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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. The Monument... He hadn't come down here since, actually, other then the halloween event, he had avoided this place heavily since that day. Since Katherines funeral, he had just tried to avoid this place. He didn't want to see her name anymore, though it haunted him. He had been avoiding the truth. She was gone, and he had to accept that. He had to move on, he had to start moving on with Alisea, and his guild. He had to be the leader she knew he could be.... But that road was a long way off. First step... he had to return to who he used to be, and to do that he had to come down here again...

    He was in his little world when he just noticed someone, waving to him? The player looked a little feminie, and had ears and a tail? Ah, one of those players who enjoyed looking like that, using the cosmetics... He had considered it himself honestly... Silver hid behind him when the player walked up towards him, well, skipped over to him. He put his hand on his familiars head again, petting her. 

    "Come on girl, its fine" He said to her with a smile, then looked over at the player. "Yeah. My best friend died a while ago, and since then i'v avoided coming down here, but its about time i look at it again" He says to the player with a smile. Feminine voice, appearance... Hmm.

  2. It... It really had been ages since he had come here. Well, not ages, that stupid halloween event had dragged him here and kept him here for the whole night. Though, it had made him wonder. What was he to do with his guild? He had always treated everyone as equally as he could, but honestly, the only time he ever talked to Dustin was when he was ordering him around... He needed to make up for that. He sighed, stepping off the Warp gate and into the town square. It was nicer here during the day, when you know, there weren't zombies roaming the streets. His gear was all on, as normal. Silver Grey heavy armored along the side of his arms up, just below his elbow. The cursed grey gloves he had to always wear... He could feel them growing, soon, they would power up, just like him. His Blue hoodie, the hood up, and his black jeans. He didn't look too unusual, but, he always wore this. It was just how he felt comfortable. He needed to get out of the emotional ditch he was in... So this was the next step. His cloak was on also, the one he got from Alisea. It had kept him safe, and he wouldn't be parting with it for a LONG time.

    He looked around, wondering what he should do when he felt himself get knocked over, his wolf appearing behind him. He smiled, giving Silver a little pat on the head. "I should have known you would come with me. Come on, lets see who we can meet today!" He says to her, walking futher into the town square. First place to head.... The monumnet. He hadn't gone there since.... 

    I need to see it again...



  3. So far the fight was going well. They had taken the beast down about a third of its health, after only a few vollys. This was wasn't going to be a big challenge, assuming it didn't have any other hidden abilities like whatever made the guys hp drain away. He felt his drain a little too, that bleeding effect she had applied to everyone. Great, real enjoyable fight here. He was focused on it though, everything but the enemy in his face was just a echo. He threw his right hook, smacking her in  the face before leaping back, his armor healing him back to full. This was a real life saver, and it would aid him in the future. If he got the battle healing skill, his hp regen would be amazing! Maybe.... If he was lucky enough, he could get the sticker to boost the vampiric on this thing.


    Party 1
    [1] @Hidden: 765/840 HP 71/82 EN | 16 DMG | 106 MIT | 5 ACC EVA | 8 Holy [Hemorrhaged 3/4]
    [3] @Bahr: 709/860 HP 62/84 EN | 18 DMG | 99 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 BLD [Hemorrhaged 3/4]
    [3] @Stryder: 880/880 HP | 37/86 EN | 19 DMG | 117 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 45 Vampiric Defense (CD 9+) [Hemorrhaged 3/4]
    [2] @Dustin535/560 HP | 25/5EN | 18 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA [-20% DoT 1/1]
    [3]@Oscar429/640 HP | 46/64 EN | 16 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | 3 EVA [Hemorrhaged 1/4]
    [0] @Lessa670/740 HP 73/74 EN | 15 DMG | 117 MIT | 1 ACC | 3 EVA | 36 THN | 1 BLD | 1 HM [Hemorrhaged 3/4]

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
    129070 4 11 11 1 Stryder Msg_hover2.png All Might vs The Countess 2019-11-13 22:36:11
    129068 3 9 11 7 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Vamp act 2019-11-13 22:35:53

     vmp +45HP. Hem takes me to 835 vmp brings me to full.

    All might = 19x15-50= 235 DMG to Countess. -17 EN (+1 from regen)


  4. 2 hours ago, Yukiro said:

    Name: I Can't Believe It's Not Iron!
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128480
    Roll Result: 9
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: Wow! This shield isn't even made of iron! It's still heavy though. And it's made of wood. 
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=585967


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128482
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: A shield made of iron. It's heavy.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=585967


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128483
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: Yeah, it's a heavy iron shield. Surprise. 
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=585967


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128658
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: ... Yeah, it's still an iron shield. What were you expecting?
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586169


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128660
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: No, it has not changed from being an iron shield. Why are you checking?
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586169


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128662
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: Wow, are you going to check every single one of these? That's some dedication there. Yeah, it's still an iron shield, if you were wondering. 
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586169


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128865
    Roll Result: 9
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: Is my handiwork just so nice to look at that you want to examine each and every shield? I made this one a little extra shiny. 
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586383


    Name: Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128867 
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 9 MIT
    Description: Okay, so this one is actually shaped like a coconut. Yes, that does mean it's still a circle. But that's besides the point! 
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586383


    Name: BIG Iron Shield
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128659
    Roll Result: 10
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 18 MIT
    Description: An iron shield. It's heavy-- and BIG! Woah, who is this made for, a giant!? 
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586169


    Name: Block
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128863
    Roll Result: 10
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Heavy Momentum x2
    Description: It's a giant cube that goes on your back. Yeah, that's pretty much it.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586383


    Name: Noise Maker
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    Roll ID: 128866 
    Roll Result: 10
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Taunt | Paralyze 
    Description: It's a whistle that goes on your arm. I don't know how it's considered a shield; all it does is draw monster's attention. If you swing it really fast it might make a super loud noise.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586383


    Name: Long Sharp
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    Roll ID: 128959
    Roll Result: 7
    Item Type: 2H SS
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: PLZ
    Description: It's a long, sharp sword. Shocking.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586496


    Name: Doombringer
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    Roll ID: 128967 
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: 2H SS
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: DMG | DMG | DMG
    Description: A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards is decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586496


    Name: Y
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    Roll ID: 128968 
    Roll Result: 10
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Regen | Recovery
    Description: Why is this a shield? What even is this?
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586496


    Name: Cookie
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 6
    Roll ID: 128969 
    Roll Result: 6
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Regen
    Description: It looks like a giant cookie. 'Nuff said.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18240-f01-r6-blacksmith-the-lucky-armament/?do=findComment&comment=586496




  5. His comrad had run in right after him, smacking her as well. Thankfully,  he hit also. He realized he had forgot him before... He really had to start looking at others, not just her... not just hismelf. He grins at Dustin... He had to make an effort to seem.... Human... Not what he actually was. A demon... 

    "She's a creepy vampire lady, of course she gives chills!" He says with a grin, his body heating up as the fight started to progress. They had done A LOT of damage, he was pretty sure he had done the most so far, but.... who knew what would happen from here. He ran up, giving her another smack square in the side of the face, and right as he did, he felt himself bleed, grunting at the pain as she slashed him from behind. He got a punch in, and then, his health went back up. Thank you vampiric... 

    Jinx, you just earnt yourself a free dinner



    5+5-2=8=hit - All Might (17  en*LOWERPLZ*) = 19x15-50= 225 DMG

    Vamp act! = +45 HP - Hemorage = -25

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
    128269 7 10 5 1 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Vamp act 2019-11-06 22:58:48
    128268 5 5 12 2 Stryder Msg_hover2.png All Might vs The Countess 2019-11-06 22:58:39

    Party 1
    [1] @Hidden790/840 HP 72/82 EN | 16 DMG | 106 MIT | 5 ACC EVA | 8 Holy [Hemorrhaged 4/4]
    [1] @Bahr: 835/860 HP 72/84 EN | 18 DMG | 99 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 BLD [-1 EN 1/2]
    [1] @Stryder: 860/880 HP | 53/86 EN | 19 DMG | 117 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 45 Vampiric Defense (CD 9+) [Hemorrhaged 4/4]
    [1] @Dustin535/560 HP | 40/5EN | 18 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA [-1 EN 1/2] [-20% DoT 1/1]
    [1] @Oscar447/608 HP 53/64 EN | 16 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | 3 EVA [-1 EN 1/2] [Hemorrhaged 3/4] [Withered]
    [0] @Lessa690/740 HP 73/74 EN | 15 DMG | 117 MIT | 1 ACC | 3 EVA | 36 THN | 1 BLD | 1 HM [-1 EN 1/2] [-20% DoT 1/1] [Hemorrhaged 4/4]


  6. 2 minutes ago, Bahr said:

    Name: The Shaded Coat
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 128241
    Roll: CD13 / LD4
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: EVA | EVA | Regen
    Description: A black long coat. Although simple in appearance, it allows the user to move quickly, and assists in regenerating one's health. 'In the shade of trees, one may find repose.'
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=585682

    Name: Curator of Truths
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 8
    ID: 128246
    Roll: CD12 / LD18
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT | MIT | Recovery
    Description: "Truth sees all, but is blind all the same."
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r8-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=585682

    Approved buddy oh pal

  7. So, she was fast. She moved in and hit one of there members, sadly, it seemed to be one of the weaker members. He noticed soemthing very strange when he got hit, his total HP pool seemed to, shrink? Or maybe he just didn't take as much damage as he thought? It was strange, he could have sworn that this boss would hit harder. But either way, he had to strike and help these guys live.

    He moved in as fast as he could, his whole body enhancing speed with charge as he slammed a right hook into the boss, before he moved back and went to the group again. He was going to stay on the defensive, strike when he could, and keep anyone he could alive... That was his plan, and that was how he would keep people alive... And hismelf alive. And get him back to his home and her...


    Party 1
    [1] @Hidden840/840 HP | 72/82 EN | 16 DMG | 106 MIT | 5 ACC | 1 EVA | 8 Holy
    [1] @Bahr860/860 HP | 72/84 EN | 18 DMG | 99 MIT | 5 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 BLD [-1 EN 1/2]
    [1] @Stryder880/880 HP | 69/86 EN | 19 DMG | 117 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 45 Vampiric Defense (CD 9+)
    [0] @Dustin560/560 HP | 56/56 EN | 18 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA [-1 EN 2/2] [-20% DoT 1/1]
    [1] @Oscar472/608 HP | 53/64 EN | 16 DMG | 89 MIT | 4 ACC | 3 EVA [-1 EN 1/2] [Hemorrhaged 3/4] [Withered]
    [0] @Lessa740/740 HP | 74/74 EN | 15 DMG | 117 MIT | 1 ACC | 3 EVA | 36 THN | 1 BLD | 1 HM [-1 EN 2/2] [-20% DoT 1/1]

    - All Might with Charge (17 En - This needs to be lowered to 15 :( ) - 21x15= 315 dmg-50 = 265 DMG to Countess

    ID# 127893 results:

     Battle: 7+5-3=Hit


  8. This was just fantastic. A boss.... He hated himself, he had to send Jinx to deal with the tier one boss, he didn't want players dying when he could help. He had to deal with this one though, just like the frontliners had to deal with the other one. If he didn't fight and kill this piece of crap, it would go and murder, and slaughter everyone else... He was NOT going to allow that to happen, no matter what. 

    "So.... another boss. A fat ugly one this time also..." He says looking at her as she pierced a zombies head open with her foot. A singer maybe... He didn't care. He iddn't care what she was, how strong she was, or any of this. It was this simple, this thing would either die. Or slaughter. And he chose for this thing to die.... And he would make this become a reality.

    Items used



    Funnel Cake - +3 DMG + 1 ACC

    Corn Dog -45 Mit



    Weapon - Accursed Souls -Guantlets- DMG DMG DMG CURSED - T2
    Light Armor - Rabid Raindeer Cloak -Cloak- 1 VMP DEF EVA EVA T1
    Heavy Armor - Aura of Guardianship -Arm Guards- MIT MIT MIT T2

    Familiar - Silver Aurora - ACC ACC ACC




    Martial Arts Rk 5 Ferocity, Precision
    Light Armor Rk 4 Athletics
    Charge Rk 2
    Rk 3 Familiar Mastery (Acc)

    Final Stats


    Stryder - Level 43
    HP 880/880 | EN 86/86 | DMG 19(21 W charge) | ACC 5 | EVA 2 | Mitigation 117 | Vamp Def (45hp on cd9) 


    21 energy drinks 6 En each
    1 TP Crystal 

    16 Spider Ciders 90 hp each
    10 Diet thingies 150 hp each


  9. Of course, OF COURSE there was another part of the event. Why hadn't he NOT expected this! Goddamn it!! He should have known. Before he even had the chance to exit the tent, the goddamn Jack, he oof course would be setting up bosses. OF COURSE! WHAT EVENT WOULDN'T HAVE A- Wait... Alisea... M-Alisea!? She was here.... He saw his screen pop up, the message from her? He looked around, seeing her backing up from the fight. He had to help her! He walked right over to her, punching one zombie so hard it exploded. He got right up next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder as he came out from the crowd.

    "Alisea, follow me" He says, his hand moving from her shoulder to her hand as he pulled her back to Jack, the bastard at the concession stand. Once there, he went straight for the items.

    "Okay, nine more diet sodas and five off brand energy drinks" He said buying them with his own Col. (1850), and he IMMEDIATELY transfered them to Jinx, along with a TP crystal. Luckily he had two of them on him, so he gave her one.

    "Alisea, i need you to do me a favor, go look after all the T1 players in this event... That boss, is probably going to target te shem. Your strong, and with these you can survive and help them. I have to go deal with another one of these creatures, so, lets make a deal. After we survive this, we meet back up in the shop and i'l cook us some yummy curry! Alright?" He said to her with a smile, putting a hand on her head. He really wanted to... But now wasn't the time. 

    After that he turned back to Jack, and bought himself some more stuff. He bought 15 energy drinks, though these seemed to be free with the coupon. He bought himself an obnoxious Corn Dog,  and a funnel Cake. THose he had to pay for. (1700 Col) (200 paid through coupon).... He also saw a shield. He grabbed it (Btw this is all once Jinx is gone so she no see him grabbing the shield). He also grabbed the familiar treat, and the heavy armor.

    He opened his messenger.... He needed a favor from someone.


    @Dustin Hey theres an event on Floor One, theres a boss here as well. It would be a great help if you could come along and fight alongside me!


    Items gained


    Jack's <HeavyArmor of Choice>
    [Flame Aura - Mitigation - Cursed]
    Shield - Frost Thorns | Frost Aura | Cursed | Mitigation
    Familiar Treat

    15 energy drinks

    Funnel Cake

    Corn Dog

    Given to Jinx 


    Five off brand 
    9 Diet Sodas

    1 TP crystal

    Total of 3350 Col to jack

  10. Summary.



    5 SP 

    1200 Col (Pages 3,4,5)

    4 Achievment Points (Both healing, Item, and 50 kills)


    SP I was told for ya - You lucky little leach!

    800 Col (Giving col from pages 1 and 2) 

    3 Achievement Points (Both Healing and Item)


    Group zombies killed: 52/100 (AMOUNT GOT CHANGED)
    Last hit - Stryder 51/50 (AMOUNT GOT CHANGED) - ACOMPLSHED
    Critical Failures - [We nat 1] 15/25 - [They nat 1] 12/15
    HP Restored (self) - Stryder 301/300 - ACOMPLISHED
    Party HP restored - 242/240 - Acomplished!
    Consumables Used - Stryder 13/13 - Accomplished!

  11. Okay, so it was over. He walked over to the edge of the arean, well, the tent. There was no fighting near jack, and thats where he went. It was over. Finally, it was over, he had done his commitment to this event... He could... Just leave. It was over, thank the actual heavens. He stood near Jack, looking at the items. He would choose one soon, finding what he was allowed to get with his... points? Eitherw ay, he knew one thing... He couldn't wait. He was debating about it the whole time, should he or should he not... He couldn't deny it, he did. He did feel it... he felt... Happy with her. She was the one, she was someone he knew he wanted to stay close to, no matter what... Through thick or thin, through rain or shine, she just... she was just... someone he....

    E..Even if its a mistake... i will do it....



  12. He still had red eyes, the color shift instant as one of them punched him int he stomach so hard he coughed up blood onto it, and with his instant reaction, his leg went through all of them, no longer made of feathers but of steel as they crumbled, shattering into it. He heard a pleasnat ding and saw the fourth star. He was done, he had killed all he wished to kill. With htat, he could return, he had to make the choice of what to do next. Would he do it? Or would he just.... he had to get her a gift, then from there he could apologize. From there.... He had to decide

    Do i do it? I honestly don't know... She is cute, she is amazing, she is.... she is perfect... I feel so safe around her, but... Is it raelly the best idea? She is in my guild, she isn't some random player, isn;t it like... playing favorites?

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
    127098 10 5 1 4 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Vamp act 2019-10-26 21:51:43
    127097 5 11 18 5 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:51:37
    127096 5 2 6 10 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:51:32
    127095 7 4 3 3 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:51:28
    127094 7 12 2 5 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:51:23
    127093 5 8 12 1 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:51:19
    127092 4 1 3 7 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:51:14
    127091 4 8 9 10 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:51:10
    127090 10 2 10 6 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:51:05

    I get crit once, no vamp. They miss otherwise.


    Stryder - 603/880HP |46/86 EN | 102 Mit | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Concentration Ready! | Dmg 19 (16 base, +3 funnel cake) | 1 def Vamp (44 hp on a CD of 9+)

    A[Zombie 49: HP: 50/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>. 

    B[ombie 50: HP: 60/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>. 

    C[Zombie 51: HP: 52/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>. 

    D[Zombie 52: HP:60/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>

    Group zombies killed: 52/100 (AMOUNT GOT CHANGED)
    Last hit - Stryder 51/50 (AMOUNT GOT CHANGED) - ACOMPLSHED
    Critical Failures - [We nat 1] 15/25 - [They nat 1] 12/15
    HP Restored (self) - Stryder 301/300 - ACOMPLISHED
    Party HP restored - 242/240 - Acomplished!
    Consumables Used - Stryder 13/13 - Accomplished!

    16 Spider Ciders (60 hp 
    10 Diet thingies 120 hp

    6 Off Brand Energy drinks (+6 en

  13. His second attack went jut as well. The echo bellowing into his brain as he hit them all and one of them slugged him in the chest. The spark returned to his eye, the red glint, and he absolutely moved faster, hitting one so hard he tore half its head off. They were weak. They were pathetic. They were exactly like him. He would not fall... to what he was. He would NOT fail to win this, he would get out of here. He was going to return to Alisea! He growled as his HP dropped more, the vampiric not healing him. It must have a limit as to how much it can actually do, so it was a risk to use. It was definitely good though, as without it... He might have died, even without the added movement, anything that had hit him, wuld have hit him anyway...

    I.. I might... I might fail to do it.. I need to know...

    D Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Link Purpose Time
    127088 7 2 20 10 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Vamp act 2019-10-26 21:46:25
    127087 8 9 5 8 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:46:20
    127086 6 1 8 1 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:46:14
    127085 4 6 10 10 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:46:10
    127084 6 9 13 3 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Zombo vs stry 2019-10-26 21:46:06
    127083 7 4 3 9 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:46:02
    127082 4 8 10 7 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:45:58
    127081 4 6 8 7 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:45:53
    127080 10 11 19 3 Stryder Msg_hover2.png Tornado Kick - Zombo A-D 2019-10-26 21:45:48

    No vamp.

    I get Crit once, and hit, so 49 dmg. 

    All attacks hit. Zombo A takes 76 DMG. Others take 64


    Stryder - 603/880HP |59/86 EN | 102 Mit | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | Concentration Ready! | Dmg 19 (16 base, +3 funnel cake) | 1 def Vamp (44 hp on a CD of 9+)

    A[Zombie 49: HP: 50/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>. 

    B[ombie 50: HP: 60/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>. 

    C[Zombie 51: HP: 52/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>. 

    D[Zombie 52: HP:60/200  | 50 MIT  | 100 DMG <150 on 9/10>

    Group zombies killed: 48/100 (AMOUNT GOT CHANGED)
    Last hit - Stryder 47/50 (AMOUNT GOT CHANGED)
    Critical Failures - [We nat 1] 15/25 - [They nat 1] 12/15
    HP Restored (self) - Stryder 301/300 - ACOMPLISHED
    Party HP restored - 242/240 - Acomplished!
    Consumables Used - Stryder 13/13 - Accomplished!

    16 Spider Ciders (60 hp 
    10 Diet thingies 120 hp

    6 Off Brand Energy drinks (+6 en

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