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Posts posted by Hei

  1. Hei really liked the design of the Town he was just walking through, as it made him remember a few trips to English and German towns with old centres. The buildings that surrounded him were not just plain buildings, but were crested with carved runes and little figures of dragons and knights and a lot more. The more he looked at the small details, the less he looked where he was going, and so after a few minutes walking and looking at the figures and runes, he didn't knew where he was in town. - that's so typical me. Looking into some of the design and totally forgetting everything around. But who cares, I will find my way eventually - he thought and just continued straight down the road he was walking on. And indeed, it ended right at the towns outer wall, so without much trouble Hei got out of town, leaving it through a big wooden gate, that could be closed when it would be dark.

    Out of town, there was a huge forest, that Hei was told housed some hives of antmen, that could be a trouble for everyone who travelled the woods. So Hei readied his weapon before he set foot in the forest, and it seemed the rumours were true, as he saw one of them antmen, walking by not to far away.  "These are not the mobs I am looking for. I should have a look at the map to see where this mansion is" he mumbled, while he stayed away from the mob to not get it's aggro. Opening the map and having a look at it, Hei saw that he wasn't to far away, and so he made his way towards it. The mansion was older than he had thought, as it was just a little more than a ruin, but he was able to see the courtyard, that was full of berry bushes and forest animals. Hei would go and start a fight any minute, but before, he would go and have a look at some of the bushes, but it seemed there had to be another player close by, who had just gathered the berries.

    ID# 103605
    2 -> nothing found

  2. While Hei had been walking towards Stryder and Eatos, it seemed the two had talked a little, but he had not understood what was said, and once he had arrived and asked them why they hadn't told him, Eatos has stood up and told him, that it hadn't been intentional and that she hadn't been to well lately and just had to take a walk down here on floor one. - I hope it's not to bad. Being on this icy floor that probably gets dark early everyday must be bad for everyone, and if she doesn't has someone to talk to except her Angel, she might feel really bad. But I shouldn't try and press her into something, so if She doesn't tell me any more, I will just leave it be - he thought and turned his attention to his raptor, that had started circling the others.

    When Angel had barked loud, Huatli had jumped back a good bit, and Hei had to call her to him, so she wouldn't start fighting. "Huatli, come here and leave them be. They aren't our enemies, they're our friends" he said, before turning back to Eatos, who seemed to space out a little, not really looking at him any more. "I hate to hear that you don't feel well. If there is anything I can do for you, you just have to tell me" he said and then noticed that Stryder wanted to say something as well.

    Stryder greeted him and asked both of them how long it had been for them to be at the same place all together. Hei had to think a little, and besides the dragon hunter quest, the last time they had just been together and talked must have been at their christmas party. "Yeah, it's way to long since we all have been together. I believe it must have been last christmas that we have been. So why are you here on the first floor. It seems it's not to pay me a visit, or you might have told me." he said, hoping that he sounded angry and serious, even though he just was happy to see them both.

  3. It was just a normal day for Hei. He had opened the Hanger early in the morning, and now it was nearly noon, and no one had come. - I wonder why there aren't more players ready to get stronger to clear the game. I wish to help, but if they don't start on their own, it's no good - he thought and looked at the sign, that offered a free piece of equipment to every player willing to become stronger. Maybe he just had to make this offer seen by more players he thought, and so he would do something new today. Hei picked up a few items he thought were helpful to lower level players and left his shop, closing the door behind him. With the items in his inventory he made his way to the towns place, and was about to start looking for players that looked like they could need the help, when he noticed two known players.
    Walking over to them, he was sure, that it was Stryder and Eatos, that were sitting and standing in the middle of the square, their familiars next to them.
    "Hey there, nice to see you. Why haven't you told me that you would come and pay this floor a visit?" he asked, while his small raptor, that had accompanied him slowly circled the two other familiars.

  4. Hei saw the surprise in Stryders face, when he was Huatli the first time, and what he hadn't though of was silver. The big silver white wolf hid behind Stryder when she was the small raptor jumping through the snow, before she slowly came back. As nice as Stryder always was, he greeted the little raptor, that stopped jumping around and turned it's head towards Stryder, interested in who had called her, she slowly came closer, but always had an eye on the much bigger wolf. Once she was nearly close enough for Stryder to touch her, Huatli jumped back and slightly hissed at him. "Hey Huatli, that's not nice. They are our friends" Hei said, before he could reply to Stryders question.
    "Yeas, you are right. I want to upgrade the spear you Identified for me, so I can really use it. It's critical effects are really nice, but it's base damage is just so low, so i am going for an enhancement of it." he told his friend. Now that they met, it was time for them to make their way through the snowy plains of the fourth floor.

  5. They had just left the house, when Saphira raised her head to have a look at the night sky. There nearly weren't any clouds, so the view of the stars was astonishing, and after a short moment, they were able to see the first bit of the auroras. When Saphira had asked him if they would just stay where they were, or walk a little, he was about to answer, but before he could, she had seen the northern lights and said that it was beautiful. "You are right, it's really a thing to look at. How about we go for a short walk, up that hill. I bet the view from up there is way better" and so the two of them walked up a small hill not to far from the tavern they were staying in. Once they were up there, Hei turned back to Saphira and said "We have done quite a few things, and the more we meet, the more I realize how much I like you. So before I go crazy and something bad happens, I just wanted to ask you, if you could imagine becoming my girlfriend." and once he had said that, his face became as red as a tomato and he had to close his eyes for a short moment, just to not run away out of nervousness.

  6. Saphira was smiling at him too, and so feeling warm and cosy, both from the inside and the outside, but still a little nervous about what he would tell Saphira later, Hei was sitting in his chair and let the time pass. Every once in a while Huatli snuggled back up, when she had moved away sleeping. The crackle of the fire made him feel really sleepy, and after some time he felt his eyes becoming heavy and his vision blurry. This was when Saphira said that it should be dark outside now, and that they better started going outside before they would both sleep. Hei did not really understand the first part, as he was to sleepy, but he shook his head and got back up to his feet once he understood the rest. "Houugh, you are right, I'm really sleepy already. Let's go outside and have a look for the auroras." he said, stretching hi arms and hoping that the cold weather would help him to get out of the sleepiness.
    Huatli was still sleeping in front of the fireplace, and he wouldn't wake her up, so Hei carefully walked out of the room, waiting for Saphira to follow him outside.

  7. Taking a sip of her drink, and then telling him, that she would come with him, having a look at the northern lights, Saphira still looked kind of nervous. Hei was lucky that she would come with him, and that she didn't tell him to leave her alone or so, so he would use this chance to tell her how he felt. In the beginning it had been like she was a sister or good friend, but the more time he spent with her, the more he realized, that his feelings might be more than just friendship. - Once we are outside, and the lights show up, I will have my chance, and I will tell her, that I really like her, and I really hope she does too. I don't know if I could still sleep in the same room as her, if she doesn't - he thought, while he took multiple sips of his drink. While he was sitting there, he noticed Saphira's gaze upon him, but when he turned to her, she was not looking at him any more. Still watching her, he saw how she nervously emptied her drink, and then turned back to him and told him, that they could stay down here until the lights would be gone, and added the question if he was alright with that. "Don't worry, it's all right. You don't have to reassure you for everything. Let's just stay here and enjoy the warmth of the fire and the good smell of the lady's food." he said and smiled at her.

  8. Hei was still running through the Hanger, looking for the small raptor, when he heard the ring sound of the message notification. - Well, I'll just read what Stryder replied, then I will continue searching for Huatli - he thought and opened the message. Quickly reading it, he saw that Stryder would be meeting with him in the main settlement of the fourth floor, so Hei had to hurry up and find his small raptor. "Huatli, come out, come out. We have to go" he called his familiar, and indeed, the small raptor really came. She jumped from one of the stacks of fabric and Hei had to catch her, so she wouldn't fall to the ground. "There you are. We will go and fight an evil frost monster." he said and equipped his combat gear, taking the small raptor with him and leaving the store to Fae.

    Hei ran through the town of beginnings, as he wanted not to let Stryder wait, and so he quickly arrived at the plaza of teleportation, and soon he and Huatli were in the cold and snowy place of the fourth floor. Not to far from the portal Stryder was waiting for them, and so Hei walked over to him, waving and greeting his friend. "Hey, we are here and ready to go. This is Huatli, I think you haven't met her" and he pointed at the raptor that was already jumping through the snow like a small child.

  9. Once the old Lady had brought them the mushroom soup, Hei hesitated eating, as he saw the shrooms swimming in the soup and memories of the strange taste of his families secret mushroom soup came to his mind. After Saphira had tried hers, and nearly emptied it halfway, Hei was able to fight down the memories and tried the soup. It was indeed tasty and did not taste like the mushroom soup he knew. - Puh, seems I am lucky. It tastes good and I bet I don't have to spit it out either - he thought and took another spoon of soup. "Mhhh, it's really tasty. Thanks for ordering one bowl for me, too. And yes, you are right, we should be able to get back before the sun sets, at least if we don't have any problems with the weather. Till now, I always had Eatos and Angel at my side, to find our way through bad weather, but it seems kind of nice at the moment." he told Saphira, before leaning back in the armchair and eating his soup.
    Once the innkeeper returned with their drinks, Hei hastily drank some, before turning back to Saphira, who asked about going to bed after finishing the drinks.
    "I think it's a good idea, going to bed early, but how about we go outside once it's dark and have a look at the aurora borealis, we might be able to see? It's a beautiful view and I want to tell you something" And with this vague hint, he watched how she would react.

  10. Name: Cape of Mastermind Heist
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 7
    ID: 103322
    Roll: 11+1 = 12
    Item Type: Light armor
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Loot Die
    Description: A silk-like smooth cape that is blackened to hide the wearer from the night.
    Post Link: leave blank


  11. After Hei had finished Picks new light armour, the blonde player entered his Shop again, picking up the armour and handing him the materials he had to pay, just to add, that Hei may be would need them for the next item he wanted to get. Hei was a little confused, but thanked him for the mats, until he saw the orderform Pick had in his hand. "Oh, so you want to get a second item right away. I'll give it a try and will message you again, once it's done." He said, taking the form from Pick. - Well, seems like he just decided that he wants to wear a cape, and find some more mats. Maybe he realized that gathering is a hard piece of work in this game - Hei thought, while looking for the right material for the job and after some browsing he found a light fabric, that would look like shadow once he finished his work.
    With the newly made perfect item in his inventory, he opened the menu and messaged @Pick again:
    Hey there, it's already done. Feel free to drop by and pick it up.
    If you could pay in col I would be super happy.

    Daily Craft 1:
    ID# 103322
    11+1 = 12 -> perfect T1 light armour
    -1 mat | +8 exp

    Name: Cape of Mastermind Heist
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 7
    ID: 103322
    Roll: 11+1 = 12
    Item Type: Light armor
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Loot Die
    Description: A silk-like smooth cape that is blackened to hide the wearer from the night.
    Post Link: leave blank

    Started with 1104 exp
    Ended with 1112 exp

  12. Name: Thief's Companion
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 7
    ID: 103289
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Evasion
    Description: A full-body armor that allows both stealth and rapid movement.
    Post Link: leave blank


  13. Hei had been in his shop, waiting for customers and playing with Huatli, who had become bored by simply waiting, so he first didn't notice the player who entered his shop. When the blond player, that looked a little like a pirate had greeted him and placed an order form on the counter, Hei had winced, and turned around, just to see the guy already leaving. "Okay, I'll message you once it's done" he had called out, so the player must have heard it. Then he went over to the workshop and started browsing through the materials to find some leather that would fit the style the player wished for. The piece of armour he created with the first attempt was so good, he immediately opened his menu an d messaged Pick
    Hey there @Pick: I already got your item ready for pick up, so feel free to get it.
    What method of payment do you prefer?

    Daily Craft 1:
    ID# 103289
    12 -> perfect T1 light armour
    -1 mat | +8 exp

    Name: Thief's Companion
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 7
    ID: 103289
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Evasion
    Description: A full-body armor that allows both stealth and rapid movement.
    Post Link: leave blank


    Started with 1096 exp
    Ended with 1104 exp

  14. Once Saphira had sat down in an armchair next to him, she had turned to the old lady, that ran the tavern and asked her about some food, ordering soup for both herself and Hei. Hei wasn't a big fan of mushrooms in real live, but who knew if they would taste the same in this game, so when Saphira asked him, if he was okay with her ordering, he nodded and turned to the lady "I'd like to add some drinks to our order, if you'd be so nice to bring them too." he said, before the lady had left the room. Then he turned back to Saphira, looked at her with her shiny green eyes and said "Thanks for ordering, even though I probably would have ordered something else. What'd you say about us going to bed early today, so we can leave with sunrise. It's a superb view out there with all the snow reflecting the rising sun." While he waited for an answer, Hei petted Huatli who was snuggling up against his legs in front of the warming fire.

  15. Hei was taking some time off from crafting, so he was enjoying the sun at one of the closer lakes on the first floor. He had been swimming here when he had first started adventuring, but then the guild and his shop had taken up lot's of his time. So when he heard the bell sound the message made, he wasn't to happy about it. "Hmm, who is it today, that wants something from me?" he mumbled to himself, and swam back to the shore. Once he was so close to the shore, that he could stand without problems, he opened the menu and had a look at the message. It was from Pinball, and asked him if he wanted to do some gathering and col grinding on the eleventh floor. - Well, not exactly what I was hoping for today, but I haven't seen Pin in quite a while, and he is right about the mats. One is always in need of them. So it would be best to meet with him, I should reply, so eh knows I am coming - he thought, and replied to the message.
    Hey Pin,
    I wasn't really going to do anything today, but meeting you again and the chance of some good mats sounds good.
    I'll be there in about half an hour, need to get some equipment from the hanger first.

    And so, after sending the message, Hei quickly walked out of the water, shaking himself to get the water off of him. Once he was more or less dry, he equipped his shirt and went for a jog towards the hanger, where he picked up his equipment. This would be the first chance for him to use his new Trident and he wished he had the fitting shield, but Eatos hadn't finished it in time.

    Player Stats:


    Hei: 600/600 HP | 60/60 Energy | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 12 DMG

    Item Stats:
    - Trishula, +6 DMG
    - Scales of Speed +3 EVA
    The Champions Robe +3 LD

    Battle Ready Items:
    1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)
    1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    3 charges: Nature's Blessing (healing 15xTier)
    <<The Martriarch's Stinger>> (+1 DMG for one Battle)


  16. The warm air and the cosy atmosphere made Hei feel comfy, so when he heard that it was okay for Saphira, he was happy that they would stay at this place. He had heard, that she had stuttered a little, and so he started trying to find out the meaning of it. - Maybe she doesn't really like it at all and it would be better to leave the tavern and look for another one, but she probably would have said so. So what else could it be? - he let this thought hang in his brain for some time, while he turned towards the armchairs that were placed in front of the fireplace and made his way up to them. "Hey Saphira, come here and limber up, it's the best to do against the cold outside" but he didn't really was there, as he was still thinking about the meaning of her stuttering. - Could it be, that she really likes me, and it is embarrassing for her to stay in the same room, as she doesn't know if I like her too? - was the next that wet through his mind. Maybe he would find out later, but if this would be the case, he could stop thinking about it now. As he returned from his thoughts, he noticed, that he felt a little hot in the face, maybe he had blushed, but it could just be the fire in front of him, so he did not do anything and just used the time to sit, pet Huatli who had crawled up in front of him and slightly smile at Saphira

  17. Name: Duelist's Defense

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 7

    ID: 102418

    Roll: 11+1

    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: MIT (1 slot), Recovery (2 slots)

    Description: A simple set of leather armor that gives room for a duelist to breathe. Still offers protection but doesn't restrict movement.

    Post Link: leave blank

  18. Hei came walking into the shop room, after he had made inventory of the materials he had stored in the workshop area, when he saw that there was a player waiting for him. The woman looked as if she had been standing there some time waiting, so Hei quickly walked towards her, greeting her with a friendly smile and "Welcome to the Hanger, my name is Hei. How can I help you today?" When the woman handed him a piece of paper with both a custom order and the name of one of the items he had in stock, Hei said "Okay, it might take some time to craft the Duellist's Defence, but you can take the cloak of eyes right now. Should I message you once the item is done?"

    With the new order in hand, Hei prepared the materials he had left to get going with crafting. After a few items, that did not fit what he wanted, or even got destroyed in the process of crafting, Hei was able to craft a perfect armour, that was what @Neopolitan wanted. He wrote her a message, saying:

    Hey Neo, I got the armour you ordered. Feel free to drop by and pick it up.
    Do you already know how you will pay me? I take mats or col. Hei


    Daily Craft 1:
    ID# 102414
    8+1 -> Rare T1 light armour
    -1 mat | +6 exp

    Daily Craft 2:
    ID# 102415
    3+1 -> LD: 7+3 -> not salvaged
    -1 mat | +2 exp

    Daily Craft 3:
    ID# 102416
    8+1 -> Rare T1 light armour
    -1 mat | +6 exp

    Daily Craft 4:
    ID# 102417
    3+1 -> LD: 11 -> salvaged
    -0 mat | +2 exp

    Daily Craft 5:
    ID# 102418
    11+1 -> Perfect T1 light armour
    -1 mat | +8 exp


    Name: Duelist's Defense

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 7

    ID: 102418

    Roll: 11+1

    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: MIT (1 slot), Recovery (2 slots)

    Description: A simple set of leather armor that gives room for a duelist to breathe. Still offers protection but doesn't restrict movement.

    Post Link: leave blank

    Handed Over:


    Name: Cloak of Eyes

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 80797

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Cloths
    Tier 1

    Quality: rare

    Enhancements: Loot Die (2)

    Description: A black hooded cloak that goes to the mid of the back, the hood is so big, one can nearly hide his face behind it. In the middle of the part that hides the face there is a single red eye.

    Post Link:  Link

    Started with 1072 EXP
    Ended with 1096  EXP

  19. The exited scream coming from Huatli surprised him, and when he looked down, he saw the small dino to catch a snowflake with it's mouth, while she was jumping through the snow. Shortly after Saphira told him, that she agreed with looking for a tavern to stay the night, and after searching for one, she asked him if the small tavern she had found was okay. Hei had to look for Huatli before he could answer her, as the small raptor had run off, when the snow had started falling more heavy. "Huatli, come here. There will be more than enough snow tomorrow" he called the small one, trying to get her to come to him. After biting at some more snowflakes, she jumped through the snow towards him and followed them to the small tavern. Once Hei had entered, he felt the warmth of a burning fire in the fireplace and instantly felt at home. Looking at the interior all looked as if they were in someones living room and not a tavern at all. - This looks super nice, and just as if it was made for this - he thought, before he looked for the owner of the tavern. Soon an old lady appeared and asked them, what they were here for, and Hei asked if there was room for them to sleep. Looking at him, Huatli and Saphira the old lady said "Well, well. I believe I got just the room for you three. Good that you aren't any later, who knows if there would still be a room left." Hei slightly flinched when he understood, that there was just one room left for them, and so he turned to Saphira, to see how she would react and ask her "I know it's not the best of situations, but are you okay with us sharing a room for tonight?"

  20. After Hei had finished Ruby's light armour, he had told her that it was done, and so she had walked over to him, picked it up and then once more thanked him. With a smile and some giggling afterwards, she had told him, that he knew how to message him and then left the shop. That had been his latest work, and afterwards it had been quiet again for some days. Today was going to be just as boring as the last days he thought, but he had been wrong, as a  white haired player entered his shop. "I got enough to stay alive, but I am not giving them away because I have to much. It's just so I can help those who want to help clear this game, to not die." Hei replied to the players first question. After that, the player told him what he was looking for, and added an order form, just in case Hei wouldn't have the item in stock he was looking for. Looking at the form, Hei turned to @Sharr and said "Well, I have a rare item that you could like, but it's not exactly what you were looking for. So you can decide if you want to have it with a little less enhancement (LD+2) and for free, or perfect as ordered. And in case you take the free one, there is a quest by which you can upgrade it later" And so Hei waited for a reply.

  21. After Hei and Eatos had killed the snow beast on the fourth floor, Eatos had gone home, and it seemed, that she had done her work later that day. When Hei entered her smithy the next day, the trident he had ordered was finally finished, and he could pick it up. Thankful for finally having a weapon his tier, Hei walked over to Eatos and said "Thank you very much. I will bring it to good use, when I'm hunting for some col for the guild." Hei said, before equipping the new weapon and taking some practice swings and stabs with it. The weapon felt a little more heavy than the spear he was used to, but he would soon be used to it's higher weight and it would surely help him deal some damage.

    Received: Trishula


    Name: Trishula

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 96529

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: One Handed Assault Spear

    Tier: T2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage (3 Slots)

    Description: An ancient looking trident, made of bronze and the essence of a god. One says that the user of this weapon can form water to his will.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=541505

    Payment Method: <Combination (5 mats, 500 col) >


  22. Name: Delta
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 7
    ID: 101962
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Evasion III
    Description: The typical look and design of Ruby, don't lie. You love her.
    Post Link: leave blank


  23. Not to long, after Hei had sent @Asakku the message, that her item was ready, she arrived at his shop, thanked for the items and picked it up, telling him that she'd come back if she needed anything else. Hei who cared about all his customers and all players in general quickly said "You know, I got an offer for low level players, you can have one of the in stock items for free, how about some better armour?" before she could leave the store.
    Later that day a player he had met a long time ago appeared in his shop. It was the blonde woman he had met on the fourth floor way back, when he was still part of the Harbingers. They had teamed up to fight a field boss called Avalanche, and so he still remembered her
    "Hello Ruby, nice to see you too. It has been quite some time, and yes, I think I can do something for you. If you'd just fill in an order form, I will do my best to craft some armour for you. And it's really good that you got the mats, as I am out of T3 mats at the moment." and with this said, and the order in hands, he made his way to the workshop and started crafting:

    Daily Craft 1:
    ID# 101956
    CD: 1 -> crit fail
    -1 mats | +2 exp

    Daily Craft 2:
    ID# 101957
    CD: 3+1 -> LD: 7+3 = 10 -> not salvaged
    -1 mats | +2 exp

    Daily Craft 3:
    ID# 101958
    CD: 5+1 -> uncommon T3 light armour
    -1 mats | +4 exp

    Daily Craft 4:
    ID# 101959
    CD: 3+1 -> LD: 10+3 = 13 -> salvaged
    -0 mats | +2 exp

    Daily Craft 5:
    ID# 101961
    CD: 8+1 -> rare T3 light armour
    -1 mats | +6 exp

    Daily Craft 6:
    ID# 101962
    CD: 12+1 -> perfect T3 light armour
    -1 mats | +8 exp


    Name: Delta
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: Rank 7
    ID: 101962
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Evasion III
    Description: The typical look and design of Ruby, don't lie. You love her.
    Post Link: leave blank

    1x uncommon T3 light armour
    1x rare T3 light armour

    EXP started: 1048
    EXP ended: 1072

  24. Hei quickly changed into a stuffed and warm cloak and warm trousers, before he left the hanger with Saphira and his familiar. This would be the first time that Huatli entered the fourth floor, and Hei was eager to see, how the small raptor would react to the cold and glittering landscape. "Your right, we should hurry to reach the cave before it gets dark" he said, and lead her and the small dinosaur towards the teleporter. While the were on their way, Hei opened his menu and had a look at his notes regards the monster they had to kill. - Okay, it's a beast made of snow, that attacks with both it's claws and his spiky tail, that can deal huge amounts of damage. So I definitely should try to prevent it from hitting Saphira - was what he got from his notes. Once the reached the Teleporter, they quickly ported to the fourth floor, that indeed was already close to sunset. The snow already shone in an orange light, and Hei wasn't to sure, if they should head out this day, or maybe stay in a tavern to wait for the next day, so he turned to Saphira and asked "Wanna risk getting caught by the dark, or should we better stay the night before continuing with the quest?"

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