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Posts posted by NIGHT

  1. So she did. NIGHT, gracelessly, turn over and began to get up, but started to hurl. She was certain a few zombies came to pat her on her back to help (it didn't) but when she began to look up for their assistance (uh, or lack there of, really), she began to throw up again.

    The poor girl stumbled as she got up, weak and dizzy. It wouldn't do her much good to keep fighting, she guessed, and shambled over to a corner, looking very much like a zombie herself (and perhaps the only reason no other players tried to attack her... was because of the intimidatingly large sword in her hand).

    '[----] the system...' was what she wanted to say, but she began to cough out more bile as she started to speak. Taking a seat by a set of bushes by the side, she watched the sky as the world began to pass her by; NIGHT killing time under the moon light.


    NIGHT did nothing. Except hurl, I guess.

    ID: 129097 | MD: 6 | LD: 2
    Zombie #1 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #1 has been defeated!

    ID: 129098 | MD: 6 | LD: 10
    Zombie #4 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #4 has been defeated!

    Zombie #1 | HP: -14/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #4 | HP: -6/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 128/220 (-14) | EN: 2/22 (+1) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 4/100 (+2)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 4/50 (+2)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 1/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 0/150
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 0/120
    • Consumables Used: 0/13
  2. See? She assured herself. We can do this. We can...

    <<Cyclone>> was a new skill too. But when she had read it before the fight, she was certain it was easy to replicate it. Hence, NIGHT rushed over to the furthest -- and healthiest -- enemy in her peripheral vision, stopping right in her blade's range, and swung her blade, careful to stay within her pivot axis. Just as she was about to topple from the initial blow --

    -- Ping!

    And she closed her eyes. For the centrifugal force aided by the system was already taking its toll on her the moment she felt it take control. It was short, and only temporary, but when the action was complete, she stumbled. NIGHT clutched her head in anger and annoyance, feeling the ground beneath her feet give way --

    -- And a zombie came over to help her lay down. Thanks, zombie. It disappeared into a flutter of dazzling lights right after, which didn't help NIGHT recover from the action, and definitely made her want to throw up more.


    ID: 129093 | BD: 7 (5, +2) | MD: 5
    <<Cyclone>> on Zombie #4.
    8 * 4 = 32 DMG | 32 - 10 = 22 DMG
    Zombie #4 missed!

    ID: 129094 | MD: 3 
    Zombie #1 missed!

    ID: 129095 | MD: 8 | LD: 11
    Zombie #3 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #3 has been defeated!

    Zombie #1 | HP: 4/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #3 | HP: -17/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #4 | HP: 12/50 (-22) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 142/220 (-7) | EN: 1/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 2/100 (+1)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 2/50 (+1)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 1/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 0/150
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 0/120
    • Consumables Used: 0/13
  3. Perhaps it had been how quickly NIGHT had begun to scramble away, but the distance between her and the zombies started to grow. From a (relatively) safe distance, NIGHT began to swing her blade again, this time practicing a known move. Two slices brought out a large pair of blades of light, cutting at the zombies that she had targeted before.

    Through the light, a rotting limb reached out to claw at her, the horror of a face revealed as the brightness began to fade. NIGHT yelped, taking a step back in shock, her eyes closing reflexively.

    But when she opened them, the howling and moaning near her had stopped, as the particles fluttered into the air, the creature fading into light. From behind, she could see the movements of the lumbering figures still hot on her trail. She lowered her sword, the blade originally up from trying to block the attack from earlier, and prepared to steel herself for her next action.


    ID: 129076 | BD: 3 (1, +2) | MD: 5
    NIGHT missed!
    Zombie #1 missed!

    ID: 129077 | BD: 11 (9, +2) | MD: 8 | LD: 13
    <<Blast>> on Zombie #2
    8 + 1 = 9 DMG | 9 * 2 = 18 DMG | 18 - 10 = 8 DMG
    Zombie #2 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #2 is defeated!

    ID: 129078 | BD: 11 (9, +2) | MD: 5
    <<Blast>> on Zombie #3
    8 + 1 = 9 DMG | 9 * 2 = 18 DMG | 18 - 10 = 8 DMG
    Zombie #3 missed!

    ID: 129079 | BD: 10 (8, +2) | MD: 5
    <<Blast>> on Zombie #4
    8 * 2 = 16 DMG | 16 - 10 = 6 DMG
    Zombie #4 missed!

    Zombie #1 | HP: 4/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #2 | HP: -2/50 (-8, -18)| DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #3 | HP: 1/50 (-8) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #4 | HP: 34/50 (-6) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 149/220 (-7) | EN: 4/22 (+1, -8) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 1/100 (+1)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 1/50 (+1)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 1/25 (+1) || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 0/150
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 0/120
    • Consumables Used: 0/13
  4. M-Maybe if I adjust my stance like so--

    -- Ping!

    NIGHT leapt instantaneously, guided by the system, swinging her sword up from her side, an action that almost seemed weightless. She shifted her arms to the side in mid-air, feeling the weight of the sword baring down on her wrist and arms as she turned it to slant the blade into a position where it shouldn't be. She felt herself drop, smashing the edge of her blade into her opponent. Her hands and arms still buzzing, she swiped it across the zombie in front of her, arced diagonally to cut through its neck. Her opponent fell to the floor, struggling to get up.

    Stumbling from the strain of her sword art, NIGHT felt herself hit the other two beings around her, shambling forward, before taking punches at her, one hurting more than the other. She exclaimed in surprise, before ducking down and rolling away, trying to escape through the gap made by the zombie she had attacked.


    ID: 129072 | BD: 11 (9, +2) | MD: 4
    <<Scooped>> on Zombie #3.
    8 + 1 = 9 DMG | 9 * 3 = 27 DMG | 27 - 10 = 17 DMG
    Zombie #3 missed!

    ID: 129073 | MD: 8
    Zombie #1 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129074 | MD: 9
    Zombie #2 attacks NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129075 | MD: 5
    Zombie #4 missed!

    Zombie #1 | HP: 4/50 (-18)| DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #2 | HP: 24/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #3 | HP: 9/50 (-17) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #4 | HP: 40/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 156/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 11/22 (+1, -3) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  5. Great, now that I have aggro on all of them...

    She glanced at their health bars, picking the weakest out. With that, she resolved, Zombie #3 was going down, if she had anything to say about it.

    But NIGHT was silent, trapped thinking in her head, and so she didn't say anything, and neither did Zombie #3.

    <<Scooped>> was a new sword art that she had never performed before, so it was of no wonder to anyone when the girl just seemed to squat indefinitely instead of upper cutting her target. This made her a prime victim for zombies to crowd around, swiping at her with their bony -- fleshy -- hands and fingers, ushering out one of their own for the assault.

    ... Should... should I move...?

    ... I really want to though.

    ... M-maybe I'll give Scooped another try...

    If there were any further attempts, any witnesses would've claimed they didn't see anything.


    ID: 129057 | BD: 4 (2, +2) | MD: 9
    NIGHT missed!
    Zombie #3 attacks NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129058 | MD: 6
    Zombie #1 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129060 | MD: 6
    Zombie #2 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129061 | MD: 2
    Zombie #4 misses!

    Zombie #1 | HP: 22/50 (-18)| DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #2 | HP: 24/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #3 | HP: 26/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #4 | HP: 40/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 175/220 (-26) | EN: 13/22 (+1, -2) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  6. -- We can do it, right? Let's start with four.

    And so, four zombies it would be, as though NIGHT had a death wish. All in or all out, right? With one, careful movement -- she had to be careful, with the length of the sword she was wielding -- she readied herself for her sword art.

    It registered.

    A swing, and a crescent of light surged from her sword, plowing into a pack of four zombies huddled up together. With an almost eerie series of clicking, they clambered over each other to get to her, reaching out for a fight.

    The first was fast -- as NIGHT tried to recover, the zombie swung wildly from the side at her face. She tumbled, away from the second. The third, however, was lucky, shoving her from behind the moment she got up. Her stumble forward meant that the fourth had barely missed her in the chaos.


    ID: 129052 | BD: 12 (10, +2) | MD: 9
    <<Blast>> against Zombie #1.
    8 + 2 = 10 DMG | 10 * 2 = 20 DMG | 20 - 10 = 10 DMG
    Zombie #1 attacks NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129053 | BD: 11 (9, +2) | MD: 4
    <<Blast>> against Zombie #2.
    8 + 1 = 9 DMG | 9 * 2 = 18 DMG | 18 - 10 = 8 DMG
    Zombie #2 misses!

    ID: 129054 | BD: 10 (8, +2) | MD: 8
    <<Blast>> against Zombie #3.
    8 * 2 = 16 DMG | 16 - 10 = 6 DMG
    Zombie #3 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129055 | BD: 12 (10, +2) | MD: 5
    <<Blast>> against Zombie #4.
    8 + 2 = 10 DMG | 10 * 2 = 20 DMG | 20 - 10 = 10 DMG
    Zombie #4 misses!

    Zombie #1 | HP: 40/50 (-10) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #2 | HP: 42/50 (-8) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #3 | HP: 26/50 (-6, -18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #4 | HP: 40/50 (-10) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 201/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 14/22 (-8) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2


  7. "What am I, Cloud Strife...?" NIGHT muttered, as she slicked back her hair, entering the vicinity of the undead. Today's personal task was an endurance run -- a test for herself, to see how far she'd come since her leave from the Town of Beginnings. She would've brought her armor, just in case things got dicey, but the test would require her to be as unarmored as possible.

    Within reason, of course. She wasn't going to let go of a pauldron she had received earlier, wanting to give the equipment a run of its own. That would mean she had to regulate the enemy pack she was picking up. Between her minimal equipment, standing in her casual clothes, she was sure that she wasn't going to fall to a random pack of zombies.

    Or at least, if she wasn't in a death game, she would believe that. NIGHT still full-heartedly imagined herself mortal. As she watched the zombies chase other players lazily, she stretched, before pulled out her blade with a flourish, readying herself for action.


    Zombie (Tier 1 Event)
    HP: 50

    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.


    Lv: 11 | HP: 220 | EN: 22 | SP: 26
    DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | EVA: - 

    THORNS: 2


    1. Two-Handed Straight Sword | Passive | RANK 2/5
    2. Heavy Armor | Passive | RANK 1/5
    3. - - -


    • [T1E3] Doombringer
      "WEAPON: A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards are decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care."
      -- [ Damage III | +3 DMG. ]
    • [T1E2] Cross-hair Lapel Pin
      "TRINKET: A crimson pin with a golden trim, one out of a few, made for the collar. It's shaped into a cross-hair."
      -- [ Accuracy II | +2 BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. ]
    • [T1E2] Spiked Metal Pauldron
      "HEAVY ARMOR: A round, silver, metal pauldron. for some odd reason, it's got obvious spikes jutting out of it. This probably isn't very safe to handle... It has a bell attached for unknown reasons."
      [ Thorns II | Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 18 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks. ]

    - - - - - -

    • Spider Cider (5) --- Heals 90 HP.
    • Spider Cider (5) --- Heals 90 HP.
    • Spider Cider (5) --- Heals 90 HP.
    • Popcorn (1) --- +20 MIT.
    • Offbrand Energy Drink (3) --- Restores 3 Energy.


    • Aincrad Trading Post Guild Membership
      -- [ ATP Guild Bonus | +5% more col from killed mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. ]

    - - -

    [Achievement Log]

    • Zombies Killed: 0/100
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 0/50
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 0/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 0/150
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 0/120
    • Consumables Used: 0/13
  8. There was still something left from the festivities that, if NIGHT were to believe the rumors, she should keep her eyes on. And NIGHT was nothing but a curious soul, but... even after investigating the truth of the matter, it still shocked her soul.

    The sticker.

    It's... a sticker, NIGHT imagined, tiredly heading up to the stall once again. How amazing could it be...?

    According to the achievements shop, three points would be in order. She picked out the easiest requirements to complete, settling on an endurance test with the results. If she was going to wittle away her time with the zombies, it might as well be of some use to her in the future, other than the item itself.

    Ugh, zombies... Just the thought of rotting flesh sent chills down her spine. She purchased a few necessities for the run -- Spider Ciders, as much as she loathed them now, Popcorn, and some energy drinks -- before heading on her way.



    • Spider Ciders (11) -------------- 550col
    • Popcorn (1) ------------------------ 150col
    • Offbrand Energy Drink (3) --- 300col

    Total: 1000col


  9. "Yo!" NIGHT called out, crashing into the workshop once again, a hand raised as a greeting. "It's done?! That was fast. I'm kind of jealous, but thank you very much." She attempted to pick up the broadsword -- and it would be a lie to say that she didn't struggle with it to begin with. But, after a bit of steady work, she was able to lift it with ease.

    "Sweet," she breathed, excited to give the blade a swing (and she would've, if she weren't in someone else's workshop). "I'll deliver the rest of the materials as soon as I get them," NIGHT promised, sheathing the sword and heading out the door. "Take care!"


    + Gained [T1E3] Doombringer.

  10. "Well, it wasn't aggressive to you," she commented dryly, looking back at the creature. "A sugar glider, huh...? Never heard of it, but at least it's tame now." She tilted her head. "Why does it like living in your hair so much....?"

    "Oh, right." NIGHT picked up Nyanko, who had been watching the taming process quietly, but intently, and raised the kitten up to the sugar glider. It mewed at the sudden elevation in height. "Here, Nyanko," she spoke gently, "It's a new friend."

    The cat sniffed at the rodent carefully, curious but afraid. After a bit, she returned the kitten back to its pocket -- not forgetting a smooch to its head, of course. NIGHT watched the sugar glider snuggle into Yukiro's locks as she started heading back to town. "That was a lot faster than I imagined it would be," she remarked, grinning. "Do you have an idea of what to name it yet?"


  11. "I... have no idea," NIGHT responded, taking back Nyanko to comfort. The noisy mewer struggled, afraid, and she kissed him on the forehead, holding the kitten close. "There, there," she cooed, placing him neatly into her pocket.

    Then her head shot back to the -- gremlin? -- still nesting on top of Yukiro's head, and she tried again to grab hold of it. "Okay, I may not know what this rodent is --" Ow. Ouch. Eh, still bearable. She cupped the creature in her hands, holding it steady. "-- but if you like it, you could try giving it the familiar food? It... might not be as aggressive, then."

    Between its big ol' eyes, twitchy nose and -- wait, where is it's mouth. Maybe this thing really was diseased. "W-wait," NIGHT thought aloud, recalling, as the rodent twitched about in her hands. "Examine it for me while I keep it still -- we can find out what it is that way."


  12. Nyanko squealed noisily at the new creature, landing on top of Yukiro's head. NIGHT wore an expression of extreme surprise, before petting the small kitten, trying to comfort it from the scare. "I-- You felt that, right?" The girl confirmed. "Are you alright?"

    From the boy's head peeped out a small, large-eyed critter that looked like a gremlin. Having never seen it before, NIGHT let out a loud yell of exclamation, backing away slowly as it continued ruffling through Yukiro's hair. "O-okay, what was that?"

    Hesitantly, the girl reached out for the little -- mouse thing(?) -- and tried to grab at it. She felt a few bites, and they would've hurt if she hadn't been wearing her gloves. Eventually, she was able to pluck out the creature from her friend's locks, bringing it close to the two, to take a closer look at it. NIGHT was silent for a bit, but then managed to find her voice. "Yukiro..."

    "... It looks diseased."



    By the time Lonzo had reached the smithy, NIGHT was already inside, holding the door open, brooding in the corner. She turned her head when she saw him lumbering through the door. "Oh, welcome back."

    Did.. did he always walk this slowly?

    The man dropped off a bulk of items -- way more than NIGHT had imagined was back at camp. Overcarrying then? I didn't know there was a weight limit.

    "There's your stuff," he mentioned, patting the pile of items. "By the way, it was a dark elf, so let the surrounding area know there might be a brigand problem in this area."

    "You mean a dark elf problem," Griswold corrected.

    "No, a BRIGAND problem." From the corner of NIGHT's eye, she spotted two new quests being added to her quest log. For a moment, catching the name of one of the quests, NIGHT believed Griswold, but as soon as it vanished she had forgotten the sentiment.

    "Hey," Lonzo called out to her, and she looked back to meet his gaze. "I hope we can work together again NIGHT. I'll try to be less of a fop around you if it helps."

    She nodded in response. "It's cool." She reinforced her voice with solemnness as she added, "Just don't try to hit on me again." Letting it go, she continued, "Let me know if I can help you in the future though."

    And so, the two adventurers completed the quest, much to NIGHT's surprise. With the quest reward being a piece of armor, NIGHT begrudgingly took it, concerned that her partner-in-crime hadn't anything this fancy to show for their efforts. Even as Lonzo waved it off as 'nothing to worry about', she took it down as 'a favour owed', and the two went on their separate ways.

    - - -

    Thread Summary


    + 2 SP
    + 200 col

    + 2 SP
    + 200 col
    + [T1E1] Dragon Bone Cuirass (Heavy Armor)



    [Quest Rewards]
    + 1 SP
    + [T1E1] Dragon Bone Cuirass (Heavy Armor) ---> (NIGHT)

    [Thread Progress]
    + 1 SP
    + 200col/participant


  14. She nodded back at him, watching him intently. "Let me know if you need anything though." It wasn't easy to say it, but she bet the toll was harder for Yukiro. It would take time for the wounds to heal.

    But they had a quest to go on, right now, so onwards they went.

    "Oh, here," she remembered, picking up Nyanko from her pocket. NIGHT handed the kitten over to Yukiro, the creature wide-eyed from being moved, looking curiously at him. With a glint in her eye, she offered, "Hold him for me for a bit."

    NIGHT walked briskly up ahead into the woods, the sun burning her head after all this time on the outside. She waved over to Yukiro, though, grinning. "This way!"

    "I'll try to be quieter," she mentioned, hands on her hip as the two drew closer. "And keep an eye out for any threats." She tilted her head. "Do you still want a cat?"


  15. "That's not it," NIGHT chimed in, continuing to walk. She'd entirely prefer it if she were walking backwards -- a conversation like this should be face to face if possible. But remembering what happened the last time she tried... she glanced back at Yukiro instead. "I'm supposed to give you an answer, remember?"

    "You really didn't do anything wrong. Promise!" The girl held up a pinky, grinning without a hint of hesitation. "But it's best that you should know. I don't want to lead you on if I can help it."

    As the two continued crossing the fields, she joined back with her friend at his side. "Yukiro." NIGHT stated, with a calmness. "I'm sorry, and I'm flattered, but I'm not interested in you."

    "But," she continued, wondering if he was paying attention. "You're still a dear friend to me, so..." Searching for his awareness, she looked at him with conviction. "I'll be rooting for you, with whoever you want to go after next."


  16. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, he does look happy. So do you."

    "So do you!" NIGHT retorted, looking back at Yukiro with a grin. When her friend couldn't meet her eyes earlier, she knew something was up. She gave him a look over, hands behind her back, keeping an eye out for his expressions. "What's on your mind?" she asked, quizzically tilting her head. "Still thinking about your familiar?"

    She took a moment to ponder, a hand petting Nyanko, with the realization and remembrance dawning on her early. In a muted tone, she voiced her concern.

    "Is it about your feelings? For me...?"

    NIGHT, for a brief moment, appeared much somber than before, her cheeriness going dim. But as quickly as it came, she picked herself up emotionally, and turned to head to the woods. She waved over to Yukiro, Nyanko peeping out of her pocket and meowing back towards him. "Come walk and talk with me!"


  17. Talk about dark. One moment they were outside, the next she could barely see anything except for the entrance. NIGHT could've sworn she kicked someone's shoes a few times, muttering an apology each step. After a few moments of walking, someone called out, "Guys, I'm heading into this room to see where this leads."

    "What... what room? Where...?"

    Should I stop?

    So she did. For a quick minute she felt like the group had left her behind, not being able to hear anything. Then, a howl came from the now-known-room, and so did a earth-shaking thud. Two eyes became visible in the darkness -- and they were up much higher than anyone she'd expected.

    NIGHT scurried to pick out one of her potions -- Safeguard -- and downed it immediately. She wasn't risking her life for a boss -- if that was a boss -- she couldn't see. Trying to find some distance between her and her friends, she cautiously stepped into where she thought the room was, drawing her sword as she readied for combat.



    NIGHT uses a Safeguard Potion. (+50 Temporary HP)

    Cave Guardian | HP: 16/20 | DMG: 50/5

    NIGHT | HP: 190/140 (+50) | EN: 14 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 17 | ACC: 2 | RECOVERY: 2 | THORNS: 1

  18. I've finally found it.

    NIGHT busted through the door, eyes glinting with mischief and pose oozing with determination. She waved over to the blacksmith as she approached the counter, her feet almost bouncing when she stopped, trying to stand still. "I've got it," she revealed, "I have a plan. Gimmie a broadsword. A big one!" She extended her arms for good measure, and exaggeration.

    "It's gotta be perfect," she began, counting out her requirements. "Sharp and large and heavy. Oh!" She added, almost climbing the table with enthusiasm. "Don't forget sturdy!"

    NIGHT tossed a pouch onto the counter, letting it land with a jingle. "Here's my down payment," she stated, eyes wide open from disbelief. "Let me know when you have it ready, or if you need materials," she added, quickly moving out of the room. A muffle meow came from a hidden compartment in her clothes. "Oh, and Nyanko says hi!"

    Name: Doombringer
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: - - -
    Roll: - - -
    Item Type: 2H Straight Sword
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Damage, Damage, Damage
    Description: A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards is decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care.
    Post Link: - - -


  19. "To the woods, then," NIGHT reminded the two, though mostly seeking clarification for herself. A warm sunny day was a nice change of pace for her and her cat. She slung her arms behind her head, enjoying the day.

    "Hey, Yukiro, do you think the other players got themselves a nice familiar yet?" She smiled at the thought. "It'd be nice to have a playdate, with everyone getting along." NIGHT turned back to Yukiro, beaming excitedly. "Maybe that's just me though. Maybe I just want to show Nyanko off to everyone." Her kitten meowed in response, curiously looking out at the stalls passing the two by, paws on the rim of her pocket.

    The two eventually reached the northern gate of town, crossing the barrier into the fields beyond. The player watched her familiar enjoy the breeze as they stepped outside, his eyes closed and sniffing at the wind. "It was raining when we met, maybe he doesn't remember the sun." NIGHT clarified.


  20. "Huh? I haven't taken anything. Trust me," NIGHT patted her chest. "I know what I'm talking about."

    "As for your cat," she commented, thinking once again. "Yeah, I bet you could. Why wouldn't you be able to find one?" With a gentle touch, she rubbed Nyanko gently on his head, pulling it away as he tried to snap at it curiously. "I found this lil' guy, didn't I?"

    NIGHT began striding down the main street, beckoning Yukiro to follow. "Although," she started, "Are you picky about its coat? I imagine... It'd be a little difficult to find a specific cat out in the wilds, but I'm willing to look with you."

    A small mew from the kitten made her head turn. "I think Nyanko's offering a hand too," the girl commented, unable to stop her smile. "Isn't that right Nyanko? Nyanko~?" Gentle petting and ear scritching to the kitten made him tilt his head in glee, content with her affection.


  21. "I take it I'm allowed to tag along this time then," she commented, mischievous glint in her eye as she folded her arms. "On the other hand, what're you looking out for as your familiar, or are you looking for one by chance?"

    "A... boar...?" NIGHT joked, smirking. "Would that even count?"

    Though, when she actually began to think about it, she looked over to Nyanko, who was cozying up in her pocket, his big yellow eyes watching Yukiro's every move. "If you like cats so much, why don't you get one for yourself then? Although," she waved a hand. "I've only seen them in the forest."

    After a moment, she snapped her fingers. "-- Actually, I just remembered, have you ever seen a tsuchinoko...? I was wondering how it might fare as a familiar, just out of curiosity..."

    NIGHT began gesturing, trying to describe the creature. "It's suppose to be this tiny snake that's fat and loves to drink alcohol? I mean, I don't mean to replace my familiar or yours but if you've seen one..."


  22. "I saw Bahr." NIGHT corrected. "I don't think I'd approach him given a regular setting."

    "See," she started, a hand to her hip. "When I was looking for a familiar, he was running through the woods for some reason?" She put a finger to her chin. "I don't know why he was there? Who is he...?"

    "Anyway, he tripped and fell. Into a puddle." NIGHT placed a hand to her head, expressing annoyance. "I hadn't much luck finding anything in the forest before that, so I thought maybe he'd scared away almost everything, running that fast..."

    NIGHT looked over to Yukiro, still playing with Nyanko. "I'll still try and remember that though, but I doubt I'll bee seeing him any time soon." She lightly batted Yukiro's finger away when her kitten began biting at it in eagerness. "That's not a food," she chided gently to her familiar, "You can't eat that."


  23. A single swing from Lonzo, and the elf dissipated into ashes. NIGHT sighed, getting back up and wading out of the bushes, careful not to trip. From behind them, a guard began clapping, stepping out of the shadows of the trees.

    "Well done, you two!"

    ... How did he get here? Who is this guy? Her adrenaline was still running high after the strike, in being careful not to get caught. She didn't catch Lonzo's scolding of the guard, but it felt... necessary. Looking around the camp site, the creature that did this really put a damper on people's lives around the village.

    Lonzo offered a hand towards her, breaking her inattentiveness. "I know you know I'm Lonzo, but... It's a pleasure working with someone so competent."

    "Pleasure's all mine," she replied with a smile, shaking his hand. "You did quite a bit of investigative work yourself."

    "I usually settle for just gorgeous but you certainly take the cake."


    NIGHT's smile faded immediately as she released his hand, trotting back to the village with a deadpanned look.

  24. "That's Nyanko," NIGHT replied, watching Yukiro reach out a hand to pet the kitten. "He walked right up to me on my search for a familiar." Nyanko pawed gently at Yukiro's finger, bopping its head right under it to receive pets. She tried not to squeal at the small creature's antics, hiding her smile behind a hand covering her face.

    "--O-oh, right. You're out to look for a friend too, huh?" The player finally mentioned, looking back at Yukiro. She folded her arms in advance. "It's not that easy, even though I know you can take care of yourself." With a thumb, NIGHT gestured to herself. "Let me tag along. You can focus on looking around, while I'll try and take out any hostiles that come by. Oh..."

    She put a hand to her chin. "If you're looking in the forest for your friend, you should be wary of someone who might be running through it. B-Bahr...?"


  25. Yukiro would find a friend, almost too quickly, some might say. Unfortunately, it was probably not the type of friend he was expected to find.

    NIGHT left her workshop, closing up for today. She was on her way out to the town. It was a bright and sunny day, and she just wanted a nice, peaceful walk where the rain wouldn't soak into her boots. At the same time, she was hell bent on showing her new friend around town. In a pocket of her armor was a tiny cat, which she pet occasionally just to hear him purr.

    "I hope you're all nice and snuggled up," she whispered to him, scratching behind his ear.

    The sound of footsteps made her turn to see Yukiro running behind her. Oh, just in time for an introduction. She waved over to him, raising her cat's paw to wave too. "Hoi! Where're you heading in all of a rush?"


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