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Posts posted by NIGHT

  1. "Mew!"

    "I know, Nyanko," NIGHT replied, holding the kitten up in a blanket. The tiny familiar was wrapped up like a burrito, its head sticking out nicely. With a wide mouth, he yawned, licking his lips lazily. "Wasn't that weird? I mean, info broker aside, anyway."


    "I mean, I'd like to follow him, sure," she argued with herself, hands shaking upon recall. "But I don't know, he seemed really upset about it. I've never seen him that stoic before."

    Nyanko stopped meowing, distracted by a nearby butterfly. His tiny paws wriggled under the blanket, and NIGHT sighed, returning the kitten to her pocket. The kitten peeped in protest, tiny claws sinking through her cloth. "Yeah, okay, I guess I'll go find him again."

    One short stroll down the forest path, and she identified Yukiro's name by the interface through the foliage. Desperate to keep silent, she paced herself towards her friend through the shadows of the forest, wondering how she should begin her approach.


  2. Oh, there he was. So he, too, was hunting down the Wasp Queen? It didn't take NIGHT by surprise, but at the very least, it made her feel just a hint guilty about taking the first blow. Well, at the very least, he had the last one, right?

    With a wave, she called over to the boy. "Hey hey!" She exclaimed. "Wanna party up?"

    Except he showed no response. A twist of his body, hand on his blade, and with one quick swing he threw -- no, hurled --

    No. Yukiro shot the Wasp Queen from a good few meters away, his sword lunging towards the creature and striking it down. NIGHT sidestepped, alarmed at the toss, watching the blade go through the bug boss. It let out a ghastly, sharp wail, which made her hair stand underneath her armor, before disintegrating into bright blue dust.

    Yukiro walked by. NIGHT wanted to say something, but the tension, pressure and darkness that emanated from his blank, empty expression warned her, along with all fibres of her being, not to. With a hand, as a greeting, upright still from her previous attempt to talk to him, she watched what remained of her friend trudge up to collect his sword before lumbering away, lips sealed shut.

    Well. That was... something.


  3. Looks like her detour worked. She'd been keeping track of Yukiro's progress, overtaking his pace quickly. The wasp queen loomed around the cliff, a loud, noisy buzzing that NIGHT tried not to register in her head. Two quick swings and it would be over.

    Should she wait for her friend? It's not like there was a guarantee he was going to show up here. Alternatively, NIGHT couldn't exactly sunder the boss completely, anyway. A sharp mew from Nyanko brought her attention to the kitten, who was apparently worried about her being lost in thought while being so exposed to danger. NIGHT grinned. "I'll make it quick," she asserted with a smile. "Don't worry."

    Blade in hand, NIGHT rushed towards the bug, nearly missing it in her recklessness. <<Lightning>> struck, contrary to her beliefs that it wouldn't, and with a series of diagonal slashes, The Wasp Queen had fallen to the grass, stunned by the swift attack. The player looked over to the forest border, wondering if her friend had shown up.



    ID: 129664 | BD: 6 (4, +2)
    <<Lightning>> on The Wasp Queen
    8 * 4 = 32 DMG

    The Wasp Queen | HP: 18/50 (-32) | DMG: 20 | STUNNED

    NIGHT | HP: 240/240 | EN: 17/24 (-7) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | RECOVERY: 2 | THORNS: 2

  4. One quick equipment change, and Yukiro had equipped his blade. It looked new. NIGHT wondered if he made it himself. On the other hand, he had increased his speed and noise. This would be a boon for the player tailing him except for one thing.

    From the co-ordinates, it seemed as though he was heading towards the same boss she had been told about. A quiet grumble from her, as she trekked behind him. NIGHT wasn't sure if Yukiro was open to parties when he was mad; the last time she saw the spark of fierceness, she just brooded over it for a time.

    Instead, she wondered if she would be able to take a quicker path and at least get a hit in on the boss before he showed up. Straying from the road, she entered the forest and continued to follow him, from a distance, and at an angle.


  5. A quick blow down on her -- NIGHT hadn't exactly envisioned this happening, but she was grateful her broadsword had blocked most of the damage. Her combat stance was awkward in many other scenarios, but this once it was perfect for defending her from the attack.

    As the guardian bore its weight down further against her blade, she countered with her own strength, shoving its arm off of her weapon with a loud grunt. In a sprint, she ran up against where she imagined the creature to be and with one yell and a strike, it seemed to stagger with a groan, before collapsing backwards, the rubble it was made out of tumbling down by the sides of the room.

    "Phew," NIGHT breathed, still not able to see in the darkness. "I'm fine, don't worry," she called out to the darkness, sheathing her blade. "We made quick work of that thing," the player commented, with a wholehearted trust in her allies. "Good job, guys."



    Cave Guardian attacks NIGHT!
    5 + 2 = 7 DMG | 7 - 17 = 1 DMG

    ID: 129651 | BD: 6 (5, +2, -1) | CD: 12
    > Recovery was activated. (+2 EN)
    Basic Attack vs Cave Guardian. (-4 DMG)

    Cave Guardian | HP: 0/20 (-4) | DMG: 5 | Hate: NIGHT (2), Lonzo (1), Nora (0), Yukiro (0)

    NIGHT | HP: 189/140 (-1) | EN: 13/14 (+1, +2, -1) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 17 | ACC: 2 | RECOVERY: 2 | THORNS: 1

  6. It was hard to keep up with Yukiro in the fog. Trying to stay quiet wasn't exactly her forte either, so she hoped that the few branches and twigs she crunched on were only seen as wildlife at best.

    Her target stopped. What... was he up to? He pulled open a window, seemingly typing something. Sending mail, perhaps? Was he meeting anyone else here? NIGHT crouched down, attempting to look small, if not unnoticeable to other parties that could be around.

    Right after he closed the message window, he let out a guttural yell, slamming his fist into a tree. Ouch, NIGHT thought, wincing as she rubbed her own hand. Was this the same guy she hung out with before? It was hard to believe he held so much pent up anger. And for what?

    Oh, the tree dropped something. She tried identifying the item from afar, but it was too small to see properly. As Yukiro moved on, holding the tree item in his hand, so did NIGHT, trying to find a good distance between him and herself.


  7. NIGHT wasn't too familiar with the second floor. Granted, she had spent some time exploring the town in search of relevant quests, but aside from that, she had no comfort in being here.

    Today, it was misty. She'd have to be careful, then, where she stepped and what was around her. While the enemies on this floor should be easy to take out in general, the quests gave an impression of things more sinister on the prowl. A hand to gently reassure Nyanko, and an eye out for herself, the two made their way towards the town exit --- wait, that's definitely someone she recognized.

    In the distance, Yukiro was standing right at the border of the safe zone. Time seemed to stand still for him, as NIGHT strolled at her own pace, heading in his direction. Then, in a brief moment, he left.

    Curious. She wondered what her friend was up to. Nudging Nyanko with a finger, she whispered, "C'mon, let's tail him, just for fun."



  8. "Oh, and before I forget, take this." A blip and NIGHT had received another message from the broker. Three numbers indicating the co-ordinates for the boss. Before she could say anything, the voice added, "Ciao," and with a whistle of the wind, she was gone.

    "... B-Bye..."

    NIGHT gently patted her kitten, a habit she used to calm herself down. Nyanko meeped at her in response, curious at the message. "Don't worry about it," she murmured, beginning her walk towards the teleporter. "I'm sure we can beat it." The kitten could only tilt his head, not understanding her words.

    A number of players were lounging and gathering by the center of the town, as usual. She thought she saw a familiar name head up the platform, but couldn't read it back in time to figure out who it was. Throwing the thought away, she climbed the stairs, instructing the system under her breath to take her elsewhere.

    And so she reached the second floor.


  9. What the heck is an info broker..? NIGHT wondered, heading to the agreed-upon location. She hadn't heard of the profession before; was it even implemented in the system? Maybe it's some sort of player-to-player thing. She closed the mail interface she had open, wondering what the intel she signed up to receive was about.

    Two knocks on the pillar and a pouch of col on the ground. "Dark outside," she mentioned, leaning against the structure in broad daylight.

    "Must be NIGHT then?" A feminine voice. NIGHT wondered if there was any intention behind having anonymity in a scenario like this.


    "I have intel on a field boss. Second floor. Large wasp."

    She shivered. Not another bug...

    "W-what's in it for me?"

    "Probably some experience, as per usual," the voice mocked. "But there's also an item it drops to boost your damage."

    NIGHT fell silent as she continued thinking about the wasp, gripping her armor tight. A soft mew from Nyanko was sound assurance to bring her back to reality. "Familiar, huh?" The voice behind the pillar added. "Thanks for the tip. Don't get yourself killed, now. Wouldn't want to lose business."

    "Y-yeah..." NIGHT added, looking to the floor. "B-bugs..."



    Lv: 12 | HP: 240 | EN: 24 | SP: 29
    DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -


    1. Two-Handed Straight Sword | Passive | RANK 2/5
    2. Heavy Armor | Passive | RANK 1/5
    3. - - -


    • [T1E3] Doombringer
      "WEAPON: A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards are decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care."
      -- [ Damage III | +3 DMG. ]
    • [T1E2] Reinforced Crystal-streaked Ear Cuffs
      "TRINKET: A long, smooth and wrapping silver ear cuff, with a thick blue crystalline streak running across it. Much more durable than its counter part."
      -- [ Recovery II | Regain 2 additional energy on natural CD rolls of 6+. ]
    • [T1E2] Spiked Metal Pauldron
      "HEAVY ARMOR: A round, silver, metal pauldron. for some odd reason, it's got obvious spikes jutting out of it. This probably isn't very safe to handle... It has a bell attached for unknown reasons."
      [ Thorns II | Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 18 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks. ]

    - - - - - -

    • Starter Healing Potions (3) --- Heals 50 HP.
    • [T1] Uncommon Health Potions (5) --- Heals 40 HP.


    • Familiar Mastery <Accurate> from Nyanko
      -- [ Accuracy II | +2 BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. ]
    • Aincrad Trading Post Guild Membership
      -- [ ATP Guild Bonus | +5% more col from killed mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. ]
  10. Thread Summary


    + 2 SP
    + 1,323col
    + Tier 1 Materials (6)
    + [T1E1] Unidentified Consumable (1)
    + Familiar Mastery <Accurate>

    - - - 


    [Quest Reward]
    + 1 SP
    + Familiar Mastery <Accurate>

    [Thread Progression]
    + 1 SP
    + 400col

    [Combat Loot]
    + 577col, Tier 1 Materials (2), [T1E1] Unidentified Consumable (1) from Stag [1]
    + 346col, Tier 1 Materials (4) from Ice Elemental [1]

  11. It was midnight, and the duo found themselves back in their tavern room. While Nyanko had taken up position on one of the pillows, curled up in his tiny sheet, NIGHT was still up, laying back in her bed, scribbling today's events in her journal.



    • Yukinko exist. If you chase them, they'll lead you to a cliff. Don't fall off of it.

    • They're small and fluffy, welcoming. Not shy of humans. Yes, they are beaks, not lips.

    • Don't touch their straw weaves.

    • There were like 30 of them? Maybe there's a village of them nearby.

    • They love holding hands. Hold their hands too, to show signs of friendship.

    • Leave before their mom appears. She will throw you off a cliff.

    "That's it, right...?" NIGHT mumbled to herself, trying to recall if she had missed out anything. She glanced over to her sleeping kitty when she was done, sliding her pen in between the book's coils. "You did great today," she whispered, getting up to turn off the lights. "Rest well, little Nyanko."

    Darkness fell upon the room, and all was silent through the night.

  12. Okay... I'm gonna need some help...

    NIGHT stood at the edge of a precipice. If the Yukinko weren't hostile, they were still at the very least deadly. The tiny trail had lead her here, and while she was sure she didn't want to be here, she was also certain the cliff lacked any other signs of the tiny snowballs. Sighing, she wiggled a finger against Nyanko's head, waking him up a little. "Hey," she murmured, stepping away from the cliff. "Last one. I promise. Can you find anything?"

    His eyes opened a little, and his tiny nose wiggled. A soft mew and a gentle pawing in a direction was all she needed to start her venture.

    As the forest made way for the skies, it was evident that the sun had gone down, and the stars had come out to play. Amongst the large open space, it appeared that the snowballs done the same -- almost thirty of them were dancing and peeping nosily down by the glade, and NIGHT grinned, as Nyanko opened his eyes. "I guess you're right," she replied, giving the kitten a well deserved pat on his head. He purred in response, proud, before curling up tightly, ready for some rest.


    ID: 129577 | CD: 10
    3/3 Training Attempts Succeeded!

    NIGHT | HP: 220/220 (+7) | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  13. But then what were the living snowballs around for? The thought crossed her mind, and she became fervently curious while she wiped the snow from her gloves. Perhaps, this time, she should chase her lead.

    Checking in with Nyanko, the little kitten seemed to be wiggling further into his blanket, eyes closed as he was relaxing. "Nyanko," she called, and his ear twitched in response. "I'm going to follow them, okay?" Nothing from the kitten, but that suited NIGHT just fine. "Hang in there, this shouldn't take long," the woman guessed.

    Slowly, she rose, before following the tiny holes in the snow. The Yukinko tracks seemed to weave and bob around trees, almost as though they were trying to put off any other creature that wanted to follow them. Admittedly, she got stuck at a tree here and a bush there, but was able to pick up the pace soon after.

    If anything, she hoped the Yukinko were truly non-hostile as they seemed.


    NIGHT | HP: 213/220 (+10) | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  14. A third Yukinko! It waddled in, lazily swinging its stubby arms about. With a few peeps to catch the duo's attention, it turned around and waddled away, while the two snowballs followed along in a single-file line. When they left, NIGHT sighed, pacing her breaths again. What was that about? Nyanko mewed back at his owner, curious, and the player could only offer a gentle, soothing pet upon his head. "I don't know," she mentioned, "But we could take a look."

    NIGHT wandered over to the empty spot, devoid of Yukinkos. The first thing she noted were how miniscule their footprints were -- given any other opportunity, she wouldn't even have noticed them. The next was a large indent in the snow, that she hadn't seen before due to the angle she was at. With two hands, she dug through the cold, but after a minute she hit dirt. Guess there was nothing there after all.


    ID: 129573 | LD: 9
    > Treasure Chest Search: There's nothing here...

    NIGHT | HP: 203/220 (+10) | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  15. No sooner did NIGHT craft a snowball that she would meet another of the same kind. With a tiny woven cone-hat-and-cape, this small snowball had tinsy stubs for legs and arms. Two black dots for eyes, and what she could only imagine for a beak, the label it had was a non-hostile beast.


    "Oh?" She had wondered aloud out of surprise, and Nyanko mewed in turn when she stopped to look at the creature. It turned its head, waving its tiny arms around at the noise, and NIGHT ducked behind a tree before it could notice her. She held her breath. What was this thing?

    The snowball looked around a little more, before a peep from behind it announced the entry of yet another entity. A second Yukinko waddled out of the darkness, wondering what its brethren was up to. The two exchanged peeps and hopped about, and NIGHT could only look on in excitement and curiosity.


    NIGHT | HP: 193/220 (+10) | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  16. A quick break, and they'd be off again, she planned. NIGHT slung her blade over her back once more, leaning back against a tree for support. She watched as Nyanko became braver to step out of his cottony shell, pawing gently at the soft snow that covered the ground. She grinned, watching him bounce and hop around energetically.

    Ah, I should try and make a snowball.

    So she did that. NIGHT scooped up some snow off the floor, careful to ensure her snow was pristine. With two hands, she packed it densely, ensuring it was well shaped as possible. The floor must've had its climate set suitably for it, because she managed to form the ball nicely, setting it down beside Nyanko to investigate.

    Another ball she would mould, this time placing it on top of the giant base. It's like a tiny snowman, right? The kitten booped his snoot at it, shaking the snow off his nose when he realized how cold it was, meeping in alarm. NIGHT only laughed, before scooping up the cat and placing him gently into her pocket once more.


    > Third post out of combat. Energy fully restored.

    NIGHT | HP: 183/220 (+10) | EN: 22/22 (+16) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  17. "Do you wanna give it one more try?" NIGHT asked, but it appeared her words fell on deaf ears. Nyanko was too busy fretting over his owner's wellbeing that he didn't even perk up at the sound of her words. "Okay, okay," she added, soothing the kitten in her hands.

    First things first then. Her sword -- it had to be cleaned. NIGHT was set on not swinging around Doombringer when it had dirt all over it. Pulling her blade onto her lap, she bundled up the cat in her arms with his blanket and set him by her belly. Then, it was time for work.

    Summoning a cloth she had prepared specifically for this purpose ("It's going to happen one of these days," she had told herself) she wiped off the frozen muck from the blade, careful to polish it down so much that it reflected light well off its surface again.


    ID: 129466 | CD: 5

    NIGHT | HP: 173/220 (+10) | EN: 6/22 (+1) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  18. When she came to, the lights had already carried the elemental's form away. She sighed, relieved, before dropping to the snow, desperately wanting comfort for her throw-up-trauma.

    It must've been Nyanko's first time stepping out into the snow, and the kitten was shivering, frightened. He bounded over to his owner's face and poked at it with his paws, before licking NIGHT's cheek with a rough tongue.

    NIGHT looked at the cat through tired eyes. "You're so small," she muttered, shifting her arm so that she could pet him. "Did you know that?"

    Nyanko, in fact, did not know that. Instead, he took comfort in the gentle head rubs from his player, purring softly and snuggling with her at her neck. NIGHT couldn't help but smile, and held him close as she got up to sit. "There, there," she whispered back, wondering how cold the kitten must be by now. "I'm alright."


    NIGHT | HP: 163/220 (+10) | EN: 5/22 (+1) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  19. As the elemental threat grew nearer, Nyanko's squeals became more frantic. NIGHT shifted an arm over to him, comforting the kitten with gentle pats. She tasted foul in her mouth, but she wasn't going to let it stop her from fighting.

    When it loomed over her, she began to rise, ducking underneath it as it attempted to strike. Darting forth, she rushed to retrieve her sword back from the ground, heaving the broadsword. While it was nice to see the snow plough off it, there were bits of dirt at its end. NIGHT huffed, before brandishing her blade back at the elemental. On its mark.

    The being charged back towards her, kicking up the dirt from its large feet. NIGHT timed her swing, closing her eyes as she delivered the final blow.

    The last thing the combatants saw was a flash of white light.

    And suddenly, darkness clouded their visions.


    ID: 129464 | BD: 6 (4, +2) | LD: 5 | CD: 7
    <<Cyclone>> on Ice Elemental.
    9 * 4 = 36 DMG

    Ice Elemental | HP: -2/110 (-36) | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 153/220 | EN: 4/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    > Lucrative active from ATP Guild Membership.
    + 346col, Tier 1 Materials (4)

  20. In her thoughts, she had forgotten to focus on the reticle.

    When she landed, it took all her strength and effort to remain on her two feet. NIGHT plunged Doombringer into the deep snow, gripping the hilt tightly as she tried not to heave. It definitely didn't help that the elemental had also struck back on instinct, its blade limbs jutting straight through her gut. She held her stomach through gritted teeth while the creature turned to look at its opponent.

    No mercy for the fallen. The being sliced at her, two limbs better than one, taking advantage of its enemy being hunched over. NIGHT was flung backwards, into the pillowy snow, coughing and dry heaving. Her sword was still rooted to the ground, and she took a moment, in the cold, to just focus on recovering from the dizziness. A soft mew came from Nyanko as the kitten struggled through his sheets, desperate to aid his owner back up.


    ID: 129463 | BD: 3 (1, +2) | MD: 7
    NIGHT missed!
    Ice Elemental attacks NIGHT!
    33 - 8 = 25 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    Ice Elemental | HP: 34/110 (-18) | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 153/220 (-25) | EN: 7/22 (+1, -2) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  21. So that's why neither of them could tell what it was -- an ice elemental.

    If it were up to NIGHT, she'd have dubbed it as a golem and left it, since it was walking solidly. Her impression of an elemental were 'almost incorporeal mischief makers', but since it couldn't have been made by man... well. A construct definition of golem wouldn't have fit, would it?

    In pure, translucent blue, the elemental stood, appearing to be on lookout for something -- or someone. NIGHT had slowed her breathing for this very reason, keeping an eye on the being, thinking about her first move.

    Straight didn't work last time... But Cyclone did.

    When the being got close, she lunged at it, twirling in midair to bring the weight of her sword over her, before slicing downwards to form an arc. NIGHT shifted her feet as well, and for a moment, she wondered if the system would even register the attack.

    -- Ping!


    ID: 129462 | BD: 11 (9, +2) | MD: 7
    <<Cyclone>> on Ice Elemental.
    9 + 1 = 10 | 10 * 4 = 40 DMG
    Ice Elemental attacks NIGHT!
    33 - 8 = 25 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    Ice Elemental | HP: 52/110 (-40, -18) | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 178/220 (-25) | EN: 8/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  22. "Ow, owowow..." NIGHT groaned from the impact, slowly rising to check on herself -- and Nyanko. A tiny meep was her own reassurance that everything was alright, and his head popped out of the pocket, ears twitching, curious about where they were. With a cheerful breath, she petted and ruffled the kitten's fur with care, watching his eyes close in delight.

    Collecting the loot she had gotten from the kill, NIGHT rose, stretching, before picking up Doombringer from the snowy floor and sheathing it once more. "This is a place as good as any," she mentioned, giving the trees around her a glance. With two hands, she scooped him out from his home away from home, ensuring he was sufficiently warm enough in the snowy weather. "Now," she whispered, adjusting her grip, "Let's try again, okay? See if you can hear or sense anything out there."

    Nyanko tilted his head to the side, his ears twitching. Then his gaze shot in the noise's direction, and he pawed at his owner's fingers gently. NIGHT looked over. There was definitely some movement in the darkness, if she looked hard enough.

    "Okay," she breathed. "I'll give you that one." With a kiss, she returned the kitten to her side before venturing forth.


    ID: 129458 | CD: 10
    2/3 Training attempts succeeded.

    NIGHT | HP: 203/220 (+10) | EN: 11/22 (+1) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  23. This time, when NIGHT was done, she started running again. She'd seen her mark yelp and stagger from her blows, before taking off in yet another direction when she steadied herself. It was so close -- so close to being brought down, that it would be a shame to let it go after all the effort.

    Thankfully, the stag seemed to have slowed down from its wounds, and so it was easier for her to catch up. One meow of protest from Nyanko made their prey stagger, twisting its body to redirect itself from where it imagined the threat was coming from.

    But it set up the kill much easier for NIGHT. She leapt onto a rock as it began running to the side, down a path near her. One jump was all it took -- as she swung her blade and her foot spun out of memory, she sliced through the creature, crashing on top of it as her sword art made quick work of its health bar.


    ID: 129456 | BD: 12 (10, +2) | LD: 7 | CD: 4
    <<Cyclone>> on Stag.
    9 + 2 = 11 | 11 * 4 = 44 DMG
    Stag has been defeated!

    Stag | HP: -6/110 (-44) | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 193/220 | EN: 10/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    > Lucrative active from ATP Guild Membership.
    + 577col, Tier 1 Materials (2), [T1E1] Unidentified Consumable (1)

  24. It must've. The snow wouldn't lie about the stag's movements. Bracing herself for a run, she set Doombringer to her side, taking off after the creature with the blade cutting through the white snow. Weaving through the trees was a bit of an issue, but in time she saw it -- the stag's pale grey skin bobbing up and down as it skittered off somewhere.

    Yeah, no dice. She accelerated her footwork, eyes on her prize. Nyanko must've ducked into the pocket to take cover from the blistering wind, and NIGHT strained to keep her sights steady on her prey. But soon she found herself running side by side the animal, and with one swift arc, activated her sword art.

    -- Stay on the dot stay on the dot --

    The world blurred into a mess of colors around her, and the player felt her head spin, as the light, in its red and blue, merged together in one, singular white.


    ID: 129455 | BD: 7 (5, +2) | MD: 2
    <<Cyclone>> on Stag.
    9 * 4 = 36 DMG
    Stag missed!

    Stag | HP: 38/110 (-36) | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 193/220 | EN: 13/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  25. Another blow wouldn't hurt to find out the truth then. Carefully slinging her sword to the side, she faced the stag, positioning her reticle right between its eyes.

    And then she closed hers.

    One sweeping swing, and she felt the cool wind take stabs at her face. Maybe a ski mask might help in the future, she thought, feeling the system manipulate her actions to accommodate for the sword art. A shift here, a pull there, and she found her other foot on solid ground again. Lowering her blade in caution and for stability, she opened her eyes.

    Wait, where was the stag? It should be in the distance, assuming Cyclone knocked it backwards. Taking a breather, she heaved the sword to her shoulder before stepping forward, looking around. Nyanko let out a mew, shuffling in the pocket. NIGHT glanced down, looking at where her kitten's paw was towards.

    Did it run away?


    ID: 129435 | BD: 7 (5, +2) | MD: 3
    <<Cyclone>> on Stag.
    9 * 4 = 36 DMG
    Stag missed!

    Stag | HP: 74/110 (-36) | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 193/220 | EN: 16/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

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