3 Uncommon Consumable [111514c] [111514d][110779] [111514a] [111514b]

    10 X T3 Rare con - [110543b


    5x T3 Uncommon Consumable  [111514c] [111514d]

    • x T3 Perfect Trinket [110543a] [110544a] 
    • 1x T3 Rare Trinket [110546] 
    • 10x T3 Rare Consumable  [110544b] [110781a] [110781b] [112101B] [112101C] [112117B] [112117B] [112118A] [112118B]



    ID# 112245 results: (On a wepaon that would have been either Holy or fallen.... :( )

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 8

    Name: Stregthening Tea
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  112245
    Rolls(LD): 8
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: DMG / Mit
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised):http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&comment=568220

    Name: Quickening Tea leaf
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  112244
    Rolls(LD): 1
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Probiotics / antidote
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&comment=568220


    Name: Quickening Tea leaf
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  112243
    Rolls(LD): 12
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: EVA / acc
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&comment=568220



  9. Doing identifications - 3 - 5 T3 Uncommon Consumables from neo's order



    (Please ID consumables first because you will get a rank off of them before doing the trinkets. Slightly higher unique chance just might help) - Note from Neo

    • 2x T3 Perfect Trinket [110543a] [110544a] (4000 Col)
    • 1x T3 Rare Trinket [110546] (1440 Col)
    • 10x T3 Rare Consumable [110543b] [110544b] [110781a] [110781b] [112101B] [112101C] [112117B] [112117B] [112118A] [112118B] (7200 Col)
    • 5x T3 Uncommon Consumable [110779] [111514a] [111514b]  [111514c] [111514d] (2400 Col)

    Doing [110779] [111514a] [111514b]

    Order progress - (+15 exp)


    Finished NEO'S

    [110779] [111514a] [111514b]


    5x T3 Uncommon Consumable  [111514c] [111514d]

    • x T3 Perfect Trinket [110543a] [110544a] 
    • 1x T3 Rare Trinket [110546] 
    • 10x T3 Rare Consumable [110543b] [110544b] [110781a] [110781b] [112101B] [112101C] [112117B] [112117B] [112118A] [112118B]




    Name: Quickening Tea leaf
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  112187
    Rolls(LD): 12
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: EVA
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&comment=568152



    Name: Quickening Tea
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  112189
    Rolls(LD): 13
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: EVA
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&comment=568152

    Name: Well done Steak
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  112190
    Rolls(LD): 19
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Overhealth
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised):



  10. The fight was finally over. Jon started saying how much he hated the pirates, how they didn't fall fast enough, and thats what he gets for being a tank. He was glad this guy was a tank, if he wasn't... He might not have survived. Sky knew this much, he knew how week he was, and how bad he was going to be in the raids to come. All the boss fights, he just... DIDN'T have the strength. Sky followed him off the ship, leaning against, a nearby rock. 

    "It wouldn't be so time consuming if i could do AoE... I really need to pick up a battleaxe" He says, then notices a white fluff, then feels his hand being licked. He turns and smiles at his familiar, glad she was here and safe. 

    "For a tank, your still a pretty good fighter. I'v never really gone on many adventures with a tank, but i didn't imagine them being able to fight efficiently with a weapon. I expected them to be just, holding a shield and drawing attention. Its nice to see i'm wrong" He says with a smile towards the tank he was on a quest with.



  11. Because he was a single hitter.... He had just thought of that himself, he did need to pick up battle axe or the two handed sword. Which one... he didn't know yet. He would find one which finds right. He watched as Morgen prepped his weapon, and then dashed in, twirling in a beautiful blue light. Each of the enemies got a arc across the chests, as he sped up and became a tornado. WHile two were cut up, exploding into crystals, one had managed toduck underneith the blow, and smack him hard in the side, though it did nothing to the armored giant. 

    Jeesus, this guy is strong. That hit would have hurt me

    "Got it!" He called as he dashed in, the deckhand only just trying to pull back after hitting Morg. He cut him off, using the weightless feelign of the light armor he was wearing to move at an insane speed, ending up right next to the pirate, then a right hook, and a flash of blue, and it was over. The last pirate was knocked back, smacking into the side of the boat and exploding as it fell overboard.

    "Phew... alright, thats over... Only one issue, my energy is almost depleted... The big weakness to using Martial arts, you lose your energy at the snap of a finger..."


    ID# 111639 results:

     Battle: 2+4=6 - Hit - All might - 15x15=225-40=185 dmg to deckhand B - Dead

    [2/2/1/2] @Morgenstern  1370/1370 HP <> 68/124 EN [ +3 ACC | -1 EVA | 16 DMG | 151 MIT | 68 BH |+6 HM | Para Immune
    [4/1/2/1] @Stryder 612/700 HP <> 10/70 EN] [ +4 ACC | 3 EVA | 15 DMG | 62 Mit | Concentration 3/3 (Ready)

    Boatswain Amir HP: 0/400 DMG: 125 MIT: 60 EVA: 2

    • Chain of Command: When first engaged upon by a player, two <<Pirate Deckhands>> will instantly spawn and attack the player once regardless of Hate. If all 5 <<Pirate Deckhands>> have already been previously spawned (and/or defeated), none will spawn upon engaging the <<Boatswain>>.
    • Freebooter: On nat. BD rolls of 9-10, <<Boatswain Amir>> raises his boot. If the CD is 1-6, he kicks high and hits with 150 AoE damage. If the CD is 7-12, he sweeps low and knocks the target's party off their feet, lowering their Evasion by 2 70r their next turn.\

    Pirate Deckhand A HP: 0/250 DMG: 85 MIT: 40
    Pirate Deckhand B HP: 0/250 DMG: 85 MIT: 40
    Pirate Deckhand C HP: 0/250 DMG: 85 MIT: 40

    • Hornswaggle: On a nat. CD of 11-12, stuns the player for one turn and the pirate's attack bypasses 1/2(rounded up) of the target's mitigation


  12. She was so cute... She was so quiet and soft, worrying about not burning anything down. Something about this girl set him at ease, just like it did Silver. He didn't know if she was just... filling the void that was left from when he lost Katherine... Maybe it was him trying to fill it, maybe he wasn't threatened by her due to how she was, as right now.... Everyone was a threat. He saw everyone as someone he potentially had to look out for. Even... Even those in his guild, though they weren't threats to him in the sense of a danger, they were potentially people he could lose... 

    Then came the question he had heard every day for the last week. It wasn't getting old, and honestly it was a little entertaining.

    "We just gotta head five minutes up the hill, which we can see the shop, plus the spot i want to put the guild hall and the lake that boarders them both, then theres a path which takes up into town." He says to her, giving her a genunie warm smile. She... she was his redemption. If he could get her out of this game... Maybe he could... make her proud.


  13. Live life to the fullest... Thats what he had thought before... Well, before his whole mind had changed. Before She had died, all he had done was do what he felt was best, just, living life, taking risks. He hadn't cared if he was going to die, as he had not once even come close to death. He knew it was a stupid minset, but he hadn't cared as he was never... Never at risk. A few moments later, she said that she can handle basically anything that came her way. He already knew this, she was one of the strongest Tanks that were around at the moment. If she couldn't handle this... There was a reason teleport Crystals were invented. 

    They went into the dungeon, going further. He looked around, wondering what was going to happen, when he saw that neo had vanished into the shadow. She was probably making sure to not get in the way when the fight started, worried that her lack of strength might hinder there progress. She wasn't a frontliner after all... Though in reality, he was barely one himself. He was the weakest in the entire fight last time... And had to get stronger.

    "Lets do this...."

    @Hestia @Neopolitan


  14. Sky walks into the store, having been todl that Neo had a spare protein meal on the side that she had already crafted, that he had actually missed. So he goes up to the counter, his emotionless expression on his face as his mind raced about trying to find a way to make Katherine proud. He walked up and grabbed a tofu burger.

    "Thanks neo, this will do my order" He said to her before walking out. He knew he had to do soemthing to make Katherine proud... Though this... he didn't know if this was the right path. GOing on a long trip... He didn't know if he was going to survive this...

    - Gained 1 Tofu Burger

  15. It had been a long time since Sky had come into this shop. It was... well, similar to how it had been back then. He had gotten a crafters respite to help someone do his order. It had been pretty useful at the time, but now he was in need of something else. Walking into the alcemist's apothecary, he looked at the prices, wincing when he saw that he needed BOTH mats and col. He didn't have the mats though... But he might be able to get him some. 

    "Hey mars, i'm in need of a mit and a damage potion. However, i can't actually pay your mat requirement. I'm about to go raiding for some col to build myself a guild hall, and hopefully i'l find some mats also. I'l give you a cut of any i get, as an IOU if you would let me pay with just col for now" He says as he looks at the alchemist. He wished that this deep pit inside him would just.... leave. He needed to sort out her death...

    1 Perfect T1 DMG potion 1,100 Col paid


    Name: Potion of Strength
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: 3 DMG
    Description: A potion that increases the strength of the consumer.

    1 T2 perfect MIT potion - 1350 COl paid


    Name: Ironskin
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancement: 3 Mit
    Description: A potion that turns the drinkers skin to iron.

    Mat IOU

  16. Sky was worried, insanely worried! He didn't know wht he could do. She had been stabbed! He didn't know her health, he couldn't see it! He had missed Hei dodging the toadman, and him missing also. He did hear him saying that he got a look at there health though, however it didn't help him at all. He only snapped out of his freakout, the tears still falling, when he heard the brisk sound of air. He screamed in anger as he tensed his arms, using all his force to push himself off the ground with his right arm, making him fly left a small amount, though it was enough to evade the strike from the Toadman who had attacked him in his weakness. Sky landed on his feet, spinning around and delivering a powerful right hook directly into the toadman who got knocked back.

    "T...T..Thanks... I... i can't..." He said, the tears still falling, though his fighting spirit had returned. He tensed up, cracking his neck as he squared up towards the Toadman.

    "H..He's all yours man..."

    5 6 19 3 Stryder   All Might - Toadman

    5+3=7-Hit - all might - 15x15=225

    [1] @Hei (Level 30) : 600/600 HP | 22/60 Energy | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 12 DMG | 54 MIT - 3 Prosperity

    [0] Stryder (level 36) : 652/720 HP 7/72 EN - 15 DMG - 3 EVA - 62 Mit - 4 ACC - 3/3 Concentration - 3 Prosperity


    Toadman - 131/500 HP - 108 DMG 


  17. The fight had been over, and he was about to check on how everyone else was doing... Especially the one he was most worried about. Hei had thanked him for watching his back, and then saying they got quite a bit. He was going to agree with him, before he watched as a... huge sword swung at Hei, who barely managed to miraculously bend his body to avoid the swing, and then he got a good look at it. A toad, a large toad, with a chain, and a HUGE SWORD! Sky watched as Hei got in a good strike, wounding this sbeast. He quickly dashed in himself, trying to support his teammate when his eyes drifted, seeing... ALISEA! She had been knocked over, and the Merfolk stabbed her.

    "SH*T, JINX!" He screamed, quick flashbacks to the face of his former friend, Katherine, ran thorough his mind, there time together. Tears formed, and although he could tell she wans't dead, as she hadn't splintered, he had no idea of knowing if she was alright from here! He was so worried.... He hoped she was alright...


    [1] Hei (Level 30) : 600/600 HP | 22/60 Energy | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 12 DMG | 54 MIT - 3 Prosperity

    [0] Stryder (level 36) : 652/720 HP - 23/72 EN - 15 DMG - 3 EVA - 62 Mit - 4 ACC - 3/3 Concentration - 3 Prosperity

    111042 results:

     Battle: 1 - Crit miss :(


    Toadman - 356/500 HP - 108 DMG 



  18. Sky walked back into the alchemist's shop. He had pretty good service last time, and out of most of the alchemists, this was the one he knew. Walking up to the counter of her shop, he wrote down his order, and then put the nine materials onto the desk. He really hoped she could get this done in a good amount of time... He was anxious to go on a hunt!

    "I'l take whatever you manage to get. Thanks Zandra!" He said to her, giving a thumbs up as he walked out of the shop. He wondered how this was going to go... THis hunt of his. It might go bad, it might go good.


    Name:  Minor Potion of damage
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: 3 DMG

    Description: Vicious Dragon Fang

    Name:  Minor Potion of Mitigation
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect (Whatever you get after the dmg one)

    Enhancements: 3 Mitiagion

    Description: armoured dragon-scale

    - Paid 9 Materials

  19. Sky walks back into Neo's store. There was already an order on hold for him, at least, that is what Alisea had told him, however he had something else he needed to go alongside that order. Walking up to the counter, he walks up to the paper, writing down what he needed. A protein meal to try and give him some more strength, so he could fight without fear. He knew he would need to ofset the weakness that came alongside them... So he was planning on heading to Zandra to get a way around this mess. Though, these two items would make his life easier. A item that might help with him searching for everything, and a meaty meal...

    - Sent 600 Col to pay for the Golden Cheesy Bread, and 4 mats to pay for a T1 Rare meal

    Craft request



    Name:  Well Done Steak
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 2 Protein

    Description: A well done steak with Vegetables 


    Golden Cheesy Bread: (1 In Stock)

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • +2 LD
    • A finely toasted piece of bread topped with melted cheese. The bread is crunchy, yet offset with the soft cheese. 
  20. Fae was over the moon it seemed with how happy she was, though... When she suddenly kissed him, he was more than a little taken aback. He pretty much stopped throiwng snowballs, looking at the girl. He couldn't tell if she knew what she had done, or what... Then she started throwing them at Jinx, saying she had his back. 

    I mean.... I... don't even know how to respond to that...

    "Thanks for the pack Fae, once i find someplace worthwhile going to, i'l bring everyone along for a camp out!" He said, beofre seeing Jinx, who was trying to make a snowball, seemed to hesitate, and then one of the ones fae threw made her drop it, and stunning her for a moment. He couldn't help but smile at her, walking over and patting the young girls head.

    "We should get ya home, maybe you can try the cute coat on" He said to her with a smile, before quietly adding in a joking manner "I can steal it then". He said so loud enough for her to hear him, and with a very relaxed and casual tone that even when in her dull state, she could tell he wasn't being serious. He looked over at Fae, smiling at her. 

    "Its been really nice seeing you again Fae, it makes me happy to know your doing well!" He said before opening up his menu, and sending her a friend request. He needed to keep an eye on her, and for now, stay n her good side. It was going to be easy if it continued like it did today! Maybe she would come back to the light, she already seemed to be. "If you want to rejoin the guild, let me know alright? Theres always a spot open for the divine dragon!"

    After saying that to her, he looked at Jinx, smiling at the young girl. He felt nothing when Fae had kissed him out of the blue, but just looking at Jinx made him feel a little happier, calmer, and that he could maybe overcome the issues. She was... just adorable. Kind...

    "Whatcha want for dinner?" He asked Alisea, a look of genuine joy on his face as he looked at her.

    <<accepts the adventures pack from Fae>>

    @Jinx @Fae 

  21. Name: 
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  110831 / 110832 / 110833
    Rolls(LD): 18 / 
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1 Thorns 2 Regen
    Post Link(appraised):  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&amp;comment=566326

    Name: Well done Steak
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    ID:  110834
    Rolls(LD): 19
    Item Type: Consumable - Food
    Tier: 1
    Quality: rare
    Enhancements: 2 Overhealth
    Description: This meat is so invigorating that you gain life.
    Post Link(appraised): http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16432-f22-the-lakeside-trading-post-rank-2-merchant-open/?do=findComment&amp;comment=566326


    yes, i know i gotta do my posts XD

  22. Fae's reasoning was a little, well, it made sense. She was a little girl, so she didn't exactly like going places that were scary. The tent she liked, and it sounded like a fun idea, going camping. 

    Maybe the guild should go as a group...

    Then it started, she admitted something. Embers wanting to hurt her, Fae trying to join a murder guild to infiltrate it, and now that everyone hates her. Krysta, Vigilon, and Hestia, all hate her becasue of that. She asked.... if he still hated her. He didn't know, but he knew he didn't hate her. Where he stood in relation to what he had heard, was undecided, however he couldn't hate her. She was shuddering a little, seeming like she wanted to cry. 

    "How could i hate the little dragon! She just wanted to help do the right thing!" He said, picking her up and spinning her around for a little fun, trying to cheer the young girl up, then the snowball weakly hit his chest, though it was a good shot. He saw her guilty look, grinning. 

    "It is Fae, if thats what you want to do, and your sure about it i'l accept. But only on the condition that you come along with us all on a camping trip!" He said to the young girl, before looking over at Jinx, a bit of a grin on his face also. Kneeling down, he picked up a small snowball, throwing it at Jinx again, still underarm without much force to it, not wanting to hurt the young girl.

    "You know Ali, you got lucky! I was kinda hoping for that cloak, payback time!" He said as he quickly started making a pile of snowballs. It was time... for a Snowball fight!

    @Jinx @Fae

  23. She really didn't listen to him, or anyone else, did she. She simply decided to kill, she was just cocky. He didn't really know what to say to her, so he opted to say nothing. She grabbed out a TP crystal, and made another go at him.

    "I'm not the one who's skin is being slowly being burnt off by this sand. I'l be fine" He simply relplied to her before continuing to walk way from her, heading back towards town. He didn't really know what was going to do. He had to deal with Fae... he needed to tell Eatos about this. But he didn't know if he could. He didn't know anything about his plans... he just. had to get ready to deal with it. Next time he saw Fae, he was going to have to make his own active choice about what to do here. Until then, he just... would wing it.


    Embers - 200 Col - 2 SP - Access to 'Survivor' Skill

    Stry - 200 Col - 1 SP

  24. She felt a little bad about him being on the couch? He found it a little sweet, that she was caring about him, but in all honesty he was happier with her on it. He was alright out here, he only wished Silver wouldn't keep leaving him to curl up with the girl. She followed him into the heart of his store, which was honestly... pretty bare still. He needed to finish cleaning up, and actually get stock moved into noticeable areas. She seemed anxious to get going, though... He noticed a sort of,  weak smile on her face, though he didn't really know what to make of that.

    "You don't really need to do a quest to cook in this game, or a skill, however to make a shop out of it, you do need to do the Earning a Living Quest... and don't worry about it, i doubt you will light a kitchen on fire!" He said to her encourgingly, coming up next to her and giving her a loving smile. "And if you do, i'l come and save ya".

    Something about her... he didn't know. He just knew he needed to keep her safe. He just.... he had to. He couldn't lose anyone else he cared about... And he didn't want to keep pushing others out. Like he always had done when soemthing got hard...

    "Y..yyeah, secnd floor" He said, opening the door and looking out into the hills and the beautiful forest that was right next to his shop, the breeze causing his hood to fall down.

  25. Sky grinned as He threw up Alisea, hwoever he noticed her panic, she obviously hadn't been expecting it! When he caught her, she latched onto his arms, hard. He leto ut a small laugh, realizing he probably shouldn't have done that.

    It was then that Fae ran back over to them, she had won a prize! The adventurer pack. Everyone who had been around him seemed to win something, but him. He was a little disappointed, but he knew it was nothing but luck. Then, Fae held up the pack, trying to get him to take it. His grip loosened, and the girl, who was also struggling to get out of his arms, fell ingo the ground, then the snow made her slip onto her back.

    "Fae, its alright. You don't have to give me anything you know" He said, smiling as he put a hand on the young girls head, rubbing it softly and gently. He knew he had to keep her in a happy mood, she didn't seem to be... What Embers had described her as.

    "Hmm.... Not really. In the real world~" He started saying, before bending down, picking up a small pile of snow and doing an underarm throw toward's Jinx's arm. "It hurts a lot more" He said to her with a warm smile. She had mentioned the shield... She really did want that. Like he wanted the armor she got.... He simply looked over, noticing Cosi holding the shield. If she wanted it... He knew he needed to try and get it. If he found his shop... maybe he could bargin for it. Though, now wasn't the time. However it seemed someone else had come over, and was talking to him. He hadn't ever seen this man before, however he looked... broken. It was rather unnerving. 

    @Jinx @Fae

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