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Posts posted by Alec

  1. As Alec approached the giant four legged fish creature the sheer size and magnitude of his opponent became apparent to him as the King of Lakes dwarfed his own oversized frame. The creature was gargantuan in scale, easily standing over ten feet tall. Holding his frost rimmed shield before him the large man stepped forward his Battle Ax held at his side. As he came within reach he tried to activate his Sword Art Perunic Crash but as he tried nothing happened leaving Alec with a cool sense of trouble in his heart as he watched the beast lumber forward it’s massive mouth gaping open and spreading unfathomably wide as with a growing sense of dread Alec watched the beast engulf nearly his whole body before with a surge of unimaginable power launched itself into the air and with a colossal bound and sailed through the air once more to splash into the water dragging Alec deeper and deeper into the lake. As they neared the bottom of the lake the beast released its grip upon the large man and resurfaced leaving Alec deep under water and all alone.  


    Alec misses with Perunic Crash of King of Lakes (2 EN -1 = 1 EN)




    Roll: 155522

    BD: 3 (Miss)

    MD: 10 

    <<Dive>> On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigatable damage and need to swim back to the shore, missing their next attack.

    Frost Thorns:  6 Unmitigated Frost damage - 1/2 turns


    Alec - HP:  1125-150=975/1125 | EN: 108-1=107/108 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 0 | EVA: -1 | BH: 33 | THN: 48 | FROST THNS: Crit = 6 Unmitigated Frost damage each enemy turn for 2 turns

    Stonewall: - 25% DoT

    Humphrey: 135 HP

    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat


    << The King of Lakes  >> HP: 1200-6=1194/1200 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 20


    <<Body Slam>> On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave dealing 120 AoE damage. 

    <<Dive>> On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigatable damage and need to swim back to the shore, missing their next attack.


  2. As the pair waited watching the line draped into the water for any signs of movement there was slight stiffening of the line and a quick bob of the pole. “Ohhhhhhh……” The fisherman let out softly as he reached for the pole and grasped it both hands. “Looks like we got ourselves a nibble.” The fisherman announced as he turned the handle of the reel slightly to take in the excess slack and ready himself in case it happened again. In no time at all there was another tug and bob of the line this one bigger than the last, The fisherman quickly yanked up and back on the pole with all his might setting the hook. Almost instantly there was the sound of the reel screeching in protest as the line began to unravel and the fisherman began to skid closer and closer to the edge of the dock and the lake beyond. “EEEEAAACCCCKKKK!!!! Help me!!!” The fisherman screeched as he nearly toppled off the edge of the dock and into the awaiting lake.


    Alec dashed over and grasped the pole his heavily muscled arms wrapped around the waist of the fisherman as his own thickly muscled arms bulged and flexed as he helped the fisherman fight back with all his might and considerable strength. GAWDS!!! Alec thought to himself how big was this fish as he strained and fought to keep hold of the pole as the fisherman reeled the line in as fast as he could. Suddenly the line went slack and the pair tumbled into a pile of limbs and bodies as the most monstrously sized fish Alec had ever seen crested the calm surface of the water and sailed as if in slow motion into the air and over their heads.


    As the fisherman’s gaze followed the sailing monster his eyes momentarily locked with Alec’s and Alec felt an overwhelming sense of discomfort and awkwardness as the fisherman batted his eyes seductively “My herrrrooooo.” The fisherman let out in a breathy whisper.


    “Uhhh…..yeah….sure…..no problem.” Alec replied uncomfortably as he scrambled to untangle himself for the fisherman and stand up gaining some distance from the man and the suddenly uncomfortable situation. As he quickly switched out his Battle Ax for his Luck Stone and turned towards the hulking beast of a four legged fish?????? Wait…..the giant fish has legs???? Alec thought to himself as he gulped and proceeded forward to face his foe.


    Fishing for King of Lakes



    Roll: 155521

    LD: 20+3=23 (King of Lakes Caught)



  3. As Alec approached the fisherman he let a smile crack his features and soften his stern visage. “Miss me?!?” Alec called out with a raised hand


    “Well well.” The fisherman greeted the heavily muscled man with his own smile. “That’s a fast return.” He continued. “Did you catch it so quickly?” He asked with a look of expectation upon his face.


    Alec returned the look with one of mock credulity. “That hurts.” Alec replied as he reached into his inventory and removed the large wriggling lizard and presented it to the fisherman. The fisherman’s smile spread even further as he reached out his hands and took the huge wriggling salamander from the man and after reeling in his line hooked the huge red lizard onto the oversized hook and with a grin to Alec drew his pole back and with monumental grunt let the line and giant red lizard fly towards the center of the lake. Alec let out a long low whistle as he watched the Red Salamander sail through the sky to land with a large plop and spreading wrings of water as the bait entered the water and sank out of sight. “Some cast there.” Alec announced in genuine astonishment.


    “Well ya got ta get er deep ta catch the big uns.” The fisherman announced as the pair waited patiently for something to happen.


    Fishing for King of Lakes




    Roll: 155520

    LD: 7+3=10 (Nothing)



  4. Alec turned back towards the lake and its awaiting fisherman with his newly acquired trophy and needed bait for the next phase of his quest. “Well pal.” Alec offered as he glanced down to Humphrey with a broad toothy smile “Phase one completed.” Alec announced as he looked to his friend and companion. “Now we just need to try and catch that King Fish, Fish King, King of Fishies…..or whatever it’s called.” Alec said as he reached down and ruffled the fur of his Familiar with a smile. Humphrey responded with a loud pleased growl and a nod of his thick head. The pair made their way back through the sea of waving grass the bear cub bounding and jumping much like in the snow covered drifts of the Fourth Floor, popping up and disappearing as it dove into taller patches of grass and emerged with playful roars and growls of mock aggression. Alec smiled as he watched the bear cub at play as the pair returned to the dock and fisherman waiting there the line of his fishing pole extended into the water motionlessly.

  5. As the large man crept forward he had another quick nostalgic flash back to his childhood and out in the creeps and ponds near his house trying to catch frogs and lizards though none had been this large. Gawds forbid!!! Alec thought with a wry smile as he continued to creep forward his hands held out and open before him. Slowly the large man inched forward being as careful as possible to minimize the noise and disturbance of his passage as he crept closer and closer. The Red Salamander flicked it’s tail freezing the large man in place as he caught his breath in an inhale and held it frozen in time so as not to startle the lizard and scare it away. After what felt like tense hours but was m ore like a few seconds Alec inched closer once more drawing within arms reach of the Red Salamander. The heavily muscled man brought his hands closer and closer together till they were inches from the sides of the giant salamander then in a lighting flash finish of his own the large man grasped the giant lizard as it thrashed and squirmed trying to break free of the large mans grasp. “Nuh unh.” Alec replied with a smile as he brought the Red Salamander closer with a broad smile. “You’re mine buddy and you’re gonna help me catch a King Fish.” Alec announced in triumph as he placed the Red Salamander into his inventory and turned back towards the lake and the awaiting fisherman.


    Trying to catch Red Salamander



    Roll: 155514

    CD: 10 (Red Salamander Caught)



  6. Alec started with a snap shaking his head to clear the day dream away as he caught sight of a flash of red to his right. The blur dashed like a spark of electricity and disappeared behind a large rock. Damn!! Alec thought to himself suckers FAST!!! as he crept slowly forward stalking the Salamander. The lizard appeared to be about a foot long and was laser fast so Alec was going to need to pay attention and have his head in the game if he was going to catch this thing for the man at the docks. Alec moved forward slowly till he came around the edge of the rock careful to the keep the rock and lizard between himself and sun so as not to cast a shadow over the creature and spoil his chances of catching it by surprise. Sure enough as soon as Alec rounded the rock there the lizard sat gripping the back side of the rock and frozen motionless hoping the large man would miss seeing it in the shaded edge of the stone and waving grass of the plains.


    Searching for Red Slamander



    Roll: 155513

    LD: 12+3=15 (Red Salamander Found)



  7. The flowing waving sea of tall grassland reminded Alec of the similar seas of such from back home. Coming from a small rural town in the mid west Alec was used to sights such as this and image before him brought a quick flash of nostalgia as he thought back to driving the back country roads of home in his pick up truck with Gwen nestled up beside him the sun setting on the horizon as the drove for the mere pleasure of each others company and the open road before them. Most of their friends when they had been in high school were only concerned with parties and such but Alec and Gwen had preferred just hopping into  his old truck and just driving away and listening to the radio as they took in their surroundings and rode in silence. Alec’s thick arm draped around the shoulders of the smaller woman and her head leaning against his massive shoulder talking of the future and their hopes and dreams but mostly just enjoying the company and companionship they shared together.

  8. As Alec walked he reached down without thinking and began to scratch the neck of his friend and companion Humphrey. The bear cubs soft black fur was hot to the touch due to the suns warming rays shining down upon the bear cub. Humphrey let out a pleased growl as he leaned his head in towards the large man and nuzzled his thick leg with his nose and face. “This is really a nice place, isn’t it?” Alec asked as he glanced down at the bear cub and smiled. Humphrey responded with a loud pleased growl and nodded his head in affirmation. Alec let a deep low chuckle escape his lips as his smile broadened at his familiars response. The bear cub never failed to elicit a happy response from the larger man when he was feeling down or nostalgic or home sick. Humphrey seemed to have an innate sense of the larger mans mood and what he needed to be brought of any funk or reverie he found himself slipping into.

  9. As Alec bid the fisherman goodbye with a promise to return as soon as he had found and captured a Red Salamander the large man reached into a pouch at his hip and removed his Luck Stone and rolled the clear rock around the palm of his hand glancing down and catching the flash of vibrant green from the four leaf clover encased within the clear oval stones depths. With a quick flip of his wrist the small stone flipped end over end through the air and with a deft flash of his hand Alec snatched the stone from the air where it toppled and spun as it began to fall. So hunting of a red lizard was first on the agenda for today’s quest Alec thought to himself as he strode confidently through the grassland surrounding the lake. The sun shone down and warmed the heavily muscled mans flesh as he gazed up into the clear blue sky and shut his eyes as the sun warmed his face and exposed skin.

  10. After a pleasant and relaxing stroll along the humongous lakes edge Alec soon found himself standing at the edge of a wooden dock. Upon the small, wooden dock which stretched from the shore along the Lake of Reflections sat a middle-aged man with a line cast out into the lake. The man seemed to be trying to fish for something, possibly his dinner, Alec wasnt sure but he approached the man and raised a welcoming hand in a friendly wave as he allowed a faint smile to crack the edges of his mouth and soften his perpetual scowl. Hello there Sir. Alec called out in a friendly tone in his deep baritone rumble.


    Oh hello there. The man who couldnt be more than a handful of years older than himself replied in a welcoming tone. Nice day to drown a few worms isnt it? The man finished with a warm smile.


    Sure is.Alec replied as his smile spread a tiny bit more softening his features yet again. What are you fishing for? Alec asked as he glanced over the surface of the monumentally sized lake.


    The man began to tell a tale, recounting that most of the fish he catches and brings home are large, but that he had heard stories of an even bigger fish that lurks around the bottom of the lake, one that could be called a monstrosity. However, where fishing up this beast is rare in itself, it will only be attracted to a certain type of bait found along the base of a nearby mountain. The fisherman continued telling Alec that if he could find something called a "Red Salamander" and bring it back they could use it as bait to try and catch this monstrous fish. The man finished his tale informing Alec that anything this King of Lakes drops would be his to keep and that the man merely wanted the fish to cook up for a few dinners.


    Alec gave a nod of ascent and replied that he would be happy to help the man out and head over to the nearby mountains the man had indicated and search for this elusive Red Salamander and return as soon as he had it in his possession.

  11. Alec walked through the town, village hamlet, group of buildings?? It took no time at all before he was at the edge and began making his way along the edge of the enormous peaceful lake follow the small cursor blip which indicated the quests location. So many things had changed in the recent time since he had figured out how to access the games interface and interact with the digital prison world he was currently trapped within. The hardest part had been figuring out the basics, much he imagined like a babe learning to walk. The first steps had seemed monumental and daunting but as he had toddled through the introduction quests and learned who to access the basic functions of the game and his surrounding environment the tasks and tricks he had learned since had become easier and come faster and faster. Now he took things for granted that had seemed like the equivalent of trying to summit Mount Everest. As the large man walked his best friend and companion Humphrey by his side he took deep lungfuls of the digital air and savored the tangy pine scents and and clean smells of fresh water nearby. This was defiantly someplace he’d need to visit more often he thought to himself as he walked.

  12. With another flash of light Alec and Humphrey appeared standing side by on an identical Teleport pad in the middle of the town of Coral on the Twenty Second Floor. As Alec looked around stepping off the Teleport pad he noticed Coral seemed to be on of the smallest towns he had seen so far  in the game. To the point that calling it a village or a hamlet was much more appropriate. The town itself was located at the extreme southern tip of an enormous lake. Alec had heard vague rumors that has the floor's labyrinth was at the lakes northern end, but he had no first had knowledge of whether that was true or not . The construction of the handful of buildings in the town around him had a very rustic feel, most of the buildings seemed to be of a log cabin type of construction set atop simple bases of cut from large solid pieces of limestone. The village had a pleasant feel that Alec enjoyed and allowed him to breath easier. The heavily muscled mans oversized frame made him feel self conscious and like a proverbial bull in a china shop hence Alecs constant discomfort when he found himself in overcrowded areas like the Town of Beginnings on the First Floor.

  13. “What the hell old man?” Alec thought to himself. “Since when have you been a psychoanalyst? You’re not the brainiac type he told himself. You’re big and strong but you’ve never been known for your brain power.” Alec reminded himself sure he’d done okay in school mostly B’s and a couple C’s but he’d never been on the advanced classes or anything like that. He’d kept his grades up so he could play sports but that was about it. He was a blue collar kind of guy he left the heavy thinking for those with the college degrees and such. As the last remnants of the last train of thought cleared his head Alec stepped off and continued his walk tot he village of Snowfrost and the Teleport pad located in its town plaza. As the pair arrived Alec made his way without delay to the pad and stepped up onto it and said the word that would send him to where he wanted to go. “Coral.” the large man said in his deep baritone rumble as with a flash of light he and Humphrey disappeared.

  14. The walk took the pair some time as they passed through the billowing white terrain that covered the floor. Humphrey barreled through snow drifts and exploded out the opposite sides as he always did on their walks through the snow covered Fourth Floor. The actions never failed to bring a broad warm smile to the large mans normally stern features as he watched his closest friend at play. Alec was glad he had found Humphrey and wondered not for the first time if he had merely gotten lucky in his pairing of Humphrey or if it was something more, like the Familiars filled a roll that rounded out each Player’s personality and gave them that which they needed. All the Familiars had their own personalities and Alec pondered on the thought that maybe they assumed the one that best matched the personality traits needed by the Player to assist them most while offering some form of therapeutic aspects to help the Player’s cope. Suddenly the large man stopped dead in his tracks and gave his head a massive shake to clear the heavy and overly analytical train of thought free from his mind.

  15. Alec let out a deep low chuckle at the bear cub as he watched the zany antics of his familiar. “Oh for a day spent lounging by a lake you’ll burst into motion like a circus bear shot from a cannon, but any other quest and it’s pulling teeth to get you up and moving?” The large man asked as he reached down and ruffled the thick soft black fur in the nap of the cubs neck and scratched him behind his ears. “Well either way thanks for being there to guard my back all those times.” Alec offered as he finished his petting of the bear cub and turned the door pulling it open and allowing a blast of frigid snowy air to buffet the pair as the nearly arctic conditions of the Fourth Floor greeted the pair as they left the warm confines of the cabin for the chilling snowy terrain of the floor Alec chose to call home here within this digital world he found himself trapped within.

  16. Alec quickly finished his mug of coffee and folded up his news paper as he glanced over to Humphrey. With a swift slide of his and he opened his inventory and began the now nearly mechanical maneuvers which allowed him to select and equip his chosen arms and armaments. As Alec finished he paused as he remembered a time not so long ago when he had been so frustrated at himself and his whole situation because of his inability to do the very action he had just performed nearly on auto pilot. A simple task such as opening his inventory had been monumental and beyond his limited comprehension of his abilities. Oh how far he’d come since then but oh how far he still had to go he thought to himself with a pang of sadness as he thought once more to his wife and son back home. With an shake of his head Alec bid the sad thoughts away as he called out to his friend. “Humphrey! Let’s get a move on bud we’re going fishing today. Which should mean you can swap your lounging here to lounging int he shade near a lake.” The bear cub perked up with a broad grin across it’s fuzzy bear face as it nearly flew into the air performed a somersault on the cool stone floor and burst charged forward in an characteristic burst of speed.

  17. The large heavily muscled man flexed his tree trunk like legs and arose from the oversized bed and padded softly out of his bedroom and into the living room. As he passed through he glanced to his friend and companion Humphrey and smiled as he saw the American Black Bear cub sprawled out on the living room floor before the dying embers of last nights fire. With a shake of his bald head Alec continued his morning walk and entered the kitchen where he poured himself a large mug of steaming black coffee which he sipped contentedly as he opened the morning paper and began reading the articles looking for anything of interest within it’s pages. As Alec read his eyebrow quirked up in a question as he leaned forward and continued to read an article that had caught his attention. It seemed there was a fish on Floor 22 that was of importance. Some King of the Lakes or some such Alec noted to himself. Well. The large man thought to himself. It had been some time since he’d gotten to do some fishing and today seemed like as good of a day as any to hit the lakes and relax a little.






    Floor 22
    << The King of Lakes >>
    Recommended Level: 35
    Repeatable for "Filet of King" Only | Party Limit: 4
    Credit: @Jomei



    • SP
    • Filet of King: T3 Perfect Meal
      Over Health Adds +135 HP to your maximum health points for a single thread.


    • At least 1 page of RP content (20+ Posts)
    • Must role play hunting down the "Red Salamander" and bringing it back to Lake of Reflections
    • Must fish up and defeat the "King of Lakes" 
    • Players with the Fishing skill will receive +3 LD when fishing up the King of Lakes.


    Upon a small, wooden dock stretching from the shore along the Lake of Reflections, a middle-aged man sits with a line cast out into the lake, trying to fish up his dinner. He tells you that most of the fish he brings home are large, but he had heard stories of an even bigger fish that lurks around the bottom of the lake, one that could be called monstrosity. However, where fishing up this beast is rare in itself, it will only be attracted to a certain type of bait found along the base of a nearby mountain. The fisherman tells you that if you can find the "Red Salamander" and bring it back to use as bait, that anything the King of Lakes drops is yours to keep. 


    • From receiving the quest from the fisherman at the Lake of Reflections, the player(s) must write three posts (combined) of travel to the base of the mountain.
    • The player(s) then take turns rolling the LD as a post action to find the Red Salamander (LD 13+). Players with the Tracking mod active may use a post action to automatically pass this roll.
    • Once the Red Salamander is discovered, it will try to run from you. Use a post action to roll a CD (6+) to capture it alive before it gets away. The Red Salamander escapes after 5 failed attempts to capture it, and players must go back to searching.
    • Travel back to the Lake of Reflections with the Red Salamander, and take turns rolling the LD (15+) to fish up the King of Lakes. This does not count as a post action (the player who fishes up the King of Lakes may then initiate combat by attacking in the same post).


    << The King of Lakes  >>
    HP: 1200
    DMG: 125
    MIT: 20
    <<Body Slam>> On an MD of 9, the boss will jump high into the air and crash down in the center of the players, sending out a shock-wave dealing 120 AoE damage. 

    <<Dive>> On an MD of 10, the King of Lakes will take the player with the highest hate in its teeth and drag it back into the lake. The player will take 150 unmitigatable damage and need to swim back to the shore, missing their next attack.








    Lvl: 54

    • HP:  1,080 (SW) + (15*Tier) 45 = 1,125
    • EN:  108
    • DMG: (1 base + 5 wpn skill + 9 Wpn DMG) = 6 / 15 DMG
    • MIT:  81 (Armor MIT) + 35 (Heavy Armor skill) + 10 MIT (Stonewall)  + 25 (Block skill)  = 151 MIT
    • ACC: 1 / 0
    • EVA: -1 (SW)
    • BH: 33
    • THN: 27 + 21 = (48 TOTAL)
    • FROST THNS: 18 - Crit: additional (2 per slot * Tier) (6) unmitigated Frost damage each enemy turn for 2 turns.
    • Stonewall: - 25% DoT



    Shield of the Whorleater (T3 Perfect Shield)

    Frost Thorns I / MIT I / Taunt
    A shield made from a scale of the goddess. Promised to smite those who would dare strike her subjects and protect them from her wrath.
    (1 slot Frost Thorns - 21 THNS / Crit = 6 unmitigated Frost damage each enemy turn for 2 turns, 1 slot Taunt (+1 Hate), 1 Slot Mitigation - 27 MIT)


    Item Name: Heavy Plate Armor
    Type:    Heavy Armor 
    Quality:    Perfect
    Enhancements:    Mitigation II, Thorns I
    Description: Thick armored plates  cover the wearers entire body with spikes on the shoulders for added protection. On the left breast, there is an embossed emblem of a shield.


    Item Name: Ancient Battle Axe

    Tier: 3

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage III

    Description: This Battle Axe is extremely deadly and holds an edge that never dulls. The axe heads are engraved with ancient Celtic knot work patterns. 

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=605678



    + Luck Stone (+3 LD)

    Amulet of Unrestrained Hate (Paralytic Immunity / Taunt)

    +  (5) Teleportation Crystal

     (5) Superior Crystal of Potent Dragon-blood (+120 HP)

     (1) Superior Crystal of Powerful Dragon-blood (+180 HP)




    Utility skills:

    Combat skills:
    (Lvl 6) Block: Rank: 5 (Grand Master) - 25 MIT

    (Lvl 12) Fighting Spirit (+ 1 Hate)

    (Lvl 20) Battle Healing: Rank 3 (Expert) - (Heal 1% per rank of max HP each round)

    (Lvl 30) Howl: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets. - 8 Energy

    Weapon skills:
    (Lvl 1) Battle Axe (1 Hand): Rank 5 (Grand Master)

    Armor Skills:

    (Lvl 1) Heavy Armor: Rank 5 (Grand Master) -  35 MIT

    [Rank 5 Heavy Armor Mod] Stonewall

    • Cost: 15 SP
    • Effect: Gain 10 MIT and (15 * Tier) HP when wearing heavy armor. Reduces damage taken from damage over time effects (Bleed, Burn, etc.) by 25% (rounded down) when wearing heavy armor. -1 to Evasion.
    • Description: It's as if your armor has melded to your skin, adding a thickened layer and increasing endurance.

    Extra skills:

    Familiar Mastery: Rank 3 - Healing - (Rank*15*Tier HP) - 5 rounds cool down (135 HP)

    Survival: Effect: Increases out of combat health regeneration to (15 * Tier) per post. Grants immunity to most damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.

    Active: Free action
    Cooldown: 3 Turns
    Effect: Gain +1 ACC until the start of your next turn (must declare use in roll purpose).

    Meditation (No SP invested yet)
    Cost: 8 SP
    Active: Post action
    Cooldown: 3 Turns
    Effect: Recover an additional (5 * Tier) energy. Getting hit by an attack before the beginning of your next turn reduces the energy recovered to (3 * Tier).
    Description: The waterfall has enhanced your mind, allowing you to slip into a meditative state for a brief moment, regaining strength.
    Unlocked after completing the quest <<Calming the Soul>>.



    Well Rested:

    -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat


    Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.


    Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30

    Squeaky Clean: 

    The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)

    Item Stash:

    +1 Battle Ready Item Inventory slot


    Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.


    Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll

    Col Stash: 

    +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests

    Advanced Training: 

    +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month.

    Hard Working:

    +2 EXP per crafting attempt  and +1 crafting attempt per day


    Aincrad Trading Post:

    Col Deposit:
    +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.



    Alec awoke with a stretch and a loud yawn as he blinked his eyes blearily surveying his surroundings. As the large heavily muscled man look about he saw he was in his new Master Bedroom inside his Cabin. Yes the large man nodded in acceptance all was the same and all was it should be. The aging man smacked his lips as he raised himself to a seated position his bare feet resting on the col stone floor of his house. Raising a pair of worn calloused hands he proceeded to rub them across the top of his bald head and through his thick bushy beard. Well kiddos, Alec thought to himself as he flexed his tree trunk like legs and rose to his full height of nearly six and a half feet tall. Stretching once more Alec continued his train if thought. Guess if it’s another day in Aincrad that means it’s time for another quest. Alec thought with a resigned nod and a deep exhale.

  19. As Alec finished he reached his arms around the bear cub and gave him a solid loving hug. “You’re all I’ve got here pal.” Alec stated in a morose tone. “And I want to thank you for sticking with me pal. You’ve been here for me every day no matter what comes and together you and I are going to make a dent in this world that everyone is going to see. I love you pal. Now….” Alec said as he stood up and wiped the moisture from his eyes. “Let’s get the heck out of here and head home a need a drink and I could use a shower too.” Alec offered with a chuckle as he began to walk away from the now empty lair of Blood Bane. One more quest in the books and one step closer to freedom the heavily muscled man thought to himself as he walked away into the setting sun headed for town and and by proxy his lone cabin its remote corner of the Fourth Floor.




    • 4 SP + 3 (3 full pages) + 1 (Isolation Bonus) = 8 SP
    • 5000 Col + 862 = 5,862 Col
    • 15 T3 Materials + 2 T2 Materials + 2 T2 Materials
    • Last Hit Drop: Bane Of Blood - Vial of blood received from <"Blood Bane". Upon Consumption, the Player will regenerate 15 HP per turn for the rest of the thread. 
    • 2 Uncommon Consumables (152005A / 152005B)


  20. As Alec stood and turned away from the place the Treasure Chest had just stood he looked to his friend and companion. “Seriously pal.” Alec began in a somber serious voice. “You saved my butt out here today! Without you I’d be dead and done for.” Alec said as he slowly walked over to his dearest and most trusted friend and companion here in the digital prison he was trapped in. “You always have my back and you’ve never once let me down.” Alec continued as he knelt before the fluffy American Black Bear cub reaching a hand out to gently ruffle the fur on the bear cubs neck and behind his ears. “I want to thank you.” Alec stated as he brought his other hand up to scratch the other side of the bears neck. “I love you Humphrey and I couldn’t imagine being here without you my friend.” Alec stated with a slight hick as a single fat tear came to his eye and rolled down his cheek.

  21. As Alec’s grin grew to comical proportions he looked over to his friend and companion Humphrey and said in an unintended goofy voice. “You ready for this pal? I can’t wait!!” Alec finished with a giggle. (A giggle from a man that size???? Sheesh!!!!!) As he turned back to the iron bound Treasure Chest and grasped the thick iron lock in his oversized hand and gave it a squeeze as he jerked and twisted shattering the lock in his bare hands. With a feather like tremble the heavily muscled man reached out and lifted the lid of the box up revealing the contents inside. As Alec gazed in he spotted a large pile of Cole along with several Tier 2 Materials and a pair of Rare Consumables. Not bad Alec thought to himself as his cheesy goofy grin subsided to a regular normal smile as the touched the items inside the chest transferring them to his inventory and causing the chest to explode in the process.


    Alec opens Treasure Chest




    Roll: 152005

    LD: 7

    [4-7] = (Floor * 50) (+15%) = 862 Col / (2) materials / (2) Uncommon consumables (152005A / 152005B)




    862 Col

    2 T2 Mats

    2 Uncommon Consumables (152005A / 152005B)


  22. As Alec set off he began making his way towards a large outcropping of rocks he had spotted behind a pair of trees growing in an X shape. It was almost too perfect he thought to himself as he crept forward nervous for some reason that if he moved too fast the magic would dispel and this perfect spot for a hidden Treasure Chest would disappear and leave him unfulfilled. The sight was something straight out of an amazing movie from his younger days “The Goonies” about a group of young rag tag kids and their misbegotten adventures to find a hidden treasure, and this trees with their pile of rocks screamed nostalgia to him. As Alec reached the pile of rocks he began to shift them aside and soon found a hole buried beneath the mounded rocks. The large man’s smile grew even broader as he knelt down and bent over reaching his arm inside the hole to grasp the cold iron handle attached to the side of a Treasure Chest. With a heave and an exhale Alec hoisted the large iron bound wooden box free of the hole and gently set it down his smile broadening to nearly comical proportions.


    Alec searches for Treasure Chest



    Roll: 152004

    LD: 19+3=22 (Treasure Chest Found)



  23. As Alec glanced around the small clearing he was in a thought came to him and large man nodded to himself as he reached out a thick finger and made a quick upward swipe opened his inventory stabbing the icon for his Battle Ready Items list and once more poked the icon for his Luck Stone switching out the Luck Stone of his Ancient Battle Ax with another nod. He had just defeated a quest boos this seemed like as good of an area as any to search for a hidden treasure chest the heavily muscled man thought to himself as he closed his inventory once more and rolled the smooth clear stone around the palm of his hand gazing at the four leaf clover encased inside its clear resin shell. As Alec lifted his gaze from the stone he began to look around the area for the spot which would garner him the best chance of finding a hidden treasure chest. After a short time Alec once more nodded and began to walk in his chosen direction.

  24. Alec breathed a sigh of relief as he let his wary arms fall to his sides as he allowed himself to relax now that the quest boss Blood Bane was dead. As Alec looked around he spotted something twinkling on the ground and as he walked over he saw that it was a tiny vial of liquid. The large man bent down and grasped the vial in his rough calloused hand and gingerly picked it up. As the brought the sparkling vial to his face the crystal glinted and sparkled reflecting and refracting the sunlight in a myriad of colors. The sight brought a soft smile to the large mans stern features as he brought the vial closer inspecting it further. The liquid inside the clear crystal vial was a rich blood red color. As Alec continued to turn the vial over he spotted the item tag listing it as Bane of Blood. As Alec tapped on the name it brought up the items stats and a long slow whistle escaped the heavily muscled mans lips as his smile broadened. “Oh yes.” Alec said in a breathy sigh. “You Sir will MOST DEFINETALY come in handy.” Alec finished as he pocketed the vial.


    Bane Of Blood - Vial of blood received from <"Blood Bane". Upon Consumption, the Player will regenerate 15 HP per turn for the rest of the thread. 


  25. As Alec stood staring down the beast Blood Bane he continued to shift his weight and his stance to account for the wolf’s constant movement and stalking. As the large man watched he spotted and opening and bent his knees whispering a silent prayer that they wouldn’t fail him again as he flexed them with all his might sending himself hurtling into the sky. As he paused at the peak of the jump time seemed to stand still for a moment before before he began to accelerate towards the ground the twin crescent shaped ax heads of his battle ax glowing brightly. As the large man reached the ground he brought his ax down in a mighty swing that slammed into the ground with a thunderous boom sending a massive shock wave and brilliant light towards Blood Bane. The wave struck the wolf in the chest and left a gaping red slash that dropped the wolf to nearly zero hit points in the single strike. The wolf snarled and lashed out biting the large man in the shoulder as the wolf’s teeth sank in its own hit points began to clime once more. Alec let out a loud bellow of rage and denial as he shoved his shield into the wolfs belly and ripped it free of his body as his icy shield bit in the wolf exploded into a shower of red pixels that hung in the air for moment as if suspended before they began to drift slowly to the ground like tiny twinkling snow flakes.


    Alec uses Perunic Crash on Blood Bane (8 EN)




    Roll: 152002

    BD: 9 (Crit +1) 16+1=17*9=153-50=103 DMG


    Roll: 152003

    MD: 4+3+1=8 (Hit) 225-151=74 DMG -- 68 THNS DMG

    CD:  2



    Alec: HP: 526+23=549-74=475/1160 | EN: 7+1=8-8=0 | DMG: 16 | MIT: 151 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -1 (SW) | BH: 23 | THNS: 27+21 +20 = (68 TOTAL)

    FROST THNS: 21 - Crit: additional (2 per slot * Tier) (6) unmitigated Frost damage each enemy turn for 2 turns.

    Stonewall: - 25% DoT

    Humphrey: 135 HP -- 1/5


     << Blood Bane >>

    [Note: Blood Bane receives his own dice roll]
    HP: 111-103+18-68=0/1250 | DMG: 225 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 3 EVA: 0 -- DEAD

    << Fenrir Fang >> : Blood Bane bites the player with the highest hate with magnificent force. Deals 200 Mitigatable DMG and Leaves a 2 Turn Bleed of 36 DMG on a attack roll of 9-10.
    << Call to Hunt >> : Blood Bane creates a howl that rips through the battlefield and invigorates itself and its allies.  Raises all enemies DMG and MIT by 25 for 2 turns on a CD rolls of 10-12. Has a cool down of 2 turns, does not stack.
    << Feast of Blood >> : Blood Bane consumes enemy blood, healing itself. Blood Bane heals itself by 25% of the Damage it deals to its foes after mitigation. If Blood Bane attacks someone under the effects of Bleed, then it heals itself for an extra 200 HP.


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