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Posts posted by Setsuna

  1. A sudden jerk as Shiina made a lunge for her, trying to avoid the unwanted embrace out of the blue. But she was too close to the little vice. "I'll stab you if you don't let me go." Setsuna began to try and pry free her arms, this girl was stronger then she ever eluded to be. Her skin was hot, felt as though it would burn right through her. Shiina does not let go, and despite her best efforts Setsuna just cannot get out of her clutches. "This place isn't fun." Setsuna tries to confuse her into a release, but it just causes her to become tighter. How this girl was like an adhesive was so blaring, Setsuna felt trapped in her arms. Unable to function her head begins to swim, and in a way it felt kind of....nice. She couldn't think clearly, as she could feel herself almost fade away into a trance.

  2. Setsuna waits patiently for Sam's return, on the rim of the fountain here in Delilah. Their eccentric attire offering them no respite from prying eyes, looking at the strange high level players who were relaxing on the rim. Paying them little mind other then looking back in their direction once she'd notice them staring. Her gaze shifts to Shiina. "How is it you are always this wound up?" She asks of the songstress, Setsuna had noticed this fact before. There were so many times where the girl had been trapped into some nefarious affair due to her inability to show tact. The girl continued to bounce at the thought of a meal, and Setsuna was sure that if this game had any way of obesity the girl would be rounder then the boulder on this floor. The soft white noise at her back trickled from the structure of stone, pooling in the almost stagnant pool near the base.

  3. Setsuna stops her assail away, whisked toward her own devices in solitude. "I-" But the word is completely shut down as a hot hand finds her shoulder. Something about that heat, although it burned felt almost comforting. "Alright." she surrenders into the offer, sliding out of the clutches of the smiths hand. She couldn't take much more of the contact, it simply brought with its fire oh so much pain. Memories of time where such contact wasn't so rare. A glance to the others who seemed almost dumbstruck by her accepting, and with it a slight tinge of embarrassment. "Let's move, I don't want to waste all day doing this. I have other duties at which to attend." She offers a retort to break them out of their stupors.  Taking point from the pack, Setsuna leads them back toward town for the gate and the much larger city on floor 1. During, some would notice the strange lack of distance between her and Griswold.

  4. An appear and a draw of her mask down returns her name and marker, as her weapon's handle is released. She was prepped just in case it was necessary but it seemed that this was going to be much simpler then it first entailed. An easy success, made this quicker to complete. "Turn the ovule into the woman and the quest is finished." A glance to Shiina and Griswold, who had both played their parts amicably. There was something about being with this group, but that extended to not just them but all of the guild. There was a strength that was almost incomparable in this little formation that Raidou had saw leagues ago. A thought to Alkor's inquiry brought even more confusion, it was undeniable that there was some grand motive. But Setsuna was unsure if this was it. It couldn't have been so simple as making a strong network of individuals that could be slapped together at moments notice and tear through whatever they faced. Could it?

  5. Sliding across the field at a rapid pace, exploiting the opening produced by Freya as the serpent turns to face the blonde. A single silent blue lancing line slides across its neck behind the large head. The creature grows still, and as her weapon is returned into its saya the head simply detaches in a smooth and surgical line across that tear. In a chain of two pops, the snake ceases to exist moments after her attacks execution, the freeze not taking hold despite the fact. Perhaps due to the viscosity of the creature disabling its effects. This quest was over, as it promptly erases itself into a faint gray before disappearing completely. Moments later the rewards flood in to each participant. A glance toward the group shows her acceptance of such an easy completion, proving once again strength in numbers being the most optimal way of handling these tasks.

    San Ge [x15], -12 EN (15 - [Finesse R3])

    ID# 187265 results: Battle: 8+5=13, Loot: 19+3=22, Hit! vs. Hebishinu dealing 22x15=330-100=220 DMG

    Lethal Activation: Next turn Vanish can be cast as a free action if off CD

    Shiina | HP:840/840 | EN:75/84 | DMG:1 | MIT:89 | MENDING:1 | REC:4 | LD:3
    Freya | HP:900/900 | EN:77/88 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1 | LD:3
    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:84/96 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5 | LD:3
    Freyd | HP:1790/1790 | EN:182/191 | DMG:26(+3/2) | MIT:34 | EVA:2 | ACC:6 | VAMP OFF:179 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | LD:8 | BH:89 | DOT 2/2

    Hebishinu | HP:-144/600 | DMG:140 | MIT:100
    If lands 9-10 on BD, adds Paralyze or Toxic Venom. On CD, if the dice is 1-6, its Toxic Venom. If 7-12, its Paralyze, along with the +1 or +2 Damage from the roll

  6. ID# 187222 results: Loot: 15+5=20, Stealth Maintained!

    "Was" Setsuna offers coldly as she appears and slides her katana shut, causing the entirety of the pack to be diced to frozen pieces. Cut to smithereens without even the slightest effort, it was clear that this quest was designed for a much lower level group. A twist of her frame sees her dispersed again, knowing full well that the next on the platter would be the main course. The faster they slaughtered the produced mobs the quicker that they would be able to turn this in. It was a welcome stray from darker thoughts, this small affair. Sam was growing pretty well, and this was not lost on Setsuna either. She saw the seriousness now stemming from the girl, done playing games it seems she was. Strange that such a change seemed to transpire in her blind spot. Back into her hip the katana slides away, ready for another draw to erase all that it came in contact with.

    Tsumuji Guruma [x1/AoE] -9 EN (1 - [Finesse 3] + 8 (4 Targets Hit)

    ID# 187223 results: Battle: 5 [Auto Hit] vs. Nepent #5 dealing 17x1=17 DMG
    ID# 187224 results: Battle: 8 [Auto Hit] vs. Nepent #6 dealing 17x1=17 DMG
    ID# 187225 results: Battle: 8 [Auto Hit] vs. Nepent #7 dealing 17x1=17 DMG
    ID# 187226 results: Battle: 4 [Auto Hit] vs. Nepent #8 dealing 17x1=17 DMG

    Lethal Activation: Next Vanish is a Free Action if off cooldown

    Shiina | HP:840/840 | EN:72/84 | DMG:1 | MIT:89 | MENDING:1 | REC:4 | LD:3
    Sam | HP:840/840 | EN:73/82 | DMG:16(+2/1) | ACC:3 | BLD:24 | LD:3
    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:87/96 | DMG:15 | ACC:5 | LD:2
    Griswold | HP:930/930 | EN:90/90 | DMG:9 | MIT:84 | ACC:2 | THRNS:36 | REC:2 | TAUNT | BH:18

    Nepent #5 | HP:7/7 | DMG:3
    Nepent #6 | HP:7/7 | DMG:3
    Nepent #7 | HP:7/7 | DMG:3
    Nepent #8 | HP:7/7 | DMG:3

  7. Stealth Roll: ID# 187210 results: Loot: 11+5=16, Success!

    A brutal snap once Freya ushers Shiina clear from the target, shearing the shedding skin from the creature like a wrapper from a candy bar. It exposes fresh and smooth glossed skin. The creature hisses in a dark howl. It knew that it was no longer under its signature protection. It's attempts at aggression toward Setsuna fall rather quickly, as the high pitch whir followed by a cascade of opposing energy began to play about Samiel's Pride. It wasn't the girl this thing should be worried about, but rather the weapon that was about to blow its ass from here to space like an explosive meant to level a building. A twist of her frame as the snake changes its eyes to the whisper to inspect the noises origin. Her body becomes corporeal and ceases to exist, her attack had done what intended. Now it would be to her captain to make due on the weakening.

    Basic Attack [x1], -1 EN

    ID# 187211 results: Battle: 8, [Auto Hit], Loot: 10+3=13, Successful Connection. Final Safeguard Blown!

    Shiina | HP:840/840 | EN:82/84 | DMG:1 | MIT:89 | MENDING:1 | REC:4 | LD:3
    Freya | HP:900/900 | EN:87/88 | DMG:22 | EVA:2 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:1 | LD:3
    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:95/96 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5 | LD:3
    Freyd | HP:1790/1790 | EN:191/191 | DMG:26 | MIT:34 | EVA:2 | ACC:6 | VAMP OFF:179 | HLY:6 | FLN:6 | LD:8 | BH:89 | DOT 2/2

    Hebishinu | HP:600/600 | DMG:140 | MIT:100
    If lands 9-10 on BD, adds Paralyze or Toxic Venom. On CD, if the dice is 1-6, its Toxic Venom. If 7-12, its Paralyze, along with the +1 or +2 Damage from the roll

  8. ID# 186979 results: Loot: 2+5=7, Stealth Falls!

    In tandem with the Blossom, Setsuna plays a strike on opposed angle in a violent tear of cyan blue. The creature experiences a huge wound down its side, still struggling to its feet from the blow from Sam. It was truly a powerful one, an ode to the fact that Sam might just be taking this seriously now. Setsuna couldn't help but turn her direction in acknowledgement before her gaze advances straight to Kasumi. Paying a mirrored nod with the yang to her yin, this was the first time she'd used this new color scheme in conflict. It was no surprise to the silver haired girl, no. For she had seen it in their most recent exchanges to hone them both. Leaping toward Kasumi they both vanish without a word spoken, back into the dark to drive the final nail in the coffin, adding a second crystal on the floor as the traps were in place.

    Post Action: San Ge [x15] -12 EN [15-3 (Finesse)]

    Free Action (Consumable): Hypnosis 2 [T1/Rare/Debuff Song/Instant] -2 Accuracy

    ID# 186980 results: Battle: 4+5=9, Hit vs. Piasuhon dealing 22x15=330-50=280 DMG!

    [H:2] Sam | HP:840/840 | EN:69/82 | DMG:22 | ACC:5 | BLD:24 | REC:2 | BRN:12 | PARA:1 | Toxic Venom:16
    [H:2] Kasumi | HP:900/900 | EN:76/90 | DMG:20 | EVA:3 | ACC:5 | BLD:24
    [H:1] Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:84/96 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5
    [H:0] Griswold | HP:1025/1025 | EN:92/92 | DMG:14 | MIT:94 | ACC:4 | THRNS:46 | REC:2 | TAUNT | BH:30

    Piasuhon | HP:239/1100 | DMG:400 (Crits 8-10) | MIT:50 | EVA:0 | ACC:-1 | Phase 50% (BLD 48/2) (BRN 24/2) (TXC VNM 32/3) (Paralyze)
    Pure Rage: When Piasuhōn's health reached 550, he is overcome by a fit of rage, aiming to kill. He gains +100 Damage to his base attack but loses 1 Accuracy in his blind rage

  9. A pivot on her heel sees the girl begin to flicker and fade, drawing that cloth mask over the bottom half of her face. A white film plays off of her shoulders like smoke and a leap sees her disperse like a hand through a cloud of the same. Within the roaring crowd that looked on to this exchange, Setsuna was preparing for the kill. To her side was Kasumi mirroring the same execution, as if in tandem with the girl. As it would turn out that training of theirs had done wonders. They were starting to be capable of operating together, showing just how far those practice had taught. With a glimmer of pink and blossoms in her fog, both girls were gone and setting up the opening strikes against this boss. It wouldn't know what hit it, but such was fighting a foe so great. No underestimation, just pure violence with the intent to drop it as fast as possible.

    ID# 186971 results: Loot: 15+5=20, Successful Stealth!

  10. A snap to attention as Sam just lays it out while she was drifting off. A troubled squint and a glance toward the girl that just sat next to her. Sending invites to the group "Then perhaps you will learn some temperance." Setsuna offers coyly slinking to her feet, heading with Griswold for the gate. A soft breeze of cold left behind, and as she stood next to Griswold the height difference was staggering. Lifting the cloth mask from the lower half of her face upward, as it does you see her marker and name simply disappear from her targeting reticule. She was preparing for lethality, as her senses started to recover from the dulled state. A flicker of her frame twists it and begins to make it hard to make her out, before she seems to fade away like fog. Back into her stealth, sliding from view without an issue.

    ID# 186958 results: Loot: 10+5=15, Successful Stealth!

  11. 3/26/21

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
    1 186815 CD: 4 +1 LD: 13 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    2 186816 CD: 7 +1 LD: 13 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    3 186817 CD: 4 +1 LD: 17 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    4 186818 CD: 5 +1 LD: 6 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    5 186819 CD: 6 +1 LD: 3 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    6 186820 CD: 5 +1 LD: 4 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    7 186821 CD: 11 +1 LD: 15 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    8 186822 CD: 2 +1 LD: 1 Salvage Failure - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    9 186823 CD: 10 +1 LD: 5 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    10 186824 CD: 10 +1 LD: 16 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    11 186825 CD: 8 +1 LD: 14 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    12 186826 CD: 12 +1 LD: 9 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    13 186827 CD: 7 +1 LD: 6 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    14 186828 CD: 6 +1 LD: 10 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    15   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    16   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    17   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    18   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
                    Exp Total: 141  


  12. A warning beckoned, for the Rhino was much to great. As the message comes from the cat herself, asking that Setsuna take up arms in her stead. A silent reply with a nod, accepting the burden to allow the woman to her tasks unhindered. Within the gates of coral she forces the gate to trigger, a slide of the fold and she ends up not but leagues near Sam. Her eyes dart to the coliseum on the horizon. "The Rhino is not to be taken lightly. I sure hope your prepared." Setsuna offers that signature reflection she so repetitively held. Adjusting her katana into its sash with a few honest shifts, peeling tight against her waist. There could be no room for folly, they needed everything to move through smoothly. Curious she was about how prepared Sam had been in regards to this attempt at one of Aincrad's toughest quests.

    Artisan Carrot Cake: Accuracy +2: 180406, 180407 Turned into Artisan Carrot Cake Feast [0/4]

    Setsuna Consumes:
    Artisan Carrot Cake Feast [1/4] (+2 Accuracy)
    Well Done Steak Feast [3/4] (+3 Protein/Filled) [Below]
    Titans Strength (Damage +3: 184163-1)

    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:96/96 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5


    Setsuna, Firm Anima Assassin
    Level: 48
    HP: 960/960
    EN: 96/96

    Damage: 22
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Shiva's Embrace - Ancestry T2/Perfect/Katana [Damage 3]
    Armor: Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear T1/Perfect/L.A [+3 Evasion]
    Misc: Kunoichi Wrapping's T1/Perfect/Trinket [+3 Accuracy]

    One-Handed Curved Sword [Rank 1]
    Katana [Rank 5]
    Hiding [Rank 4] + 1
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 2]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Fighter) R1

    Finesse Rank 3
    Surprise Attack (Assassin)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Gold Star Sticker (+1 of either DMG/LD/15 Mit, treated as Totems charge [1/3])
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*1
    Hypnosis 2 [T1/Rare/Debuff Song/Instant] -2 Accuracy*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Skylight (Hiding): +1 Rank to the Hiding skill.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  13. "A clean kill." Setsuna appears from the mist, the soft patter of her feet beneath her as she moved closer to Kasumi. It had been her coaching and this was her suggestion. It was not easy for the girl to kill in the way that she had, and although ruthless was a necessity for her to learn. "Swallow that fear of yours, abscond yourself of the burden. It was a creature of imagination and nothing more." A kneel where the elf fell shows his bar reduce and him shatter. Her eyes shift to Kasumi, that look of trouble on her brow. "None of that, no room for it. Rid yourself of it, be what I know you can be." Setsuna offered her the affirmation, a cold chill on her voice and a memory of their own conflicts and recent duels honing each other to an edge. The oddity was that Setsuna could hardly keep up with her when she was serious.

    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:96/96 | DMG:15 | ACC:5 | LD:2


    Setsuna, The Creature in the Mist
    Level: 48
    HP: 960/960
    EN: 96/96

    Damage: 15
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Shiva's Embrace - Ancestry T2/Perfect/Katana [Damage 3]
    Armor: Silver Covetous Serpent T1/Rare/Trinket [+2 Loot Dice]
    Misc: Kunoichi Wrapping's T1/Perfect/Trinket [+3 Accuracy]

    One-Handed Curved Sword [Rank 1]
    Katana [Rank 5]
    Hiding [Rank 4] + 1
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 2]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Fighter) R1

    Finesse Rank 3
    Surprise Attack (Assassin)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Gold Star Sticker (+1 of either DMG/LD/15 Mit, treated as Totems charge [1/3])
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*1
    Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear T1/Perfect/L.A [+3 Evasion]

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Skylight (Hiding): +1 Rank to the Hiding skill.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  14. 3/23/21

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
    1 186625 CD: 3 +1 LD: 11 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    2 186626 CD: 2 +1 LD: 17 Salvage Success - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    3 186627 CD: 2 +1 LD: 6 Salvage Success - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    4 186628 CD: 2 +1 LD: 10 Salvage Success - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    5 186629 CD: 6 +1 LD: 6 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    6 186630 CD: 8 +1 LD: 14 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    7 186631 CD: 7 +1 LD: 5 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    8 186632 CD: 8 +1 LD: 15 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    9 186633 CD: 4 +1 LD: 12 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    10 186634 CD: 5 +1 LD: 9 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    11 186635 CD: 9 +1 LD: 6 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    12 186636 CD: 10 +1 LD: 12 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    13 186637 CD: 11 +1 LD: 8 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    14 186638 CD: 1 +1 LD: 18 Critical Failure - 6 (+5 Ambition)
    15   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    16   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    17   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    18   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
                    Exp Total: 127  

    186625, T3/Uncommon/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186629, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186630, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186631, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186632, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186633, T3/Uncommon/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186634, T3/Uncommon/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186635, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186636, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186637, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage

    Crafting Respite: 180398

    Roll: ID# CD: LD: Quality Count Experience Ambition Mod
    1 186639 CD: 6 +1 LD: 14 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    2 186640 CD: 5 +1 LD: 14 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    3 186641 CD: 11 +1 LD: 17 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    4 186642 CD: 10 +1 LD: 17 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    5 186643 CD: 11 +1 LD: 19 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    6 186644 CD: 8 +1 LD: 2 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    7 186645 CD: 8 +1 LD: 17 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    8 186646 CD: 2 +1 LD: 14 Salvage Success - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    9 186647 CD: 5 +1 LD: 10 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    10 186648 CD: 2 +1 LD: 2 Salvage Failure - 7 (+5 Ambition)
    11 186649 CD: 12 +1 LD: 2 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    12 186650 CD: 12 +1 LD: 7 Perfect - 13 (+5 Ambition)
    13 186651 CD: 3 +1 LD: 13 Uncommon - 8 (+5 Ambition)
    14 186652 CD: 9 +1 LD: 18 Rare - 10 (+5 Ambition)
    15   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    16   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    17   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
    18   CD:   +1 LD:   Critical Failure -   (+5 Ambition)
                    Exp Total: 143  

    186639, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186640, T3/Uncommon/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186641, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186642, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186643, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186644, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186645, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186647, T3/Uncommon/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186649, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186650, T3/Perfect/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186651, T3/Uncommon/Light Armor Intended to Salvage
    186652, T3/Rare/Light Armor Intended to Salvage

  15. A glance to the board, a simple quest to help clean off dusted thoughts. A twist of her finger selects the easiest, and another prompt is sent through guild chat rather abruptly. Like all her messages before they were short and to the point. A destination and a motive, that was it. Finding the rim of the fountain and taking a seat to wait for responses. Just in case there were any. She was a bit reluctant to believe she would receive any back, but she had to be able to say that she had tried. Setsuna begins to list a bit off, this moment of peace starting to force her to doze. The girl didn't get much rest, and it was in these little moments of down time in a safe place that she found it hard to keep it at bay. Setsuna was all but exhausted. More than any other.

    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:96/96 | DMG:15 | ACC:5 | LD:2


    Setsuna, The Creature in the Mist
    Level: 48
    HP: 960/960
    EN: 96/96

    Damage: 15
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Shiva's Embrace - Ancestry T2/Perfect/Katana [Damage 3]
    Armor: Silver Covetous Serpent T1/Rare/Trinket [+2 Loot Dice]
    Misc: Kunoichi Wrapping's T1/Perfect/Trinket [+3 Accuracy]

    One-Handed Curved Sword [Rank 1]
    Katana [Rank 5]
    Hiding [Rank 4] + 1
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 2]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Fighter) R1

    Finesse Rank 3
    Surprise Attack (Assassin)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Gold Star Sticker (+1 of either DMG/LD/15 Mit, treated as Totems charge [1/3])
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*1
    Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear T1/Perfect/L.A [+3 Evasion]

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Skylight (Hiding): +1 Rank to the Hiding skill.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  16. A twist of her vision toward the guild messages, in her meditative state she had missed it. "Your tone can use some work, but I see that it was my own misinterpretation that caused the confusion." Her best attempt an apology. Already present, she'd tag along with this little affair with the lot. A lift of her mask and a step back sees the girl's appearance simply breaking away like vapored co2 off of a block of ice, like she was melting. Into the shadows as she'd tail them from them. Such was customary, and her method of hunting. With Freyd here she had no qualms with direction, knowing full well that it would remain on track. Into one of the rotted trees, keeping an eye on Freya from the distance as she would join with the rest of the group. Shiina was with the group, and a soft sigh from her perch. This just got a lot more difficult.

    ID# 186406 results: Loot: 9+5=15, Stealth Rating Success!

  17. Raising her head as Freya enters and exits the hall at a rather quick pace, an ode to heading off to do something. There was no message through guild chat, however, and like let there be light the girl had a habit of biting off more than she could chew. A shift of her hand shows a few items still cluttering her inventory that could be used, a hollow sound like a whispered exhale as she becomes intangible. Tailing the girl and overhearing the destination as she stared her down from above. "Floor 16. The snake or the boat." Setsuna muttered under her breathe, recalling the shared analytics from the captains that littered the guild's main hall table.

    Leaping down with a slide of her hand to the rim of the roof sees her fall without a sound, and in a blur of chill that makes the NPC's shift in confusion. "Floor 16, Zugaikotsushima" she whispers the trigger, the place swelling with energy and firing down like out of a mortar. "What exactly are you attempting to do alone, Freya" Setsuna snapped with a cold tone like a mother scolding a child.

    Titan's Strength (Damage +3: 182471)
    Poached Egg (Accuracy +2: 180404-1)
    Lemon Berry Palmiers (Loot Dice +3: 175861-2)
    Well Done Steak (Protein +2: 182489) (FILLED)

    Setsuna | HP:960/960 | EN:96/96 | DMG:22 | EVA:3 | ACC:5 | LD:3


    Setsuna, The Creature in the Mist
    Level: 48
    HP: 960/960
    EN: 96/96

    Damage: 22
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Shiva's Embrace - Ancestry T2/Perfect/Katana [Damage 3]
    Armor: Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear T1/Perfect/L.A [+3 Evasion]
    Misc: Kunoichi Wrapping's T1/Perfect/Trinket [+3 Accuracy]

    One-Handed Curved Sword [Rank 1]
    Katana [Rank 5]
    Hiding [Rank 4] + 1
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 2]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Fighter) R1

    Finesse Rank 3
    Surprise Attack (Assassin)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Gold Star Sticker (+1 of either DMG/LD/15 Mit, treated as Totems charge [1/3])
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Skylight (Hiding): +1 Rank to the Hiding skill.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  18. It was almost odd, this sudden shift. Normally the girl could not stand her in the slightest, assuming her methods barbaric despite their necessity, yet here she was praising them after all this time. What changed? This slight swap in how she approached her at all?

    No two people agree in all things over all of time.

    A glance down to her hand, reaching for the mask on her lips and pulling it down to reveal her chin and cheeks. Sliding her katana into the cloth sash on her hip, and looking to Kasumi with her smile with an intense stare heavy enough to punch a hole clean through her although she seemed unfazed. Reaching forward and clutching a hand with her own, offering a burn to her skin that was much colder than the blossom. The yang, the opposite that saw the best of any situation and found a solution that wasn't so immediately obvious. "You finally understand what it is I am trying to accomplish?" Setsuna muttered with almost a semblance of embarrassment audible under it, if you listened to that tiny waver in the tone. Like Freyd, she'd learn to accept the ideals that differed from her own. "Then we can finally work together."

    Vanity Tag: @Freyd

  19. Vanish Activated, -6 EN, ID# 186349 results: Loot: 1, Failure!, Sharpness Duration [1/2]
    ID# 186353 results:
     Craft: 5 [-10 HP]

    A howl cut short before it could continue. The thing begins to pant heavily, taking more troubled and faltering steps toward the tank and the orange haired girl. It staggers, its front left leg caving beneath it. Once it does, you could just faintly see Setsuna behind it. The vision was slightly muggy through the heats grip, but clear was that blueish hue in that distortion. "And so it ends, Mortal Draw: Erasure." Setsuna murmurs beneath her breath, drawing the trigger to take hold with the word and a closed weapon. Forming around the creature was a solid block of ice, that begins to condensate slowly from the fires around it. The thing trapped in that glass was long dead, it had yet to fall in twain. But it was dead, and once it thawed out that would become clear. Until then it would remain a statue like taxidermy locked in that state of horror as it knew it was dying.

    Amatsu no Homura [x8/AoE] -11 EN (8 - [Finesse 3] + 6 (3 Targets Struck)

    ID# 186350 results: Battle: 4+3=7, Hit vs. Ceberus Head #1 dealing 18x8=144 DMG
    ID# 186351 results: Battle: 7+3=7, Hit vs. Ceberus Head #2 dealing 18x8=144 DMG
    ID# 186352 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical [+2 DMG] vs. Ceberus Head #3 dealing 20x8=160 DMG

    Shiina | HP:820/820 | EN:70/82 | DMG:1 | MIT:89 | MENDING:1 | REC:4 | LD:3
    Kasumi | HP:850/860 | EN:71/86 | DMG:14 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | BLD:24
    Setsuna | HP:930/940 | EN:65/94 | DMG:16(+2) | EVA:3 | ACC:3
    Eruda | HP:877/890 | EN:78/86 | DMG:3 | MIT:117 | EVA:-1 | BLD:24 | TAUNT | THRNS:36 | REC:1 | BH:26 | DoT -25%

    [0,0,0,0] Cerberus Head #1 | HP:30/30 | DMG:80 | BRN:10 | FULL PHASE (9-10)
    [0,0,0,0] Cerberus Head #2 | HP:30/30 | DMG:80 | BRN:10 | FULL PHASE (9-10)
    [0,0,0,0] Cerberus Head #3 | HP:30/30 | DMG:80 | BRN:10 | FULL PHASE (9-10)

  20. ID# 186331 results: Loot: 17+5=22, Stealth Maintained!
    ID# 186332 results: Craft: 6 [No Damage]

    A jagged darting of a single blue line like a ricocheting bullet, sliding through the bodies of the newly formed hostiles. Right as Kasumi's skill would enter stasis, Setsuna struck. Blinding past leaving a wake of that same dry ice like mist, that once it finds the pool of magma it causes it to cool and harden. Cracked and broken squelching the heat for but an instant. There were duplicates of the girl on the field, that fade like phantoms as she lifts her scabbard. This leaves trails of white fog that raise and disperse, as she slides the katana away with a slow slide. "Fatal Edge: Mass Hysteria." Setsuna mutters softly, a new art used and abused. The weapon clicks shut, and immediately as it does the hounds freeze over and crumble into piles. A smile hidden beneath her mask, as she turns on her heels and jumps making her turn to a cloud and simply cease to exist.

    Amatsu no Homura [x8/AoE] -13 EN (8 - [Finesse 3] + 8 (4 Targets Struck)

    ID# 186333 results: Battle: 3, Auto Hit vs. Hell Hound #5 dealing 18x8=144 DMG
    ID# 186334 results: Battle: 8, Auto Hit vs. Hell Hound #6 dealing 18x8=144 DMG
    ID# 186335 results: Battle: 8, Auto Hit vs. Hell Hound #7 dealing 18x8=144 DMG
    ID# 186336 results: Battle: 2, Auto Hit vs. Hell Hound #8 dealing 18x8=144 DMG

    Lethal Activation: If used next turn, the next Cast of Vanish is Free Action

    Shiina | HP:820/820 | EN:82/82 | DMG:1 | MIT:89 | MENDING:1 | REC:4 | LD:3
    Kasumi | HP:850/860 | EN:77/86 | DMG:14 | EVA:3 | ACC:3 | BLD:24
    Setsuna | HP:940/940 | EN:81/94 | DMG:16 | EVA:3 | ACC:3
    Eruda | HP:880/890 | EN:86/86 | DMG:3 | MIT:117 | EVA:-1 | BLD:24 | TAUNT | THRNS:36 | REC:1 | BH:26 | DoT -25%

    Hell Hound #5 | HP:30/30 | DMG:50
    Hell Hound #6 | HP:30/30 | DMG:50
    Hell Hound #7 | HP:30/30 | DMG:50
    Hell Hound #8 | HP:30/30 | DMG:50

  21. Setting the ground work, the tethered line of that same metallic cable. Stretched thin and all but invisible like fishing line pulled taught above, from roof to roof like tight ropes on the rafters. Setsuna was preparing the perimeter and creating her pathing. At the corner of her eye, she spots that darkened mass below, knowing full well what it was claiming the ground level for itself. An eye to the sky shows that still single shadow looming overhead. Three tiers of coverage as she drives another anchoring piece of teeth into the tile.

    The girl had her tools, her method practiced. Despite her size, her success was hard to argue with. That came from being prepared, using her size as an advantage not a crutch. Fear was a powerful tool, and when matched with others she could overwhelm. Placing her left hand to her lips, breathing softly through the opening between her fingers produces a soft cloud of frost. Akin to the heat that escapes one's lungs, a white fog that begins to take shape. A mirror of her as she exhaled and it took a form. An usher of her hand, sees it placed, like a totem. A construct of solid ice that had camouflaged itself in her image, a gift from the heart in the jar that she took the time to train. Along these rooftops were mines in her appearance, ready to make the leap on a warning. The stage was set, and if need be a hunt to begin.

    There was but one flaw in this plan, and to that Freyd was the solution.

  22. A small bit of cloth drug down the length of the blade, like a ball of cotton in a pair of tweezers polishes the steel and protects it from damage. The soft bit of frost still oozing from its edge despite the heat. Eruda was the first to wake up, Setsuna simply does not sleep. She was used to the enforced penalty of exhaustion and it no longer looked to phase her, and she took small forms of meditation such as these to steel herself against them. "Raise the others, the cavern is close." Setsuna offers rather softly to the blonde tank, as her form would begin to flicker and change. A raise of that mask on her face, sliding over her nose and mouth. Within that brief instant she was gone, ready to begin the hunt once it would start. Into the pit of hades itself, no creature would stand against her might.

    ID# 186169 results: Loot: 11+5=16, Successfully Hidden!

  23. ID# 186075 results: Loot: 20+5=25, Stealth Mantained!

    Orders received, the girl was already on the roof tops. Her mask concealing her name and cursor, and she slid down using open hands onto the gutters and edges. Without a sound, springing from one to the next, but a figment on the wind. Folding her legs and inverting herself, keeping her legs attached to a fine anchor of metallic wire that glimmered slightly in the light from above. Close enough to hear, but still opaque enough with the added fog that vision was nigh impossible.

    "What quest were you trying to do, Joan?" The first speaks rather audibly, eying the mirror copy that was surely her sister else the odds were insane. The other simply shrugs, fiddling with her menu for a moment before tapping a few buttons on it. "I don't frickin know, it was some quest to fight a golem!" Finally spoken in a huff, Setsuna's ankle still holding her with her hair dangling down almost between them. "There are three golems like things on this floor, pick one and we can go from there."

    A pause as the one looks down toward her feet, noticing the newfound fog around her shins. "You know what, forget it. I'll figure it out when your not screaming at me. This place is giving me the creeps." A soft murmur from Setsuna as she lowers the line on her thigh, into the girl's ear "That would be best." Startled with an instinctual crawl down her spine, her head turns as Setsuna retracts upward. "What is it?" The twin comments noticing the sudden shift in composure. "Let's get the hell out of here."

  24. A word spoken from her master, like the manifestation of a specter in the sleet. Like a cloud being dispersed, but on rewind the girl simply appears in a kneel at his side. "Of course, my master. The brokers have no information..." She began the common sit rep: "Tree lines are mostly empty, the area is mostly clear, but there is a pair of brunette twin females in town. Should I issue them to retreat until this is handled?" This was the girls back yard, the very same place that Freyd had helped her find their current aerial scout. To the keen of sight, that tiny shadow would slide across the white in an instant. The moment that girl would find herself an orange marker, marked herself an animal, then the girl would do what she had to.

    What she always had to.

    She'd end it, from the shadows with a surgically clean cut in an instant. Put her down with no remorse

    Setsuna triggers Hiding: ID# 185927 results: Loot: 3+5=8 (Lol, goin' need a mulligan)

    Setsuna | HP:940/940 | EN:94/94 | DMG:16 | EVA:3 | ACC:3


    Setsuna, Firm Anima Assassin
    Level: 47
    HP: 940/940
    EN: 94/94

    Damage: 16
    Evasion: 3
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Shiva's Embrace - Ancestry T2/Perfect/Katana [Damage 3]
    Armor: Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear T1/Perfect/L.A [+3 Evasion]
    Misc: Kunoichi Wrapping's T1/Perfect/Trinket [+3 Accuracy]

    One-Handed Curved Sword [Rank 1]
    Katana [Rank 5]
    Hiding [Rank 4] + 1
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Charge [Rank 2]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar (Fighter) R1

    Finesse Rank 3
    Surprise Attack (Assassin)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleport Crystal*1
    Gold Star Sticker (+1 of either DMG/LD/15 Mit, treated as Totems charge [1/3])
    Bird Seed (T2/Rare/Snack) Vitality 2*1
    Protein 2 (T1/Rare/Meal)*1
    Damage 3 (T1/Perfect/Potion)*1

    Housing Buffs:
    Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
    Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Item Stash: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
    Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Skylight (Hiding): +1 Rank to the Hiding skill.
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [0/1]
    Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
    Decor [Potted Tanabata]: This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.

    Guild Hall Buffs:
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  25. He tore through the girl in a way, finding purchase and carving away at her skin. Or had he? Setsuna had finally taken a hit, and that pose some may recognize. Her HP reduces, her feet slide and to a shower of sparks? She exhales softly, her feet move and her blade falls in a wave of silver gleaming from an overhead moon.

    Setsuna activates Parry

    The secret had been broken, the swordsman had taught her this and finally it was put to some use. The damage she sustains is still quite considerable, but less so by a large margin. She was not left unprepared in the slightest, the consumables and the defensive skill. That same signature blink, watching and waiting. Killing this creature would take time, would take effort and she was practiced. Assassin pulls his focus, and the silver haired child uses that distraction. "A little more." a murmur in the fog as she circled them all. Hidden had made her move, it was sinister.

    That clatter of steel

         That racking and violence

              Pieces of Risque being carved away

                   A flash of blue light, and with it a sorrow

                        The Green Gourmet had escaped, and with it the three girls hopes of success at all.

    Nothing left to give them and nothing to say, Setsuna eyes Assassin first and the girl was alive. A glance to Hidden who was sucked into her own world, her own torment as that riddling failure tore at her heart. Finally Setsuna would say something as her eyes glossed over them both. "I believe I was wrong, no monster defends another. The mistake has been made in assuming you as such." She ushers closer to Assassin and offers her a healing potion, one procured from her inventory that had collected dust. "Where you have had assistance, Risque will see none of that. He is alone in this world, isolated. He cannot run forever."

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