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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. This was nice.... Walking through the hill. Kind of fun. He was broken... He had to be honest with himself.... He was broken. This young girl was the only thing keeping him really motivated since her death. That, had really broken him... It was not something he really wanted to feel, though he couldn't help it. She was waiting on him to step up... Soon... Maybe. He snapped back into reality as he heard the words the soft girl next to him spoke. 

    "Yep. Its kind of, well, in the middle of no where. I'm honestly thinking of building the guild hall around here... Maybe a little guild village! That might be fun to do!" He said with a smile, grinning and letting out a soft laugh. "I don't really use it because it just... Well, takes away a realistic feature I guess. I'v traveled around the world, well, a few places at least, and when I get everyone out of this game, I probably will again to find and meet everyone. If i'm using 'auto translate', when I get home i'l think i always have it. I'm treating this 'game' as a new life, a real world. So, to maintain some of that i want to keep that off. Besides, i could learn a new language from you if i'm lucky!" He said with a grin, laughing a little.

  2. Favorite recipe? That was a tricky one. He only really enjoyed cooking for others... Though he did it for himself. What was his best memory cooking? It would have had to be... Him making a spag. That was a nice one. But it wasn't his favorite recipe. Maybe.. 

    "Its kind of lame, and probably not what your expecting, but i enjoy making a spin on basic pasta dishes. Its easy to make, but honestly i enjoy it because normally those i eat it with smile!" He says to her with a grin, though it was very cheesy. "What songs do you enjoy playing?"

    She had laughed when he spoke about the guild, he was a little curious about it. The name was kinda bad, he had to admit it... The name. Why.

    "Me and Eatos started the guild, she's basically my best friend in this world right now. We were part of one called 'The Emerald Harbingers'. Though it broke up when... events happened, so i started planning my own. Me and Eatos met on a hill one morning, at the peak of morning right when the sun was  rising to talk about the future. Then was where we decided to make our own guild to save others. And as the dawn rose, we kind of just used it for a name" He said, smiling remembering the time he had done that (Cries in OOC knowledge) "Not necessarily a frontline guild. If i was to classify it, more of a haven. Its just a home for anyone who needs one. The frontliner part... Is more for safety. If we have members who can participate in the raids, it gives everyone else who is actually in our guild some hope to being safe" He says after finishing his rant. "Sorry about that!"

    So, she was like him then? Wanting to stay here. Another one... He was finding more and more like him.

    "Heh, whats the highest floor you've been to so far?"

  3. Wow. Not many people. Seemed this wasn't a big deal. 

    Sky looked around as he walked up to the gathering. He lived on this floor, wasn't hard for him to hear the commotion. Besides, he had heard of the 'event' happening. He wanted to be in it! Of course though, the moment he had headed out it had poured down rain and wind had blown, ruining the gathering. He could see monsters on the beach, a few of them. Other players were gathering here, though they all seemed to be dealing with there own groups. With him, he recognized one of the people. Mars. Great. He let out a deep sigh before walking up to the group of them, three of them. He wanted to get back to Jinx... Right now, she was all he cared about.

    "No need to fear... I'm here. Lets get this done so i can get back to Alisea.... And so i can keep my guild safe..." He said before cracking his neck. He knew mars was DPS, he had no idea about the other two though.


    Buffs used - 1 x 

    Name: Minor potion of Small Dragon-scale
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: t1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Mitigation +5
    Description: A blue potion. When you drink it  you first get this feeling that its itching over your whole body. The feeling disapears after a second or twobut now you can see a faint dragonscale pattern on your elbows, knees and shoulders.



    Name - Stryder 

    HP  840/840 - Energy  82/82 - DMG  16 (17 with charge) - EVA 3 - ACC 4 - 78 Mit 
    Concentration 3/3 - Ready


    • GM Martial Arts Ferocity, Precision
    • Rank 4 LA Athletics 
    • Rank 1 Charge
    • Rank 3 ACC Familiar
    • Survival
    • Concentration

    Equipped Items

    • Accursed Souls - 1 Cursed, 3 DMG (T2) Guantlets, weapon
    • Starlight Shield - 3 EVA Light Armor
    • Aura of Guardianship - 3 MIT Heavy Armor
    • Silver Aurora Acc Familiar

    Battle Ready Inventory

    1. 1 TP Crystals
    2. 2 Safeguard (Lucky me having some sitting around since last boss fight XD)
    3. Mass Healing Crystal (rare)


  4. Well, his answer obviously wasn't what she wanted! She threw it in his face, politely, as a bit of a joke. She laughed, so that was kind of a draw on his own mind. She played Piano... Huh, he would never have expected that from the scythe wielding maiden. It was an interesting thing to learn. He started thinking himself, what did he do? All he ever did was really level, and protect others.. Oh!

    "Nothing as grand as playing a piano, but i have been teaching myself to cook. Its going well! Guess that's what i do when i'm not out fighting" He says to her, smiling as he watched the waiter walk away. She was leaning forward. Cute, she was. She obviously was cheerful! That was good. She hadn't let the weight of this game bring her all the way down yet. He wouldn't let it happen to him either. 

    "I run a guild called 'Guardians of the New Dawn'. Our main goal is keeping people safe and providing a safe haven for lower leveled players to call home. Alongside that, we are striving to be able to send a full party to the frontlines to help save others.... Personally. I don't want to leave this beautiful new world we have as a home. But i know others do... And i'm going to get them out of here." He says with a warm smile to her.

  5. He seemed to sort of like, but sort of hate the idea he had. Weird, Sky had thought that them all meeting up afterwards would have been good... Huh. Well, maybe it would, maybe something was on with him that stopped him... Who knew. He would find out eventually. 

    "I'm gunna track down everyone. This place, its become a new home. I'v made a new family, and i'm here alive thanks to them. I don't want to lose this family, i want to keep it. And if i want to keep it, i gotta actively track and bring back everyone" He says back to him, smiling. He wanted to do it. He was going to do it. They were nearly out of this hellhole, and once out.... He would NEVER, EVER return down it. This place. No, it was bad. It was not a place he ever wanted to be again.

  6. She was flipping through the menu like a hungry mad women, of course. Not that bad, but she was definitely trying to find something. He looked at the menu himself, scanning through it. So many different choices! It was kind of intense, but... Whatever, they would find something nice. Maybe bringing up almost killing someone was a bad idea.... But she still seeemed to be enjoying herself. She looked at the front page, they had some best sellers huh? She was obviously excited as her tone increased in intensity as she read through them, finding a... One for two? That was when it clicked. Well. He was actually on a date with this girl. Huh, cool. 

    "Hmm, that sounds like it would be enjoyable, why not try it out!" He says to her with a grin. She wanted to try to outdo him? He would fluster her right back. Thats what they had been doing all day, just flustering each other. Then she answered his question, saying she hadn't seen him in two years. That was rough! Maybe... He might try to help her find him one day. She seemed very non caring about this guy to.... Weird.

    She asked what he did other then level. 

    "Other than helping and saving pretty damsels all over Aincrad? I basically just run a guild. We have been gathering members to eventually hit the frontlines, though currently i'm the only one anywhere near it. And even then i'm still off it!" He says with a wide smile. He loves his guild. He always would. 

  7. The day had gone by softly, sort of. He had woken up and Jinx had been long gone, surprisingly. He had no idea why, but he had to trust she was safe. If not, well... He didn't really feel like thinking about that. It wasn't a pleasant thought, yet, he couldn't help but just have some sneaking suspicion of something wasn't right. He really couldn't place it. So far, he had just done inventory on his very underachiving shop, though it was his fault for barely keeping up with the workload. He had a lot of stuff he could actually be doing, but he wasn't. He needed some air... He walked outside, the night blocking all of his view. He could hear sounds of fighting nearby, probably some players farming for materials. He saw the envelope appear, and then... 

    He bolted. He was mentally beatingh ismelf up, WHY, WHY DIDN'T HE CHECK EARLIER! WHY! DAMMIT !!! Silver sprinted out alongside him, having picked up on her companions anger and frustration. Pinball. Of course it was this ass. 

    He saw it! He saw Pin there, he a spear out. Dam. He was about as powerful as he was.... If not more. Stry had no idea how strong Pinball had gotten. 

    "GET AWAY FROM THEM!" He yells as he bolts in, his fist glowing blue as he smacks into Pin. He wasn't holding back, something he was more than a little worried about. He had remembered the poster at the Aincrad police. He hadn't wanted to believe it. But it was true.

    He had a red cursor.

    He looked around, seeing two othe- TWO? He saw Jinx... Alisea. His eyes sparked red, he was pissed. Pinball. Had. Hurt. Her. He could see her health, thankfully it wasn't to low. Dustin looked more beat up... He positioned himself between Pin and the two. This would not be an easy fight....

    "You guys get back to the shop..." He says as he squares up, fists raised and ready for action.


     ID# 118281 results:

     Battle: 9


    16(base) + 1(Charge) = 17. 17x15(All Might) - 255 DMG to Pinball

    Stats -


    Stryder: HP 840/840 | 65/82 | 16 DMG | 3 EVA | 4 ACC | Concentration - CD 1/3 | 72 Mit

     Pinball: 691 HP/1040 HP | 84/104 EN | 15 DMG | 3 EVA | 4 ACC | {Vanish CD: 2/3}


  8. They were going up the path it was all going well! It seemed to be at least. She was so excited, she seemed to be bounding! She obviously didn't know where she was going, she kept waiting for him to catch up to her. Then... wait, did she just say she forgot the way, AND HIS NAME! Wow. He couldn't help but feel just a little bit hurt by that, forgetting his name... She had been staying with him for like, what, a few weeks by now. She should be able to remember his name... Well, she... she was kinda naieve and cute...

    "Awww come on, you don't remember my name? Its Stryder" He replies to her, giving a warm smile as they continued to head over the hill, making there path gradually, but surely, towards the town centre and warp gate. It wouldn't be long till she started doing what she wanted, learning to cook in this hell of a game.

  9. "A few months?" He laughed back at it. It was true though, that was... More than a little amount of hell they just went through for that. It was time to relax, enjoy the pleasantness of being safe from harm. Good feeling, rare feeling. They were always fighting for there lives, and he hoped to make it out of there alive. He wanted to get others out alive... Hydra was a powerful asset in keeping that, and also... A good friend. He was glad he got a chance to undertake this journey with him, of all people. Then he was asked what he was planning next. 

    "Other then the guild? Well.... Honestly, i don't know. All i'v really thought of since we got here was how glad i was to be in an environment i could be myself... Somewhere i could make real friends, like Eatos, You, Hei. When we all survive and get out of this game... I think i'l try and track you all down. Until then, really i'm just trying to save as many people, and offer them a safe haven." He answered with a smile.


  10. (I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to post)

    This... was completely bull. He had what, enough energy for not even a full attack left in him. This was bad. MA took SO MUCH ENERGY! HE sprinted forward, leaping and delivering a hard punch directly into one of the twisted soldiers, the weakest one, it shattering into rainbow particles upon contact. HE had been told to do an AoE... But he wasn't listening to her right now. HE didn't trust her, and honestly, his AoE was terrible. He was better picking them off, one by one. Though, he couldn't do that anymore.

    "I'v got no energy left in me, i'v got enough for a weaker Sword art, not enough for a proper hit" He relays to his team before looking back at it. THis match up was terrible. He was dealign with Pinball, somoene who had left his guild, and Hestia, someone he believed to be trying to take over Aincrad. Great combo.

    [H: 1/0/0/0] @Stryder: 815/815 HP | 8/74 EN | 86 MIT | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | Concentration 3/3 | 16 DMG
    [H: 1/1/1/1] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 56/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
    [H: 3/3/3/3] @Hestia: HP: 1705/1705  Energy: 137/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)

    Twisted Ancient Soldier 5: 0/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 6: 440/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 7: 440/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 8: 440/665 HP | 228 DMG

  11. OOC NOTE - F this i'm out XD

    The rounds ticked, and it got worse. MUCH WORSE! HIS HP WAS IN THE RED!

    Do i stay... die? If i'm here any longer, i leave Alisea, i fail Katherine, i leave my whole guild behind... I get away from it all, i finally... Might be happy... But.. Thats death. Death is not the option, the wya out... I have to stay here, do what i can to honor the promise i made to her...

    "Sorry, i gotta bail. Any longer and this rain will kill me, do me a favor. Kill this S.O.B for me!" He calls out before reaching into his inventory, pulling out a TP Crystal. He called out the 21st floors village, and then vanished. It was over... He didn't have to do anything else, he had failed his team. He had failed the frontlines. He wasn't strong enough, he might never be... But... At least he tried.... 

    Hope Alisea didn't see that note...

    - 1 TP Crysal used.


  12. The fight wasn't going bad. The boss had about half health left, so as it was going currently, this fight was going well. It was really annoying how it constantly was unavaliable for attack, and this buff these segments got... He had to deal with these spawns first. He dashed in, going for a strike, but immediately felt his body burn up. He was in pain, grinning through the pain, he saw his HP dropping. It was nearly in the yellow! He saw a debuff, this was bad. He was in a bad situation. His body locked up, so he was not going to get an attack in this time. He was in a bad way... Though, he may just... have to talk to her about this... in the afterlife. He was not in a good spot.... Maybe... just maybe... Maybe he would make it out of this. ALl he knew, was he was going to need some healing soon.

    "Once this healing negator is gone, i could use some HP"

    ID# 116242 results:

     Loot: 3+3+2=faiiiil

    ID# 116243 results:

     Battle: 1 - crit fail. Do not pass go, do not attack weird thing, just crit fail.

    [H:9/0/0/0/0] Calrex: 1794/1850 HP | 151/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT | 3 ACC |  (0) 3 EVA | 0.6 ACH - [Frozen 2/2]
    [H:5/0/0/0/0] @Jomei: 1301/1525 HP | 95/151 EN | 20 DMG | 5(6) ACC | 5 (6) EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV  [-1 EVA -1 ACC TR]
    [H:4/0/0/0/0] Mars: 659/970 HP | 32/88 EN | 21 DMG | 73 MIT | 6-1TR=5 ACC | 5-1TR= 4 EVA | 2 HM | 9-10 PLZ | 9 PRB [Snowfrost] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:2/0/0/0/0] @Hikoru: 1268/1550 HP | 108/152 EN | 22 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 94 MIT | 76 BH [Squeaky Clean] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:3/0/0/0/0] @Stryder: 558/840 HP | 48/82 EN | 21 DMG | 5-1 = 4 EVA  | 6-1=5 ACC | 82 MIT [Queen's Ire] [Scald - 40 Unmit fire dmg - 2/2]


  13. The fight was progresing... Averagely. He felt a blast of cold air go over him, though he was lucky, his body shook it off, unaffected by the frost. He used the heat he got from breaking out of whatever it was that tried to overcome him, and went straight for the Leviathan. He punched it right in the face, before running back to the others. He hated this.... He wanted to have a harder challenge.... He looked ath is health, which was consistently going down due to the torrential rain. It was ridiculous... This, this fight was rediculous. He didn't know what to say... He wanted to go back, see Alisea... He had to honor the promise he had made to Katherine, he couldn't break it, he had to get everyone home. But... It might be a release. If he died here, he wouldn't be bringing everyone else down. But, the guild would fall apart... He had to be strong, he had to recover, he had to survive, and he had to improve.


    ID# 115764 results: Attack - Target Leviathan

     Battle: 3+5=8 - Hit - All Might - 15x21= 315x2=630 DMG to Levithan

    ID# 115765 results: Frostbite

     Loot: 11 +3+ 2 = 16 - Success


    [H:9/0/0/0/0] @Calrex: 1767/1850 HP | 139/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT | 3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH
    [H:5/0/0/0/0] Jomei: 1429/1525 HP | 95/151 EN | 20 DMG | 5(6) ACC | 5 (6) EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV  [-1 EVA -1 ACC TR]
    [H:4/0/0/0/0] Mars: 787/970 HP | 43/88 EN | 21 DMG | 73 MIT | 6-1TR=5 ACC | 5-1TR= 4 EVA | 2 HM | 9-10 PLZ | 9 PRB [Snowfrost] [Antidote 1/3]
    [H:1/0/0/0/0] Hikoru: 1550/1550 HP | 108/152 EN | 22 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 94 MIT | 76 BH [Squeaky Clean]
    [H:2/0/0/0/0] @Stryder: 676/840 HP | 65/82 EN | 21 DMG | 5-1 = 4 EVA  | 6-1=5 ACC | 82 MIT


  14. She was in deep thought, something he really didn't expect to see from her much. She was always, well, dull, absent minded... But it gave her a form of, charm? That would be right. He didn't really know what to say though, he decided to just let her little mind freak go ahead. He was worried though... About himself. He had failed to protect Eatos, Katherine, he had failed to keep Pinball from turning bad... He had nothing but failures.

    He used to love being in this game, Kath had said it herself in her death note, this place... It had become a second home to him. He had managed to keep EVERYONE safe.... Until her. He had kept Kyoto alive, even as much as he hates that ass, he kept Arabelle alive when they met... He spent all the time in this game saving people... He needed to return to a spot he could continue doing that. 

    He snapped out when he heard the mixed speech of Jap and Chinese. More or less, he could decipher what she wanted to say to him. 

    "Sure thing you jitterly little gal,  lets get goin to the warp gate to head to the first floor" He says with a smile on his face. Even he couldn't tell if it was fake or real... Though, his heart was pumping a little brighter then normal, maybe because of her...


  15. It happened again. He zoned out. He was starting to feel like something else was preoccupying his mind.... It was Jinx, he was so worried he was goign to die here... He looked at his HP, while he hadn't been hit yet, his health had been draining endlessly, well, he had been hit. He felt his body overcome by both hot, and cold. Even his survival skill didn't shut it all out... He didn't really like the situation, but.... It was a floor boss, what was he meant to expect. He saw the segment was back up, so that was his target now. He dashed towards it, noticing his charge wouldn't activate, so he hjust ran up, delivered a brutal right hook into the segment of the creature, and then ran back towards the others in his group. His mind was racing, he didn't know what he wanted to do, what he should do.... It was all a blur, his life, he deserved to die here, yet... He had to live, he had to go back to her...

    Why did i write that dumb letter...

    ID# 115526 results:

     Battle: 7-2+6=Hit - All might - 21-1=20 = 20x15= 300-50=250 dmg to segment 1


    [H:9] @Calrex: 1723/1850 HP | 139/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT | 3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH
    [H:4] @Jomei: 1441/1525 HP | 114/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV [Antidote 2/3] [Queen's Ire] [40 BRN 1/2]
    [H:3] Mars: 889/970 HP | 54/88 EN | 21 DMG | 73 MIT | 6-1TR=5 ACC | 5-1TR= 4 EVA | 2 HM | 9-10 PLZ | 9 PRB [Snowfrost] [Antidote 2/3] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:1] @Hikoru: 1549/1550 HP | 123/152 EN | 22 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 94 MIT | 76 BH [Squeaky Clean]
    [H:2] @Stryder: 769/840 HP | 65/82 EN | 21 DMG | 5-1 = 4 EVA  | 6 ACC | 82 MIT [Queen's Ire]


  16. He had frozen up! His fear, though showed no outside emotion or knowledge of the fight, maybe he looked like he was simply biding his time? Either way, he was able to move now. He pushedo ff, dashing towards the main head upon seeing the bar change from grey to the hittable health bar. He was glad, he could get some hit in. His right arm glowed blue as he went in for the kill, well, for a hard hit. He leapt up and punched directly into the bastard, using his charge skill to cover the ground insanely quickly, which was just what he needed to deliver a harsh hit, seeing the damage he was pleased. It was more than he had expected to do, but no complaints. He had done his job. He felt a wave of frost cover him, but thankfuly his buffs from the cook staved it off, though he wouldn't get that lucky twice.

    ID# 115321 results:

     Battle: 2+6-8 =Hit - All might = 22(charge) x 15= 330. 330x2=660 DMG to Leviathan Head


    Party 1:
    [H:5] Calrex: 1732/1850 HP | 170/176 EN | 16 DMG | 126 MIT | 3 ACC |  3 EVA | 0.6 ACH
    [H:3] Jomei: 1525/1525 HP | 125/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV [Antidote 2/3] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:2] Mars: 968/970 HP | 65/88 EN | 21 DMG | 73 MIT | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 2 HM | 9-10 PLZ | 9 PRB [Snowfrost] [Antidote 2/3] [Queen's Ire]
    [H:1] Hikoru: 1550/1550 HP | 138/152 EN | 22 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 124 MIT | 310 BH [Squeaky Clean]
    [H:1] @Stryder: 838/840 HP | 65/82 EN | 21 DMG | 5 EVA  | 6 ACC | 82 MIT


  17. Sky essentially ignored everything everyone did. He was only here for one reason... He had to get Jinx back to the real world. He had to get everyone to the real world... If he died here, he would leave them all on there own, but he honestly, just felt nothing. He had left everything back at the house, the only things on him were what he needed to survive.

    The boss appeared, everyone separated into there parties, and it seemed he was with some of the same guys as last time. Calrex, the invincible tank, and Hikoru, the ass with the dagger, and Mars. Mars was an odd one to him, but whatever. 

    He watched as the massive boss appeared, and then saw each part of him go Grey except for something marked Segment one. He charged in with the rest of his team, using his charge ability to dash in, and leaping up he delivered a hard right hook into the segment, pushing off the body as he flipped back to the group.

    "I really hope no one turns traitor again..."


    Party 1:
    Calrex: 1850/1850 HP | 170/176 EN | 7 DMG | 151 MIT | 3 ACC |  0 EVA | 1 TNT | 9-10 PLZ | 28 THN | 3 HM | 0.6 ACH  [safeguard] 
    Jomei: 1525/1525 HP | 142/151 EN | 20 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 97 MIT | 2 SVY | 71 BH | 9-10/24 TV [Antidote 3/3] 
    Mars: 970/970 HP | 86/88 EN | 21 DMG | 73 MIT | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 2 HM | 9-10 PLZ | 9 PRB [Snowfrost] [Antidote 3/3]
    Hikoru: 1550/1550 HP | 137/152 EN | 22 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 124 MIT | 310 BH [Squeaky Clean]
    @Stryder: 840/840 HP | 65/82 EN | 21 DMG | 5 EVA  | 6 ACC | 82 MIT [Antioxidants] 

    ID# 114987 results:

     Battle: 5+6=11-2=9 - HIT(noncrit). DMG - All might 15x22(charge)=330=50=280 DMG to Segment 1

  18. It was a bad day... The day they moved up another floor. Another day without Katherine here to guide him... He really wished she was still alive, here, helping him... He wished she hadn't died... He wished he could have saved her, if he could have, maybe... Sky sighed, getting up and putting on all his combat gear. He had to go out... He walked up to the door to his own bedroom, opening it up. He didn't know if he would live or not... So... He had somethignhe had to do first. Looking into the room, he saw her, Alisea... Sleeping soundly. She was the one thing he wanted to live for... But if he didn't, he refused to leave her with nothing. He wrote a note, leaving it on the bedside table.

    Alisea, i gotta go for a bit, i need to beat this boss and advance the floor so we can get out of this game, so i can keep my promise and keep you safe. I'm writing this in case i don't come back. I really hope you don't read this, and i get back with it still unread, but in case i die, i want you to keep on living for me. Please take my place, work with Hei and keep the guild together and alive, i can't afford to lose anyone else. If i make it back alive, i'l take you out to dinner. 

    In extremely small print, he also wrote I really care about you...

    Sky entered the floor boss gathering spot. There was one immediate thing he noticed.... There was a LOT less people here then last time. No morgen, no shield... THis was not going to be an easy fight. He wanted to stay, and fight, so he would. He noticed Neo, handing out buffs. Right now, he was basically emotionless. He walked over, giving her a fake smile as he took as many items as he could to keep himself alive. He was selfish, yes, but she had a lot of most of these. And he.... He refused to leave Jinx behind... So he didn't really feel to bad. 

    "Thanks for the food neo, i'l pay you back sometime." He said to her before walking over and waiting near the door, eating all the consumables and readying himself for the hell ahead.



    Name - Stryder

    HP  840/840 - Energy  82/82 - DMG  21 (16 base, 2 protein, 3 DMG potion)(22 With charge)) - EVA 5 - ACC 6 - 82 Mit - Antioxidants .
    Concentration 3/3 - Ready


    • GM Martial Arts Ferocity, Precision
    • Rank 4 LA Athletics 
    • Rank 1 Charge
    • Rank 3 ACC Familiar
    • Survival
    • Concentration

    Equipped Items

    • Accursed Souls - 1 Cursed, 3 DMG (T2) Guantlets, weapon
    • Starlight Shield - 3 EVA Light Armor
    • Aura of Guardianship - 3 MIT Heavy Armor
    • Silver Aurora Acc Familiar

    Battle Ready Inventory

    1. 2 TP Crystals
    2. 2 Safeguard (Lucky me having some sitting around since last boss fight XD)
    3. Mass Healing Crystal (rare)


    Buffs using from Neo - Spinach-Artichoke Dip, Hummus Dip, Tofu Burger, Small Fruit Salad, Iron-Fortified Salmon




    Spinach-Artichoke Dip

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • +2 evasion
    • A well made spinach and artichoke dip, great for use with all manner of chips



    Hummus Dip

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • +2 ACC
    • A hummus dip, made from garbanzo beans. Goes great with just about anything.



    Tofu burger 

    • Meal
    • Tier: N/A
    • Protein 2
    • A small tofu burger meant to work as an excellent vegetarian protein substitute.

    ► Protein
    Cost: 1 Slot
    Cap: 2 Slots
    Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) base damage and -(5 per slot * Players current Tier) mitigation. Effect lasts for one thread.
    Applicable to: Meals


    Small fruit Salad: (3 in stock)

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • Antioxidants
    • A small fruit salad in a cup comprised of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries
    • ► Antioxidants
      Cost: 3 Slots
      Cap: 1 Slot
      Effect: When applied, negates the next status condition inflicted on you. Effect lasts for one thread.
      Applicable to: Snacks, Feasts

    Iron-fortified Salmon: 

    • Meal
    • Tier: 2
    • MIT 3 (+30 MIT)
    • A salmon filet fortified with extra iron




    Consumed Buffs from self -

    Minor Potion of Vicious Dragon-Fang


    Name: Minor potion of Vicious Dragon-fang (1)
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: t1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Damage +3
    Description: A totally black potion with same consistence as syrup. As you drink it, it covers your teeths and it feel kidna uncomfortable for a few seconds. When that feeling have disappeared, you teeths are nt like before. They are a bit pointier then before, but except that it feels like normal. 
    This effect disapears at end of thread.

  19. Sky walked back into the shop. He had been.... rather busy laterly. He had gotten quite a few potions that he had never collected, so now was the time. He went up to the coutner, collecting his purchases. He got one damage potion, and four minor mitigation potions. He was quite happy with that, it was honestly the best he could really ask for as far as it went. Now, it was time for him to join in the floor boss... He had failed to show up the last two meetings, but he was planning on showing up for the fight. 


    "See you soon zan!" 


    Collected potions.

    Minor potion of vicious dragon-fang x1

      Hide contents

    Name: Minor potion of Vicious Dragon-fang (1)
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: t1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Damage +3
    Description: A totally black potion with same consistence as syrup. As you drink it, it covers your teeths and it feel kidna uncomfortable for a few seconds. When that feeling have disappeared, you teeths are nt like before. They are a bit pointier then before, but except that it feels like normal. 
    This effect disapears at end of thread.

    Minor potion of small Dragon-scale x4

      Hide contents

    Name: Minor potion of Small Dragon-scale
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: t1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Mitigation +5
    Description: A blue potion. When you drink it  you first get this feeling that its itching over your whole body. The feeling disapears after a second or twobut now you can see a faint dragonscale pattern on your elbows, knees and shoulders.

  20. She was really happy it seemed with him remembering about it, though he didn't understand why.... Well, people would forget about her. She seemed to have noticed he was shirtless, and she also... bit her lip? Something about her... She was so... Cute... 

    Her reaction to him being shirtless tho, he couldn't really tell if there was anything about that, she did seem to have a rush of excitement, but that was more directed at him actually remembering what he had promised. He knew he wouldn't regret this promise, he hated this quest, but doing it with her... He wouldn't mind it. She really was the only thing holding him together recently... Though once again, he seemed to have forgotten to actually to turn on the translator. She was speaking in chinese again. He kept saying to himself to turn it on, however he kept forgetting to actually do it. Then, out of no where, once he ha actually stood up, she suddenly.... hugged him? His heart skipped a beat, something came over him, a feeling he hadn't had in a long time... 


    "How could i forget about you? Look at cha!" He says with a cheery tone, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up, giving her a light squeeze, not so much that it would hurt her or cause any sort of overload. "You mean a lot to me, i'l always be here for ya" He says with a smile, warmly and with confidence.

  21. The battle was still progressing, and he knew he had to deal some more damage. He was still so pathetically weak.... No one was talking, this entire fight, no one had said really that much. IT was kind of akward. Why it was like that he really didn't know, but it just was like that. HE looked at one of the Hushed Whisspers, it was about.. a good ten metres away from him, good enough for him to go for a cahrge, HE did so, leaping off and using the momentum to add some force, delivering a BRUTAL right hook that dealt over half of the health remaining from the poor whisper. One more attack, even a weak one, woudld take it out, would take them all out and then they could finally be gone with this stupid ordeal, be done with the dungeon, and finally be finished with this whole stupid thing.

    ID# 113058 results:

     Battle: 4+4=8- Hit! - All Might - 17(charge)x15=255 DMG to Hushed whisper 3

    [6/7/6] Hestia:  HP: 1693/1710    Energy: 143/162 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54  Eva: -1  BH: 80 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)   Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    [1/0/0/0] @Neopolitan: 640/640 HP | 52/64 EN | 12 DMG | 59 MIT | 1 ACC | 8-10/24 BLD | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC
    [0/1/0/0] Stryder: 840/840HP / 48/82 EN / 72 MIT / 16 DMG(17 w charge) / 3 EVA / 4 ACC

    (4/8 standards)
    Hushed Whisper 2: 270/525  180DMG (Stry has charged)
    Hushed Whisper 3: 28/525  180DMG (stry charged)
    Hushed Whisper 4:  471/525  180DMG

  22. The plan... he was meant to use an AoE. He knew how pointless this was, even with both of there attacks, him and pinball, his damage would bearly scrape them. This leader... WHy, why didn't she take her entire teams best abilities into account. SHe even gave him a smile, as if to... well, rub it in his face. HE didn't know what she really meant, but all he knew was that he didn't really agree. HE dashed in, ignoring basically everything the tank had said, delivering a hard right hook to the closest one. HE dealt a bit of damage... Though it was pathetic. He knew it, his damage was completely pathetic, everyone else in the front could do so much more than him...

    "Pin, your up." He says to the ex guildmate. His tone was obviously annoyed... he just wished he knew how to fix himself, then maybe hge could finally be happy with himself and... move past...


    ID# 113057 results:

     Battle: 6+6=12= hit - 16x15=240 DMG - twisted soldier 5

    [H: 0/0/0/0] Neopolitan:  715/715 HP | 44/64 EN | 12 DMG | 95 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10/24x2 BLD | 8-10 PRZ | 2 REC
    [H: 0/0/0/0] @Stryder: 815/815 HP | 24/74 EN | 86 MIT | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | Concentration 3/3 | 16 DMG
    [H: 0/0/0/0] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 69 (nice)/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
    [H: 0/0/0/0] Hestia: HP: 1705/1705  Energy: 143/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)

    Twisted Ancient Soldier 5: 425/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 6: 665/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 7: 665/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 8: 665/665 HP | 228 DMG

  23. Sky watched as the tank howled, drawing the absolute attention from every single one of the monsters they were facing, and it made him and Neo safe. He acted on it, seeing one of them being INSANELY weak. He hadn't charged them yet, and decided to end this one as quick as he could. He rushed in, kicking off the groudn harda s he pusehd and sprinted full speed, dashing as his right hook charged and slammed right into the Hushed Whisper,  it dissipating into rainbow particles and vanishing. That was one down. They still had seven left to deal with.... But his energy might not last long enough for them to do so. He loked arund at them, and at the people he was adventuring with. Hestia.. he didn;t know why he hated her so much. He just, couldn't trust her. Soemthing told him that he should be able to, that he should be able to actually live and learn, and move on, but he just.. couldn't.


    [6/6/6/6] Hestia:  HP: 1662/1710    Energy: 147/162 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54  Eva: -1  BH: 80 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)   Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    [1/0/0/0] Neopolitan: 640/640 HP | 52/64 EN | 12 DMG | 59 MIT | 1 ACC | 8-10/24 BLD | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC
    [0/1/0/0] @Stryder: 840/840HP / 48/82 EN / 72 MIT / 16 DMG(17 w charge) / 3 EVA / 4 ACC

    (4/8 standards)
    Hushed Whisper:  0/525  180DMG [24 BLD - 1/2] (charged - Dead)
    Hushed Whisper: 270/525  180DMG (Stry has charged)
    Hushed Whisper: 525/525  180DMG
    Hushed Whisper:  471/525  180DMG


    ID# 112838 results:

     Battle: 3+4=7- Hit - All might - 17x15=255 - hushed whisper 1 dead


  24. Sky had completely dazed off, in the midst of combat! It was a disgrace, he was so... so... UGH. He didn't know why, he was just staring at Pinball, at HESTIA, he didn't like it. He didn't liek the hate he had within him... It was... so frustrating. It just... WHY! WWhy was he like this, he didn't use to hold this level of hate... It only started when Katherine... When she...

    is rage flared up, the killing intent entering his arms as he pushed off the ground as hard as he could, chargin right into oen of the twisted soldiers delivering a brutal right hook directly to the face of it, instantly brinigng its health down to a low number. A basic attack, not even a sword art, would be needed to finish them off now. IT was that easy, he had done something... He hated himself... He just... didn't know what to do with himself...

    [1/0/0] Neopolitan:  715/715 HP | 43/64 EN | 12 DMG | 95 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10/24x2 BLD | 8-10 PRZ | 2 REC
    [0/0/0] Stryder: 815/815 HP | 40/74 EN | 86 MIT | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | Concentration 3/3 | 16 DMG
    [2/2/2] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 71/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
    [3/3/3] @HestiaHP: 1628/1705  Energy: 144/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2 (+6DMG) Rec: CD:6+ (+6 ENG)

    Twisted Ancient Soldier 3: 8/665 HP | 228 DMG
    Twisted Ancient Soldier 4: 5 /665 HP | 228 DMG (charged)


    ID# 112836 results:

     Battle: 4+6=10=Hit! - DMG = 17 DMG (Charge) = 255 DMG tp Twisted soldier 4

  25. She was so energetic. She wanted to get going, doing these extra quests, and be able to help the guild more than she already was. She didn't realize how she was helping already, just by being the only one who could calm him down... So far... he broke down so often. She latched onto his hand, and pulled him, and while she wasn't that strong he went with her, closing the door behind them as they walked out into the peaceful area. He loved this area. She smiled at him weakly, asking him how many times she had asked him about the path,  and he didn't really want to answer her, and luckily she shook her head, and then spoke in german. He hadn't turned on the auto trasnlate yet, he kept forgetting to do that.

    "I'v reminded you only a few times, though its okay, we are out in the middle of no where, it gets confusing" He said to her with a bright smile.

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