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Posts posted by Reinholt

  1. Reinholt nods toward @Fetu Lagi. "Nice to meet you Fetu Lagi." He says just before Pinball puts on his little show and charges off like a crazy person. Chuckling he motions for Fetu Lagi to follow him. "Naw, it should probably clear up soon. I'd like to get back before dark so lets hit to road." He had to admit, Pinball's ghost cat thing familiar was pretty cool. He had heard there was a special quest that granted a familiar, but it could get hard so he decided it would best to wait until he was a big higher level. "Just stick near me when we get into combat and let me attack first. What kind of weapon to you use? I have a 2handed straight sword that i don't need anymore that you might benefit from." He was trying to help the kid, plus he didn't any use for his old sword. The stats might benefit Fetu Lagi and he would feel better knowing he helped someone else instead of just making some Col off it.

  2. Reinholt was already in his combat gear. It was pretty much what he stayed in unless he was going to sleep or some such. At the mention of a storm he opens his menu and searches through his inventory. After a moment, a ragged looking, grey hooded appears over his armor. It was made from a heavy cloth. He rises to his feet and stretches, stifling a yawn. "I'm ready, if you are. Storm or no storm, we'll be fine. I'm sure." He spins on his heel and makes his way to the door, trying to open the door gently even in the wind. With a grunt he steps outside, the wind whipping at his poncho. "So whats the quest we're going on anyway?" He says over the wind, pulling the hood of his poncho up. He didn't much care for the weather. Hopefully it would pass pretty quick. "What floor is it on? This one or a different one. I honestly have been up here on the 8th much, so I dont know what quests there even are up here."

  3. sketch-1523927550225.thumb.png.aa7fef7d232689d55fe0df9f9404421b.png

    A set of stone steps carved into the side of the cavern wall inside Nimbus leads to a heavy door. Above the door hung a sign that read 'Shield-Wolf's Forge'. Entering the shop you are greeted by a warm glow. Inside was lit by small crystals that lined the walls. It was shaped in a half circle with an elevated platform to the right where the forge was. Straight ahead was the counter, which completely separated the customer area and the shop area. Behind the counter to the right were stairs to the forging platform and to the left was another heavy door. The shop was sparsely decorated but did have the Shield-Wolf emblem set into the floor. There were a couple chairs near the counter and the in-stock items and prices hung on the short wall to the right.




    Rank 2 Blacksmith
    38/39 EXP
    3 crafts per day


    Rank 1
        [1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
        [2-5] = Fail (Lose materials)
        [6-9] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
        [10] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
        [11] = Rare item (2 slots)
        [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)


    Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 EXP

    Salvage crafts: +2 EXP

    Uncommon crafts: +3 EXP

    Rare crafts: +5 EXP

    Perfect crafts: +8 EXP


    [0-19 EXP] Rank 1 - Beginner Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 1 equipment. 2 crafts per day.
    [20-39 EXP] Rank 2 - Apprentice Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 2 equipment. 3 crafts per day.
    [40-79 EXP] Rank 3 - Professional Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 4 crafts per day.
    [80-159 EXP] Rank 4 - Experienced Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 5 crafts per day.
    [160-319 EXP] Rank 5 - Assistant Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 5 equipment. 6 crafts per day.
    [320-539 EXP] Rank 6 - Mentor Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 6 equipment. 7 crafts per day.
    [640-1279 EXP] Rank 7 - High Mentor Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 7 equipment. 8 crafts per day.
    [1280-2559 EXP] Rank 8 - Provisional Master Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 8 equipment. 9  crafts per day.
    [2560-5119 EXP] Rank 9 - Master Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 9 equipment. 10 crafts per day.
    [5120+ EXP] Rank 10 - Grand Master Blacksmith: Able to craft Tier 10 equipment. 11 crafts per day.



    Uncommon Item: 200 Col or 3 Materials

    Rare Item: 450 Col or 4 Materials

    Perfect Item: 700 Col or 7 Materials

    Col Prices are multiplied by tier, whereas material payment must be the requested item's tier.

    Order form:


    Item name:(What's it called?)

    Item type:(What is it?)

    Quality:(Which quality would you like?)

    Enhancement(s):(Refer to the link shown here http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15351-sao-rpg-resource-list/?do=findComment&comment=526228)

    Description:(Just let me know what it looks like or any details you want included.)








    Name: Heavy Greatsword

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank:1 

    Roll ID: 99835

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: 2H Straight Sword

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 2 slots Dmg

    Description: A heavy bladed two-handed straight sword made for dealing damage. 


    Name: Accurate Greatsword

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank:1

    Roll ID: 99971

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: 2H Straight Sword

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 2 slots Acc.

    Description: A slim bladed two-handed straight sword made for accurately hitting your opponent. 






  4. Reinholt smiles and chuckles with Pinball. He honestly didn't know if Pinball realized what he did before he did it or a happy coincidence. Either way it was a good laugh for the both of them. After the laughter had died down he watches the curious look across Pinball's face and means forward. "Hold habits die hard. Plus, I don't want to get used to have two eyes again, then go back to having the one when we get out of this game." He answers the unasked question. He had gotten it alot from other players so he already knew what what was going through Pinball's head. He listens to the bit about a dangerous quest and taps his fingers on the table, as if he was in deep thought. After a couple moments and bangs his fist lightly on the table and grins. "Danger is my middle name. Plus I'm always good to grind out some levels, find some treasure and the whole shebang. Just don't drudge up another one of those river monsters, eh?"

  5. Reinholt reaches over and picks up a donut. He holds it up and smirks at Pinball. "So cliche Pin. I thought you were better than that." With a chuckle he dips the donut into the hot chocolate before taking a bite. "Mhm. That's good." He says between bites and then touches his eyepatch "Used to be. An explosion made sure I'm not anymore. They don't much let cops run around with one eye. So by all means, do all the crack you want I'm not going to stop you." Grinning he takes a big gulp of his Hot chocolate and grabs a cookie, leaning back to get comfortable. "So what's up? You just enjoy my company that much you had to have me rush over here? He takes a bite of the cookie and nods, making the 'this is really good' motions with his hands and gives a thumbs up. This was some of the best sweets he'd has in game.

  6. Reinholt glares at Pinball as he brushes past him to close the door. He had already realized that Pinball was fibbing about being robbed. He's lucky I like him. Reinholt thinks to himself sourly as he sheathes his cobalt blade and flops into a chair. He is silent as Pinball searches his kitchen and smirks at the loud crash. "Yeah, I'll take a drink -and- a bite to eat since you thought it would be fun to make me run all the way here from where I was staying at on the 7th floor. I ought to bop you on your head for that. And next time you want my company, just ask. I used to be a Cop IRL and I literally ran all the way here, like a fool." He grumbles and leans back in his chair. Looking around the shop he make an appreciative face. The kid had a nice little place here. "Didn't know you had a shop, Pinhead. What, are you a cook?"

  7. Reinholt was in Nimbus on the 7th floor. Just hanging out in an Inn, browsing the boards. He stifles a yawn, just as a message came in. He lazily opens it. Eh, it's Pinball. What does he want?.. He thinks to himself as he starts to read it.


    From: @Pinball 

    Subject: N/A 


    I don't know if you've ever been to my shop, but now would be a good time. I'm getting robbed by a gang of players. Hiding under my counter. Come quickly. Floor 8. Just run through the spawn, at an angle slightly to the left; I don't know the exact location, but my shop is hard to miss. Hurry. 

    After the first line he had set up, quickly reading the rest. With an loud curse he sprints out of the inn, knocking his table over and a couple of players down. Damnit Pin. I'm coming.. with that he sprints through the streets and toward the teleporter. He slides to a stop in the teleporter. "Teleport Florenthia!" He shouts and instantly dematerializes, only to materialize on the 8th floor. As soon as he could move he was sprinting. Cursing under his breath as he runs, he covers the distance pretty quick. He follows the poor directions and soon finds himself in clearing facing a stone cottage near a single tree. As he nears the building he draws Darukai, taking his sword in both hands he slams his shoulder into the door. Crashing through the door, he slides to a stop, his sword ready and his eyes scanning the room...only to find Pinball relaxing in a chair and no one else in the room. "Pin.." He pants, deeply winded from running all that way. "What..the...hell?"

  8. Name: Heavy Greatsword

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank:1 

    Roll ID: 99835

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: 2H Straight Sword

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 2 slots Dmg

    Description: A heavy bladed two-handed straight sword made for dealing damage.


  9. Reinholt approaches the anvil again. One way or another he wasn't giving up. He was alot of things, but a quitter wasn't one of them. With a calming sigh he lifts the hammer above his head and begins molding the material he had on the anvil. The material begins to glow and form under the hammer. After what seemed like an eternity of shaping the material into its new form, he brings the hammer down one last time and the glow fade. With an accomplished grin he sets the hammer aside and takes hold of his first creation. A large two-handed straight sword with a dark blade and purple and gold hilt. He hefts the sword, admiring his handy work. He brings up the stats and smile. "A rare item. Not too bad for my first sword." He says as he loads the item into his inventory and turns to Cedric.

    "Congratulations Reinholt. You've learned all i have to teach. You are now a blacksmith." Cedric says, causing a quest complete screen to pop up. He accepts the rewards with a grin. "Thanks Old man. Time for me to hit the road." He says as he gathers his this and leaves the shop.

    (ID#99835 CD=11 2H Straight Sword crafted)

  10. Reinholt had his menu pulled up and with a shrug he swipes it away. Guess I did put a notice up and didn't realize it. He offers a smile toward the new player. "Yeah I'm Reinholt." He says and turns his attention toward Pinball. "Hey Pin. How's it going bud?" He chuckles at the mentions of a quest and nods his head. "Yeah, I was doing this <<Long Live the Queen>> quest. It's a field boss, that I can probably solo, but you're both more than happy to tag along." He pulls up his menu and sends both players a party request, before turning toward the player that hadn't introduced himself. With a smirk, he brushes the hair out of his face again .He felt confident that no harm would come to this other player. Between himself, with his new gear, and Pinball who was probably triple their level, there was no reason to worry at all.

    @Fetu Lagi


  11. Reinholt had been wondering the 1st floor, fairly bored to be honest. He was waiting to find a party to take on some of the tougher quests that were around his level, so he thought he could go out and see if he could help someone lower than him, or perhaps just gather some materials as he was -trying- to become a blacksmith. With a bored sigh he wonders, pretty aimlessly around with his thumbs tucked into his belt.

    He wore his Dragon bone armor, mainly because he never knew where the day would take him and wanted to be prepared if he had to jump in and help someone or ran into a bigger monster down here. Man, i need to find a party, or maybe just join a guild. I should be grinding levels right now. He heard a player speak, talking about a profession. Then he sees another player with a Dragon Familiar who seemed to be playing with his familiar. He walks toward the first player, the one who who spoke of deciding his profession and offers a smile. "I've decided on Blacksmith myself. I haven't became one yet, but I'm working on it."

  12. Reinholt had taken note of the other players. The only one that looked vaguely familiar was the blacksmith from the 7th floor, the one who made the sword that was on his hip. @Vigilon was it? He thinks to himself as he makes it back toward the bar. There were more people here than He though would show, but this was good for people. To socialize and just have fun, made the death game bearable to the players stuck there. Another player approached the bar and ordered a black tea.  After a moment she turns to him and says hello. He offers @Macaroon a smile and tips his glass toward her. "Good evening, Miss." He says in a friendly tone. He sits his glass down on the bar and his left hand rests on the hilt of his sword. Just touching it his could feel the electricity surge through it. He was the only one with a weapon that he saw, but he didn't care.

  13. Reinholt pushes the hair back off his face with a sour grumble. Damn this rain. I should wait till it clears up. But It’s already accepted. Might as well get it done. He thinks to himself with a sigh. He could feel the rain running down his face and dripping off his beard. He hears steps behind him and he starts to turn, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword. He knew, being in a safe zone he was safe but being a cop, his hand moved before he realized what he was doing. He see’s a youngish kid walking pretty quickly toward him, looking like he had a question. Reinholt was about to greet the player when another player comes crashing to the ground behind him. He hesitates for a moment, but then the player starts to rise to his feet. "Pinball!? What are you doing up there?" He narrows his eyes and an amused grin spreads across his face. "Were you stalkin me?"

    @Fetu Lagi


  14. Parties weren't really Reinholt's thing, but it was a chance to meet some other players, maybe make some contacts for future quest parties. Plus he was taking a day off of the grind, so why not attempt to socialize a bit? He had unequipped his armor and instead wore a red and Gold sleeveless surcoat with the Shield-Wolf emblem emblazzioned on it. Under the surcost he wore a plain white, long sleeved shirt, black pants and boots. Granted, his armor was just a few menus away in his inventory, just in case. He did have his sword Darukai sheathed on his left hip, as he felt naked without a weapon. He enters the party, taking the faces of everyone in, and walks toward the bar. There were other players there already in conversation so he ordered a water to drink and walked around, sipping his drink and offering a friendly smile to those around him.

  15. Reinholt was surprised at the amount of players that had turned up for Sharr's message. Seven other players had shown up, eight including him. One of which was Pinball, that guy was every where it seemed. One of them, he was pretty sure was a Front-Liner, but he wasnt for sure. But the turn out for one players call for aid, made him smile. Everyone seemed to be doing their part, the number of wolves had dwindled to two, one of which was critically wounded. "They're almost down for the count. Just two more. Not that we have anything to worry about.." He casts a glance toward Pinball, whom he knows was a decent high level, and then to the player he thought was a Front-liner. With a nod he turns toward the wolves and takes his sword in both hands before lunging forward. He swings his sword in a heavy over head blow, it tears through the wolf, sending it crashing to the earth. With a smirk he steps back away from the last remaining wolf, relaxing his stance and watches the many other players, to see what they were going to do.


    (Attack vs Wolf DMG: 5+2=7

    ID#99768 Attack vs wolf 2. BD=10

    0-0]Krysta: HP 297/300, EN 22/30 | 7 DMG | 18 MIT

    [2-0]Sharr: HP 17/20, EN 0/2 | 1 DMG

    Reinholt: HP 60/60, EN 0/6 | 5 DMG

    [0-0]Vigilon: HP 439/440, EN 39/49 | 6 DMG | 9 MIT | 1 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 Bleed | 2 Recovery

    [0-0] Pinball: HP 580/580, EN 50/58 | 14 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA

    Hestia: 1285/1285  ENG:111/124   MIT:151  Thorns: 54  DMG:6  Para: 2  Bleed: 2  REc: 1 Reg: 1 1:ACC  EVA:-1

    [0-1] Arabelle: HP 60/60, EN 2/6 | 4 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 Para


    Wolf 1: HP 7/10, 3 DMG

    Wolf 2: HP 0/10

  16. Reinholt shrugged his shoulders. The boar pup ran at him again but Reinholt is able to strike it in mid-stride. The boar pup hits the ground, dead. With a sigh he swings his sword up and sheathes it onto his back. He goes to looting the corpses of the freshly dead boar pups, kneeling beside each corpse and looking for materials. The first two offered a material, but the third gave nothing. While still kneeling, he looks up and studies the surrounding area. Guess we gotta go find some more. He rises to his feet and looks at Embers.

    "If a dragon were to land right now and try to eat you, I would push you out of the way and distract it while you got away, and i dont even really like you. ITs just the way I'm wired." He says as he starts to walk away. He tucks his thumbs into his belt as he walks. "Got to find one more boar pup material. you come or go back, its up to you though." He calls to her over his shoulder.


    ID# 99717 Attack v boar pup2 BD=7+1=8

    Dmg: 5


    Reinholt: HP 54/60 ENG: 2/6

    Boar pup2 0/5


    ID#99718 looting boar pup 1 LD=16 1 material found

    ID#99719 looting boar pup 2 LD=18 1 material found

    ID#99720 looting boar pup 3 LD=5 nothing found.

    2/3 materials found.


  17. Reinholt had decided it was time to upgrade his vanity eyepatch to a perfect quality trinket. He could use the stat boost and had some extra Col, so he decided to go to one of the better artisans he had heard about. He enters the shop, nodding toward the shop keeper. He quietly browses the shop for a few moments, before walking to the counter and fetches a folded peice of paper from a pocket. He unfolds it and lays it on the counter. "I'd like to order a commission. A tier 1, perfect quality item. From what I've heard of the shop, I look forward to the finished product." He smiles as he renders payment for the item. "Just shoot me a message or something when it's done. Thanks again!" He says as he leaves the shop.


    Name: Shield-Wolf's Eyepatch 
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 7
    ID:  (leave blank)
    Roll: (leave blank)
    Item Type: trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: +3 Acc
    Description: A normal looking black leather eye patch with a metal emblem on it.(emblem pictured)



    (Payment sent)

  18. Reinholt had just made it to Horunka. He was coming to complete a quest he had heard about back in the Town of Beginnings, to retrieve some medicine or some such. With a yawn he walks around town, looking for the building the player had told him about. Once he found it he disappears inside for sometime. When he cones back out he has a troubled look on his face. Numbers, aggressive, and territorial. Great. Might be better to find some help for this one. He thinks to himself and looks around for a moment. He spots another player near by, sitting on a bench and nods his head. Approaching with a smile, he stops a respectful distance away and holds his hand up in a wave. "Pardon me. But I just accepted this quest and it sounds like things could get out of hand pretty quick so I was wondering if you would like to go with and maybe get some XP?" He says as he assesses her level the best he can without actually knowing, by her armor and other visible equiptment. He assumed she was around his level or maybe a bit higher, or else she probably wouldn't be hanging out on the first floor. Either way, a sword was a sword.


  19. Reinholt feels foolish posting this, as he didn't need an eye patch,  but he was used to wear f one IRL. So he did here too. But he was looking to get a custom one made that actually did something for him. He sat in an Inn in the city of Nimbus on the 7th floor, he browsed some for for sale posts and couldn't find aything so he thought maybe he could commission it. Pulling up the message boards he starts to type out a message.

    Don't know if this the right place for this but here goes nothing. Looking to get a trinket, or a peice of jewelry made. Guess it could be either or. I'm looking for a perfect quality tier 1 eyepatch.


    Yes you read that right. I'm looking to have aan eyepatch commissioned. Willing to pay reasonable price in col or mats. Shoot me a private message if you or someone you know is able to craft such an item.

  20. Reinholt stood in his room at an Inn on the second floor. He was preparing to take on a low level Field boss called the <<Wind Wasp Queen>>. He was fairly certain he could take it down by himself, especially with his new armor and sword. He looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the Dragon bone armor. The only thing that wasnt covered was his head, but the rest of it looked pretty cool, if he did say so himself. Along with his cobalt blue sword and his new Sword Arts that he got with those three levels he got while he was with Pinball, he was pretty confident that he wouldn't run into anything he couldn't handle. With a smirk, he leaves the room and the Inn altogether, stepping out into the streets of Urbus. It was raining steadily outside and Reinholt grumbles sourly.  But Urbus was a fairly large city so he decided to get on his way. He hooks thumbs into his belt and starts to walk through the streets toward the east. Rain or shine, he was had a Wasp to kill.



    @Fetu Lagi

  21. Reinholt utters a curse and hurls the hammer across the room. This was the fifth failure in a row and his temper was starting to flare. Surely it wasn't this hard for everyone, he had to be missing something. Cedric attempted to say something but Reinholt waves him away. This is crap. What am I doing wrong? With his frustration building he was nearly ready to quit. He fumed around the shop for some time. Perhaps this wasn't for him. Maybe he would be better suited for something else. With a sour grumble he walks to a decanter of water and pours himself as cup. He drinks the water with a sigh.

    No. I will be a blacksmith. I just have to keep at it. No one is great at something in the beginning. Practice makes perfect. He walks over and picks up his hammer. "Alright Cedric. What other advice do you have for me?" He asks and then listens to Cedric as he talks preparing another peice of material for the anvil.

    (ID#99684 CD=2)

  22. Reinholt was determined to forge this blade and become a blacksmith. The ting of his hammer on the material feels the room. The material begins to glow and begins to form, but the glow fades and Reinholt sighs. The process left him a hunk and twisted -something-. It wasn't the materials it once was but it certainly wasn't a sword. "Well, its not a sword, but at least i didn't lose the material." He mutters as he examines the material that was able to be saved. He turns it over in his hand, then lays it back down on the anvil. With a sigh he sets down his hammer and walks away from the anvil. He leans against the wall and slides to the floor, ignoring Cedric's words of wisdom. He didn't need to hear it. He knew what needed to happen it was just not working for him. After a few moments, he rises back to his feet and walks back to the anvil. "Alright, lets get this done with already."


    (LD#99682 CD=7 LD=13)

  23. Reinholt enters the shop with a smile on his face. Seemed he wasnt the only one that took a liking to the 7th floor. He waves at the owner. "Lo, there. Lookin for so.e upgraded armor and sword.." He says but trails off as he spots something that he likes. A suit of heavy armor then a sword that was displayed near it. Both perfect quality items that would do him well until his custom order was done. 

    "I think I'll take these off your hands." He says and walks over to the counter, pulling his menus up and initiate a trade. "1400 col for the heavy armor and two-handed sword there?" He motions to the items In question and waits for his awnser.

    (Payment sent)


  24. Reinholt heard her talking, which made him think of that day, which distracted him. He swings wide of the boar pup that was still alive, allowing it to rush in and fire him with its small tusks. Muttering under his breath he looks over at Embers.

    "Explosion. Mid shootout with some thugs. My partner had a wife and kids. Made it out with a broken arm." He looks away from her and to the boar pup. " He would of died then I would of had to explain to his kids with their dad wasn't coming home. What's done is done but I'd do it all over again if I had to."

    His entire body language changed as he drug out his bad memories. But he pushed then away and resumed his fighting stance. " Probably more than you care to know about a weakling such as myself, but you asked." He focuses his attention back on the boar pup. That little turd wasn't going to hit him again.



    BD=5 miss

    MD=8 hit


    Reinholt: HP 54/60 Eng 2/6

    Boar pup2: 5/5)

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