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Posts posted by Reinholt

  1. With all that had happened today it felt good to be in the calm wilderness again. Then suddenly Pinball jumps onto a rock and starts dividing up the loot. When the trade came across Reinholt almost objected, but stopped himself as he doubted It would do him any good. So he accepts It and nods as Pinball lists who to look for in the Guardians, he makes a mental note of the two shops and three names. He smiles at Pinball.

    "It was fun. Next time I promise to pull my weight in our adventures." He sighs and looks around. "I like it up here. Unless I'm busy with a quest I'll probably be hanging in Nimbus. Feel free to look me up if you ever need an adventure partner." Reinholt holds his hand up in a wave. "Take care of yourself Pal." He turns to look out at the Rocky terrain for a moment before bidding a final farewell and turning back toward Nimbus.

  2. Reinholt nods and puts the potion back into his inventory. Pinball insisted the rewards be split so Reinholt shrugs as he moves to walk next to Pinball. "I guess if you insist, who am I to turn down free col?" he chuckles and hooks his thumbs in his belt again as they walked. All in all it had been a fun, rewarding day. He felt on top of the levels and other rewards that he asnd this kid could be friends at the end of the day too. Plus he was in the Guardians of the New Dawn.

    "Thank you for letting me join you today. I'll repay the favor one of these days, my friend." He says and pats Pinball shoulder. There were those that believed friends made you weak, but in reality it was the opposite. Either way, he counted the kid as a friend and would pay back his kindness one day.

  3. Reinholt watches as the beast weapon hits Pinball and sends him flying. Worriedly he watches Pinball's health drop in the party menu. Thank God. He's still in green, however just barely. With a sigh of relief he watches as Pinball unleashes his attack and starts to cheer as the monster suffers an icy death. He moves forward toward Pinball, scrolling through his inventory.

    "See, I knew you could take that ugly thing." He materializes a health potion in his hand and offers it to Pinball. "Won't do much for you but it's the best I have." He says as he stops beside Pinball. He looks out over the frozen remains as they start to disappear. One day he would be strong enough to be able to take monsters like that, but he was smarter than running head long into a fight he knew he couldn't win. "Split? Naw man. You did all the work. I was the faulty cheerleader that could of got you killed. You keep it."

  4. Reinholt's stomach sinks as the beast breaks free and swings at Pinball. But the nimble spearman easily avoids the attack and then counters with the same Sword Art as the first time. The devastating attack drives the monster to it's knee. "Yea.." he starts to shout again but stops himself.

    Pinball stands before the injured monster and asks him if he wants to come try and hit It. Chuckling Reinholt shakes his head. "I'd be like a Chihuahua biting at a dragon. There's not point in it. Besides, you got it handled just fine, my man. So by all means, go ahead and finish it off. I'm just gonna stand here like a good Chihuahua and yep from the sidelines if that's ok with you. " Reinholt call back to Pinball. Even though the fight could of been over if Reinholt hadn't distracted him he could still joke around. Reinholt respected people who could joke in the face of danger.

  5. The excitement fades as he realizes he was more of a distraction and he falls completely silent once Pinball's attack misses. Pinball barks at him, calling him a turd and Reinholt's cheeks nearly catch fire. He slowly stops pumping his fist and puts his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck. Lord I'm so stupid..If he dies now..

    "You know what? I'm just gonna stand here and be quiet, yeah? Let you deal with the scary monster." he nods and steps back. Super embarrassed and he felt bad. That attack could of ended the whole thing but Reinholt ruined it. "Atleast it's kind of still frozen...right?" he says before making the motion of zipping his lips. If things went sideways now it would be Reinholt's fault. He felt absolutely awful. Hopefully Pinball could turn this around and best the crap out of the big ugly. 

  6. Reinholt winced as the creature lumbers forward and swings the heavy mace at Pinball. Thankfully Pinball easily avoids the attack and Reinholt watches in near awe as Pinball executes his Sword Art. He couldn't wait till he held such power at his finger tips. He ached to unsheathe his swkrd and charge at the monster but knew it would surelt be a death sentance for him. The monster grinds to a halt, obviously frozen from Pinball's attack.

    "Yeah Pin! You show that dirty lizard who's boss!" He shouts and starts to laugh. He was literal moral support this time around. But it's all good. Reinholt was ok with being a cheerleader until he was as strong as Pinball. "Hope you ready to take a dirt nap Ugly! Pinball is gonna destroy you!" Reinholt pumps his fist in the air, waiting and hollering like he was watching a high school football game. It felt ridiculous.

  7. Reinholt was just sitting there, leaning on his rock and minding his own business when Pinball shouted and moments later the ground shook. His eye snaps open and sees the large scaled river monster before Pinball and he jumps to His feet. He assesses the situation before him. That was a hell of a monster. I doubt i could even hurt it..but one hit from it would probably kill me. He thinks to himself before sliding down off the rock he was on and swinging wide of the monster and Pinball.

    "Pin, that thing looks significantly meaner than the snake. I'm willing to bet not only will I not be able to actually damage it, it could take me out with one hit." He stays out of engagement range of Pinball and the monster, his inventory screen pulled up. "I'll stay back. I got some healing items if you need them, but I don't want you worrying about me while fighting that thing. Just let me know what I can do to help. His voice was calm, but his inner voice screamed to no end to run like hell. But he couldn't leave Pinball. He could atleast offer his potions if Pinball needed them. So he stood there, waiting and watching.

  8. Reinholt nods. Liked the way it sounded even more, having a group in power vs a singular point of power. Less corruption and generally better atmosphere when things are like that. ”Sounds like something I’d like to be a part of. I’m not ready to join yet though. I want to work on myself a bit more before I join anyone.” He says as they arrive at the pond. Pinball gets his fishing rod and Reinholt smirks as he looks around at the rocky terrain. He had heard about random treasure chests so while Pinball started to fish he thought he would search around the area looking for a possible treasure chest.


    After awhile he sighs and flops down on a decent sized rock that was a bit higher than the pond itself. "Well Pin, there's no treasure chests that i could find around here. Maybe you'll have better luck fishing." He says, leaning back on his hands and stretching his feet out in front of him. Being out and about with other players was alot nicer than being solo, that's for sure.


    (ID#99620 LD=11 nothing found.]

  9. Reinholt hooks his thumbs on his belt and makes a face. He hated sand and anywhere that had sand. With a huff he listens to Pinball as starts to speak of the Guardians of the New Dawn. What are the chances I'd run into someone In the very guild I've been scoping out? Luck was definitely in his favor.

    "I am looking to join a guild and have heard good things about the Guardians. It's even more fortunate that I met you now." He nods his head and offers Pin a smile. Granted, he wanted to put a little more work in on grinding out some levels before he actually joined a Guild, it would be nice to have an inside man so to speak. He was about half way to where he wanted to be before joining a Guild, so it wouldn't be much longer. Once he got to level 10 and got his gear straightened out he would be set.

  10. Reinholt starts to chuckle. So that's her problem. It wasn't hard to spot the fact he was a cop IRL. Especially if you were on the other side of the law. His chuckles die off and he shakes his head. "Yeah, I was a Cop and with your attitude I should of known where you stood with Lawmen." He looks off in the distance. "But that's the great thing about SAO. It doesn't matter who we are IRL. We are here now and while I will help other players when they need it, I'm not a cop anymore. Not here or IRL."

    He touches the eyepatch that covers his right eye. "Gangland explosion. Burns on about 75% of my body and lost my eye. All to save my partner." He shrugs his heavy shoulders. "So quite frankly I don't care who you are, here or IRL. You seem like a strong person and I like to surround myself with strong people." He spots a pack of three boar pups and hefts his sword off his back, striding forward in front of Embers. "Cause you're right, I am green and there's only one way to change that." He lunges forward and his blade glows white as he slashes two horizontal strokes at the now squealing boar pups.

    His slashes hit the first and third boar pup, killing them instantly, but misses the second boar pup who charges at Reinholt and slams it's  body into his leg.



    (ID#99614 Vs Boar pup1 BD=9
    ID#99615 VS Boar pup2 BD=5 MD=6
    ID #99616 Vs Boar pup3 BD=9

    Sword Art Blast(x2) hit Boar pup 1 and 3


    Boar pup 2 hit with body slam.

    Reinholt- HP 57/60 ENG 2/6

    Boar Pup1: Dead
    Boar Pup2: 5/5
    Boar Pup3: Dead) 


  11. "Yeah I guess face planting in the sand is more fun than getting eaten by a giant snake dude." Renholt says with a chuckle and takes Pinball's hand before rising to his feet. He had sand in -all- the places and he wiggles a bit to and shake it out. As he retrieves his sword, his rewards screen pops up and a grin slides across his face. [/color]Nice. Two levels and I didn't even really do anything. Plus I got a poison coating for my sword..sweet.[/color]

    He dismisses the rewards and sheathes his sword. Wanting to get to know this kid a little better, but not wanting to pry too much Reinholt watches Pinball  go back up the path the way they came for a moment before starting to walk after him. " So Pin, you in a guild or anything like that?" An innocent enough question, especially considering Reinholt had been looking at Guilds to join.

  12. His sword held ready, Reinholt waits for the plan, only just as Pinball started talk the damned thing bursts up from the sand. Pinball shoves Reinholt backwards before rushing forward himself. With a shake of his head Reinholt swings wide, hoping to flank the monster and hit it from its side or tail. Where ever was furthest away from the beasties fangs.

    He barely notices Pinball flying through the air as he himself surged forward, his sword raised above his head. He is mere steps away from the serpent when the whole thing flashes blue then shatters. He had already started the motion of swinging his sword and the momentum of it, added to the fact his target was no longer there, threw him off balance. After stumbling forward a few steps he topples into the sand. "Ugh. Sand in the mouth." While still in the sand, on his back he looks over and Pinball. "Well Pin, looks like you legit didn't need me at all. Thanks for letting me tag along and reap the rewards of your hard work." He chuckles and rises to a sitting position. He had worried for nothing and this whole thing gave him a great deal of respect for Pinball. Hopefully one day he could return the favor.

  13. Reinholt had heard about a Blacksmith on the 4th floor, ran by a player, that did good work that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. He disliked the 4th floor. Never was a big fan of snow IRL and now having to walk In it was miserable. With it crunching underfoot, he grumbles to himself. Spotting the shop he enters quickly, kicking off any excess snow from his boots.

    He enters the shop and waves to the girl by the anvil and her familiar. "Howdy. How're we doing this fine, snowy day? He offers a smile and goes about browsing her instock wares. Not finding what he was looking for he approaches the main counter. "I'm looking to get some items made, a Sword in particular. Would you be up for it?" He asks before explaining the details of the items.



  14. What am I doing? Seriously what do I have to prove? Reinholt thinks to himself as the get closer and closer to the area where the snake is. This game wasn't like real life where everyone was evenly matched. Here a just a couple levels difference and you're screwed. He shakes his head, pushing those thoughts out of his mind. Just think of the XP. I need it. With a sigh he brings his focus back to what was going on around him. He notices that mountains give way to sand and thinks that they most be close. He forces his mind clear and pushes his anxiety away. He was ready.

    Pinball announces they were there and Reinholt nods. He reaches up and grabs the hilt of his sword. "What's the plan once the snake spawns?" He asks as he draws his sword. This was the biggest thing he had fought and didn't want to be caught off guard. 

  15. Reinholt was pretty good at reading people and could tell that he had touched a sore spot. Letting it slide he watches as Pinball follows the stream to the 'pond' and kneels next to the stream.  He cups his hands and catches water in them and then slurps it out of his hands. Ah, nice and cool..plus I don't have to worry bout it being poisoned. Reinholt chuckles to himself, remembering back home where you had to be super careful about drinking water like this. Pinball starts speaking fishing and Reinholt shrugs his shoulders.

    "I haven't fished in game yet, but I'm used to love it IRL. But like I said. I have nothing better to do but adventuring and if that means sitting by a very picturesque pond with a nice view, I'm totally down." He rises to his feet and nods toward the path. "Well lets go then. The sandy snake is a-waitin."

  16. Reinholt followed closely behind Pinball. Far enough that he wasn't stepping on Pinball's heels but close enough to talk without having to yell. He was curious about Pinball. From the chance meeting to running through the streets, to now traversing the seventh floor in search of Glory and Exp, all within a short period of time. While it was exceedingly foolish for Reinholt to take part of this quest with Pinball, he felt like he could trust the kid.

    He chuckles at Pinball's 'back before lunch' comment. "What, you got a hot lunch date?" He says, trying to break the ice a little better. " I'm joking. We can go as fast or as slow as you want Party leader. I'm just a long for the ride and have a pretty empty schedule." He pauses for a moment to look out at the mountainous region before them. He liked it up here and if he ever got a house or a shop or anything he'd probably put it in Nimbus.

  17. Reinholt sighs and shakes his head. This girl was obviously just not a happy person. He had met a couple of these players with big superiority issues and for the most part he hated them. Unfortunately, unless he wanted to be mean to her, which he did not, he was stuck trying to be nice. He falls silent as they walk, but after a little while he looks over at her.

    "Look, you probably are higher level than me, which by default makes you stronger than me. All I was trying to do was break the ice and lighten the mood and maybe make a new friend. I'm sorry if my weakness offends you but let's face it, you were my level once too." He sighs again. "I get it. You're miss tough stuff. Once I kill these boars we can part ways and never have to talk again. Deal?" He finishes with a shake of his head. He wasn't looking for someone to hold his hand or to be his best bud. But it is what it is.


  18. Even as big as he was Reinholt kept up with Pinball effortlessly. He chuckles after Pinball calls him mean and then shrugs his shoulders. "You'll be alright." He definitely had to tone himself down from how he used to be IRL. He felt if he treated the other player like he treated young people IRL, It would he bad for him as most if these kids had fought for their lives for almost two years now. So he tried to treat them like adults for the most part. With a shake of his head, he thinks back to the task at hand. Since Pinball had already taken the quest, Reinholt had no problem taking the back seat and following and Pinballs lead. Especially is this monster was a lot stronger than Reinholt was. "Sounds good just let me know what the plan is and I will try to stay out of your way." He says alking alongside Pinball. Since he can obviously take care of himself, I'll follow his lead. For now atleast.

  19. (OOC: This is my first large battle so just let me know if I do anything wrong.)


    Reinhold smirks. Four wolves and four of them, with two of them appearing to be higher level players, this shouldn't be an issue. He readies himself for another attack and after guessing that is higher than the player who sent the message he decides to stick close to him. "Hey stay close to me I'll try to keep them off you." He says as he bends his knees and lunges forward.  His sword begins to  glow as he slashes at  one of the wolves but it nimbly dodges his attack and sinks it's  teeth into his arm. It shakes his head back and forth for a moment before Reinholt breaks free and backpeddles away from the wolves, careful to get out of the way of another AOE attack. With his energy depleted be curses under his breath. No more Sword Arts unless I can take a breather..Hopefully Mr.Ice dragon over there can lay down the law with another AOE. He thinks to himself as he glances over at the other two higher level players.

    Sword art straight v wolf 5

    HP: 54/60
    ENG: 0/6)


  20. Reinholt hammers on the material before him. He watched as the material started to glow and excitement started to build in him. The material shifts and then suddenly implodes in a shower of sparks. He resists the urge to hurl the hammer across the room. Instead he sets the hammer head on the anvil and closes his eyes. This was proving to be much harder than He thought it would be. He attempts to center himself, inhaling and exhaling slowly. After a couple moments he opens his eyes and nods his head. That was two prices if material lost completely. Thankfully he had gathered an extra material on his way back. Either way if he couldn't get this down he would run out of materials, no matter how many he found before coming. With a deep breath he takes another material and places it onto the anvil. Maybe lucky number three would be the winner.


    (LD# 99465 CD=3)

  21. Reinholt hammers on the material before him. He watched as the material started to glow and excitement started to build in him. This is it. Its going to work this time. He thinks to himself as the material shifts and then suddenly implodes  in a shower of sparks. Sighing, Reinholt looks at Cedric. "This is harder than I thought. But I can do this." He says and starts to pull another material out of his inventory. Placing it on the anvil before him, he raises the hammer up but Cedric stops him. "You must visualize what it is you're making. Focus. Try again." Reinholt nods and lifts the hammer again. Lost That all together that time. Got to get this right or I won't have any left soon. With a renewed focus he begins to shape his desired sword in his minds eye, picturing it as clear as if he held it in his hands. Once ready he starts to swing his hammer again.

    (ID#99458 CD=4 Lost 1 material.)

  22. Cedric begins instructing Reinholt in the craft of Blacksmithing. He listened closely to what Cedric taught and soon it was time to try it out for himself. He gets his materials ready and begins the process of forging it into a sword and is soon hammering on it to shape it into the item he wanted to craft. The rhythmic tune of the hammer actually relaxes Reinholt a great deal. He could feel his stress level drastically decrease. Only, he loses focus on the craft and winds up with  a twisted hunk of nothing. With a sigh, Reinholt turns to Cedric. ”Don’t worry. All is not loss yet, that piece of material can be salvaged.” Reinholt nods and sets the hammer down. ”I need a moment.” Reinholt says and closes his eyes and begins trying to focus himself on the task at hand. He was lucky that he hadn’t blown his material with his shoddy workmanship. With a sigh he nods. ”Let’s try this again.”  


    CD=7 Fail

    LD=16 Material scavenged


  23. The rest of Reinholt's trip back to the Town was pretty uneventful. He avoided fighting anything else and decided it was best to focus on the task at hand. He hooks his thumbs into his belt as he walks through town back towards Cedrics Shop. He can't help but to feel excitement, as he had always wanted to learn how to blacksmith and even though this would be completely different than IRL blacksmithing it would still be fun. Plus this would give him a way to earn some spare Col and trade for other gear.

    He arrives at Cedric's shop and walks toward the quest giver. "I'm back with the materials." Reinholt says to Cedric who offers a smile and beckons him to the forge. "Come forward and learn what I have to teach you." With a determined nod, Reinholt moves forward to the forge and picks up the hammer.

  24. Reinholt calms his mind and raises his sword high again. Exhailing a deep breath and watches the boar. It tore at the dirt with its front hooves and foamed at the mouth. The boar charges forward, leaving a small dust trail behind it. Reinholt sidesteps the boar and delivers a powerful veritcal slash to the boar that lands just  at the base of the beast's skull. The force of the blow cleaves the head of the boar off and a second later both the head and body fade into digital death. Reinholt sighs in relief. "Well, that was fun. But I guess i need to get back now." He sheathes his sword across his back and turns back toward his quest marker. He was disappointed that after all that work those Boar hadn't even dropped any loot. Shrugging his shoulders he presses on No more distractions. Complete the quest and move on. He thinks to himself as he walks.


    ID#99456 v boar1
    BD v boar1= 10

    Hit    DMG:5+2=7


    ENG: 1/6 (2-1=1)




  25. Gritting his teeth Reinholt readies himself for the next attack. Hoping to make quick work of this last boar so he could get back to Town and finish his quest. Granted, he choose to fight these beasts, but he didn't expect it to take as much time. With a shake of his head he puts his head back into the fight. He lunges at the boar, his sword held high. The blade begins to glow as he initiates his Sword art. He strikes at the boar, hitting him with the Sword Art. The boar squeals in pain and slashes at Reinholt with its tusk. Not being able to escape the blow, Reinholt takes another hit to the side and grunts. He moves backward, panting slightly. This was probably the roughest fight he's been. It was his fault for underestimating the boars, but it was close to being over now. He holds his blade low, waiting for the boar to make its move.



    ID#99455 v boar1
    Attacks with Sword Art Straight
    BD v boar1= 8

    Hit    DMG:5*2=10

    Boar1 MD=7
    Hit   DMG:9


    ENG: 1/6 (3-2=)

    HP: 5/15



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