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Posts posted by Astralin

  1. Astralin had almost forgotten the way to where she was originally headed, and ended up getting sidetracked. She soon stumbled upon an eccentric stall. Intrigued, Astralin decided to investigate. She noticed the two players from before, only this time, the darker one's mask was shifted off. Since the player's attention was still over to the counter, Astralin still had no clue who it was. "Oh...ahaha, um...hello again...." She said a bit nervously. All things considered...this was awkward. "I'll admit, I didn't expect to run into you two again..." She remarked. With that, she would slowly approach the NPC at the counter, still intrigued at what this was. "Hey, may I ask what this is?" Astralin asked the NPC“This is the magpie meet and greet. Meet a magpie, see if you can get it to find something that might catch its eye, chances are, it might bring you something good, or a token that can be exchanged for one of our prizes. A go for you? One try per person. We’ve got some unique sponsors this year, so...” The NPC explained. "Sure, why not?" Astralin responded. The NPC would gesture for Astralin to follow, and as Astralin made her way, she was going to say "bye", but the recognition of the girl from the shop...she stopped. "Wh-? Oh, it's you! From the shop! The amulet has been doing wonders for me so far, thank you again!" She exclaimed, as she moved her hand to the pendant of the amulet, lifting it up a little. "Ok, bye~!" She said with a pleasant smile right before turning to enter the tent and meet one of the birds. 



    ID# 160565 CD: 5

    Astralin would enter and see a cage housing a fair variety of magpies, most of which were the usual black-and-white varieties. She looked at quite a few before looking at one in particular, practically deciding at random. "Hmm...how about this one?" She asked. The NPC would look over to see which one Astralin had picked out. “That's Atalante. She the one you're going with?" The NPC asked, waiting for confirmation. Astralin looked back to the bird, which was eyeing her curiously. "Mm-hm, she is." Astralin confirmed with a light smile.




    ID# 160566 CD: 4

    The NPC would walk over to open the cage and retrieve Atalante, then she brought the bird over to the habitat, while Astralin followed the NPC over there. Once there, it would be Astralin's turn to do something with the magpie. "Hey there, Atalante." She began. "I'm Astralin, it's nice to meet you. I was hoping to get a little help from you..." She explained, or, at least, attempted to explain. She was going to need something to help the bird, as words probably weren't going to help... now, how was Astralin going to ask it for a token...? Perhaps something in the shape of one...a coin, of course! Smiling at her new idea, Astralin pulled out a single col from her resources, and placed it before the bird. Atalante hopped back a step or two, then began eying the coin curiously. She took in the sight, walked around it, pecked it, too. The magpie was indeed studying Astralin's hint...


    ID# 160567 CD: 11

    Total: 20(received Nebulae Yokan Block)

    The magpie then suddenly chirped and flew off, quickly returning with a token, and placed it down before Astralin. The coin hint worked. "Wow, really Atalante? Thank you!" Astralin said with a thankful smile. The magpie seemed pleased, too. The NPC would then walk over to retrieve Atalante and return her to the cage, and Astralin now had a token to exchange for one of the available prizes. When she reached the counter and was given the choice to select, she chose the jelly with the nebula design. She could have chosen the supernova one, but it probably would have been bittersweet for her for personal reasons. The deaths of stars, while incredible sights, were kind of saddening to both Astralin and her mother back in the real world, as the star would be gone forevermore, never to contribute its light to the night sky again... Whatever the case, she now had chosen her prize, the activity was over.

  2. To Astralin, it was kind of interesting to know that one was in white, the other wearing darker garments. Different as can be, one might assume. When Astralin moved aside, the player who was in a bad mood would push past the situation immediately. The one in white, however, turned to Astralin to give a kind gesture of understanding and graciousness, before leaving to catch up with the other player.

    Astralin let out a bit of a long exhale, for the situation was somewhat awkward. She found a spot to sit down, and pulled out the papers from her inventory. "Might as well clear my head since there aren't any other players around..." True, there were others around, but only NPCs were in sight.


    1. What would you wish for the rest of your stay in Aincrad?

    Astralin knew exactly what the answer was. She hated the experience so far, not only because this was a death game filled with fear, but because she was forced to live without magic. This was indeed a wondrous world, but with a life-or-death situation like this, forcing the unwary to fight for their lives, and a lack of magic for the players to have access to? She wanted it all to end as soon as possible. No more pain, no more fear, no more helplessness. She wanted this game to end, there would be no question about it. She wanted to leave, but not without all of the innocent who were trapped along with her.

    Astralin's Answer: For it to end as soon as possible, with the least bloodshed as possible.



    2. What would you wish for the better of those around you?

    With a populace of players at war with not only the game, but themselves, Astralin had just the answer. They were living through strife, through fear, through pain that wasn't even physical, and far more... Astralin had trouble with wishes like these, she just wanted all the pain to end... She wanted their struggle to be over, that they would find peace and happiness, that this sliver of humanity would not end up making themselves extinct before it all ended. In this world, there was adventure, fantasy and more...but at a deadly cost. This could not be tolerated much longer...oh, wait, it wasn't ever tolerated to begin with.

    Astralin's Answer: To find Peace and Happiness, at long last...



    3. What would you wish for someone you care about?

    Astralin had yet to have an enemy, so who did she not care about? Perhaps this meant care deeply, like for someone one...loved? There was no telling if he would ever be in this game, but she decided this wish would be for him anyway. She would feel melancholic writing this wish, as she did love him once. At least there are no hard feelings... "Leo..." She thought, recalling the name of who she had loved and broken up with, back in the real world. She remembered the relatively short time she had been with him, the good experiences, and the not-so-good experiences...well, the two had a good run, but it was time to move on.

    Astralin's Answer: To find your path and pursue it, regardless of whatever happens between us.



    4. What would you wish for someone you would like to know better?

    Who was she hoping to know better? Well, for that, there would be...pretty much everyone she hadn't met prior to this game. So many players she had yet to meet, so many who she had yet to encounter, so many she had yet to know...and there might be one player she may one day care about immensely. She had yet to know what kinds of people she would meet, and, well, since she hardly knew anyone, she kind of felt a bit left out, by many...she didn't really like the feeling of loneliness it gave her She decided to write the wish in a way that it could apply to many others. 

    Astralin's Answer: To never give up, to always be in pursuit of happiness.



    5. What would you wish for yourself?

    This was a tough one. She knew what she wanted, but what to wish for was the question. She wanted happiness, she wanted freedom, she wanted magic, and even more...oh, but what to wish for exactly? Could she manage to put it all down on one little piece of paper? Probably not, so she would most likely have to have it summarized, as to be able to fit. Oh, how she longed for the ability to use magic! Oh, how she wanted to leave this game, feeling absolutely powerless and helpless! She had never felt so crippled, in skill preference, personal style, not no mention levels and stats! Things had to change soon...they just had to!

    Astralin's Answer: Pursue Happiness and Freedom, never back down from the path I walk. If I cannot walk it exactly, I will get as close as I possibly can.


    With the wishes answered, it was time to return to the stall and hang up the papers. Who knows what would happen while she was there, or even on the way...

    [Answered all 5 prompts, all wishes are signed]


  3. Right, it was now or never, and this didn't look like a situation for never. The timer finished, and  <<Fight!>> appeared between the players, signaling the start of the duel. Felana would make her move, she was practically ready the moment this duel started. "Ahrra Eltas..." She said as she charged her sword art. Her eyes would glow, due to a vanity effect her amulet had, but this glow was different. Felana's eyes glowed with what seemed like a searing glare. She would attack with the Sword Art known as Delayed Sword, and she would strike pretty hard, too. Astralin was knocked a few feet, but when she tried to get up, she realized that she couldn't move. Paralysis. Felana seemed pleased with herself. "How's that for a first impression?" She asked. So...this is what it felt like. It felt...like being helpless. "Ah, more than I expected, I'll admit." Astralin responded.

    (Felana)ID# 160152 BD: 10(Critical!! +2 Base DMG, inflicted Paralysis and Bleed)

    Delayed Sword: 7x4=28


    [Paralysis refrains Astralin from taking Action]

    Bleed Damage: Astralin takes 12 damage


    Astralin: HP 160/200EN 20/20, 5 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 2 REC | PAR | T1 BLD (40/100 HP Depleted)Bleed: 1 Turn, 12 DMG


    Felana: HP 200/200EN 16/20, 5 DMG | 2 ACC | 3 EVA | 2 REC | PAR | T1 BLD (0/100 HP Depleted)

  4. Astralin hesitated at first, but since she was the challenged party, she had the right to select the duel conditions, and Felana claimed she wanted to test herself and Astralin through a half-loss duel...so Astralin decided there wasn't really that much to be worried about. She pressed accept, and set the conditions to half-loss. The timer would begin counting down, as the preparation round began. "There will be only a fair fight using our own power, and the enhancements of our equipment, and all equipment with the damage enhancement is forbidden from this duel. Agreed?" Felana asked. Astralin nodded. "Agreed." This would be Astralin's first battle against another player. She never thought she'd end up in a PvP situation like this...but here she was, about to face another player in battle, albeit in a manner similar to a spar. Her heart was pounding anxiously, was this because of the Near-Death situation She saw Dazia experience at the end of her battle with Krysta?

    -Astralin has accepted the duel, and set victory conditions to half-loss.


    ID# 160150 LD: 17

    ID# 160151 LD: 20

    Felana has won the initiative roll, and will be going first


    Felana's Stats and Equipment:


    Level: 10

    Max HP: 200

    Max EN: 20

    Base DMG: 5(Martial Arts Rank 2[+4])



    [T1]Blood Typhoon(Accuracy, Bleed, Paralyze)[Equipped]

    [T1]Chalaak's Wind(3 EVA)[Equipped]

    [T1]Black Moon Amulet(1 ACC, 2 REC)[Equipped]




    First Aid Rank 1

    Martial Arts Rank 2


  5. Felana smiled. "Nice to know we aren't alone in this struggle...I'll admit, that damn boulder was really hard to put up with, it took me so long to destroy it, but at least the task wasn't impossible." She noted. "Ugh, I know what you mean...it would have taken nearly forever if it wasn't for Vigilon, a player who was willing to help out...he even showed me the way and escorted me there and back again!" Astralin remarked. "You had help...I see. I...wasn't so lucky. It took me three hours. Now, imagine that: Three. Hours. All spent on punching a rock until it breaks. if that isn't annoying, I don't know what is...yet." Felana admitted. She then seemed to ponder something for a moment. "You know, we actually don't know the current extents of our power...would you be willing to test that? I know I am. How about a Half-loss duel, see what each other are capable of." She asked, sending Astralin a duel request.

    -Felana has Challenged Astralin to a Duel!

  6. Felana looked Asralin up and down. "So, you said you were going with a style outside the norm, correct? Is it alright if I ask what it is?" She Asked. Astralin smiled, happy to answer. "Well, right now, I am capable of healing minor wounds and striking with my innate power! I intend to become an alchemist, and see how close I can get to what this game flat-out refused to offer me: Magic." She explained. Felana seemed intrigued, and looked to Astralin's hands, seeing the handwraps that were equipped. "You seek magic...and have the Martial Arts skill? So do I!" Felana exclaimed excitedly as she held up her hands, revealing her own handwraps. "Now that's a coincidence I never expected, I thought I was the only one, based on how many blade users there were..." She noted. Astralin had a pleasant form of surprise on her face. "Oh my gosh, really?? I thought I was the only one, too!" She exclaimed. From what Astralin could tell, Felana did sort of look the part, seeing that she, too, seemed to be wearing what was basically soft, hardly noticeable dyed leather on an adventurer's dress. The apparel, of course, was in black, the vest portion of it having rather mysterious designs made from what may have been a metallic color of copper. Felana also seemed to have an amulet of her own, a bronze amulet with an onyx in the center.

  7. Astralin continued along her path, and she eventually saw someone heading in a direction towards her. Both players stopped in their tracks. "Hello." Astralin greeted with a smile. The other player had a half smile form on her face. "Greetings..." She said before returning to silence. Neither player moved, just some glances to one another... Awkward.

    "Um...Hi, my name is Astralin." Astralin introduced, as to break the awkward silence. "Ah, so you were there during the speech...I was a spectator there myself. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Astralin. I go by Felana." The player introduced. "You and Adrisse really got the people to start thinking about their choices, they even started debating with each other whether the better method for the inexperienced player was more courage than caution, or more caution than courage. Depending on the person, such methods could go either way..." She remarked.

    "Really? That's good to hear, knowing both sides, able to make their decisions more clearly, it should totally work out in the end...right?" Astralin guessed.






  8. Astralin would decide to leave the settlement and see what the floor had to offer. She had actually heard of a variety of different places in the floor, like a monster-free area of the floor, known as the...High Fields of Crossing? whatever the case, Astralin would be walking near one of the floor's forests, and from the trees came two flocks of crows, both of which would pass by Astralin, but in close enough proximity to startle her. "AAAAGH!!" Astralin would brace herself for impact, but nothing came, not even a tingle, despite that she could hear all of those wings flapping as if some of the birds were right beside her. Once the coast was clear, she would continue onward, despite the scare.


    Meanwhile, somewhere also near the forests, a player who witnessed the speech in Urbus was heading for a set destination in the Second Floor. "I still have so much to learn, so much to see...surely, I will achieve my grand dream..." The player's thoughts would be interrupted by the sound of wings flapping. She would look to her right to see a flock of doves passing right by her. "AACK!!" She reacted as if impact was imminent, but the doves seemed to miss a crash course to her by about an inch or two. She took a deep breath, then continued on her original path, as if undeterred.

  9. Things went south pretty quickly. Two players wearing wolf masks were in front of her, the masks obscuring their faces, and their identities as a result. As of the current moment, Astralin believed the only thing she would be worried about were the potential responses of the two. One was silent, the other let out an exasperated huff. That can't be good. The one who huffed spoke in a growling tone. Clearly, she was not in a good mood. she couldn't have this guess from an expression, it couldn't be seen...at least, not very easily, thus leaving Astralin to have to go off of the tone she heard to guess the player's mood. The player added, with some hoarse restraint, that Astralin should watch her step next time. "Right, I'll remember that..." Astralin said. She backed up a bit, as it was probably best to let the two players get on with their business, and not sour the mood of the player she'd bumped into even further.


  10. The night sky was in view, the settlement was bustling with people enjoying the festivities, it was incredible... At any rate, it was time for Astralin to stop staring at the sky and get to joining in the festivities! She wandered about the settlement, eventually finding an NPC who would wave, gesturing for Astralin to come to her. “It’s tradition after all,” She remarked as Astralin approached. “Wanna give it a shot? Just write down your wishes here on these papers, and then hang them up on one of the stalks over yonder. Maybe it’ll help you clear your mind!”

    Astralin thought about it for a moment. "This isn't exactly a tradition I know well about, but this is a game, so perhaps it would have some kind of purpose, regardless of what happens? I wonder..." She didn't know much about this or that, but she would at least try to do what she could. "I'll give it a shot, it might take a little time, but I'm sure I'll come up with something!"

    The NPC would give Astralin some papers, as well as a prompt sheet. “Helps to hone in on what to write, I’d think. If you need any pencils or crayons, we’ve got those here too! I’m only asking that you return them to me after you’re done.” She explained.

    With that, Astralin would leave with a smile.

    [Astralin receives Tanzaku]

    Astralin would notice that many players were wearing certain kinds of attire, and she felt like she needed to chose between fitting in, and standing out. As she was thinking about this, she began making her way around the west side of the settlement.

    A sharp turn was all it took to unwittingly make things suddenly become awkward.

    She didn't know that someone would be there when she made the sharp turn, but if there was anything she should have known by now, it was to not do that. She made the sharp turn and bumped into a player wearing a mask. "Aaagh! Ahhh, not again! I'm so sorry, are you alright?" She apologized.


  11. Adrisse seemed to be thinking. "Interesting..." She noted in a tone barely audible to Astralin. "Well, I've given my thoughts, and you've revealed your own...that's more than I anticipated today... Everyone, please take these thoughts into consideration. Thank you for giving your attention." She stated to the players who were present. The players with her removed the banners and left with her, in formation once again as they left the area.

    "Do you think she was trying to help us?" One player asked.

    "I'm not one for any sort of suspicion, but was she trying to rally us up while seeking potential recruits for their new guild? It is something fledgeling Guilds often do..." Another questioned.

    "I don't know... Astralin's words, Adrisse's speech, what do we make of them?" A third player wondered aloud.


    Meanwhile, one player who had been watching this unfold was definitely curious on the matter... "So...this is the result... I wonder what the players will do with it." She muttered to herself.

  12. Adrisse seemed to be pondering something, and the other players looked either to Astralin, or to Adrisse.

    After half a minute of silence, Adrisse spoke again. "That's a somewhat realistic, yet dangerously balanced point of view, from what I'm getting. Tell me, what's your name?" She asked. "My name is Astralin." Astralin would answer. Adrisse looked her up and down. "You're an interesting one, I'll give you that, Astralin...are you, by any chance, a seeker of sorts? Forgive me for guessing based on your appearance, you don't exactly look like the usual players I find around here, unless that's clothing you're wearing for whenever you're out of combat." Adrisse remarked. "Says the one wearing robes." Astralin remarked with a smirk. "Vanity gear that goes over my actual gear. There's nothing wrong with that, now is there?" Adrisse asked. Astralin decided to answer Adrisse's original question. "Fair enough. I'm not sure what you mean by seeker, but I'm definitely going with a style outside the norm."

  13. There was some silence for a short moment as all the players present were looking at Astralin. Adrisse didn't seem to be expecting a question like this. "There's no reason to be concerned. As people, we all make our choices. I'm simply trying to raise everyone's morale on the situation, letting them know they all have something to gain from it." She remarked. "Seriously, it gets difficult, knowing that many players are still far too afraid to leave the safe zones, or aim for the higher levels, staying here among the lowest, hoping to steer clear of anything that appears to be threatening. While I don't judge them for this, I can't stand around knowing they could be benefiting from all of this."

    Astralin crossed her arms. "I'm not one to judge, I'm simply asking questions, bringing more things on the situation to this matter. If we get too confident, we'll think we can take on anything in the floors above, and I've heard rumors of some players having to flee from desperate situations, some of them lacking teleport crystals, having witnessed terrible things. We can have hope of learning something, yes, but we must also be aware of the dangerous denizens that dwell among the floors, not to mention that hostile players don't need to worry about which floor they're on..." She explained.

  14. The players seemed to be taking Adrisse's words into thought or consideration.

    "What could we possibly learn that isn't war or strife?"

    "What could she mean?"

    "We might not be able to have these skills and abilities physically, but we can still learn a lot from this game, are you suggesting that we learn about it?"

    Adrisse responded to the latest question. "That's exactly what I mean! We must learn from this game and its experiences as we rise up! They say 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', so if we cannot improve ourselves physically, there are still several other ways we can improve! Some of us can glean much from this game, others can become better strategists, there are those who may develop to become cunning, intuitive, and so much more! My point is, we can't simply dwell on survival alone, nor can we stand around, fearful. We must rise up! Proceed through this world, never without caution, but not without courage or determination either!" 

    Astralin chose this moment to speak. "I appreciate this little pep-talk you seem to be giving, but may I ask why you are spurring people into action, and what for? I know I made the choice to step outside the safe zone, quite a few of us here probably have, and we may only be starting to learn things from this game! Have you thought about whether or not someone rising up the way you claim will draw players towards curiosities that might bring more harm than good?" She said as she raised her hand.

  15. The players who had gathered were definitely thinking about this, especially since some of them might have been thinking out loud...

    "I'm not that experienced...how much could I have learned, other than of myself, and how dangerous this world really is...?"

    "What could she mean by this...? We couldn't possibly gain anything from experiencing this game...could we?"

    "It's like an entirely new life, we got our deepest wishes...but at a great cost..."

    Adrisse seemed to have her ears open for the players' responses. "That's just it, actually, we can gain something from our experiences! Some of us have indeed learned much. We have learned the horrors of war, the strife of an adventurer's life, we have learned the extents are for a world formed by technology thus far, some of us, so I've heard, had even found love!" She said to the one who Astralin had been following to this speech. 

    "But how will that last if we get out of this game?" The player asked.

    "Oh, it will last, in some way." Adrisse assured. "If you found love, it will indefinitely last within your heart. You will surely see them again if you were to both make it out of the game, all that is needed is to introduce yourselves to one another personally, giving each other your true identities... Some of us may think twice about dreaming of living in a world of adventure, having experienced it ourselves. These are all but examples. Do any of you know where I am going with this?" She explained, then asked the crowd of players.

    "She's making only base points so far...what is she trying to tell us, though?" Astralin thought.

  16. When Astralin was able to get a good look at the situation, the ones who might have placed the notices appeared on the scene, walking in a formation. One of them stood out to Astralin. She was a red haired young woman, wearing red robes(probably some vanity clothing), on the chest area of said robes was a dragon insignia, black in color.




    She would look to the gathered players, as the ones walking alongside her placed two banners. A guild symbol, maybe? On the banners would indeed be what seemed to be a Guild Logo.




    "I'm sure you are wondering why I wished to speak with some of you." The red haired woman began. "I am Adrisse, here to speak on behalf of the newly formed Knights of Avalon."

    It made sense that the Guild was newly formed, Astralin had never heard of them before...but what did this Adrisse come here to talk about?

    "We all know this game has brought pain and loss to us, and has even gotten us to question our sanity at times...but think for a moment, we are still here, alive and well, are we not?" Adrisse asked. "She's right, most of us are still alive...but where is she going with this?" Astralin thought. "After all that we've been through, there is something to gain, there always is, whenever some form of conflict or strife is involved, similar to how in these games, we gain strength or power as we gain experience and level up...well, do any of you believe you have learned anything, be it about yourself, what life would be like if it were of the ones we so craved to participate in? Perhaps you may now know what the life of a warrior is, despite the lack of pain..." Adrisse explained.

  17. The Settlement of Urbus...what a nice place it was. Astralin had heard that the toughest monsters on the second floor were of her current level, so she now believed she had little to worry about, save for the rare chance of encountering a not-so-friendly player. She would continue to walk around the settlement...and realize that some of the players wandering the settlement were headed somewhere in it. She decided to follow them. "Excuse me, is something going on around here?" She asked one of the players she chose to follow. "We found some notices around town that some players wanted to speak to anyone available, so we decided to see what's up." The player kindly answered. With that, Astralin became curious, and decided to continue following. The players would walk throughout the cobblestone roads of the settlement until they would reach an area where a small crowd of players seemed to be gathering. Including Astralin and the two she was following, there were about twenty five players waiting around for something to happen...



    Stats and Equipment:


    Level: 10

    Max HP: 200

    Max EN: 20

    Base DMG: 5(Martial Arts Rank 2[+4])



    [T1]Gloves of the Astral Storm(1 Bleed, 1 Paralyze)[Equipped]

    [T1]Sticky Ricky(3 DMG)

    [T1]Alkarina's Resolve(2 EVA, 1 REC)[Equipped]

    [T1]Amulet of Aknossoth(2 ACC, 1 REC)[Equipped]




    First Aid Rank 1

    Martial Arts Rank 2


  18. At first the girl seemed to be calm, but perhaps a bit uncomfortable? Was it Astralin's question? Could it have been how she simply walked up and-

    "Done. One second."


    Wait, so she was the shopkeeper all along? How surprising! Of course, she suddenly bolted for the back, not so calmly however, as one could observe. Something was off, but Astralin couldn't tell what exactly. Astralin would find herself waiting for a short while, but that may have been because crafting sometimes takes a longer process, often depending on the crafter and the profession itself. It was awfully quiet...then the shopkeeper came over to the counter to make the exchange. Astralin placed a sack of col containing the payment for the item, and slid it over to the shopkeeper. "Thank you, I really appreciate it!" She said to her with a smile before taking the item she had just purchased.

    -Purchased Amulet of Aknossoth(2 ACC, 1 REC)

    -Paid 500 col to @NIGHT

  19. Astralin wandered throughout the Town of Beginnings, hoping to find a place where she could get some enchanted- er, enhanced jewelry that could help out on her travels. If there was one thing she would need, it was Accuracy. She had been involved in a few fights, and she would throw her punches, and she missed. She was ready to strike, and she missed again. This had gone on for several fights, and she couldn't put up with it any longer. She decided to make her way to that place again...it was an awful joint of town, but it had its perks...specifically being the chain of shops it has. She would find a shop that was open, and she decided to take a look inside... She would find that she was in an Artisan's shop. This would do, she just needed to place an order...but, where was the shopkeeper? After looking around for a bit, she would see someone over on a couch. The place was open, so this girl here might know where the shopkeeper is... She would walk up to her, and ask, "Excuse me, do you know where the shopkeeper is? I'm hoping to place an order for an amulet with Accuracy and Recovery..."



    Ordered Item:


    Item Name: Amulet of Aknossoth
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: - - -
    Roll ID: - - -
    Roll Result: - - -

    Item Type: Jewelry
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Accuracy(2), Recovery(1)
    Description: A silver necklace with a diamond-shaped pendant. The pendant has a clear crystal, round cut, in its center, the socket for it appearing reminiscent of a shining, solar corona. Inscribed on the back of the pendant, is the Constellation known as Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. In dark environments, the gemstone begins to glow, bringing light to the darkness, and allowing one to see more clearly in it. For reasons yet unknown, the wearer's eyes will glow when activating skills or sword arts.
    Post Link: - - -


  20. Krysta said that she could understand if Astralin was simply unsure about the truth in this matter. "I kind of am, actually." She admitted. "I just...wanted to make things right, but I didn't know nearly enough to know who was right and who was wrong...who knows, the three of us could have been wrong in the choices we made here..." she explained. Dazia thanked Astralin for the healing, and would then drop the Essence, tell Krysta that the conflict was not over, and flee, leaving Astralin and Krysta in the wastes. "She was in little to no danger, she was being spared! If anything, she's making things worse for herself by running off like that..." She noted. Krysta apologized that Astralin was caught up in this drama in the first place. "It's ok... I guess there was a reason for me to be here..." She remarked, believing that if she wasn't here, Krysta and Dazia would have likely killed one another... Krysta asked if she could escort Astralin to the safe zone. "Sure! I've had enough unsafe experience to last at least a few days, so a break would do wonders right now..." She responded.

  21. Krysta finished the duel with a powerful attack, apparently inflicting two status ailments at once. Dazia's HP was now in the red, and her life was essentially in danger! Astralin ran over and placed herself between the two players. "Ok, now put your weapons away!" She called out, each of her two hands held out to one of the two previously dueling players, in gestures that signaled stop. After Dazia pointed out that she was paralyzed, meaning the players had to wait before she could hand over the item, Astralin walked over to the player in black. "Here, let me help." She offered. She prepared her focus as she activated her First Aid skill. "... Dviala Urreis." She said as the skill activated, healing Dazia a bit. There, that should be able to help keep her alive...despite that is was probably to Krysta's displeasure. Hopefully the conflict would end here. As long as Astralin didn't know all the details, how could she know who was truly in the right?

    Used First Aid on Dazia, healing 36 HP

  22. Astralin gathered the loot she had received from the treasure chest, looked around in case there was anything else, and she would look back to the ongoing duel. Krysta dealt a considerable amount of damage to Dazia, and it seemed that Dazia wasn't having the best of luck...and from the looks of it, stats might have played a part in it. Krysta had taken damage from the exact same sword art, but it wasn't the same amount of HP lost as the attack against Dazia...this seemed to be more than common defenses, but...well, there didn't seem to be any turning back. Astralin began to feel sorry for Dazia, who also seemed to be realizing the difference, like it was a fatal disadvantage... Could this only lead to more conflict, and Astralin had unwittingly made things worse? No, that can't be the case, she was just trying to make things right, but the situation was one-sided, and if anything, the enmity between the two may worsen! "This...this is all my fault..." Astralin thought.

    ID# 158447 LD: 3(Nothing found)

  23. Despite the ongoing duel, both Krysta and Dazia noticed that Astralin had found a treasure chest... They took this moment to warn her that a chest has a chance of being a mimic instead. Astralin slowly looked back to the chest. She examined it carefully, looking for traits that might give a mimic away, or something of the like. She found nothing, so there was only one thing to do...open the treasure chest. "Here goes..." She began, hesitating as she brought her hand to it. "Lord Almighty, guide me..." She slowly opened the chest...and what a blessing she would find! Within the now confirmed to be Treasure Chest, was a fair sum of col, a set of light armor, eight materials which she could use in the future, and two consumables! Her eyes lit up, amazed at the result. She may have only been on a low-level floor, but this was the most she had been able to receive from a treasure chest so far! "I have been blessed..."

    ID# 158433 LD: 20(600 Col, 8 T1 Materials, <<Unidentified T1 Perfect Light Armor>>, <<Unidentified T1 Rare Consumable 158433a>>, and <<Unidentified T1 Rare Consumable 158433b>>)

  24. The duel was happening, all right... Astralin found herself getting Dazia to accept the duel, as her first move as moderator. "Sorry about this..." She said as she brought Dazia's hand to <<Accept>>. "I know you're afraid of Krysta trying to kill you...but at least let there be a fair chance rather than an argument that will never end. I don't want this enmity to worsen, I have seen more than enough, and I doubt I'll be able to tolerate standing to the side much longer..." She explained. "You already refused to stop the enmity before, after all...but what is it all for? The past? Suspicion? Hatred? I don't know nearly enough, I don't know who to believe...but I can't just sit around or leave the matter alone!" She thought. Just then she noticed a suspicious-looking mound of snow, and decided to investigate before the duel began. She shoved her hand inside, and hit something solid. She then began to dig out the snow by hand, and find... "A Treasure Chest??" She exclaimed in surprise. She looked back to the fight, which had only just began...and it seemed that Dazia slipped on the snow...how does that happen, with it being so cold on this floor?


    ID# 158430 LD: 18(found a treasure chest!)

  25. Things only ended up going further and further downhill. Dazia wasn't too happy about Astralin attempting an attack, then Dazia finished off the boss. it was over, just like that. Just then, Dazia decided to leave, probably because she was still enemies with Krysta...but why was she leaving like this all of a sudden without asking Astralin to come along? then Krysta grabbed the cowl of Dazia's gear, and... Wait, what was this "Essence" Krysta was talking about? Did she just once again accuse Dazia of only using Astralin? "Ok, now I'm confused. What is this 'essence', and why- ...you know what, I don't care about whatever it is...but if you both wanted it, would you be alright with trying to duel for it? Half-Loss? I'll be the moderator if I have to, however that works..." Astralin suggested. Maybe if Dazia was indeed like what Krysta believed she was in some way, she'd just try to get away instead of accepting the duel if Krysta challenged her...so if that happened, Astralin planned to intervene.

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