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Posts posted by NIGHT

  1. "Mew!!" Nyanko exclaimed, surprised at the attack.

    "No," NIGHT replied, wincing. She hadn't felt a blow like that in quite a while. "I'm okay... Are you hurt, though?" She checked her pocket for any signs of damage to her friend, but the kitten merely squirmed into a better position for warmth when she did. A sigh of relief escaped her, as she retrieved her blade from the floor, turning back to the confused stag. It... looked a lot smaller before...

    Maybe I should get some of Nyanko's training in for myself too, she figured, judging the blade's weight in her hands.

    With one swing, she attempted to strike at the beast yet again, but falling short when the stag simply... stepped backwards. Oh. Maybe an overhead blow wasn't exactly the best way to cut down her opponent in this scenario. Heaving the blade up again, she readied herself for her next strike, wondering if the stag was as clueless as it seemed


    ID: 129434 | BD: 5 (3, +2) | MD: 3
    NIGHT missed!
    Stag missed!

    Stag | HP: 110/110 | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 193/220 | EN: 19/22 (+1, -2) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  2. Out to the wilderness, then. NIGHT wasn't sure how dexterous she was going to be with the layers of clothing she had on, but it theoretically was better than her last attempt coming up on this floor. She shuddered at the thought of rolling off the platform again... no. She wouldn't try that again for a long time.

    Nyanko seemed rather receptive to his owner's actions. One mew, and NIGHT turned to him with assurance that everything was alright. The kitten, seemingly grinning, looked back in the direction they were heading.

    The snowy peace didn't last for long, however. Among the coniferous trees were wild beasts, and though the one she spotted wasn't exactly ferocious on first look, it never hurt to be careful. A lone stag was passing through the forest, idly looking about.

    So NIGHT took the first strike. With a lunge, she zipped past the creature, into its field of view. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to strike at it, and toppled when the creature turned, its horns shoving her whilst she was down.


    ID: 129433 | BD: 4 (2, +2) | MD: 10
    NIGHT missed!
    Stag attacks NIGHT!
    33 + 2 = 35 DMG | 35 - 8 = 27 DMG

    Stag | HP: 110/110 | DMG: 33

    NIGHT | HP: 193/220 (-27) | EN: 20/22 (-2) | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  3. The two found themselves on the front porch of the tavern soon after. NIGHT checked her belongings, ensuring she still had the access key for her room, before pulling Nyanko over to her lap, keeping the kitten close for warmth.

    "So today," she whispered, leaning into the cat gently, "we'll be hunting? Right?" NIGHT fidgeted with the kitten's paws, taking note of their inherent fragility, and also because toesies. "And while we're out there, I want you to look carefully, and watch out for any signs of movement, okay?" The kitten mewed, and the two exchanged glances. "Can you do that for me?" The woman asked, before leaning down and kissing the cat's forehead.

    NIGHT let go of Nyanko's paws, but cupped her hands around his body, ensuring he had ample movement to pointedly look at the environment. She watched his movements carefully, judging the environment alongside him. Nyanko was quick to react to strolling passerbys, and mewed in alarm, front paw outstretched and eyes back at her, when a door was opening in the distance.

    "Attaboy," she responded, gently brushing the falling snow off his head with a smile.


    ID: 129426 | CD: 9
    1/3 Training attempts succeeded.

  4. "Huh," NIGHT thought aloud, petting Nyanko on the head. "It's not everyday Koga needs help." Her kitten chimed in on the choir. He'd sent a message about no weapons? And a cool reward, if they'd met him at his co-ordinates? After getting past the header, she furrowed her brows, glancing back at the cat. "Y'know, this sounds like a scam. One of those 'I got hacked please send money' kind of messages."

    Another mew of acknowledgement, but delayed. "Yeah," she sighed, "I'll go investigate, don't worry." She handed the familiar some kibble, before storing away the food bag in her workshop. After a stretch, she equipped herself -- not trusting the contents of the message, but not willing to leave a friend in need. A weapon undutifully slung across her back, NIGHT left the workshop, still curious.

    And so she arrived at Floor 2, opening her map for a quick second to check the co-ordinates, before strolling along towards that direction, alert for anything that seemed unusual.


    Lv: 11 | HP: 220 | EN: 22 | SP: 27
    DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -
    THORNS: 2


    1. Two-Handed Straight Sword | Passive | RANK 2/5
    2. Heavy Armor | Passive | RANK 1/5
    3. - - -


    • [T1E3] Doombringer
      "WEAPON: A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards are decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care."
      -- [ Damage III | +3 DMG. ]
    • [T1E2] Cross-hair Lapel Pin
      "TRINKET: A crimson pin with a golden trim, one out of a few, made for the collar. It's shaped into a cross-hair."
      -- [ Accuracy II | +2 BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. ]
    • [T1E2] Spiked Metal Pauldron
      "HEAVY ARMOR: A round, silver, metal pauldron. for some odd reason, it's got obvious spikes jutting out of it. This probably isn't very safe to handle... It has a bell attached for unknown reasons."
      [ Thorns II | Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 18 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks. ]

    - - - - - -

    • Starter Healing Potions (3) --- Heals 50 HP.
    • [T1] Uncommon Health Potions (5) --- Heals 40 HP.


    • Aincrad Trading Post Guild Membership
      -- [ ATP Guild Bonus | +5% more col from killed mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. ]
  5. Admittedly, NIGHT didn't bring a lot with her on today's outing. But the coziness of the room wasn't to be undersold -- rooming in here was worth the effort. For tradition's sake, after she closed the door to the room behind her, she set Nyanko down to wriggle about and explore, before running forth and leaping into the cozy bed in the corner. How lovely it was, finally, to rent a room that wasn't dilapidated!

    The soft pillowy mattress gave under her weight, and she buried her face into the woolen blankets, smothering herself under the warm comforts. Nyanko meowed loudly, in confusion and shock, and it took NIGHT a beat before she raised her head, checking in on her baby of a friend.

    "Mew," she responded, a huge grin plastered over her face. "Mew, mew, mew..."

    The player picked up her familiar, holding him close in his blankets, kissing and coddling and fussing over him, herself clearly in high spirits.

  6. Feeling the snow crunch below her feet was something she would never get used to, NIGHT guessed. The village was small, having a square, an armory, a handful of buildings and a few empty stalls. It seemed easy to be in and out at a moment's notice. Perhaps, one day, it would be nice to check herself into one of the taverns, and get a feel of how it was to live in such cold climate for a few days.

    The idea sparked some partiality in her. Just a single day's room would be enough for today, and any longer than that would have to be saved for the future. Spying several quest markers in the vicinity of the town, NIGHT guessed that they were of too much danger to put herself through at the moment, but made a mental note to return to them, maybe upon her next visit.

    Glancing down at Nyanko, she shuffled over to the Long Barrow, ready to check into a base of operations that she could return to at the end of the day.

  7. NIGHT took off her gloves partway down the slope into town. She wasn't about to let the cold get the best of her touching snow for once. How did it feel? Soft and pliable? Scatter-y like finely crushed ice?

    The answer, of course, was a secret only NIGHT knew. After a short moment, she put her hand in her coat, warming it up before putting her glove back on again. Her eyes rested on the village the whole time, wondering what was down there, and what may lie in the forest.

    On her trek down, she watched the leafless branches of the flora around her sway gently in the wind, getting distracted when she sighed, the frost billowing from her guttural efforts. There was something so magical about snow, so clean and pristine, distant and gentle about the whole atmosphere. As she reached the bottom, she wondering how many players felt the same, not having seen the magic of winter before.

  8. "Everything looks the same. Everything is a hunk of stupid rock." Lonzo hissed, somewhere in front of her.

    "Well, when you can't see..." NIGHT stated, pulling her sword up beside her in preparation. "I guess you'd be right." Breathing slow, she closed her eyes, feeling the slight rumble of the system guiding her sword.

    A light would coat her sword, the way that sword arts do, and in one swift motion, it lunged in the direction of the party's opponent, curving around one of its sides. NIGHT swung, and felt her sword push through something tough and dense, her only idea of the cave guardian through force from a sword. As it exited the being, she found her feet landing on the ground again, and sighed, thankful for her safety.

    The streak of light faded as NIGHT opened her eyes again, turning back at where she guessed the guardian was. "So how bright was that?" she asked aloud, heaving her sword to a defensive position.


    ID: 129364 | BD: 11 (10, +2, -1)
    <<Straight>> vs Cave Guardian.
    4 + 2 = 6 DMG | 6 * 2 = 12 DMG

    Cave Guardian | HP: 4/20 (-12) | DMG: 5 | Hate: NIGHT (2), Lonzo (1), Nora (0), Yukiro (0)

    NIGHT | HP: 190/140 | EN: 12/14 (-2) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 17 | ACC: 2 | RECOVERY: 2 | THORNS: 1


  9. The fourth floor. Home to the village of Snowfrost and the only floor snowing all year-round, available for beginners.

    At least, as far as NIGHT knew. She had already been to Floor 3, and wanting to avoid the faction wars that lurked amidst their forests, she went upwards, interested in Aincrad had to offer. So, she supposed, being wrapped up in bundles of cloth like this was on her to answer for.

    Checking in on Nyanko, she held him up, all wrapped up like a burrito, and kissed him gently on the forehead. One squeak, and her answer was, "Hang in there, sweetie," as she tucked him back into the pocket, wondering if the blanket was enough for him.

    NIGHT began on her journey into town from her elevated platform, watching the cloudy skies hang over her. She pulled up her scarf to cover her cheeks better, but to no avail, wincing at the nip of the cold against her face.

  10. See, the issue was that, before she got trapped in the game, NIGHT had lived in a tropical country.

    And this was a snowy, winter floor.

    And NIGHT had never seen either of those things before. When she first appeared on the fourth floor, kitten in tow, she squealed at the immediate contact of frost, wondering how she hadn't collapsed on the ground right there and then, and immediately vanished back to warmer pastures.

    So, Cardinal forgive her if today, and only just recently today, marked her third try on entering the floor. NIGHT was layered, from top to bottom, in thick winter clothes. Undergarments padded her body down, keeping her skin nice and toasty while her coat and trousers kept her safe from the elements. Hidden in a pocket was Nyanko, blanketed by cotton, and he watched the dazzling white beyond from his safe, warm and little home.

    Today was a day of training for NIGHT. Training herself how to withstand the cold, and training Nyanko to observe her hunts.

    Oh, and uh, bottoms up. NIGHT chugged a bottle of Damage Potion, just so she could get rid of it.


    NIGHT uses a Damage Potion. (+1 DMG for the rest of the thread)



    Lv: 11 | HP: 220 | EN: 22 | SP: 27
    DMG: 9 (8 + 1) | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | EVA: -
    THORNS: 2


    1. Two-Handed Straight Sword | Passive | RANK 2/5
    2. Heavy Armor | Passive | RANK 1/5
    3. - - -


    • [T1E3] Doombringer
      "WEAPON: A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards are decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care."
      -- [ Damage III | +3 DMG. ]
    • [T1E2] Cross-hair Lapel Pin
      "TRINKET: A crimson pin with a golden trim, one out of a few, made for the collar. It's shaped into a cross-hair."
      -- [ Accuracy II | +2 BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. ]
    • [T1E2] Spiked Metal Pauldron
      "HEAVY ARMOR: A round, silver, metal pauldron. for some odd reason, it's got obvious spikes jutting out of it. This probably isn't very safe to handle... It has a bell attached for unknown reasons."
      [ Thorns II | Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 18 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks. ]

    - - - - - -

    • Starter Healing Potions (3) --- Heals 50 HP.
    • [T1] Uncommon Health Potions (5) --- Heals 40 HP.
    • [T1E2] Standard-Issue Heavy Armor
      -- [ Mitigation I | + 9 MIT ]
      -- [ Thorns I | Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 9 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks. ]
    • [T1] Damage Potion (1) --- +1 DMG for the duration of 1 thread.  >> Empty Slot


    • Aincrad Trading Post Guild Membership
      -- [ ATP Guild Bonus | +5% more col from killed mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. ]
  11. It was a new day. NIGHT wasn't going back to the tent on the same night she took out the zombies. When she finally woke up, she felt herself sore everywhere, and hoped that the sticker she was working for was worth it.

    And it was. When she got her hands on the tiny slip, it looked underwhelming at first -- a cute little evil pumpkin squiggle, as far as she could see. She glanced up at the shop keep, fully expecting to see a convention artist underneath the cloak.

    But one examination later and she felt like she had to protect it with her life. Stashing it away as discretely as possible, she moved over to the side of the tent, eyes still wide with shock. The implications this had on her equipment goals were far beyond her at the moment, and she would need time to recover.

    Heading outside, she greeted the day once more with a smile.


    + Halloween Sticker (1) for 3 AP.

  12. Thread Summary


    + 1 SP
    + 400 col
    + 3 AP



    [Thread Progression]
    + 1 SP
    + 400col

    [Achievement Log]

    • Zombies Killed: 8/100
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 8/50
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150  >> Complete! (+1 AP)
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120  >> Complete! (+1 AP)
    • Consumables Used: 13/13 (+1)  >> Complete! (+1 AP)

    [Inventory Tracking]
     - Offbrand Energy Drinks (3)
     - Spider Cider (9)
     - Popcorn (1)

    • Spider Cider (5) --- Heals 90 HP
    • Spider Cider (1) --- Heals 90 HP.
    • Empty Slot
    • Empty Slot
    • Empty Slot
  13. As she was finishing up, NIGHT finally recalled the last unique item in her inventory, popcorn. All good fights deserve some kind of reward, right?

    She counted out her event items first. At the very least, she wanted to know how much left over junk she had, so that in the future, she wouldn't over estimate as much. Then, she summoned the popcorn -- light, fluffy and with a handful of caramelized bits glistening in the light, scattered in the pile.

    She popped one in her mouth. Turns out, the popcorn was a mix of both treats and tricks. NIGHT spat out the salty mush, shaking her head. I suppose it is the season, though maybe some players will like it. Scavenging for the sweeter ones, she kept her sword back in its sheathe. The box would've made a good hiding home for Nyanko, if it didn't disappear after the popcorn had been consumed. Sometimes, Cardinal giveth, and sometimes it taketh away.

    No time like the present, NIGHT guessed. When she was done with the confectionery, she got up and started to head back into the tent, wondering what the sticker would do for her.


    NIGHT consumes some Popcorn (1).

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 8/100
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 8/50
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150  >> Complete!
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120  >> Complete!
    • Consumables Used: 13/13 (+1)  >> Complete!
  14. After a bit, NIGHT picked herself back up. One good stretch was all she needed to feel her muscles complain again, but she very much preferred it that way. She was still alive, after all. And so very close to being done with being here.

    She checked her inventory when she sat up. Crosslegged, and sword flat on the ground by her side, having her eyes focus on the menu instead of the dark outside was welcoming, if not blinding at first. She pulled up a handful of ciders, wondering if she should chug them all and go on her merry way.

    ".... Nah..."

    Taking her time would do. It's not every day she got to feel refreshed and sore all at the same time. Popping open a bottle, she sipped it, content in the lack of interlopers to her merry, cheerfully mediocre break.

    Down the hatch.

    ... It still tastes like mush..


    NIGHT downs 6 Spider Ciders.

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 8/100
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 8/50
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150  >> Complete!
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120  >> Complete!
    • Consumables Used: 12/13 (+6)
  15. So she put all her strength into her final attack. Heaving Doombringer up to her cheek, she felt the system register her movement with ease, and closed her eyes. As her feet left the ground, in one fluid motion, she sliced through the remaining shambling carcass, feeling the blade enter and leave with ease. A sigh of relief left her, and she found herself rolling, once again, onto the harsh concrete; the lovely pavement floor.

    Oh, how she wanted to fall asleep right there. She splayed out, grinning, feeling powerful but very much exhausted.

    However, NIGHT stayed, listening to the shatter of crystals drift off under the moonlight, the sounds of players fighting the good fight, the eternal anguish of the undead all around her. She was, after all, still mortal, and hence alert of her surroundings. But there was peace for her.

    Between her numbing limbs, the cool breeze, and the welcoming stone beneath her, she figured that at the very least, she understood what it felt like to be a corpse, recently unearthed and rejuvenated to return to the world of the living.


    ID: 129227 | BD: 10 (8, +2) | LD: 7
    <<Straight>> on Zombie #7.
    8 * 2 = 16 DMG | 16 - 10 = 6 DMG
    Zombie #7 has been defeated!

    Zombie #7 | HP: -5/50 (-6) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 189/220 | EN: 0/22 (+1, -2) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 8/100 (+1)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 8/50 (+1)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150  >> Complete!
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120  >> Complete!
    • Consumables Used: 6/13
  16. Maybe the zombies didn't want her drinking the junk anymore. It seemed... really unhealthy to be drinking straight up spiders. On the other hand, maybe the zombies really liked the drink, but if they couldn't drink it anymore (since they were dead), no one could.

    These were the reasons NIGHT had come up for her opponents getting aggravated at her and her consumption of Spider Cider mid-combat. In getting lost in her thoughts, she managed to scrape by an attack as she charged up a blast, only to run into meet another zombie in an explosion of light, feeling a cut meet her cheek as she backed off from the blow.

    As she rolled away and landed on her feet, she had expected no survivors from the fight (except herself, of course), but from the dust shambled out one last corpse. Feeling sore, NIGHT lifted up her broadsword once more. Just one more.

    Just one more.


    ID: 129225 | BD: 4 (2, +2) | MD: 7 | LD: 2
    NIGHT missed!
    Zombie #6 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #6 has been defeated!

    ID: 129226 | BD: 6 (4, +2) | MD: 5 | LD: 15
    <<Blast>> on Zombie #7.
    8 * 2 = 16 DMG | 16 - 10 = 6 DMG
    > ... but Zombie #7 survived the attack!
    Zombie #7 missed!

    Zombie #6 | HP: -16/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 1/50 (-6) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 189/220 (-7) | EN: 1/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 7/100 (+1)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 7/50 (+1)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150  >> Complete!
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120  >> Complete!
    • Consumables Used: 6/13
  17. Well, too bad. NIGHT popped open yet another bottle of cider, eyes fiercely meeting the zombie's, shaking it violently in front of its face. As the corpse continued screeching at her, she took yet another gulp, not breaking eye contact, steadfast in her conviction to take a mediocre break.

    Almost on cue, the aggressive squad of zombies came lunging at NIGHT, shattering her bottle once more, and striking at her with everything they had. Considering the lack of working muscles, this should've been next to nothing. However, given that they were strangely aggravated by the player taking a sip, claws and teeth were bared in full. The corpses began charging, with a conviction NIGHT had never seen from a player nor enemy before.

    The wounds she received started to burn madly, as though it was a parting warning from her opponents to her, and she held them in drastic annoyance. She eyed her favourite of the pack, in their warnings, succumb to her thorns, and she contemplated the implications of its attack for a moment.


    NIGHT took a sip of Spider Cider. (+90 HP)

    ID: 129222 | MD: 10
    Zombie #6 attacks NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129223 | MD: 10
    Zombie #7 attacks NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129224 | MD: 8 | LD: 10
    Zombie #8 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #8 has been defeated!

    Zombie #6 | HP: 2/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 1/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: -12/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 196/220 (+19, -24) | EN: 4/22 (+1) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 6/100 (+1)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 6/50 (+1)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150  >> Complete!
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120  >> Complete!
    • Consumables Used: 6/13 (+1)
  18. N-no, I can't take sympathy on it.

    NIGHT forced the zombie off, watching its depressed look soar behind her. One quick kick sent it to the floor -- non-damaging, but if it could delay it from attacking her again within seconds, she figured it'd be enough.

    Noticing her health near the halfway point, she retrieved a bottle of cider from a quick menu. Perhaps it should've tasted good, if not halfway decent. NIGHT shook the bottle, watching it froth with grey in black. Pop went the cap, and down went the muck. Still dry, still bitter, but at least the texture improved.

    Feeling a little refreshed was the least of her problems. Now another zombie was on the attack, smashing its bones at her hands. The player watched the cider bottle crash on the ground, scattering into fragments of light. NIGHT glared angrily at the creature, it hissing at her -- probably for even taking a break mid combat.


    NIGHT took a sip of Spider Cider. (+90 HP)

    ID: 129219 | MD: 7
    Zombie #6 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129220 | MD: 2
    Zombie #7 missed!

    ID: 129221 | MD: 2
    Zombie #8 missed!

    Zombie #6 | HP: 2/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 1/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 6/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 201/220 (+90, -7) | EN: 3/22 (+1) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 5/100
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 5/50
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 172/150 (+90)  >> Complete!
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 172/120 (+90)  >> Complete!
    • Consumables Used: 5/13 (+1)
  19. Did one of the zombies fall? In her focus of combat with the Most Helpful, she'd neglected her other opponents. Not like they were up to much of anything. Glancing, she saw them lumbering, groaning and slowly making their way to her. She imagined entire horde of zombies must be sharing one singular brain cell, and that it was up to another player to deal with their efforts for the time being.

    Oh, until Zombie #8 attacked. Maybe the brain cell had gone to them instead. As NIGHT began to turn to look back at her opponent, it grappled her from behind, sinking its teeth down her arm. The shock sent shivers all over her skin, and she took its head in her hand, trying to yank the zombie off of her.

    Meeting its gaze, it could only look back at her with sadness, regret, and shame. And for a moment, NIGHT hesitated, her teeth gritted, and her grip tightening around the zombie's head.


    NIGHT did nothing.

    ID: 129216 | MD: 4
    Zombie #6 missed!

    ID: 129217 | MD: 3
    Zombie #7 missed!

    ID: 129218 | MD: 6
    Zombie #8 attacks NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.

    Zombie #6 | HP: 20/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 1/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 6/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 118/220 (-7) | EN: 2/22 (+1) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2


  20. Once more, then.

    She slung her blade to the side. It was time to take out the most helpful of the pack, though it pained her to do so. Zombie #8, the double agent of the pack, had continued pummelling NIGHT even when she was down; a particular strategy she couldn't avoid noticing. It had been vital to her endurance test, yes, but all good things had to come to an end.

    It'll be poetic, NIGHT thought, preparing to spin as she slogged towards the undead. So stay still.

    One slice, and a light told her to focus on the reticle, for her own good. She did so, in the comfort of darkness. When she came to, the creature had staggered, its body going limp, and NIGHT felt its eyes (or what was left of them) bear into her soul. A heavy guilt weighing on her, complimenting the buzz in her arms and her legs. Well, this was awkward...

    ... S-sorry...


    ID: 129212 | BD: 11 (9, +2) | MD: 9
    <<Cyclone>> on Zombie #8.
    8 + 1 = 9 DMG | 9 * 4 = 36 DMG | 36 - 10 = 26 DMG
    Zombie #8 attacked NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129213 | MD: 8 | LD: 7
    Zombie #5 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.
    Zombie #5 has been defeated!

    ID: 129214 | MD: 3
    Zombie #6 missed!

    ID: 129215 | MD: 5
    Zombie #7 missed!

    Zombie #5 | HP: -8/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #6 | HP: 20/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 1/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 24/50 (-26) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 125/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 1/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 5/100 (+1)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 5/50 (+1)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 82/150
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 82/120
    • Consumables Used: 4/13
  21. Better. Much better. NIGHT managed to bounce -- if not stumble -- back, but only after the zombie that she was trying to strike down retaliated, nails digging sharp into her skin. Her opponents continued their pursuit, assailing her with lunges while she weaved to and fro. She was definitely feeling lightheaded, sure, but it was difficult to tell if it was due to the effects of Cyclone once again, or her past induced nausea.

    She kept the pace, imagining the sickness overcoming her again. But as she dodged and waited, only moderate relief came washing back over her. Biding her time, she bumped into one of her combatants, having lunged past her to begin with, strike at her with a decayed arm, grazing the spikes on her pauldron. She shoved it away, gripping her sword tight, and glanced at its health bar.

    -- Tch, tough luck.

    NIGHT had figured death would take it, but it hung onto life instead, its special ability having activated. No matter, she figured, it would go down in time.


    ID: 129208 | BD: 5 (3, +2) | MD: 3
    NIGHT missed!
    Zombie #8 missed!

    ID: 129209 | MD: 3
    Zombie #5 missed!

    ID: 129210 | MD: 10
    Zombie #6 attacked NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    ID: 129211 | MD: 6 | LD: 15
    Zombie #7 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activated for 18 DMG.
    > ... but Zombie #7 survived the attack!

    Zombie #5 | HP: 10/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #6 | HP: 20/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 1/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 50/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 144/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 4/22 (+1, -2) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  22. Let it not be known that the Cardinal system was a silent divine machine, but rather, a benevolent intelligence. For in NIGHT's darkest hour -- literally and figuratively -- it finally displayed a window in front of the heaving woman, to which she shakily checked, receiving another pat from friendly Zombie #8.

    The window led her to her settings, where it allowed her to turn on a reticle.

    ... How is this going to help me?!

    But NIGHT would be surprised. As she enabled the single, tiny dot, she began to rise from the shocked creature, kicking off the pavement floor to reach for her blade. With Doombringer in hand, she sprinted back to the rising zombie -- now with puke on its face -- and began to spin, angling her blade towards its body instead.

    She closed her eyes, her focus on the single-pixel bit. As the world spiralled around her, she prayed desperately to the white in the darkness.


    ID: 129193 | BD: 12 (10, +2) | MD: 3
    <<Cyclone>> on Zombie #6.
    8 + 2 = 10 DMG | 10 * 4 = 40 DMG | 40 - 10 = 30 DMG
    Zombie #6 missed!

    ID: 129194 | MD: 5
    Zombie #5 missed!

    ID: 129195 | MD: 8
    Zombie #7 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129196 | MD: 9
    Zombie #8 attacked NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    Zombie #5 | HP: 10/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #6 | HP: 20/50 (-30) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 14/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 50/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 163/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 5/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  23. N-no. No. Oh god, there it is. Talk about delays, the spinning hit NIGHT hard as she rose, lunging for another zombie, trying to strike it with her sword.

    Instead, she swung her blade away, far into the air, and tackled the zombie instead. The weapon hit the pavement floor, spinning in circles before coming to a halt. Falling on top of the creature was one of the last things she had wanted to do, as the rotting flesh hit her senses and made her want to gag as much as she wanted to throw up again.

    She struggled against the feeling. It was an extremely brave attempt, and had anyone been watching, they would say the same, as they turned away from the sight allowing NIGHT to vomit in peace.

    Harsh pats on her back came from a zombie on attack, and the player greatly appreciated them, tasting foul tastes on their way out of her.


    ID: 129189 | BD: 3 (1, +2) | MD: 4
    NIGHT missed!
    Zombie #6 missed!

    ID: 129190 | MD: 6
    Zombie #5 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129191 | MD: 3
    Zombie #7 missed!

    ID: 129192 | MD: 10
    Zombie #8 attacked NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    Zombie #5 | HP: 10/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #6 | HP: 50/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 32/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 50/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 182/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 8/22 (+1, -2) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 4/100
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 4/50
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 2/25 (+1) || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 82/150
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 82/120
    • Consumables Used: 4/13
  24. Okay, one more set of enemies.

    NIGHT had spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to twirl in a way that didn't make her dizzy. When that didn't work, she shrugged, resolving to try it again in the heat of battle. Perhaps it would be that only on her first usage would her queasiness get the better of her.

    Rushing up to a nearby zombie, she set her blade to the side, slashing the sword across horizontally when her combatant was near. Following the weight of her blade, she twirled, and a blinding white informed her of the system's acknowledgement of her actions. One quick breath, shut eyes, and a prayer to Cardinal was all it took for her strike to land -- without fail, and without dizziness.

    Brilliant. She was still toppling over by the end of it, however, falling into the zombie's friends, who began to wail on her as she tried to catch her breath.


    ID: 129166 | BD: 9 (7, +2) | MD: 2
    <<Cyclone>> on Zombie #5.
    8 * 4 = 32 DMG | 32 - 10 = 22 DMG
    Zombie #5 missed!

    ID: 129167 | MD: 2
    Zombie #6 missed!

    ID: 129168 | MD: 7
    Zombie #7 attacked NIGHT!
    15 - 8 = 7 DMG
    > Thorns activate for 18 DMG.

    ID: 129169 | MD: 10
    Zombie #8 attacked NIGHT!
    20 - 8 = 12 DMG

    Zombie #5 | HP: 28/50 (-22) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #6 | HP: 50/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #7 | HP: 32/50 (-18) | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL
    Zombie #8 | HP: 50/50 | DMG: 15//20 | MIT: 10 | SPECIAL

    NIGHT | HP: 201/220 (-7, -12) | EN: 9/22 (+1, -4) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

  25. When NIGHT felt better, she popped open a bottle of Spider Cider. It wasn't so much for the taste of it, rather, she needed to get something in her system before she felt the dehydration hit her.

    It was... so bad. Dark and murky and bitter. Her best guess was actual, literal spiders ground up and then diluted with water. NIGHT had almost expected an actual spider to come crawling out the bottle. She thought one did, but whether or not it was real or a trick of the light was not up to her to know nor to find out.

    The moon was full. Perhaps it was due to the event itself, masking the proper moon cycle from the area, but the girl loved watching it, imagining how it would wax and wane, given the chance to simulate it in her mind. She raised her drink, and a couple more to it, trying to regain her strength for the next set of enemies.


    NIGHT recovers from being out of combat.
    NIGHT uses Spider Cider (1), Offbrand Energy Drink (3).

    NIGHT |
     HP: 220/220 (+10, +82) | EN: 12/22 (+1, +9) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 2

    - - -

    • Zombies Killed: 4/100 (+2)
    • Last Hit On Zombies: 4/50 (+2)
    • Critical Failures || Critical Evasions: 1/25 || 0/15
    • HP Restored to Self: 82/150 (+82)
    • HP Restored in a Thread: 82/120 (+82)
    • Consumables Used: 4/13
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