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Posts posted by Reinholt

  1. Grunting, Reinholt back peddles away from the two boar. One was nearly dead, the other had full health and so far he had only lost nine Hp. No big deal. Grinning, he starts to move forward, his sword held low, point toward the Boars. The two animals charge forward too, squealing loudly. Reinholt swings his sword back and slashes diagonally at the boar he had already hit. The blow lands true and sends the boar tumbling into the dirt, before it fades into digitized death. He brings his sword up to high guard to deliver an overhead blow to the other boar, but just as he begins the swing the boar leaps at him. Hitting him full force in the chest, they both tumble to the ground.

    Grunting and uttering curses under his breath, Reinholt watches his health bar drop. That was a big hit and he would have to be more careful, else he could be in serious trouble. Rising to his feet he glares at the boar. "Now you're gonna die pig." He said through clenched teeth but then immediately starts to chuckle. The irony of what he just said was too much.



    ID#99452 v boar1
    ID#99451 v boar2
    BD v boar1= 3
    BD v Boar2=8
    DMG: 5

    Boar1 MD=10
    Hit   DMG:9+2=11


    ENG: 2/6 (3-1=2)

    HP: 15/15



  2. Reinholt smirks. He could tell from her body language that he had struck a nerve, but it seemed Embers could keep her cool. He wasn't sure if it was a superiority issue, or something else but he could tell she didn't much care for him. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism, not wanting to make friends in a world where every outing could be yours or theirs last moments alive. He nods to her and turns. "Well since we are sticking close, we might as well get started. I would like to get this quest done with so I can move on." He turns his head to look at her and smiles, before starting to walk away. "Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to you." He chuckles and hooks his thumbs into his belt as he walks. He probably shouldn't press her buttons, but it would be fun until she lost her temper. It was however, nice to meet someone that wasn't timid or afraid.



  3. Reinholt smiles and nods politely to the newcomers. "Greetings. I'm Reinholt." He says to them. It was still strange to him seeing such a wide variety of people that played SAO. One of the people that had come for the quest looked to be a legitimate child, the other a young woman. Even though they both gave off the feel of being much more experienced that He was, Reinholt made a note to watch out for them. This Outlander fellow stand up and starts to talk, causing Reinholt to groan slightly as the man walks toward the door. Great. One of this type of player.. He shakes his head slightly. There was little room in SAO for cocky showboaters, which is the vibe he got from Outlander. Reinholt rises to his feet and buckles his sword across his back. He mutters to the other two before following after Outlander.


    (sorry it took so long to post. Work kicked my butt yesterday.)

  4. Fun. This is stupid. I should just go back to the first floor until I'm ready for this. He thinks to himself, yet matches Pinball's pace. This guy was an odd duck, one who Reinholt believed was purposely messing up his name. With a smirk he looks over at Pinball. "So, Pinhead. You did this quest before? What's this sand snake thingy like? You sure I won't be too in the way?"

    Reinholt hooks his thumbs into his belt and makes a face. While he did want to power level, this could turn out to be too big of a risk to take. Only time could tell and there wasn't too much shame in running away. Especially from a giant snake thing. He tries not to look like a tourist walking through Nimbus though. Having not left the firsdt floor much it was all new to him. I like it here. For sure my kind of place.


  5. Reinholt turns on his heel at the sound of more wolves. One at a time was no big deal but a pack could be an issue. The first player had already rushed toward the fight. Admirable, considering the circumstances just a few moments ago. He surveys the field before him. Three wolves, two other players. He assesses to himself. With a curt nod he moves forward in a brisk jog.

    As he nears the wolves he picks up his pace into a full on run. At the last moment he slides to a stop, one wolf in front of him then other behind him. He swings his sword in an horiztonal slash but misses the one in front of him. Using the momentum of the first slash he spins and delivers another slash at the one that was behind him, only it jumped out of the way too, leaving him smack dab in the middle of the wolves.

    (ID#99442 Vs Wolf 2 BD=4
    ID#99443 VS Wolf 3 BD=3

    Sword Art Blast=Miss


  6. Reinholt hears it well before it was close enough to actually be a threat. A boar rummaged around the grassland and once Reinholt puts eyes on it he smirks. It shouldn't be too hard to deal with this guy and it would give him some more entertainment. He draws his sword and starts forward, his blade held low and ready. Once close he sets his feet and smirks. "C'mere Bacon! Let me see what you got." Reinholt shouts at the boar. The Boar sees Reinholt and starts to paw at the dirt, squealing loudly. From the tall grass near the first boar a second one rises to its feet. Crap. There's two of em. I should be able to take them. No problem. He was confident, but would fight smarter that he would of if just one of them. Together the Boar's rush Reinholt who holds his ground. Moments before they both hit him he starts his attack. Swinging in a wide horizontal arc, he misses the first boar, which causes the boar to miss him as well. His second slash however hits true, but the boar gores Reinholt with its tusk.


    ID#99414 v boar1
    ID#99415 v boar2
    Attacks with Sword Art Blast
    BD v boar1=5
    BD v Boar2=8

    Boar1 MD=4
    Boar2 MD=6
    DMG: 9


    ENG: 2/6 (6-4=2)

    HP: 15/15

    HP: 5/15


  7. Reinholt begins to think about where he was going to set up shop. No way was it going to be here on the first Floor. He hadnt made his way to all of the floors, but the couple he had been to were widely diverse. Nimbus up on floor seven is pretty cool. Honor's Flame might have a place there.. He thinks to himself as he makes his way back toward Town. He sighs boredly. He had gathered this materials way too quickly, that fight however was pretty fun. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye he begins scanning the area, looking for other monsters to fight on his way back in. Seeing nothing in his immediate area, he decides to scavenge for materials instead.

    With a smirk he immediately finds some material and stashes it away. "Wonder if i get to keep the extra materials I find or if anything i find goes to Cedric." He says aloud as he continues on his path toward home. That makes six materials found, quest only called for 5, leaving him with at least one extra after the quest and if he wanted to get this Blacksmithing deal going he would have to have plenty of materials to work with.

    (LD=20 1 Material found. 6/5 total.)

  8. Reinholt raises his eyebrow. He couldn't tell if Pinball was lying to him or just being awkard. With a sigh he nods and moves aside to let him pass. "Fine. If you say it's all good then i guess I'll believe you this time." He steps aside so Pinball could get around him. Giant sand snake? That sounds fun.. Tilting his head Reinholt looks at Pinball. Obviously this was probably much higher quest than Reinholt was but of he could manage to tag along he could get some massve rewards from it. "No risk, no reward.."[/i] He mutters under his breath. "That's Reinholt..and if you' like an extra hand id be more the happy to tag along and kill a giant sand snake thing with you.." He says with a shrug. "Dunno if I'll actually be able to help or not, but I would do my best and you wouldn't have to travel alone.."



  9. Reinholt had been wondering around the first floor gathering some materials and just having a kind of relaxed day. He yawns loudly as he walks and then sighs. I'm bored as all get out... He thinks about just heading back, but he gets a message from a random player. Reading it over, he was confused at first. "Chased by a wolf? Is that some ne.." He then hears the shouts for help. 

    His feet are moving even before he can tell them to and before he long he sees a comical sight. A player being chased in a large circle  by a wolf. Without slowing, he draws his sword and puts himself between the player and the wolf. He skids to a stop, plants his feet and swings his sword low and slightly behind him before lunging forward, activating his Sword Art and dealing a horizontal slash that bites into the Wolf's right front shoulder. He grins wolfishly as his sword cuts deep, leaving a trail of digitized destruction along the side of the wolf. Between the forward momentum and the force of Reinholt's blade, the wolf crashes to the ground, dead. He scans the area for any other threats and then turns to the other player. "You ok?"



    Attacks with Sword Art Straight
    BD: 8
    EN: 6-2=4
    Wolf HP: 9-10=Dead


  10. Reinholt is smiling as he walks up to the girl whose bird came to him. His whole demeanor was friendly, that is until she starts to speak. He listens to her and his body language shifts from friendly to, well not friendly. His back straightens and his smile turns into a sneer. Once she finishes he hold up his hand.

    ”Let me stop you right there and clarify some things for you.” He says, his nostrils flaring. ”I never asked for help. I am very capable of doing it myself, so that’s not why I posted.” He pauses, trying to keep him temper under control. ”It clearly says company. As in trying to make friends.” He shakes his head at her. ”And even if it were someone asking for help, why even approach them if that’s how you’re going to act? That’s beside the point. If that attitude is all you have to offer, I’d rather be alone. But if we can be cool with each other, my name is Reinholt.” He stops there, letting her respond to him before deciding if he wanted to walk away or not. The gall of this girl. Yeesh.

  11. Reinholt walks at a leisurely pace back toward the Town of Beginnings. It had taken him much less time than he thought it would take to get the materials he needed. But, he didn’t really expect to fight anything either. He made pretty quick work of that Crab thing. He got hit a couple times but it wasn’t nothing he couldn’t take. Granted now, more so than before he had a thirst for battle. The adrenaline rush was very similar to that of when he was a Cop and the fact that it was legitimately life or death it made it that much more real to him.

    Though, he would feel awful dying in a video game after what he had been through IRL. Get blown up, live. Play a VRMMO, die. My dad would die just from the irony. He chuckles to himself and shakes his head. He often wondered what folks back IRL thought of his being stuck here. He would have to ask them himself when the game was beaten.


    (Recovered 8 HP. 60/60.)

  12. Reinholt chuckles to himself and flops onto the ground. Down eighteen HP? Not bad for my first real fight. He thinks to himself, leaning back on his hands and looking out over the lake before him.  It was a pretty day out and feeling pretty good about himself he decides to take a small break here before he headed back. He felt like he be much happier joining a Guild and he had been doing some research into which one he wanted to join. But he wanted to become stronger before he went to actually join anyone. He refused to be the weakest link.


    After sitting there for a while he sighs contently. ”Guess I do need to get back so I can learn this whole blacksmithing thing.” He rises to his feet, grabs his sword from where he left it stuck in the ground and starts to make his way back the way he came. He couldn’t have asked for better luck.


    (Healed 10 hp, 52/60 hp)

  13. Reinholt sat there for a good while, flipping through his menus bored as could be. He knew if no one responded it would be a huge deal, but he was tired of going everywhere alone. Just someone to chitchat with while they walked would be nice. He sighs and is about stand up and leave when a hawk landed before him and tilted his head, before leaping back into the air and circling over top of him. Curious now, he scans the crowd before him. He vaguely remembered a girl walking past a little while ago with a hawk on her shoulder.

    After scanning the crowd for a moment he spots her and smirks as she was looking in his direction too. Hard to miss her with that red hair. He glances around the area one last time before rising to his feet. Either she wanted to take part in his quest or she had other issues with him, but it was obvious to him that she was looking for him. So he begins to walk her way. He was glad he paid good attention to his surroundings to notice the girl to begin with.


  14. Reinholt grits his teeth and grunts as he tries to pull away from the Crab monster to no avail. "Listen here ugly. You're gonna regret messin with me!" He says and the crab kisses in response. Reinholt swings his free leg out and grips his sword with both hands.

    "Eat this!" He says and cranks his hips, and slashes horizontally, cleaving arm that held Reinholt off. With his leg free, he cranks his hips the opposite way and  follows the same horizontal line as the first slash only going the opposite way. This time he cleaves the monster in two. With a smirk he reverses his sword and drives the tip of it into the ground. "Let's see what kind of goodies you left me, Ugly." He says with a chuckle and kneels to loot the slain monster. He pulls four materials from the monster and grins. Well. There are the five materials I needed.

    (ID#99367 BD=6 MD=1 5x2=10 DMG -4 Eng

    Used Sword Art Blast V Crayfish monster

    Reinholt HP 42/60 Eng 0/6

    Crayfish  0/30

    ID#99369 LD=20 CD=12 4 Materials found)

  15. Reinholt grins toward the monster. Actually being in combat made him feel alive. That's one thing he missed about being a Cop, the pure adrenaline rushes he would get. He was definitely an adrenaline junkie. The monster hissed at him, staying back away from him now that he had done a decent chunk of damage.

    Reinholt moves forward again, his blade held low in one hand with its tip back. At the last moment, he sets his feet, brings his sword across the front of him, grips the sword with both hands and slashes the monster. Another clean blow that carves off one of the monsters legs. The monster hissed in pain and then clamps it's large claw  onto Reinholt's leg. Grunting in pain Reinholt tries to step back but the monster had hold of his leg so he couldn't move.

    (ID#99366 BD=9 MD=8 5+1x2=12 DMG -2Eng

    Used Sword Art Straight V Crayfish monster

    Vice grip V Reinholt

    Reinholt HP 42/60 Eng 3/6

    Crayfish  6/30 DMG= 9  )

  16. Reinholt was out and about, exploring more of the First floor and gathering some materials. Deciding to take a break he heads to the village that he knew was in the forest. As he neared the village he receives a message and he opens it as he walks. Guy with the Big-#ss longsword huh? Sounds like my kind of guy. Reinholt chuckles as he adjusts the strap holding his sword across his back. Once he finally made it to the village, he found the tavern and stepped inside, scanning the crowd for the player with the longsword. Seeing what is probably the Player, Reinholt walks toward him at the bar. Before he sits though, he unbuckles his sheathed sword and leans it on the bar between the other player and the seat that he then took. " 'Lo. I assume you're the guy with the Big-#ss longsword that requires reinforcements?" He says as he orders himself a drink. "Names Reinholt."

  17. Reinholt follows the kid into the alley, his whole body on full alert. He didn't know what kind of trouble this kid was in, but at least he knew he wasn't into Pk'ing as his cursor was green. After receiving the all clear Reinholt visibly relaxes. "We'll I guess I get to live another day eh?" He says just before Pinball turns to him confused and asks what hes doing and that he doesn't want trouble. He doesn't want trouble? He dragged me into this and I haven't even the slightest whats going on.. Then the kid tries to leave, but Reinholt moves to block his exit. "Hold it there Mr. Come-with-me-if-you-want-to-live. What in the world is going on? Who was that after you? If you're in some kind of trouble maybe i can help you out of it. I may be low level but I'll help you. Plus if I'm caught up in it now you could at least tell me whats going on so i don't get Pk'ed or some such." He says with chuckle and holds his hand out. "Pinball wasn't it? I'm Reinholt."



  18. Reinholt leaps back out of the way just as decent sized crustacean monster leaps out of the water at him. Off balance, he stumbles backwards, almost falling but manages to keep his balance. The thing before him looked like a enormous crayfish, about three and a half foot tall, it scuttled around on its thin spiderlike legs snapping its heavy claws at Reinholt. It hisses and charges at Reinholt.

    His mind was calm. Combat was something he was very familiar with. Even as he grabs the hilt of his sword, he bends his knees and shifts his weight. As the Crayfish comes at him, he grabs his sword with both hands and lunges forward, the tip of his blade aimed at the monster. His blade being as long as it was, bit into the monsters thorax right at a joint of the carapace, rending deep into the monster. Having landed the blow, Reinholt is filled with excitement, but that feeling is replaced by pain as the monster rakes its claw across Reinholt’s chest. With a grunt he pushes off the monster, creating space between them again, wincing in pain from the claw marks on his chest.


    (ID#99348 BD=9 MD=7 5+1x2=12 DMG -2Eng

    Used Sword Art Straight V Crayfish monster

    Claw Attack V Reinholt

    Reinholt HP 51/60 Eng 4/6

    Crayfish  18/30 DMG= 9  )

  19. Reinholt studies the man before him, well that is, the kid before him for a moment. It still amazed him that the majority of players here were teenagers, yet they looked death in the eyes and kept fighting. He knew Police officers that didn’t have that much gall. For a split second however, his heart breaks for this kid. So young and already forced to face the harsh realities of live, even in virtual reality. He watches as the kid’s expression go from blank to pained after someone yells a name. From his reaction it was his name, but Reinholt had already turned, scanning the people behind him for the person who shouted, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword. He may only be level Three, but if this guy needed help he would stand and fight. The kid speaks and starts to pull Reinholt in the opposite direction. Come with me if you want to live? Who does this kid think he is? A terminator? He thinks to himself, but finds himself following after him anyway. Obviously he was in some sort of danger and Reinholt couldn’t just walk away from him. ”Yea sure kid, lead the way. But you’ll have to tell me what this is about sooner or later.”


  20. Reinholt had decided to explore some of the other floors. Atleast the main settlements. He was looking to possibly buy some near gear but mainly just exploring. He was on the seventh floor, just wondering the streets. Every now and then he would step into a shop and browse, but he found nothing he wanted or could even afford.

    Nimbus was so much different than the Town of Beginnings. The stone Fortress city was much more to Reinholt's liking than the Starting City was. The feeling of being in a fantasy castle feel Reinholt with joy. Taking in the sites, not really paying attention, he nearly walks into another player but at the last moment he is able to spin out of the way to avoid the collision. "Woah! Sorry bout that. I wasn't watching where I was going!" Reinholt says, slightly embarrassed and rubbing the back of his neck. He looked like a total noob, gawking at a town and not watching where he's going.

  21. After walking for a hours, the large lake finally appears in the distance. He was feeling good about this trip. He had already lucked into one material item he needed and with the diverse area before him it wouldn't be hard to find more. As he nears the Lake, he can see evidence of some kind of animal or something that must be in there area.

    From tracks in the damp ground to marks in the various trees. Perhaps this trip would be more interesting than he thought. With the thought of fighting a monster he presses forward, his eyes and ears searching for reason to react. Finding nothing of concern other than tracks in the immediate area, he relaxes slightly. Now at the very edge of the water Reinholt kneels down, cups his hands and dips them into the water. Bringing the water to his mouth he slurps loudly. He almost didn't see the ripples in the water till it was too late.

  22. Reinholt had left the roads and cut across country in a straight line toward the Lake area. He walks with his hands clasped behind his head, humming a tune, without a worry in the world. The sun had risen well into the sky and cast a warm glow across the open grassland. "I wish the weather could be this nice all the time back home." He says as he drops his hands to his side and tucks his thumbs into his belt.

    He had been walking long enough that landscape had begun to change. He was nearing the larger of the lakes in the region and paused, kneeling down near a small pool of water and reaches his hand into it. With a grin he pulls out some light purple/black material. A nice find to be honest. He stashes it into his inventory and rises to his feet. "Alrighty. Lets keep moving. Hopefully my luck holds." He says with a chuckle as he continues his walk.


    (ID#99338 LD=17, One Material found 1/5 found.)

  23. Reinholt walks purposely through Town. It would take him some time to get to the Lake region and once there, he couldn't be sure how long it would take him to find the materials he needed. But he hoped the end product would be worth it. He had decided on making a sword, He already envisioned it in his minds eye. Now all that was to do is to make it. It would be nice to be able to put his efforts into something other than fighting.

    He passes through the Gate and heads North easterly. The trip would more than likely be uneventful but this was SAO so there was no telling to be honest. So he walks, his body loose and ready to react if necessary. He had heard that completeing this quest would give him everything he needed not only to Blacksmith, but also to open his own shop, so he could sale the things he makes for Col or trade for Materials. "Honor's Flame. That doesn't sound half bad." He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair. He never thought he would actually be excited to open up a shop inside a game.

  24. Approaching the street where Cedric shop was, Reinholt was walking with his arms in the air, his hands clasped behind his neck. It was early enough that many others hadn’t risen and the streets were pretty empty, so he enjoyed the cool morning air and tranquil time just after sun rise. He is actually saddened by the fact he had reached his destination. He could hear the hammers already hard at work inside.


    Pushing the door open, he steps inside and is greeted by Cedric from behind his anvil. ”A blacksmith, Eh?” Cedric starts to spill off his dialog. Listening closely Reinholt nods once he’s done and a quest screen pops up on his menu, where he taps accept. ”Another gather and craft quest. Shouldn’t be too hard.” He mutters as he pushes his way back out of the door. He already knew where he was going to go. Northeast toward the lake region, he had heard about some interesting materials that could be found up there.

  25. Reinholt yawns loudly, sitting on the edge of his bed, having just woke up. Today was the day he planned on taking the quest that taught him how to Blacksmith. His days had been busy now, which was a great change from before. After sitting there and gathering his thoughts he rises to his feet and starts to get dressed for the day, while eating some bread and dried meat for breakfast. After settling everything into place be exits his room at the Inn and makes his way out into the street.

    He pulls up his map and studies it for a moment. From what information he could gather from the Quest boards and what not he was looking to a Smithy ran by a NPC by the name of Cedric Leighton. After a few moments he finds the shop he was looking for and marks it on his map. As he starts to head that way he begins to think about what he was going to make. A sword perhaps, But then again armor would be nice too. He weighs his options while walking toward Cedric’s shop.

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